joeduffy 5dc4b0b75c Switch to parent pointers; display components nicely
This change switches from child lists to parent pointers, in the
way resource ancestries are represented.  This cleans up a fair bit
of the old parenting logic, including all notion of ambient parent
scopes (and will notably address pulumi/pulumi#435).

This lets us show a more parent/child display in the output when
doing planning and updating.  For instance, here is an update of
a lambda's text, which is logically part of a cloud timer:

    * cloud:timer:Timer: (same)
        * cloud:function:Function: (same)
            * aws:serverless:Function: (same)
                ~ aws:lambda/function:Function: (modify)
                    - code            : archive(assets:2092f44) {
                        // etc etc etc

Note that we still get walls of text, but this will be actually
quite nice when combined with pulumi/pulumi#454.

I've also suppressed printing properties that didn't change during
updates when --detailed was not passed, and also suppressed empty
strings and zero-length arrays (since TF uses these as defaults in
many places and it just makes creation and deletion quite verbose).

Note that this is a far cry from everything we can possibly do
here as part of pulumi/pulumi#340 (and even pulumi/pulumi#417).
But it's a good start towards taming some of our output spew.
2017-11-20 09:07:53 -08:00

169 lines
8 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
import * as log from "../log";
import { Computed, ComputedValue, ComputedValues, ID, Resource, URN } from "../resource";
import { debuggablePromise, errorString } from "./debuggable";
import { PropertyTransfer, resolveProperties, transferProperties } from "./rpc";
import { excessiveDebugOutput, getMonitor, options, rpcKeepAlive, serialize } from "./settings";
const resproto = require("../proto/resource_pb.js");
* resourceChain is used to serialize all resource requests. If we don't do this, all resource operations will be
* entirely asynchronous, meaning the dataflow graph that results will determine ordering of operations. This
* causes problems with some resource providers, so for now we will serialize all of them. The issue
* pulumi/pulumi#335 tracks coming up with a long-term solution here.
let resourceChain: Promise<void> = Promise.resolve();
let resourceChainLabel: string | undefined = undefined;
* registerResource registers a new resource object with a given type t and name. It returns the auto-generated URN
* and the ID that will resolve after the deployment has completed. All properties will be initialized to property
* objects that the registration operation will resolve at the right time (or remain unresolved for deployments).
export function registerResource(res: Resource, t: string, name: string, custom: boolean,
props: ComputedValues | undefined, parent: Resource | undefined,
dependsOn: Resource[] | undefined): void {
const label = `resource:${name}[${t}]`;
log.debug(`Registering resource: t=${t}, name=${name}, custom=${custom}` +
(excessiveDebugOutput ? `, props=${JSON.stringify(props)}` : ``));
// Pre-allocate an error so we have a clean stack to print even if an asynchronous operation occurs.
const createError: Error = new Error(`Resouce '${name}' [${t}] could not be created`);
// Simply initialize the URN property and get prepared to resolve it later on.
let resolveURN: ((urn: URN | undefined) => void) | undefined;
(res as any).urn = debuggablePromise(
new Promise<URN | undefined>((resolve) => { resolveURN = resolve; }),
// If a custom resource, make room for the ID property.
let resolveID: ((v: ID | undefined) => void) | undefined;
if (custom) {
(res as any).id = debuggablePromise(
new Promise<ID | undefined>((resolve) => { resolveID = resolve; }),
// Ensure we depend on any children plus any explicit dependsOns.
const allDependsOn: Resource[] = [];
if (parent) {
if (dependsOn) {
// Now "transfer" all input properties; this simply awaits any promises and resolves when they all do.
const transfer: Promise<PropertyTransfer> = debuggablePromise(
transferProperties(res, label, props, allDependsOn), `transferProperties(${label})`);
// Serialize the invocation if necessary.
const resourceOp: Promise<void> = debuggablePromise(resourceChain.then(async () => {
if (serialize()) {
resourceChainLabel = `${name} [${t}]`;
log.debug(`Resource serialization requested: ${resourceChainLabel} is current`);
// Make sure to propagate these no matter what.
let urn: URN | undefined = undefined;
let id: ID | undefined = undefined;
let propsStruct: any | undefined = undefined;
let stable: boolean = false;
let stables: Set<string> | undefined = undefined;
// During a real deployment, the transfer operation may take some time to settle (we may need to wait on
// other in-flight operations. As a result, we can't launch the RPC request until they are done. At the same
// time, we want to give the illusion of non-blocking code, so we return immediately.
const result: PropertyTransfer = await transfer;
try {
const obj: any = result.obj;
log.debug(`Resource RPC prepared: t=${t}, name=${name}` +
(excessiveDebugOutput ? `, obj=${JSON.stringify(obj)}` : ``));
// Fetch the monitor and make an RPC request.
const monitor: any = getMonitor();
if (monitor) {
let parentURN: URN | undefined;
if (parent) {
parentURN = await parent.urn;
const req = new resproto.NewResourceRequest();
const resp: any = await debuggablePromise(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
monitor.newResource(req, (err: Error, innerResponse: any) => {
log.debug(`Resource RPC finished: t=${t}, name=${name}; err: ${err}, resp: ${innerResponse}`);
if (err) {
log.error(`Failed to register new resource '${name}' [${t}]: ${err}`);
else {
}), `monitor.newResource(${label})`);
urn = resp.getUrn();
id = resp.getId();
propsStruct = resp.getObject();
stable = resp.getStable();
const stablesList: string[] | undefined = resp.getStablesList();
if (stablesList) {
stables = new Set<string>();
for (const sta of stablesList) {
else {
// If the monitor doesn't exist, still make sure to resolve all properties to undefined.
log.warn(`Not sending RPC to monitor -- it doesn't exist: t=${t}, name=${name}`);
finally {
// If an ID is present, then it's safe to say it's final, because the resource planner wouldn't hand
// it back to us otherwise (e.g., if the resource was being replaced, it would be missing). If it isn't
// available, ensure the ID gets resolved, just resolve it to undefined (indicating it isn't known).
if (resolveID) {
resolveID(id || undefined);
// Propagate any other properties that were given to us as outputs.
resolveProperties(res, result, t, name, props, propsStruct, stable, stables);
// Finally, the resolution will always have a valid URN, even during planning; set it.
// If any errors make it this far, ensure we log them.
const finalOp: Promise<void> = debuggablePromise(resourceOp.catch((err: Error) => {
// At this point, we've gone fully asynchronous, and the stack is missing. To make it easier
// to debug which resource this came from, we will emit the original stack trace too.
log.error(`Failed to create resource '${name}' [${t}]: ${errorString(err)}`);
// Ensure the process won't exit until this registerResource call finishes and resolve it when appropriate.
const done: () => void = rpcKeepAlive();
finalOp.then(() => { done(); }, () => { done(); });
// If serialization is requested, wait for the prior resource operation to finish before we proceed, serializing
// them, and make this the current resource operation so that everybody piles up on it.
if (serialize()) {
resourceChain = finalOp;
if (resourceChainLabel) {
log.debug(`Resource serialization requested: ${name} [${t}] is behind ${resourceChainLabel}`);