joeduffy 8b5874dab5 General prep work for refresh
This change includes a bunch of refactorings I made in prep for
doing refresh (first, the command, see pulumi/pulumi#1081):

* The primary change is to change the way the engine's core update
  functionality works with respect to deploy.Source.  This is the
  way we can plug in new sources of resource information during
  planning (and, soon, diffing).  The way I intend to model refresh
  is by having a new kind of source, deploy.RefreshSource, which
  will let us do virtually everything about an update/diff the same
  way with refreshes, which avoid otherwise duplicative effort.

  This includes changing the planOptions (nee deployOptions) to
  take a new SourceFunc callback, which is responsible for creating
  a source specific to the kind of plan being requested.

  Preview, Update, and Destroy now are primarily differentiated by
  the kind of deploy.Source that they return, rather than sprinkling
  things like `if Destroying` throughout.  This tidies up some logic
  and, more importantly, gives us precisely the refresh hook we need.

* Originally, we used the deploy.NullSource for Destroy operations.
  This simply returns nothing, which is how Destroy works.  For some
  reason, we were no longer doing this, and instead had some
  `if Destroying` cases sprinkled throughout the deploy.EvalSource.
  I think this is a vestige of some old way we did configuration, at
  least judging by a comment, which is apparently no longer relevant.

* Move diff and diff-printing logic within the engine into its own
  pkg/engine/diff.go file, to prepare for upcoming work.

* I keep noticing benign diffs anytime I regenerate protobufs.  I
  suspect this is because we're also on different versions.  I changed
  generate.sh to also dump the version into grpc_version.txt.  At
  least we can understand where the diffs are coming from, decide
  whether to take them (i.e., a newer version), and ensure that as
  a team we are monotonically increasing, and not going backwards.

* I also tidied up some tiny things I noticed while in there, like
  comments, incorrect types, lint suppressions, and so on.
2018-03-28 07:45:23 -07:00

851 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package integration
import (
// RuntimeValidationStackInfo contains details related to the stack that runtime validation logic may want to use.
type RuntimeValidationStackInfo struct {
Checkpoint apitype.CheckpointV1
Snapshot deploy.Snapshot
RootResource resource.State
Outputs map[string]interface{}
// EditDir is an optional edit to apply to the example, as subsequent deployments.
type EditDir struct {
Dir string
ExtraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, stack RuntimeValidationStackInfo)
// Additive is true if Dir should be copied *on top* of the test directory.
// Otherwise Dir *replaces* the test directory, except we keep .pulumi/ and Pulumi.yaml and Pulumi.<stack>.yaml.
Additive bool
// ExpectFailure is true if we expect this test to fail. This is very coarse grained, and will essentially
// tolerate *any* failure in the program (IDEA: in the future, offer a way to narrow this down more).
ExpectFailure bool
// Stdout is the writer to use for all stdout messages.
Stdout io.Writer
// Stderr is the writer to use for all stderr messages.
Stderr io.Writer
// Verbose may be set to true to print messages as they occur, rather than buffering and showing upon failure.
Verbose bool
// TestCommandStats is a collection of data related to running a single command during a test.
type TestCommandStats struct {
// StartTime is the time at which the command was started
StartTime string `json:"startTime"`
// EndTime is the time at which the command exited
EndTime string `json:"endTime"`
// ElapsedSeconds is the time at which the command exited
ElapsedSeconds float64 `json:"elapsedSeconds"`
// StackName is the name of the stack
StackName string `json:"stackName"`
// TestId is the unique ID of the test run
TestID string `json:"testId"`
// StepName is the command line which was invoked1
StepName string `json:"stepName"`
// CommandLine is the command line which was invoked1
CommandLine string `json:"commandLine"`
// TestName is the name of the directory in which the test was executed
TestName string `json:"testName"`
// IsError is true if the command failed
IsError bool `json:"isError"`
// The Cloud that the test was run against, or empty for local deployments
CloudURL string `json:"cloudURL"`
// The PPC that the test was run against, or empty for local deployments or for the default PPC
CloudPPC string `json:"cloudPPC"`
// TestStatsReporter reports results and metadata from a test run.
type TestStatsReporter interface {
ReportCommand(stats TestCommandStats)
// ProgramTestOptions provides options for ProgramTest
type ProgramTestOptions struct {
// Dir is the program directory to test.
Dir string
// Array of NPM packages which must be `yarn linked` (e.g. {"pulumi", "@pulumi/aws"})
Dependencies []string
// Map of config keys and values to set (e.g. {"aws:config:region": "us-east-2"})
Config map[string]string
// Map of secure config keys and values to set on the stack (e.g. {"aws:config:region": "us-east-2"})
Secrets map[string]string
// EditDirs is an optional list of edits to apply to the example, as subsequent deployments.
EditDirs []EditDir
// ExtraRuntimeValidation is an optional callback for additional validation, called before applying edits.
ExtraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, stack RuntimeValidationStackInfo)
// RelativeWorkDir is an optional path relative to `Dir` which should be used as working directory during tests.
RelativeWorkDir string
// ExpectFailure is true if we expect this test to fail. This is very coarse grained, and will essentially
// tolerate *any* failure in the program (IDEA: in the future, offer a way to narrow this down more).
ExpectFailure bool
// Quick can be set to true to run a "quick" test that skips any non-essential steps (e.g., empty updates).
Quick bool
// UpdateCommandlineFlags specifies flags to add to the `pulumi update` command line (e.g. "--color=raw")
UpdateCommandlineFlags []string
// CloudURL is an optional URL to a Pulumi Service API. If set, the program test will attempt to login
// to that CloudURL (assuming PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN is set) and create the stack using that hosted service.
// If nil, will test Pulumi using the fire-and-forget mode.
CloudURL string
// Owner and Repo are optional values to specify during calls to `pulumi init`. Otherwise the --owner and
// --repo flags will not be set.
Owner string
Repo string
// PPCName is the name of the PPC to use when running a test against the hosted service. If
// not set, the --ppc flag will not be set on `pulumi stack init`.
PPCName string
// StackName allows the stack name to be explicitly provided instead of computed from the
// environment during tests.
StackName string
// ReportStats optionally specifies how to report results from the test for external collection.
ReportStats TestStatsReporter
// Stdout is the writer to use for all stdout messages.
Stdout io.Writer
// Stderr is the writer to use for all stderr messages.
Stderr io.Writer
// Verbose may be set to true to print messages as they occur, rather than buffering and showing upon failure.
Verbose bool
// DebugLogging may be set to anything >0 to enable excessively verbose debug logging from `pulumi`. This is
// equivalent to `--logtostderr -v=N`, where N is the value of DebugLogLevel. This may also be enabled by setting
// the environment variable PULUMI_TEST_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL.
DebugLogLevel int
// DebugUpdates may be set to true to enable debug logging from `pulumi preview`, `pulumi update`, and
// `pulumi destroy`. This may also be enabled by setting the environment variable PULUMI_TEST_DEBUG_UPDATES.
DebugUpdates bool
// Bin is a location of a `pulumi` executable to be run. Taken from the $PATH if missing.
Bin string
// YarnBin is a location of a `yarn` executable to be run. Taken from the $PATH if missing.
YarnBin string
func (opts *ProgramTestOptions) GetDebugLogLevel() int {
if opts.DebugLogLevel > 0 {
return opts.DebugLogLevel
if du := os.Getenv("PULUMI_TEST_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL"); du != "" {
if n, _ := strconv.Atoi(du); n > 0 {
return n
return 0
func (opts *ProgramTestOptions) GetDebugUpdates() bool {
return opts.DebugUpdates || os.Getenv("PULUMI_TEST_DEBUG_UPDATES") != ""
// GetStackName returns a stack name to use for this test.
func (opts *ProgramTestOptions) GetStackName() tokens.QName {
if opts.StackName == "" {
// Fetch the host and test dir names, cleaned so to contain just [a-zA-Z0-9-_] chars.
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "failure to fetch hostname for stack prefix")
var host string
for _, c := range hostname {
if len(host) >= 10 {
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '_' {
host += string(c)
var test string
for _, c := range filepath.Base(opts.Dir) {
if len(test) >= 10 {
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '_' {
test += string(c)
opts.StackName = strings.ToLower("p-it-" + host + "-" + test)
return tokens.QName(opts.StackName)
// With combines a source set of options with a set of overrides.
func (opts ProgramTestOptions) With(overrides ProgramTestOptions) ProgramTestOptions {
if overrides.Dir != "" {
opts.Dir = overrides.Dir
if overrides.Dependencies != nil {
opts.Dependencies = overrides.Dependencies
for k, v := range overrides.Config {
if opts.Config == nil {
opts.Config = make(map[string]string)
opts.Config[k] = v
for k, v := range overrides.Secrets {
if opts.Secrets == nil {
opts.Secrets = make(map[string]string)
opts.Secrets[k] = v
if overrides.CloudURL != "" {
opts.CloudURL = overrides.CloudURL
if overrides.Owner != "" {
opts.Owner = overrides.Owner
if overrides.Repo != "" {
opts.Repo = overrides.Repo
if overrides.PPCName != "" {
opts.PPCName = overrides.PPCName
if overrides.EditDirs != nil {
opts.EditDirs = overrides.EditDirs
if overrides.ExtraRuntimeValidation != nil {
opts.ExtraRuntimeValidation = overrides.ExtraRuntimeValidation
if overrides.RelativeWorkDir != "" {
opts.RelativeWorkDir = overrides.RelativeWorkDir
if overrides.ReportStats != nil {
opts.ReportStats = overrides.ReportStats
return opts
// ProgramTest runs a lifecycle of Pulumi commands in a program working directory, using the `pulumi` and `yarn`
// binaries available on PATH. It essentially executes the following workflow:
// yarn install
// yarn link <each opts.Depencies>
// yarn run build
// pulumi init
// (*) pulumi login
// pulumi stack init integrationtesting
// pulumi config set <each opts.Config>
// pulumi config set --secret <each opts.Secrets>
// pulumi preview
// pulumi update
// pulumi preview (expected to be empty)
// pulumi update (expected to be empty)
// pulumi destroy --yes
// pulumi stack rm --yes integrationtesting
// (*) pulumi logout
// (*) Only if ProgramTestOptions.CloudURL is not empty.
// All commands must return success return codes for the test to succeed, unless ExpectFailure is true.
func ProgramTest(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions) {
// Disable stack backups for tests to avoid filling up ~/.pulumi/backups with unnecessary
// backups of test stacks.
if err := os.Setenv(local.DisableCheckpointBackupsEnvVar, "1"); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error setting env var '%s': %v", local.DisableCheckpointBackupsEnvVar, err)
// If the test panics, recover and log instead of letting the panic escape the test. Even though *this* test will
// have run deferred functions and cleaned up, if the panic reaches toplevel it will kill the process and prevent
// other tests running in parallel from cleaning up.
defer func() {
if failure := recover(); failure != nil {
t.Errorf("panic testing %v: %v", opts.Dir, failure)
pt := newProgramTester(t, opts)
err := pt.testLifeCycleInitAndDestroy()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// fprintf works like fmt.FPrintf, except it explicitly drops the return values. This keeps the linters happy, since
// they don't like to see errors dropped on the floor. It is possible that our call to fmt.Fprintf will fail, even
// for "standard" streams like `stdout` and `stderr`, if they have been set to non-blocking by an external process.
// In that case, we just drop the error on the floor and continue. We see this behavior in Travis when we try to write
// a lot of messages quickly (as we do when logging test failures)
func fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, format, a...)
// programTester contains state associated with running a single test pass.
type programTester struct {
t *testing.T // the Go tester for this run.
opts *ProgramTestOptions // options that control this test run.
bin string // the `pulumi` binary we are using.
yarnBin string // the `yarn` binary we are using.
func newProgramTester(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions) *programTester {
return &programTester{t: t, opts: opts}
func (pt *programTester) getBin() (string, error) {
return getCmdBin(&pt.bin, "pulumi", pt.opts.Bin)
func (pt *programTester) getYarnBin() (string, error) {
return getCmdBin(&pt.yarnBin, "yarn", pt.opts.YarnBin)
func (pt *programTester) pulumiCmd(args []string) ([]string, error) {
bin, err := pt.getBin()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd := []string{bin}
if du := pt.opts.GetDebugLogLevel(); du > 0 {
cmd = append(cmd, "--logtostderr")
cmd = append(cmd, "-v="+strconv.Itoa(du))
return append(cmd, args...), nil
func (pt *programTester) yarnCmd(args []string) ([]string, error) {
bin, err := pt.getYarnBin()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := []string{bin}
result = append(result, args...)
return withOptionalYarnFlags(result), nil
func (pt *programTester) runCommand(name string, args []string, wd string) error {
return RunCommand(pt.t, name, args, wd, pt.opts)
func (pt *programTester) runPulumiCommand(name string, args []string, wd string) error {
cmd, err := pt.pulumiCmd(args)
if err != nil {
return err
return pt.runCommand(name, cmd, wd)
func (pt *programTester) runYarnCommand(name string, args []string, wd string) error {
cmd, err := pt.yarnCmd(args)
if err != nil {
return err
_, _, err = retry.Until(context.Background(), retry.Acceptor{
Accept: func(try int, nextRetryTime time.Duration) (bool, interface{}, error) {
runerr := pt.runCommand(name, cmd, wd)
if runerr == nil {
return true, nil, nil
} else if _, ok := runerr.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
// yarn failed, let's try again, assuming we haven't failed a few times.
if try > 3 {
return false, nil, errors.Errorf("%v did not complete after %v tries", cmd, try)
return false, nil, nil
// someother error, fail
return false, nil, runerr
return err
func (pt *programTester) testLifeCycleInitAndDestroy() error {
dir, err := pt.copyTestToTemporaryDirectory()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "copying test to temp dir")
testFinished := false
defer func() {
if !testFinished || pt.t.Failed() {
// Test aborted or failed. Maybe copy to "failed tests" directory.
failedTestsDir := os.Getenv("PULUMI_FAILED_TESTS_DIR")
if failedTestsDir != "" {
dest := filepath.Join(failedTestsDir, pt.t.Name()+uniqueSuffix())
contract.IgnoreError(fsutil.CopyFile(dest, dir, nil))
} else {
err = pt.testLifeCycleInitialize(dir)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "initializing test project")
// Ensure that before we exit, we attempt to destroy and remove the stack.
defer func() {
if dir != "" {
destroyErr := pt.testLifeCycleDestroy(dir)
assert.NoError(pt.t, destroyErr)
if err = pt.testPreviewUpdateAndEdits(dir); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "running test preview, update, and edits")
testFinished = true
return nil
func (pt *programTester) testLifeCycleInitialize(dir string) error {
stackName := pt.opts.GetStackName()
// If RelativeWorkDir is specified, apply that relative to the temp folder for use as working directory during tests.
if pt.opts.RelativeWorkDir != "" {
dir = path.Join(dir, pt.opts.RelativeWorkDir)
// Ensure all links are present, the stack is created, and all configs are applied.
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "Initializing project (dir %s; stack %s)\n", dir, stackName)
initArgs := []string{"init"}
initArgs = addFlagIfNonNil(initArgs, "--owner", pt.opts.Owner)
initArgs = addFlagIfNonNil(initArgs, "--name", pt.opts.Repo)
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-init", initArgs, dir); err != nil {
return err
// Login as needed.
if pt.opts.CloudURL != "" {
if os.Getenv("PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN") == "" {
pt.t.Fatalf("Unable to run pulumi login. PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable not set.")
// Set the "use alt location" flag so this test doesn't interact with any credentials already on the machine.
// e.g. replacing the current user's with that of a test account.
if err := os.Setenv(workspace.UseAltCredentialsLocationEnvVar, "1"); err != nil {
pt.t.Fatalf("error setting env var '%s': %v", workspace.UseAltCredentialsLocationEnvVar, err)
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-login",
append([]string{"login", "--cloud-url", pt.opts.CloudURL}), dir); err != nil {
return err
// Stack init
stackInitArgs := []string{"stack", "init", string(stackName)}
if pt.opts.CloudURL == "" {
stackInitArgs = append(stackInitArgs, "--local")
} else {
stackInitArgs = addFlagIfNonNil(stackInitArgs, "--cloud-url", pt.opts.CloudURL)
stackInitArgs = addFlagIfNonNil(stackInitArgs, "--ppc", pt.opts.PPCName)
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-stack-init", stackInitArgs, dir); err != nil {
return err
for key, value := range pt.opts.Config {
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-config",
[]string{"config", "set", key, value}, dir); err != nil {
return err
for key, value := range pt.opts.Secrets {
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-config",
[]string{"config", "set", "--secret", key, value}, dir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (pt *programTester) testLifeCycleDestroy(dir string) error {
stackName := pt.opts.GetStackName()
// Destroy and remove the stack.
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "Destroying stack\n")
destroy := []string{"destroy", "--yes"}
if pt.opts.GetDebugUpdates() {
destroy = append(destroy, "-d")
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-destroy", destroy, dir); err != nil {
return err
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-stack-rm",
[]string{"stack", "rm", "--yes", string(stackName)}, dir); err != nil {
return err
if pt.opts.CloudURL != "" {
return pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-logout",
[]string{"logout", "--cloud-url", pt.opts.CloudURL}, dir)
return nil
func (pt *programTester) testPreviewUpdateAndEdits(dir string) error {
// Now preview and update the real changes.
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "Performing primary preview and update\n")
initErr := pt.previewAndUpdate(dir, "initial", pt.opts.ExpectFailure)
// If the initial preview/update failed, just exit without trying the rest (but make sure to destroy).
if initErr != nil {
return initErr
// Perform an empty preview and update; nothing is expected to happen here.
if !pt.opts.Quick {
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "Performing empty preview and update (no changes expected)\n")
if err := pt.previewAndUpdate(dir, "empty", false); err != nil {
return err
// Run additional validation provided by the test options, passing in the checkpoint info.
if err := pt.performExtraRuntimeValidation(pt.opts.ExtraRuntimeValidation, dir); err != nil {
return err
// If there are any edits, apply them and run a preview and update for each one.
return pt.testEdits(dir)
func (pt *programTester) previewAndUpdate(dir string, name string, shouldFail bool) error {
preview := []string{"preview"}
update := []string{"update"}
if pt.opts.GetDebugUpdates() {
preview = append(preview, "-d")
update = append(update, "-d")
if pt.opts.UpdateCommandlineFlags != nil {
update = append(update, pt.opts.UpdateCommandlineFlags...)
if !pt.opts.Quick {
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-preview-"+name, preview, dir); err != nil {
if shouldFail {
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "Permitting failure (ExpectFailure=true for this preview)\n")
return nil
return err
if err := pt.runPulumiCommand("pulumi-update-"+name, update, dir); err != nil {
if shouldFail {
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "Permitting failure (ExpectFailure=true for this update)\n")
return nil
return err
// If we expected a failure, but none occurred, return an error.
if shouldFail {
return errors.New("expected this step to fail, but it succeeded")
return nil
func (pt *programTester) testEdits(dir string) error {
for i, edit := range pt.opts.EditDirs {
var err error
if err = pt.testEdit(dir, i, edit); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (pt *programTester) testEdit(dir string, i int, edit EditDir) error {
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "Applying edit '%v' and rerunning preview and update\n", edit.Dir)
if edit.Additive {
// Just copy new files into dir
if err := fsutil.CopyFile(dir, edit.Dir, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't copy %v into %v", edit.Dir, dir)
} else {
// Create a new temporary directory
newDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", pt.opts.StackName+"-")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't create new temporary directory")
// Delete whichever copy of the test is unused when we return
dirToDelete := newDir
defer func() {
// Copy everything except Pulumi.yaml, Pulumi.<stack-name>.yaml, and .pulumi from source into new directory
exclusions := make(map[string]bool)
projectYaml := workspace.ProjectFile + ".yaml"
configYaml := workspace.ProjectFile + "." + pt.opts.StackName + ".yaml"
exclusions[workspace.BookkeepingDir] = true
exclusions[projectYaml] = true
exclusions[configYaml] = true
if err := fsutil.CopyFile(newDir, edit.Dir, exclusions); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't copy %v into %v", edit.Dir, newDir)
// Copy Pulumi.yaml, Pulumi.<stack-name>.yaml, and .pulumi from old directory to new directory
oldProjectYaml := filepath.Join(dir, projectYaml)
newProjectYaml := filepath.Join(newDir, projectYaml)
oldConfigYaml := filepath.Join(dir, configYaml)
newConfigYaml := filepath.Join(newDir, configYaml)
oldProjectDir := filepath.Join(dir, workspace.BookkeepingDir)
newProjectDir := filepath.Join(newDir, workspace.BookkeepingDir)
if err := fsutil.CopyFile(newProjectYaml, oldProjectYaml, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Couldn't copy Pulumi.yaml")
if err := fsutil.CopyFile(newConfigYaml, oldConfigYaml, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't copy Pulumi.%s.yaml", pt.opts.StackName)
if err := fsutil.CopyFile(newProjectDir, oldProjectDir, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Couldn't copy .pulumi")
// Finally, replace our current temp directory with the new one.
dirOld := dir + ".old"
if err := os.Rename(dir, dirOld); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't rename %v to %v", dir, dirOld)
// There's a brief window here where the old temp dir name could be taken from us.
if err := os.Rename(newDir, dir); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't rename %v to %v", newDir, dir)
// Keep dir, delete oldDir
dirToDelete = dirOld
err := pt.prepareProject(dir)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't prepare project in %v", dir)
oldStdOut := pt.opts.Stdout
oldStderr := pt.opts.Stderr
oldVerbose := pt.opts.Verbose
if edit.Stdout != nil {
pt.opts.Stdout = edit.Stdout
if edit.Stderr != nil {
pt.opts.Stderr = edit.Stderr
if edit.Verbose {
pt.opts.Verbose = true
defer func() {
pt.opts.Stdout = oldStdOut
pt.opts.Stderr = oldStderr
pt.opts.Verbose = oldVerbose
if err = pt.previewAndUpdate(dir, fmt.Sprintf("edit-%d", i), edit.ExpectFailure); err != nil {
return err
return pt.performExtraRuntimeValidation(edit.ExtraRuntimeValidation, dir)
func (pt *programTester) performExtraRuntimeValidation(
extraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, stack RuntimeValidationStackInfo), dir string) error {
if extraRuntimeValidation == nil {
return nil
stackName := pt.opts.GetStackName()
// Load up the checkpoint file from .pulumi/stacks/<project-name>/<stack-name>.json.
ws, err := workspace.NewFrom(dir)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "expected to load project workspace at %v", dir)
chk, err := stack.GetCheckpoint(ws, stackName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "expected to load checkpoint file for target %v: %v", stackName)
} else if !assert.NotNil(pt.t, chk, "expected checkpoint file to be populated from %v: %v", stackName, err) {
return errors.New("missing checkpoint")
// Deserialize snapshot from checkpoint
snapshot, err := stack.DeserializeCheckpoint(chk)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "expected checkpoint deserialization to succeed")
} else if !assert.NotNil(pt.t, snapshot, "expected snapshot to be populated from checkpoint file %v", stackName) {
return errors.New("missing snapshot")
// Get root resources from snapshot
rootResource, outputs := stack.GetRootStackResource(snapshot)
if !assert.NotNil(pt.t, rootResource, "expected root resource to be populated from snapshot file %v", stackName) {
return errors.New("missing root resource")
// Populate stack info object with all of this data to pass to the validation function
stackInfo := RuntimeValidationStackInfo{
Checkpoint: *chk,
Snapshot: *snapshot,
RootResource: *rootResource,
Outputs: outputs,
extraRuntimeValidation(pt.t, stackInfo)
return nil
// copyTestToTemporaryDirectory creates a temporary directory to run the test in and copies the test to it.
func (pt *programTester) copyTestToTemporaryDirectory() (dir string, err error) {
// Set up a prefix so that all output has the test directory name in it. This is important for debugging
// because we run tests in parallel, and so all output will be interleaved and difficult to follow otherwise.
sourceDir := pt.opts.Dir
var prefix string
if len(sourceDir) <= 30 {
prefix = fmt.Sprintf("[ %30.30s ] ", sourceDir)
} else {
prefix = fmt.Sprintf("[ %30.30s ] ", sourceDir[len(sourceDir)-30:])
stdout := pt.opts.Stdout
if stdout == nil {
stdout = newPrefixer(os.Stdout, prefix)
pt.opts.Stdout = stdout
stderr := pt.opts.Stderr
if stderr == nil {
stderr = newPrefixer(os.Stderr, prefix)
pt.opts.Stderr = stderr
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "sample: %v\n", sourceDir)
bin, err := pt.getBin()
if err != nil {
return "", err
fprintf(pt.opts.Stdout, "pulumi: %v\n", bin)
stackName := string(pt.opts.GetStackName())
targetDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", stackName+"-")
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Couldn't create temporary directory")
// Copy the source project
if err = fsutil.CopyFile(targetDir, sourceDir, nil); err != nil {
return "", err
err = pt.prepareProject(targetDir)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to prepare %v", targetDir)
fprintf(stdout, "projdir: %v\n", targetDir)
return targetDir, nil
// prepareProject runs setup necessary to get the project ready for `pulumi` commands.
func (pt *programTester) prepareProject(projectDir string) error {
// Load up the package so we know things like what language the project is.
projfile := filepath.Join(projectDir, workspace.ProjectFile+".yaml")
proj, err := workspace.LoadProject(projfile)
if err != nil {
return err
projinfo := &engine.Projinfo{Proj: proj, Root: projectDir}
// Based on the language, invoke the right routine to prepare the target directory.
switch proj.Runtime {
case "nodejs":
return pt.prepareNodeJSProject(projinfo)
case "python":
return pt.preparePythonProject(projinfo)
return errors.Errorf("unrecognized project runtime: %s", proj.Runtime)
// prepareNodeJSProject runs setup necessary to get a Node.js project ready for `pulumi` commands.
func (pt *programTester) prepareNodeJSProject(projinfo *engine.Projinfo) error {
// Write a .yarnrc file to pass --mutex network to all yarn invocations, since tests
// may run concurrently and yarn may fail if invoked concurrently
// https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/683
// Also add --network-concurrency 1 since we've been seeing
// https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/4563 as well
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(projinfo.Root, ".yarnrc"),
[]byte("--mutex network\n--network-concurrency 1\n"), 0644); err != nil {
return err
// Get the correct pwd to run Yarn in.
cwd, _, err := projinfo.GetPwdMain()
if err != nil {
return err
// Now ensure dependencies are present.
if err = pt.runYarnCommand("yarn-install", []string{"install", "--verbose"}, cwd); err != nil {
return err
for _, dependency := range pt.opts.Dependencies {
if err = pt.runYarnCommand("yarn-link", []string{"link", dependency}, cwd); err != nil {
return err
// And finally compile it using whatever build steps are in the package.json file.
return pt.runYarnCommand("yarn-build", []string{"run", "build"}, cwd)
// preparePythonProject runs setup necessary to get a Python project ready for `pulumi` commands.
func (pt *programTester) preparePythonProject(projinfo *engine.Projinfo) error {
return nil