joeduffy 87004a124e Store both input and output properties distinctly
This changes the resource model to persist input and output properties
distinctly, so that when we diff changes, we only do so on the programmer-
specified input properties.  This eliminates problems when the outputs
differ slightly; e.g., when the provider normalizes inputs, adds its own
values, or fails to produce new values that match the inputs.

This change simultaneously makes progress on pulumi/lumi#90, by beginning
tracking the resource objects implicated in a computed property's value.

I believe this fixes both #189 and #198.
2017-06-04 19:24:48 -07:00

197 lines
6.7 KiB

// Licensed to Pulumi Corporation ("Pulumi") under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Pulumi licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resource
import (
// TestBasicCRUDPlan creates a plan with numerous C(R)UD operations.
func TestBasicCRUDPlan(t *testing.T) {
// Setup a fake namespace/target combination.
ns := tokens.QName("crud")
pkg := tokens.Package("testcrud")
mod := tokens.Module(string(pkg) + ":index")
// Create a context that the snapshots and plan will use.
ctx := NewContext(cmdutil.Sink(), &testProviderHost{
provider: func(propkg tokens.Package) (Provider, error) {
if propkg != pkg {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unexpected request to load package %v; expected just %v", propkg, pkg)
return &testProvider{
check: func(res Resource) ([]CheckFailure, error) {
return nil, nil // accept all changes.
inspectChange: func(old, new Resource, computed PropertyMap) ([]string, PropertyMap, error) {
return nil, nil, nil // accept all changes.
// we don't actually execute the plan, so there's no need to implement the other functions.
}, nil
// Some shared tokens and names.
typA := tokens.Type(string(mod) + ":A")
namA := tokens.QName("res-a")
urnA := NewURN(ns, mod, typA, namA)
typB := tokens.Type(string(mod) + ":B")
namB := tokens.QName("res-b")
urnB := NewURN(ns, mod, typB, namB)
typC := tokens.Type(string(mod) + ":C")
namC := tokens.QName("res-c")
urnC := NewURN(ns, mod, typC, namC)
typD := tokens.Type(string(mod) + ":D")
namD := tokens.QName("res-d")
urnD := NewURN(ns, mod, typD, namD)
// Create the old resources snapshot.
oldResB := NewResource(ID("b-b-b"), urnB, typB, PropertyMap{
"bf1": NewStringProperty("b-value"),
"bf2": NewNumberProperty(42),
}, nil)
oldResC := NewResource(ID("c-c-c"), urnC, typC, PropertyMap{
"cf1": NewStringProperty("c-value"),
"cf2": NewNumberProperty(83),
}, nil)
oldResD := NewResource(ID("d-d-d"), urnD, typD, PropertyMap{
"df1": NewStringProperty("d-value"),
"df2": NewNumberProperty(167),
}, nil)
oldsnap := NewSnapshot(ctx, ns, pkg, nil, []Resource{oldResB, oldResC, oldResD})
// Create the new resources snapshot.
// - A is created:
newResA := NewResource(ID(""), urnA, typA, PropertyMap{
"af1": NewStringProperty("a-value"),
"af2": NewNumberProperty(42),
}, nil)
// - B is updated:
newResB := NewResource(ID(""), urnB, typB, PropertyMap{
"bf1": NewStringProperty("b-value"),
// delete the bf2 field.
"bf3": NewBoolProperty(true), // add the bf3.
}, nil)
// - C has no changes:
newResC := NewResource(ID(""), urnC, typC, PropertyMap{
"cf1": NewStringProperty("c-value"),
"cf2": NewNumberProperty(83),
}, nil)
// - No D; it is deleted.
newsnap := NewSnapshot(ctx, ns, pkg, nil, []Resource{newResA, newResB, newResC})
// Next up, create a plan from the two snapshots, and validate its shape.
plan, err := NewPlan(ctx, oldsnap, newsnap, nil)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.False(t, plan.Empty())
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(plan.Replaces()))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(plan.Unchanged()))
assert.Equal(t, newResC, plan.Unchanged()[oldResC])
// Next, validate the steps and ensure that we see all of the expected ones. Note that there aren't any
// dependencies between the steps, so we must validate it in a way that's insensitive of order.
seen := make(map[StepOp]int)
step := plan.Steps()
assert.NotNil(t, step)
for step != nil {
op := step.Op()
switch op {
case OpCreate: // A is created
assert.Nil(t, step.Old())
assert.Equal(t, newResA, step.New())
assert.False(t, step.Logical())
case OpUpdate: // B is updated
assert.Equal(t, oldResB, step.Old())
assert.Equal(t, newResB, step.New())
assert.False(t, step.Logical())
case OpDelete: // D is deleted
assert.Equal(t, oldResD, step.Old())
assert.Nil(t, step.New())
assert.False(t, step.Logical())
seen[op]++ // track the # of these we've seen so we can validate.
step = step.Next() // proceed to the next one.
assert.Equal(t, 1, seen[OpCreate])
assert.Equal(t, 0, seen[OpRead])
assert.Equal(t, 1, seen[OpUpdate])
assert.Equal(t, 1, seen[OpDelete])
assert.Equal(t, 0, seen[OpReplace])
assert.Equal(t, 0, seen[OpReplaceCreate])
assert.Equal(t, 0, seen[OpReplaceDelete])
type testProviderHost struct {
analyzer func(nm tokens.QName) (Analyzer, error)
provider func(pkg tokens.Package) (Provider, error)
func (host *testProviderHost) Close() error {
return nil
func (host *testProviderHost) Analyzer(nm tokens.QName) (Analyzer, error) {
return host.analyzer(nm)
func (host *testProviderHost) Provider(pkg tokens.Package) (Provider, error) {
return host.provider(pkg)
type testProvider struct {
pkg tokens.Package
check func(Resource) ([]CheckFailure, error)
name func(Resource) (tokens.QName, error)
create func(Resource) (State, error)
get func(Resource) error
inspectChange func(Resource, Resource, PropertyMap) ([]string, PropertyMap, error)
update func(Resource, Resource) (State, error)
delete func(Resource) (State, error)
func (prov *testProvider) Close() error {
return nil
func (prov *testProvider) Pkg() tokens.Package {
return prov.pkg
func (prov *testProvider) Check(res Resource) ([]CheckFailure, error) {
return prov.check(res)
func (prov *testProvider) Name(res Resource) (tokens.QName, error) {
return prov.name(res)
func (prov *testProvider) Create(res Resource) (State, error) {
return prov.create(res)
func (prov *testProvider) Get(res Resource) error {
return prov.get(res)
func (prov *testProvider) InspectChange(old Resource, new Resource,
computed PropertyMap) ([]string, PropertyMap, error) {
return prov.inspectChange(old, new, computed)
func (prov *testProvider) Update(old Resource, new Resource) (State, error) {
return prov.update(old, new)
func (prov *testProvider) Delete(res Resource) (State, error) { return prov.delete(res) }