joeduffy 440ffb27e5 Prefer Python2 tools; fail-fast when wrong
This change includes a few things:

1) Prefer python2 and pip2 when on the PATH, over the undecorated
   names python and pip.  This is the standard convention for package
   managers like Pip, etc., to support Python2 and Python3 side-by-side.

2) Fail-fast if neither can be found on the PATH.

3) Check the reported version number for python, pip, and pylint, and
   fail-fast if it doesn't report back 2.7, just to safeguard against
   undecorated binaries with unsupported versions.

Also, we had not listed wheel as a dependency in the requirements.txt
file.  This needs to be there to support building bdist_wheels.  Fixed.
2018-03-06 17:50:42 -08:00

244 lines
9.1 KiB

# Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
# common.mk provides most of the scalfholding for our build system. It
# provides default targets for each project we want to build.
# The default targets we use are:
# - ensure: restores and dependencies needed for the build from
# remote sources (e.g dep ensure or yarn install)
# - build: builds a project but does not install it. In the case of
# go code, this usually means running go install (which
# would place them in `GOBIN`, but not `PULUMI_ROOT`
# - install: copies the bits we plan to ship into a layout in
# `PULUMI_ROOT` that looks like what a customer would get
# when they download and install Pulumi. For JavaScript
# projects, installing also runs yarn link to register
# this package, so that other projects can depend on it.
# - lint: runs relevent linters for the project
# - test_fast: runs the fast tests for a project. These are often
# go unit tests or javascript unit tests, they should
# complete quickly, as we expect developers to run them
# fequently as part of their "inner loop" development.
# - test_all: runs all of test_fast and then runs additional testing,
# which may take longer (some times a lot longer!). These
# are often integration tests which will use `pulumi` to
# deploy example Pulumi projects, creating cloud
# resources along the way.
# In addition, we have a few higher level targets that just depend on
# these targets:
# - only_build: this target runs build and install targets
# - only_test: this target runs the list and test_all targets
# (test_all itself runs test_fast)
# - default: this is the target that is run by default when no
# arguments are passed to make, it runs the build, lint,
# install and test_fast targets
# - core: this target behaves like `default` except for the case
# where a project declares SUB_PROJECTS (see a discussion on
# that later). In that case, building `core` target does not
# build sub projects.
# - all: this target runs build, lint, install and test_all (which
# itself runs test_fast).
# Before including this makefile, a project may define some values
# that this makefile understands:
# - PROJECT_NAME: If set, make default and make all will print a banner
# with the project name when they are built.
# - SUB_PROJECTS: If set, each item in the list is treated as a path
# to another project (relative to the directory of the
# main Makefile) which should be built as well. When
# this happens, the default and all targets first
# build the default or all target of each child
# project. For each subproject we also create targets
# with our standard names, prepended by the target
# name and an underscore, which just calls Make for
# that specific target. These can be handy targets to
# build explicitly on the command line from time to
# time.
# - NODE_MODULE_NAME: If set, an install target will be auto-generated
# that installs the module to
# $(PULUMI_ROOT)/node_modules/$(NODE_MODULE_NAME)
# This Makefile also provides some convience methods:
# STEP_MESSAGE is a macro that can be invoked with `$(call
# STEP_MESSAGE)` and it will print the name of the current target (in
# green text) to the console. All the targets provided by this makefile
# do that by default.
# The ensure target also provides some default behavior, detecting if
# there is a Gopkg.toml or package.json file in the current folder and
# if so calling dep ensure -v or yarn install. This behavior means that
# projects will not often need to augment the ensure target.
# Unlike the other leaf targets, ensure will call the ensure target on
# any sub-projects.
# Importing common.mk should be the first thing your Makefile does, after
SHELL := /bin/bash
STEP_MESSAGE = @echo -e "\033[0;32m$(shell echo '$@' | tr a-z A-Z | tr '_' ' '):\033[0m"
# Our install targets place items item into $PULUMI_ROOT, if it's
# unset, default to /opt/pulumi.
ifeq ($(PULUMI_ROOT),)
.PHONY: default all ensure only_build only_test build lint install test_fast test_all core
# ensure that `default` is the target that is run when no arguments are passed to make
# Ensure the requisite tools are on the PATH.
# - Prefer Python2 over Python.
PYTHON := $(shell command -v python2 2>/dev/null)
ifeq ($(PYTHON),)
PYTHON = $(shell command -v python 2>/dev/null)
ifeq ($(PYTHON),)
$(error "missing python 2.7 (`python2` or `python`) from your $$PATH; \
please see https://github.com/pulumi/home/wiki/Package-Management-Prerequisites")
PYTHON_VERSION := $(shell command $(PYTHON) --version 2>&1)
ifeq (,$(findstring 2.7,$(PYTHON_VERSION)))
$(error "$(PYTHON) did not report a 2.7 version number ($(PYTHON_VERSION)); \
please see https://github.com/pulumi/home/wiki/Package-Management-Prerequisites")
# - Prefer Pip2 over Pip.
PIP := $(shell command -v pip2 2>/dev/null)
ifeq ($(PIP),)
PIP = $(shell command -v pip 2>/dev/null)
ifeq ($(PIP),)
$(error "missing pip 2.7 (`pip2` or `pip`) from your $$PATH; \
please see https://github.com/pulumi/home/wiki/Package-Management-Prerequisites")
PIP_VERSION := $(shell command $(PIP) --version 2>&1)
ifeq (,$(findstring python 2.7,$(PIP_VERSION)))
$(error "$(PIP) did not report a 2.7 version number ($(PIP_VERSION)); \
please see https://github.com/pulumi/home/wiki/Package-Management-Prerequisites")
# If there are sub projects, our default, all, and ensure targets will
# recurse into them.
ifneq ($(SUB_PROJECTS),)
only_build:: $(SUB_PROJECTS:%=%_only_build)
only_test:: $(SUB_PROJECTS:%=%_only_test)
default:: $(SUB_PROJECTS:%=%_default)
all:: $(SUB_PROJECTS:%=%_all)
ensure:: $(SUB_PROJECTS:%=%_ensure)
# `core` is like `default` except it does not build sub projects.
core:: build lint install test_fast
# If $(PROJECT_NAME) has been set, have our default and all targets
# print a nice banner.
ifneq ($(PROJECT_NAME),)
@echo -e "\033[1;37m$(shell echo '$(PROJECT_NAME)' | sed -e 's/./=/g')\033[1;37m"
@echo -e "\033[1;37m$(PROJECT_NAME)\033[1;37m"
@echo -e "\033[1;37m$(shell echo '$(PROJECT_NAME)' | sed -e 's/./=/g')\033[1;37m"
@echo -e "\033[1;37m$(shell echo '$(PROJECT_NAME)' | sed -e 's/./=/g')\033[1;37m"
@echo -e "\033[1;37m$(PROJECT_NAME)\033[1;37m"
@echo -e "\033[1;37m$(shell echo '$(PROJECT_NAME)' | sed -e 's/./=/g')\033[1;37m"
default:: build install lint test_fast
all:: build install lint test_all
@if [ -e 'Gopkg.toml' ]; then echo "dep ensure -v"; dep ensure -v; fi
@if [ -e 'package.json' ]; then echo "yarn install"; yarn install; fi
@mkdir -p $(PULUMI_BIN)
test_all:: test_fast
ifneq ($(NODE_MODULE_NAME),)
rm -rf "$(PULUMI_NODE_MODULES)/$(NODE_MODULE_NAME)/node_modules"
yarn install --offline --production && \
(yarn unlink > /dev/null 2>&1 || true) && \
yarn link
only_build:: build install
only_test:: lint test_all
# Generate targets for each sub project. This project's default and
# all targets will depend on the sub project's targets, and the
# individual targets for sub projects are added as a convience when
# invoking make from the command line
ifneq ($(SUB_PROJECTS),)
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_default=%) default
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_all=%) all
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_ensure=%) ensure
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_build=%) build
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_lint=%) lint
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_test_fast=%) test_fast
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_install=%) install
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_only_build=%) only_build
@$(MAKE) -C ./$(@:%_only_test=%) only_test
# As a convinece, we provide a format target that folks can build to
# run go fmt over all the go code in their tree.
.PHONY: format
find . -iname "*.go" -not -path "./vendor/*" | xargs gofmt -s -w