Pat Gavlin e4d9eb6fd3 Support secrets for cloud stacks.
Use the new {en,de}crypt endpoints in the Pulumi.com API to secure
secret config values. The ciphertext for a secret config value is bound
to the stack to which it applies and cannot be shared with other stacks
(e.g. by copy/pasting it around in Pulumi.yaml). All secrets will need
to be encrypted once per target stack.
2017-12-22 07:59:27 -08:00

43 lines
2.2 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Package backend encapsulates all extensibility points required to fully implement a new cloud provider.
package backend
import (
// Backend is an interface that represents actions the engine will interact with to manage stacks of cloud resources.
// It can be implemented any number of ways to provide pluggable backend implementations of the Pulumi Cloud.
type Backend interface {
// Name returns a friendly name for this backend.
Name() string
// GetStack returns a stack object tied to this backend with the given name, or nil if it cannot be found.
GetStack(name tokens.QName) (Stack, error)
// CreateStack creates a new stack with the given name and options that are specific to the backend provider.
CreateStack(name tokens.QName, opts interface{}) error
// RemoveStack removes a stack with the given name. If force is true, the stack will be removed even if it
// still contains resources. Otherwise, if the stack contains resources, a non-nil error is returned, and the
// first boolean return value will be set to true.
RemoveStack(name tokens.QName, force bool) (bool, error)
// ListStacks returns a list of stack summaries for all known stacks in the target backend.
ListStacks() ([]Stack, error)
// GetStackCrypter returns an encrypter/decrypter for the given stack's secret config values.
GetStackCrypter(stack tokens.QName) (config.Crypter, error)
// Preview initiates a preview of the current workspace's contents.
Preview(stackName tokens.QName, debug bool, opts engine.PreviewOptions) error
// Update updates the target stack with the current workspace's contents (config and code).
Update(stackName tokens.QName, debug bool, opts engine.DeployOptions) error
// Destroy destroys all of this stack's resources.
Destroy(stackName tokens.QName, debug bool, opts engine.DestroyOptions) error
// GetLogs fetches a list of log entries for the given stack, with optional filtering/querying.
GetLogs(stackName tokens.QName, query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error)