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// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
import { Log } from "./log";
// debugPromiseTimeout can be set to enable promises debugging. If it is -1, it has no effect. Be careful setting
// this to other values, because too small a value will cause legitimate promise resolutions to appear as timeouts.
const debugPromiseTimeout: number = -1;
// leakDetectorScheduled is true when the promise leak detector is scheduled for process exit.
let leakDetectorScheduled: boolean = false;
// leakCandidates tracks the list of potential leak candidates.
let leakCandidates: Set<Promise<any>> = new Set<Promise<any>>();
// unhandledHandlerScheduled is true when the unhandled promise detector is scheduled for this process.
let unhandledHandlerScheduled: boolean = false;
function promiseDebugString(p: Promise<any>): string {
return `CONTEXT: ${(<any>p)._debugCtx}\n` +
// debuggablePromise optionally wraps a promise with some goo to make it easier to debug common problems.
export function debuggablePromise<T>(p: Promise<T>, ctx?: any): Promise<T> {
// If the unhandled handler isn't active yet, schedule it.
if (!unhandledHandlerScheduled) {
process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason, p) => {
if (!Log.hasErrors()) {
console.error("Unhandled promise rejection:");
unhandledHandlerScheduled = true;
// Setup leak detection.
if (!leakDetectorScheduled) {
process.on('exit', (code: number) => {
// Only print leaks if we're exiting normally. Otherwise, it could be a crash, which of
// course yields things that look like "leaks".
if (code === 0 && !Log.hasErrors()) {
for (let leaked of leakCandidates) {
console.error("Promise leak detected:");
leakDetectorScheduled = true;
// Whack some stack onto the promise.
(<any>p)._debugCtx = ctx;
(<any>p)._debugStackTrace = new Error().stack;
// Add this promise to the leak candidates list, and schedule it for removal if it resolves.
p.then((v: any) => leakCandidates.delete(p), (err: any) => leakCandidates.delete(p));
// If the timeout is -1, don't register a timer.
if (debugPromiseTimeout === -1) {
return p;
// Create a timer that we race against the original promise.
let timetok: any;
let timeout = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
timetok = setTimeout(() => {
`Promise timeout after ${debugPromiseTimeout}ms;\n` +
`CONTEXT: ${ctx}\n` +
}, debugPromiseTimeout);
// Ensure to cancel the timer should the promise actually resolve.
p.then((v: any) => clearTimeout(timetok), (err: any) => clearTimeout(timetok));
// Now race them; first one wins!
return Promise.race([ p, timeout ]);