joeduffy 8bdc81a4e1 Test function type token parsing
This change adds tests for basic function type token parsing.  It also
fixes two bugs around eating tokens and remainders.
2017-01-23 17:20:47 -08:00

286 lines
9.5 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This package contains the core MuIL symbol and token types.
package tokens
import (
// typePartDelims are separator characters that are used to parse recursive types.
var typePartDelims = MapTypeSeparator + FunctionTypeParamSeparator + FunctionTypeSeparator
// parseNextType parses one type out of the given token, returning both the resulting type token plus the remainder of
// the string. This allows recursive parsing of complex decorated types below (like `map[[]string]func(func())`).
func parseNextType(tok Type) (Type, string) {
// First, check for decorated types.
if tok.Pointer() {
ptr, rest := parseNextPointerType(tok)
return ptr.Tok, rest
} else if tok.Array() {
arr, rest := parseNextArrayType(tok)
return arr.Tok, rest
} else if tok.Map() {
mam, rest := parseNextMapType(tok)
return mam.Tok, rest
} else if tok.Function() {
fnc, rest := parseNextFunctionType(tok)
return fnc.Tok, rest
} else {
// Otherwise, we have either a qualified or simple (primitive) name. Since we might be deep in the middle
// of parsing another token, however, we only parse up to any other decorator termination/separator tokens.
s := string(tok)
sep := strings.IndexAny(s, typePartDelims)
if sep == -1 {
return tok, ""
} else {
return tok[:sep], s[sep:]
// PointerType is a type token that decorates an element type token turn it into a pointer: `"*" <Elem>`.
type PointerType struct {
Tok Type // the full pointer type token.
Elem Type // the element portion of the pointer type token.
const (
PointerTypeDecors = PointerTypePrefix + "%v"
PointerTypePrefix = "*"
// NewPointerTypeName creates a new array type name from an element type.
func NewPointerTypeName(elem TypeName) TypeName {
return TypeName(fmt.Sprintf(PointerTypeDecors, elem))
// NewPointerTypeToken creates a new array type token from an element type.
func NewPointerTypeToken(elem Type) Type {
return Type(fmt.Sprintf(PointerTypeDecors, elem))
// IsPointerType returns true if the given type token represents an encoded pointer type.
func IsPointerType(tok Type) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tok.String(), PointerTypePrefix)
// ParsePointerType removes the pointer decorations from a token and returns its underlying type.
func ParsePointerType(tok Type) PointerType {
ptr, extra := parseNextPointerType(tok)
contract.Assertf(extra == "", "Did not expect anything extra after the pointer type %v; got: '%v'", tok, extra)
return ptr
// parseNextPointerType parses the next pointer type from the given token, returning any excess.
func parseNextPointerType(tok Type) (PointerType, string) {
contract.Requiref(IsPointerType(tok), "tok", "IsPointerType")
rest := string(tok)[len(PointerTypePrefix):]
elem, rest := parseNextType(Type(rest))
return PointerType{tok, elem}, rest
// ArrayType is a type token that decorates an element type token to turn it into an array: `"[]" <Elem>`.
type ArrayType struct {
Tok Type // the full array type token.
Elem Type // the element portion of the array type token.
const (
ArrayTypeDecors = ArrayTypePrefix + "%v"
ArrayTypePrefix = "[]"
// NewArrayTypeName creates a new array type name from an element type.
func NewArrayTypeName(elem TypeName) TypeName {
return TypeName(fmt.Sprintf(ArrayTypeDecors, elem))
// NewArrayTypeToken creates a new array type token from an element type.
func NewArrayTypeToken(elem Type) Type {
return Type(fmt.Sprintf(ArrayTypeDecors, elem))
// IsArrayType returns true if the given type token represents an encoded pointer type.
func IsArrayType(tok Type) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tok.String(), ArrayTypePrefix)
// ParseArrayType removes the array decorations from a token and returns its underlying type.
func ParseArrayType(tok Type) ArrayType {
ptr, extra := parseNextArrayType(tok)
contract.Assertf(extra == "", "Did not expect anything extra after the array type %v; got: '%v'", tok, extra)
return ptr
// parseNextArrayType parses the next array type from the given token, returning any excess.
func parseNextArrayType(tok Type) (ArrayType, string) {
contract.Requiref(IsArrayType(tok), "tok", "IsArrayType")
rest := string(tok)[len(ArrayTypePrefix):]
elem, rest := parseNextType(Type(rest))
return ArrayType{tok, elem}, rest
// MapType is a type token that decorates a key and element type token to turn them into a map: `"map[" <Key> "]" <Elem>`.
type MapType struct {
Tok Type // the full map type token.
Key Type // the key portion of the map type token.
Elem Type // the element portion of the map type token.
const (
MapTypeDecors = MapTypePrefix + "%v" + MapTypeSeparator + "%v"
MapTypePrefix = "map["
MapTypeSeparator = "]"
// NewMapTypeName creates a new map type name from an element type.
func NewMapTypeName(key TypeName, elem TypeName) TypeName {
return TypeName(fmt.Sprintf(MapTypeDecors, key, elem))
// NewMapTypeToken creates a new map type token from an element type.
func NewMapTypeToken(key Type, elem Type) Type {
return Type(fmt.Sprintf(MapTypeDecors, key, elem))
// IsMapType returns true if the given type token represents an encoded pointer type.
func IsMapType(tok Type) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tok.String(), MapTypePrefix)
// ParseMapType removes the map decorations from a token and returns its underlying type.
func ParseMapType(tok Type) MapType {
ptr, extra := parseNextMapType(tok)
contract.Assertf(extra == "", "Did not expect anything extra after the map type %v; got: '%v'", tok, extra)
return ptr
// parseNextMapType parses the next map type from the given token, returning any excess.
func parseNextMapType(tok Type) (MapType, string) {
contract.Requiref(IsMapType(tok), "tok", "IsMapType")
// Strip off the "map[" part.
rest := string(tok)[len(MapTypePrefix):]
// Now parse the key part.
key, rest := parseNextType(Type(rest))
// Next, we expect to find the "]" separator token; eat it.
contract.Assertf(len(rest) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(rest, MapTypeSeparator), "Expected a map separator")
rest = rest[1:]
// Next, parse the element type part.
elem, rest := parseNextType(Type(rest))
return MapType{tok, key, elem}, rest
// FunctionType is a type token that decorates a set of optional parameter and return tokens to turn them into a function
// type: `(" [ <Param1> [ "," <ParamN> ]* ] ")" [ <Return> ]`).
type FunctionType struct {
Tok Type // the full map type token.
Parameters []Type // the parameter parts of the type token.
Return *Type // the (optional) return part of the type token.
const (
FunctionTypeDecors = FunctionTypePrefix + "%v" + FunctionTypeSeparator + "%v"
FunctionTypePrefix = "("
FunctionTypeParamSeparator = ","
FunctionTypeSeparator = ")"
// NewFunctionTypeName creates a new function type token from parameter and return types.
func NewFunctionTypeName(params []TypeName, ret *TypeName) TypeName {
// Stringify the parameters (if any).
sparams := ""
for i, param := range params {
if i > 0 {
sparams += FunctionTypeParamSeparator
sparams += string(param)
// Stringify the return type (if any).
sret := ""
if ret != nil {
sret = string(*ret)
return TypeName(fmt.Sprintf(FunctionTypeDecors, sparams, sret))
// NewFunctionTypeToken creates a new function type token from parameter and return types.
func NewFunctionTypeToken(params []Type, ret *Type) Type {
// Stringify the parameters (if any).
sparams := ""
for i, param := range params {
if i > 0 {
sparams += FunctionTypeParamSeparator
sparams += string(param)
// Stringify the return type (if any).
sret := ""
if ret != nil {
sret = string(*ret)
return Type(fmt.Sprintf(FunctionTypeDecors, sparams, sret))
// IsFunctionType returns true if the given type token represents an encoded pointer type.
func IsFunctionType(tok Type) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tok.String(), FunctionTypePrefix)
// ParseFunctionType removes the function decorations from a token and returns its underlying type.
func ParseFunctionType(tok Type) FunctionType {
ptr, extra := parseNextFunctionType(tok)
contract.Assertf(extra == "", "Did not expect anything extra after the function type %v; got: '%v'", tok, extra)
return ptr
// parseNextFunctionType parses the next function type from the given token, returning any excess.
func parseNextFunctionType(tok Type) (FunctionType, string) {
contract.Requiref(IsFunctionType(tok), "tok", "IsFunctionType")
// Strip off the "(" part.
rest := string(tok)[len(FunctionTypePrefix):]
var params []Type
for {
if comma := strings.Index(rest, FunctionTypeParamSeparator); comma != -1 {
// More parameters are coming... parse up to the comma.
params = append(params, Type(rest[:comma]))
rest = rest[comma+1:]
contract.Assert(len(rest) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(rest, FunctionTypeSeparator))
} else {
// The end is in sight. Maybe there's more, maybe not.
if term := strings.Index(rest, FunctionTypeSeparator); term != 0 {
params = append(params, Type(rest[:term]))
rest = rest[term:]
// Next, we expect to find the ")" separator token; eat it.
len(rest) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(rest, FunctionTypeSeparator), "Expected a function separator")
rest = rest[1:]
// Next, if there is anything remaining, parse out the return type.
var ret *Type
if rest != "" {
var rett Type
rett, rest = parseNextType(Type(rest))
ret = &rett
return FunctionType{tok, params, ret}, rest