joeduffy 470a519057 Add Promises leak and hang detection
We have an issue in the runtime right now where we serialize closures
asynchronously, meaning we make it possible to form cycles between
resource graphs (something that ought to be impossible in our model,
where resources are "immutable" after creation and cannot form cycles).

Let me tell you a tale of debugging this ...

Well, no, let's not do that.  But thankfully I've left behind some
little utilities that might make debugging such a thing easier down
the road.  Namely:

* By default, most of our core runtime promises leverage a leak handler
  that will log an error message should the process exit with certain
  critical unresolved promises.  This error message will include some
  handy context (like whether it was an input promise) as well as a
  stack trace for its point of creation.

* Optionally, with a flag in runtime/debuggable.ts, you may wire up
  a hang detector, for situations where we may want to detect this
  situation sooner than process exit, using the regular message loop.
  This uses a defined timeout, prints the same diagnostics as the
  leak detector when a hang is detected, and is disabled by default.
2017-09-06 18:35:20 -07:00

301 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
import { Computed } from "../computed";
import { debuggablePromise } from "./debuggable";
import { Log } from "./log";
import { Property } from "./property";
import * as acorn from "acorn";
import * as estree from "estree";
const acornwalk = require("acorn/dist/walk");
const nativeruntime = require("./native/build/Release/nativeruntime.node");
// Closure represents the serialized form of a JavaScript serverless function.
export interface Closure {
code: string; // a serialization of the function's source code as text.
runtime: string; // the language runtime required to execute the serialized code.
environment: Environment; // the captured lexical environment of variables to values, if any.
// Environment is the captured lexical environment for a closure.
export type Environment = {[key: string]: EnvironmentEntry};
// EnvironmentEntry is the environment slot for a named lexically captured variable.
export interface EnvironmentEntry {
json?: any; // a value which can be safely json serialized.
closure?: Closure; // a closure we are dependent on.
obj?: Environment; // an object which may contain nested closures.
arr?: EnvironmentEntry[]; // an array which may contain nested closures.
// serializeClosure serializes a function and its closure environment into a form that is amenable to persistence
// as simple JSON. Like toString, it includes the full text of the function's source code, suitable for execution.
// Unlike toString, it actually includes information about the captured environment.
export function serializeClosure(func: Function): Computed<Closure> {
// Serialize the closure as a promise and then transform it into a computed property as a convenience so that
// it interacts nicely with our overall programming model.
return new Property<Closure>(serializeClosureAsync(func), true, true);
// serializeClosureAsync serializes a function and its closure environment into a promise for a form that is amenable
// to persistence as simple JSON. Like toString, it includes the full text of the function's source code, suitable for
// execution. Unlike toString, it actually includes information about the captured environment.
export async function serializeClosureAsync(func: Function): Promise<Closure> {
// Invoke the native runtime. Note that we pass a callback to our function below to compute free variables.
// This must be a callback and not the result of this function alone, since we may recursively compute them.
// N.B. We use the Acorn parser to compute them. This has the downside that we now have two parsers in the game,
// V8 and Acorn (three if you include optional TypeScript), but has the significant advantage that V8's parser
// isn't designed to be stable for 3rd party consumtpion. Hence it would be brittle and a maintenance challenge.
// This approach also avoids needing to write a big hunk of complex code in C++, which is nice.
let closure = <EventualClosure>nativeruntime.serializeClosure(
func, computeFreeVariables, serializeCapturedObject);
// Now wait for the environment to settle, and then return the final environment variables.
let env: Environment = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(closure.environment)) {
env[key] = await closure.environment[key];
return {
code: closure.code,
runtime: closure.runtime,
environment: env,
// EventualClosure is a closure that is currently being created, and so may contain promises inside of it if we've
// captured computed values that must be resolved before we serialize the final result. It looks a lot like Closure
// above, except that its environment contains promises for environment records rather than actual values.
interface EventualClosure {
code: string;
runtime: string;
environment: EventualEnvironment;
// EventualEnvironment is the captured lexical environment for a closure with promises for entries.
type EventualEnvironment = {[key: string]: Promise<EnvironmentEntry>};
// serializeCapturedObject serializes an object, deeply, into something appropriate for an environment entry.
async function serializeCapturedObject(obj: any): Promise<EnvironmentEntry> {
if (obj === undefined || obj === null ||
typeof obj === "boolean" || typeof obj === "number" || typeof obj === "string") {
// Serialize primitives as-is.
return { json: obj };
else if (obj instanceof Array) {
// Recursively serialize elements of an array.
let arr: EnvironmentEntry[] = [];
for (let elem of obj) {
arr.push(await serializeCapturedObject(elem));
return { arr: arr };
else if (obj instanceof Function) {
// Serialize functions recursively, and store them in a closure property.
return { closure: await serializeClosureAsync(obj) };
else if (obj instanceof Promise) {
// If this is a promise, we will await it and serialize the result instead.
return await serializeCapturedObject(await obj);
else if (obj instanceof Property) {
// If this is a property, explicitly await its output promise so that we get the raw value.
return await serializeCapturedObject(obj.outputPromise);
else if ((obj as Computed<any>).mapValue) {
// If this is a computed value -- including a captured fabric resource property -- mapValue it.
return await debuggablePromise(new Promise<EnvironmentEntry>((resolve) => {
(obj as Computed<any>).mapValue(async (v: any) => resolve(await serializeCapturedObject(v)));
else {
// For all other objects, serialize all of their enumerable properties (skipping non-enumerable members, etc).
let env: Environment = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(obj)) {
env[key] = await serializeCapturedObject(obj[key]);
return { obj: env };
// computeFreeVariables computes the set of free variables in a given function string. Note that this string is
// expected to be the usual V8-serialized function expression text.
function computeFreeVariables(funcstr: string): string[] {
Log.debug(`Computing free variables for function: ${funcstr}`);
let opts: acorn.Options = {
ecmaVersion: 8,
sourceType: "script",
let parser = new acorn.Parser(opts, funcstr);
let program: estree.Program = parser.parse();
// Now that we've parsed the program, compute the free variables, and return them.
return new FreeVariableComputer().compute(program);
type walkCallback = (node: estree.BaseNode, state: any) => void;
const nodeModuleGlobals: {[key: string]: boolean} = {
"__dirname": true,
"__filename": true,
"exports": true,
"module": true,
"require": true,
class FreeVariableComputer {
private frees: {[key: string]: boolean}; // the in-progress list of free variables.
private scope: {[key: string]: boolean}[]; // a chain of current scopes and variables.
private functionVars: string[]; // list of function-scoped variables (vars).
private static isBuiltIn(ident: string): boolean {
// Anything in the global dictionary is a built-in. So is anything that's a global Node.js object;
// note that these only exist in the scope of modules, and so are not truly global in the usual sense.
// See https://nodejs.org/api/globals.html for more details.
return global.hasOwnProperty(ident) || nodeModuleGlobals[ident];
public compute(program: estree.Program): string[] {
// Reset the state.
this.frees = {};
this.scope = [];
this.functionVars = [];
// Recurse through the tree.
acornwalk.recursive(program, {}, {
Identifier: this.visitIdentifier.bind(this),
BlockStatement: this.visitBlockStatement.bind(this),
CatchClause: this.visitCatchClause.bind(this),
FunctionDeclaration: this.visitFunctionDeclaration.bind(this),
FunctionExpression: this.visitBaseFunction.bind(this),
ArrowFunctionExpression: this.visitBaseFunction.bind(this),
VariableDeclaration: this.visitVariableDeclaration.bind(this),
// Now just return all variables whose value is true. Filter out any that are part of the built-in
// Node.js global object, however, since those are implicitly availble on the other side of serialization.
let freeVars: string[] = [];
for (let key of Object.keys(this.frees)) {
if (this.frees[key] && !FreeVariableComputer.isBuiltIn(key)) {
return freeVars;
private visitIdentifier(node: estree.Identifier, state: any, cb: walkCallback): void {
// Remember undeclared identifiers during the walk, as they are possibly free.
let name: string = node.name;
for (let i = this.scope.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.scope[i][name]) {
// This is currently known in the scope chain, so do not add it as free.
} else if (i === 0) {
// We reached the top of the scope chain and this wasn't found; it's free.
this.frees[name] = true;
private visitBlockStatement(node: estree.BlockStatement, state: any, cb: walkCallback): void {
// Push new scope, visit all block statements, and then restore the scope.
for (let stmt of node.body) {
cb(stmt, state);
private visitFunctionDeclaration(node: estree.FunctionDeclaration, state: any, cb: walkCallback): void {
// A function declaration is special in one way: its identifier is added to the current function's
// var-style variables, so that its name is in scope no matter the order of surrounding references to it.
this.visitBaseFunction(node, state, cb);
private visitBaseFunction(node: estree.BaseFunction, state: any, cb: walkCallback): void {
// First, push new free vars list, scope, and function vars
let oldFrees: {[key: string]: boolean} = this.frees;
let oldFunctionVars: string[] = this.functionVars;
this.frees = {};
this.functionVars = [];
// Add all parameters to the scope. By visiting the parameters, they end up being seen as
// identifiers, and therefore added to the free variables list. We then migrate them to the scope.
for (let param of node.params) {
cb(param, state);
for (let param of Object.keys(this.frees)) {
if (this.frees[param]) {
this.scope[this.scope.length-1][param] = true;
this.frees = {};
// Next, visit the body underneath this new context.
cb(node.body, state);
// Remove any function-scoped variables that we encountered during the walk.
for (let v of this.functionVars) {
this.frees[v] = false;
// Restore the prior context and merge our free list with the previous one.
this.functionVars = oldFunctionVars;
for (let free of Object.keys(this.frees)) {
if (this.frees[free]) {
oldFrees[free] = true;
this.frees = oldFrees;
private visitCatchClause(node: estree.CatchClause, state: any, cb: walkCallback): void {
// Add the catch pattern to the scope as a variable.
let oldFrees: {[key: string]: boolean} = this.frees;
this.frees = {};
cb(node.param, state);
for (let param of Object.keys(this.frees)) {
if (this.frees[param]) {
this.scope[this.scope.length-1][param] = true;
this.frees = oldFrees;
// And then visit the block without adding them as free variables.
cb(node.body, state);
// Relinquish the scope so the error patterns aren't available beyond the catch.
private visitVariableDeclaration(node: estree.VariableDeclaration, state: any, cb: walkCallback): void {
for (let decl of node.declarations) {
// If the declaration is an identifier, it isn't a free variable, for whatever scope it
// pertains to (function-wide for var and scope-wide for let/const). Track it so we can
// remove any subseqeunt references to that variable, so we know it isn't free.
if (decl.id.type === "Identifier") {
let name = (<estree.Identifier>decl.id).name;
if (node.kind === "var") {
} else {
this.scope[this.scope.length-1][name] = true;
// Make sure to walk the initializer.
if (decl.init) {
cb(decl.init, state);
} else {
// If the declaration is something else (say a destructuring pattern), recurse into
// it so that we can find any other identifiers held within.
cb(decl, state);