Pat Gavlin 51588ede49
Fix various printing issues. (#4378)
- Parentheses were not handled properly
- Literals inside of template control sequences were not handled

These changes also improve test coverage for the printers.
2020-04-13 19:11:56 -07:00

201 lines
5.9 KiB

package syntax
import (
func commentString(trivia []Trivia) string {
s := ""
for _, t := range trivia {
if comment, ok := t.(Comment); ok {
for _, l := range comment.Lines {
s += strings.Replace(l, "✱", "*", -1)
return s
func validateTokenLeadingTrivia(t *testing.T, token Token) {
leadingText := commentString(token.LeadingTrivia)
if !assert.Equal(t, string(token.Raw.Bytes), leadingText) {
t.Logf("leading trivia mismatch for token @ %v", token.Range())
func validateTokenTrailingTrivia(t *testing.T, token Token) {
trailingText := commentString(token.TrailingTrivia)
if trailingText != "" && !assert.Equal(t, string(token.Raw.Bytes), trailingText) {
t.Logf("trailing trivia mismatch for token @ %v", token.Range())
func validateTokenTrivia(t *testing.T, token Token) {
validateTokenLeadingTrivia(t, token)
validateTokenTrailingTrivia(t, token)
func validateTrivia(t *testing.T, tokens ...interface{}) {
for _, te := range tokens {
switch te := te.(type) {
case Token:
validateTokenTrivia(t, te)
case *Token:
if te != nil {
validateTokenTrivia(t, *te)
case []Token:
for _, token := range te {
validateTokenTrivia(t, token)
case []ObjectConsItemTokens:
for _, token := range te {
validateTrivia(t, token.Equals, token.Comma)
case []TraverserTokens:
for _, tt := range te {
switch token := tt.(type) {
case *DotTraverserTokens:
validateTrivia(t, token.Dot, token.Index)
case *BracketTraverserTokens:
validateTrivia(t, token.OpenBracket, token.Index, token.CloseBracket)
func validateTemplateStringTrivia(t *testing.T, template *hclsyntax.TemplateExpr, n *hclsyntax.LiteralValueExpr,
tokens *LiteralValueTokens) {
index := -1
for i := range template.Parts {
if template.Parts[i] == n {
index = i
assert.NotEqual(t, -1, index)
assert.Len(t, tokens.Value, 1)
value := tokens.Value[0]
if index == 0 {
assert.Len(t, value.LeadingTrivia, 0)
} else {
delim, ok := value.LeadingTrivia[0].(TemplateDelimiter)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, hclsyntax.TokenTemplateSeqEnd, delim.Type)
if index == len(template.Parts)-1 {
assert.Len(t, value.TrailingTrivia, 0)
} else {
delim, ok := value.TrailingTrivia[0].(TemplateDelimiter)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, hclsyntax.TokenTemplateInterp, delim.Type)
type validator struct {
t *testing.T
tokens TokenMap
stack []hclsyntax.Node
func (v *validator) Enter(n hclsyntax.Node) hcl.Diagnostics {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *hclsyntax.Attribute:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*AttributeTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Name, tokens.Equals)
case *hclsyntax.BinaryOpExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*BinaryOpTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Operator)
case *hclsyntax.Block:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*BlockTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Type, tokens.Labels, tokens.OpenBrace, tokens.CloseBrace)
case *hclsyntax.ConditionalExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*ConditionalTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.QuestionMark, tokens.Colon)
case *hclsyntax.ForExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*ForTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Open, tokens.For, tokens.Key, tokens.Comma, tokens.Value, tokens.In, tokens.Colon,
tokens.Arrow, tokens.Group, tokens.If, tokens.Close)
case *hclsyntax.FunctionCallExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*FunctionCallTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Name, tokens.OpenParen, tokens.CloseParen)
case *hclsyntax.IndexExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*IndexTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.OpenBracket, tokens.CloseBracket)
case *hclsyntax.LiteralValueExpr:
template, isTemplateString := (*hclsyntax.TemplateExpr)(nil), false
if len(v.stack) > 0 && n.Val.Type().Equals(cty.String) {
template, isTemplateString = v.stack[len(v.stack)-1].(*hclsyntax.TemplateExpr)
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*LiteralValueTokens)
if isTemplateString {
validateTemplateStringTrivia(v.t, template, n, tokens)
} else {
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Value)
case *hclsyntax.ObjectConsExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*ObjectConsTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.OpenBrace, tokens.Items, tokens.CloseBrace)
case *hclsyntax.RelativeTraversalExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*RelativeTraversalTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Traversal)
case *hclsyntax.ScopeTraversalExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*ScopeTraversalTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Root, tokens.Traversal)
case *hclsyntax.SplatExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*SplatTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Open, tokens.Star, tokens.Close)
case *hclsyntax.TemplateExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*TemplateTokens)
validateTokenLeadingTrivia(v.t, tokens.Open)
assert.Equal(v.t, "", commentString(tokens.Open.TrailingTrivia))
validateTokenTrailingTrivia(v.t, tokens.Close)
assert.Equal(v.t, "", commentString(tokens.Close.LeadingTrivia))
case *hclsyntax.TupleConsExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*TupleConsTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.OpenBracket, tokens.Commas, tokens.CloseBracket)
case *hclsyntax.UnaryOpExpr:
tokens := v.tokens.ForNode(n).(*UnaryOpTokens)
validateTrivia(v.t, tokens.Operator)
v.stack = append(v.stack, n)
return nil
func (v *validator) Exit(n hclsyntax.Node) hcl.Diagnostics {
v.stack = v.stack[:len(v.stack)-1]
return nil
func TestComments(t *testing.T) {
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./testdata/comments_all.hcl")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read test data: %v", err)
parser := NewParser()
err = parser.ParseFile(bytes.NewReader(contents), "comments_all.hcl")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, parser.Diagnostics, 0)
f := parser.Files[0]
diags := hclsyntax.Walk(f.Body, &validator{t: t, tokens: f.Tokens})
assert.Nil(t, diags)