joeduffy 2c0266c9e4 Clean up package URL logic
This change rearranges the old way we dealt with URLs.  In the old system,
virtually every reference to an element, including types, was fully qualified
with a possible URL-like reference.  (The old pkg/tokens/Ref type.)  In the
new model, only dependency references are URL-like.  All maps and references
within the MuPack/MuIL format are token and name based, using the new
pkg/tokens/Token and pkg/tokens/Name family of related types.

As such, this change renames Ref to PackageURLString, and RefParts to
PackageURL.  (The convenient name is given to the thing with "more" structure,
since we prefer to deal with structured types and not strings.)  It moves
out of the pkg/tokens package and into pkg/pack, since it is exclusively
there to support package resolution.  Similarly, the Version, VersionSpec,
and related types move out of pkg/tokens and into pkg/pack.

This change cleans up the various binder, package, and workspace logic.
Most of these changes are a natural fallout of this overall restructuring,
although in a few places we remained sloppy about the difference between
Token, Name, and URL.  Now the type system supports these distinctions and
forces us to be more methodical about any conversions that take place.
2017-01-20 11:46:36 -08:00

77 lines
2.2 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package tokens
import (
// Name is an identifier. It conforms to the regex [A-Za-z_.][A-Za-z0-9_]*.
type Name string
var NameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(NameRegexpPattern)
var NameRegexpPattern = "[A-Za-z_.][A-Za-z0-9_]*"
// Q turns a Name into a qualified name; this is legal, since Name's is a proper subset of QName's grammar.
func (nm Name) Q() QName { return QName(nm) }
// IsName checks whether a string is a legal Name.
func IsName(s string) bool {
return NameRegexp.FindString(s) == s
// AsName converts a given string to a Name, asserting its validity.
func AsName(s string) Name {
contract.Assertf(IsName(s), "Expected string '%v' to be a name (%v)", s, NameRegexpPattern)
return Name(s)
// QName is a qualified identifier. The "/" character optionally delimits different pieces of the name. Each element
// conforms to the Name regex [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*. For example, "marapongo/mu/stack".
type QName string
// QNameDelimiter is what delimits Namespace and Name parts.
const QNameDelimiter = "/"
var QNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(QNameRegexpPattern)
var QNameRegexpPattern = "(" + NameRegexpPattern + "\\" + QNameDelimiter + ")*" + NameRegexpPattern
// IsQName checks whether a string is a legal Name.
func IsQName(s string) bool {
return QNameRegexp.FindString(s) == s
// AsQName converts a given string to a QName, asserting its validity.
func AsQName(s string) QName {
contract.Assertf(IsQName(s), "Expected string '%v' to be a name (%v)", s, QNameRegexpPattern)
return QName(s)
// Name extracts the Name portion of a QName (dropping any namespace).
func (nm QName) Name() Name {
ix := strings.LastIndex(string(nm), QNameDelimiter)
var nmn string
if ix == -1 {
nmn = string(nm)
} else {
nmn = string(nm[ix+1:])
return Name(nmn)
// Namespace extracts the namespace portion of a QName (dropping the name); this may be empty.
func (nm QName) Namespace() QName {
ix := strings.LastIndex(string(nm), QNameDelimiter)
var qn string
if ix == -1 {
qn = ""
} else {
qn = string(nm[:ix])
return QName(qn)