joeduffy 8b57310854 Tidy up more lint
This change fixes a few things:

* Most importantly, we need to place a leading "." in the paths
  to Gometalinter, otherwise some sub-linters just silently skip
  the directory altogether.  errcheck is one such linter, which
  is a very important one!

* Use an explicit Gometalinter.json file to configure the various
  settings.  This flips on a few additional linters that aren't
  on by default (line line length checking).  Sadly, a few that
  I'd like to enable take waaaay too much time, so in the future
  we may consider a nightly job (this includes code similarity,
  unused parameters, unused functions, and others that generally
  require global analysis).

* Now that we're running more, however, linting takes a while!
  The core Lumi project now takes 26 seconds to lint on my laptop.
  That's not terrible, but it's long enough that we don't want to
  do the silly "run them twice" thing our Makefiles were previously
  doing.  Instead, we shall deploy some $$($${PIPESTATUS[1]}-1))-fu
  to rely on the fact that grep returns 1 on "zero lines".

* Finally, fix the many issues that this turned up.

I think(?) we are done, except, of course, for needing to drive
down some of the cyclomatic complexity issues (which I'm possibly
going to punt on; see pulumi/lumi#259 for more details).
2017-06-22 12:09:46 -07:00

78 lines
3.7 KiB

// Licensed to Pulumi Corporation ("Pulumi") under one or more
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// Package encoding can unmarshal LumiPack and LumiIL metadata formats. Because of their complex structure, we cannot
// rely on the standard JSON marshaling and unmarshaling routines. Instead, we will need to do it mostly "by hand".
package encoding
import (
// Decode unmarshals the entire contents of the given byte array into a Package object.
func Decode(m Marshaler, b []byte) (*pack.Package, error) {
// First convert the whole contents of the metadata into a map. Although it would be more efficient to walk the
// token stream, token by token, this allows us to reuse existing YAML packages in addition to JSON ones.
var obj map[string]interface{}
if err := m.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now decode the top-level Package metadata; this will automatically recurse throughout the whole structure.
md := mapper.New(&mapper.Opts{CustomDecoders: customDecoders()})
var pack pack.Package
if err := md.Decode(obj, &pack); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &pack, nil
// customDecoders makes a complete map of all known custom AST decoders. In general, any polymorphic node kind that
// appears as a field in another concrete marshalable structure must have an associated custom decoder. If not, the
// Mapper will error out. This is typically an interface type and that method typically switches on the kind property.
// Note that interfaces that are used as "markers" and don't show up in fields are okay and don't require a decoder.
func customDecoders() mapper.Decoders {
return mapper.Decoders{
reflect.TypeOf((*ast.ModuleMember)(nil)).Elem(): moduleMemberDecoder,
reflect.TypeOf((*ast.ClassMember)(nil)).Elem(): classMemberDecoder,
reflect.TypeOf((*ast.Statement)(nil)).Elem(): statementDecoder,
reflect.TypeOf((*ast.Expression)(nil)).Elem(): expressionDecoder,
reflect.TypeOf((*ast.ObjectLiteralProperty)(nil)).Elem(): objectLiteralPropertyDecoder,
// Each of the custom decoders is a variable that points to a decoder function; this is done so that the decode*
// functions can remain strongly typed, as the mapper's decoder signature requires a weakly-typed interface{} return.
var moduleMemberDecoder = func(m mapper.Mapper, obj map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return decodeModuleMember(m, obj)
var classMemberDecoder = func(m mapper.Mapper, obj map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return decodeClassMember(m, obj)
var statementDecoder = func(m mapper.Mapper, obj map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return decodeStatement(m, obj)
var expressionDecoder = func(m mapper.Mapper, obj map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return decodeExpression(m, obj)
var objectLiteralPropertyDecoder = func(m mapper.Mapper, obj map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return decodeObjectLiteralProperty(m, obj)