Pat Gavlin 7b1d6ec1ac
Reify Input and Optional types in the schema type system. (#7059)
These changes support arbitrary combinations of input + plain types
within a schema. Handling plain types at the property level was not
sufficient to support such combinations. Reifying these types
required updating quite a bit of code. This is likely to have caused
some temporary complications, but should eventually lead to
substantial simplification in the SDK and program code generators.

With the new design, input and optional types are explicit in the schema
type system. Optionals will only appear at the outermost level of a type
(i.e. Input<Optional<>>, Array<Optional<>>, etc. will not occur). In
addition to explicit input types, each object type now has a "plain"
shape and an "input" shape. The former uses only plain types; the latter
uses input shapes wherever a plain type is not specified. Plain types
are indicated in the schema by setting the "plain" property of a type spec
to true.
2021-06-24 09:17:55 -07:00

333 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2020, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//nolint: goconst
package hcl2
import (
func getResourceToken(node *Resource) (string, hcl.Range) {
return node.syntax.Labels[1], node.syntax.LabelRanges[1]
func (b *binder) bindResource(node *Resource) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diagnostics hcl.Diagnostics
typeDiags := b.bindResourceTypes(node)
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, typeDiags...)
bodyDiags := b.bindResourceBody(node)
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, bodyDiags...)
return diagnostics
// bindResourceTypes binds the input and output types for a resource.
func (b *binder) bindResourceTypes(node *Resource) hcl.Diagnostics {
// Set the input and output types to dynamic by default.
node.InputType, node.OutputType = model.DynamicType, model.DynamicType
// Find the resource's schema.
token, tokenRange := getResourceToken(node)
pkg, module, name, diagnostics := DecomposeToken(token, tokenRange)
if diagnostics.HasErrors() {
return diagnostics
isProvider := false
if pkg == "pulumi" && module == "providers" {
pkg, isProvider = name, true
pkgSchema, ok := b.options.packageCache.entries[pkg]
if !ok {
return hcl.Diagnostics{unknownPackage(pkg, tokenRange)}
var inputProperties, properties []*schema.Property
if !isProvider {
res, ok := pkgSchema.resources[token]
if !ok {
canon := canonicalizeToken(token, pkgSchema.schema)
if res, ok = pkgSchema.resources[canon]; ok {
token = canon
if !ok {
return hcl.Diagnostics{unknownResourceType(token, tokenRange)}
node.Schema = res
inputProperties, properties = res.InputProperties, res.Properties
} else {
inputProperties, properties = pkgSchema.schema.Config, pkgSchema.schema.Config
node.Token = token
// Create input and output types for the schema.
inputType := b.schemaTypeToType(&schema.ObjectType{Properties: inputProperties})
outputProperties := map[string]model.Type{
"id": model.NewOutputType(model.StringType),
"urn": model.NewOutputType(model.StringType),
for _, prop := range properties {
outputProperties[prop.Name] = model.NewOutputType(b.schemaTypeToType(prop.Type))
outputType := model.NewObjectType(outputProperties, &schema.ObjectType{Properties: properties})
node.InputType, node.OutputType = inputType, outputType
return diagnostics
type resourceScopes struct {
root *model.Scope
withRange *model.Scope
resource *Resource
func newResourceScopes(root *model.Scope, resource *Resource, rangeKey, rangeValue model.Type) model.Scopes {
scopes := &resourceScopes{
root: root,
withRange: root,
resource: resource,
if rangeValue != nil {
properties := map[string]model.Type{
"value": rangeValue,
if rangeKey != nil {
properties["key"] = rangeKey
scopes.withRange = root.Push(syntax.None)
scopes.withRange.Define("range", &model.Variable{
Name: "range",
VariableType: model.NewObjectType(properties),
return scopes
func (s *resourceScopes) GetScopesForBlock(block *hclsyntax.Block) (model.Scopes, hcl.Diagnostics) {
if block.Type == "options" {
return &optionsScopes{root: s.root, resource: s.resource}, nil
return model.StaticScope(s.withRange), nil
func (s *resourceScopes) GetScopeForAttribute(attr *hclsyntax.Attribute) (*model.Scope, hcl.Diagnostics) {
return s.withRange, nil
type optionsScopes struct {
root *model.Scope
resource *Resource
func (s *optionsScopes) GetScopesForBlock(block *hclsyntax.Block) (model.Scopes, hcl.Diagnostics) {
return model.StaticScope(s.root), nil
func (s *optionsScopes) GetScopeForAttribute(attr *hclsyntax.Attribute) (*model.Scope, hcl.Diagnostics) {
if attr.Name == "ignoreChanges" {
obj, ok := model.ResolveOutputs(s.resource.InputType).(*model.ObjectType)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
scope := model.NewRootScope(syntax.None)
for k, t := range obj.Properties {
scope.Define(k, &ResourceProperty{
Path: hcl.Traversal{hcl.TraverseRoot{Name: k}},
PropertyType: t,
return scope, nil
return s.root, nil
// bindResourceBody binds the body of a resource.
func (b *binder) bindResourceBody(node *Resource) hcl.Diagnostics {
var diagnostics hcl.Diagnostics
// If the resource has a range option, we need to know the type of the collection being ranged over. Pre-bind the
// range expression now, but ignore the diagnostics.
node.VariableType = node.OutputType
var rangeKey, rangeValue model.Type
for _, block := range node.syntax.Body.Blocks {
if block.Type == "options" {
if rng, hasRange := block.Body.Attributes["range"]; hasRange {
expr, _ := model.BindExpression(rng.Expr, b.root, b.tokens, b.options.modelOptions()...)
typ := model.ResolveOutputs(expr.Type())
resourceVar := &model.Variable{
Name: "r",
VariableType: node.VariableType,
switch {
case model.InputType(model.BoolType).ConversionFrom(typ) == model.SafeConversion:
condExpr := &model.ConditionalExpression{
Condition: expr,
TrueResult: model.VariableReference(resourceVar),
FalseResult: model.ConstantReference(&model.Constant{
Name: "null",
ConstantValue: cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
diags := condExpr.Typecheck(false)
contract.Assert(len(diags) == 0)
node.VariableType = condExpr.Type()
case model.InputType(model.NumberType).ConversionFrom(typ) != model.NoConversion:
rangeArgs := []model.Expression{expr}
rangeSig, _ := pulumiBuiltins["range"].GetSignature(rangeArgs)
rangeExpr := &model.ForExpression{
ValueVariable: &model.Variable{
Name: "_",
VariableType: model.NumberType,
Collection: &model.FunctionCallExpression{
Name: "range",
Signature: rangeSig,
Args: rangeArgs,
Value: model.VariableReference(resourceVar),
diags := rangeExpr.Typecheck(false)
contract.Assert(len(diags) == 0)
node.VariableType = rangeExpr.Type()
rk, rv, diags := model.GetCollectionTypes(typ, rng.Range())
rangeKey, rangeValue, diagnostics = rk, rv, append(diagnostics, diags...)
iterationExpr := &model.ForExpression{
ValueVariable: &model.Variable{
Name: "_",
VariableType: rangeValue,
Collection: expr,
Value: model.VariableReference(resourceVar),
diags = iterationExpr.Typecheck(false)
contract.Ignore(diags) // Any relevant diagnostics were reported by GetCollectionTypes.
node.VariableType = iterationExpr.Type()
// Bind the resource's body.
scopes := newResourceScopes(b.root, node, rangeKey, rangeValue)
block, blockDiags := model.BindBlock(node.syntax, scopes, b.tokens, b.options.modelOptions()...)
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, blockDiags...)
var options *model.Block
for _, item := range block.Body.Items {
switch item := item.(type) {
case *model.Attribute:
node.Inputs = append(node.Inputs, item)
case *model.Block:
switch item.Type {
case "options":
if options != nil {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, duplicateBlock(item.Type, item.Syntax.TypeRange))
} else {
options = item
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, unsupportedBlock(item.Type, item.Syntax.TypeRange))
// Typecheck the attributes.
if objectType, ok := node.InputType.(*model.ObjectType); ok && !b.options.skipResourceTypecheck {
attrNames := codegen.StringSet{}
for _, attr := range node.Inputs {
if typ, ok := objectType.Properties[attr.Name]; ok {
if !typ.ConversionFrom(attr.Value.Type()).Exists() {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, model.ExprNotConvertible(typ, attr.Value))
} else {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, unsupportedAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Syntax.NameRange))
for _, k := range codegen.SortedKeys(objectType.Properties) {
if !model.IsOptionalType(objectType.Properties[k]) && !attrNames.Has(k) {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics,
missingRequiredAttribute(k, block.Body.Syntax.MissingItemRange()))
// Typecheck the options block.
if options != nil {
resourceOptions := &ResourceOptions{}
for _, item := range options.Body.Items {
switch item := item.(type) {
case *model.Attribute:
var t model.Type
switch item.Name {
case "range":
t = model.NewUnionType(model.BoolType, model.NumberType, model.NewListType(model.DynamicType),
resourceOptions.Range = item.Value
case "parent":
t = model.DynamicType
resourceOptions.Parent = item.Value
case "provider":
t = model.DynamicType
resourceOptions.Provider = item.Value
case "dependsOn":
t = model.NewListType(model.DynamicType)
resourceOptions.DependsOn = item.Value
case "protect":
t = model.BoolType
resourceOptions.Protect = item.Value
case "ignoreChanges":
t = model.NewListType(ResourcePropertyType)
resourceOptions.IgnoreChanges = item.Value
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, unsupportedAttribute(item.Name, item.Syntax.NameRange))
if model.InputType(t).ConversionFrom(item.Value.Type()) == model.NoConversion {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, model.ExprNotConvertible(model.InputType(t), item.Value))
case *model.Block:
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, unsupportedBlock(item.Type, item.Syntax.TypeRange))
node.Options = resourceOptions
node.Definition = block
return diagnostics