
183 lines
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// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package cmd
import (
// upgradeConfigurationFiles does an upgrade to move from the old configuration system (where we had config stored) in
// workspace settings and Pulumi.yaml, to the new system where configuration data is stored in Pulumi.<stack-name>.yaml
func upgradeConfigurationFiles() error {
bes, _ := allBackends()
skippedUpgrade := false
for _, b := range bes {
stacks, err := b.ListStacks()
if err != nil {
skippedUpgrade = true
for _, stack := range stacks {
stackName := stack.Name()
// If the new file exists, we can skip upgrading this stack.
newFile, err := workspace.DetectProjectStackPath(stackName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "upgrade project")
_, err = os.Stat(newFile)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "upgrading project")
} else if err == nil {
// new file was present, skip upgrading this stack.
cfg, salt, err := getOldConfiguration(stackName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "upgrading project")
ps, err := workspace.DetectProjectStack(stackName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "upgrading project")
ps.Config = cfg
ps.EncryptionSalt = salt
if err := workspace.SaveProjectStack(stackName, ps); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "upgrading project")
if err := removeOldConfiguration(stackName); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "upgrading project")
if !skippedUpgrade {
return removeOldProjectConfiguration()
return nil
// getOldConfiguration reads the configuration for a given stack from the current workspace. It applies a hierarchy
// of configuration settings based on stack overrides and workspace-wide global settings. If any of the workspace
// settings had an impact on the values returned, the second return value will be true. It also returns the encryption
// salt used for the stack.
func getOldConfiguration(stackName tokens.QName) (config.Map, string, error) {
contract.Require(stackName != "", "stackName")
// Get the workspace and package and get ready to merge their views of the configuration.
ws, err := workspace.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
proj, err := workspace.DetectProject()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// We need to apply workspace and project configuration values in the right order. Basically, we want to
// end up taking the most specific settings, where per-stack configuration is more specific than global, and
// project configuration is more specific than workspace.
result := make(config.Map)
// First, apply project-local stack-specific configuration.
if stack, has := proj.StacksDeprecated[stackName]; has {
for key, value := range stack.Config {
result[key] = value
// Now, apply workspace stack-specific configuration.
if wsStackConfig, has := ws.Settings().ConfigDeprecated[stackName]; has {
for key, value := range wsStackConfig {
if _, has := result[key]; !has {
result[key] = value
// Next, take anything from the global settings in our project file.
for key, value := range proj.ConfigDeprecated {
if _, has := result[key]; !has {
result[key] = value
// Finally, take anything left in the workspace's global configuration.
if wsGlobalConfig, has := ws.Settings().ConfigDeprecated[""]; has {
for key, value := range wsGlobalConfig {
if _, has := result[key]; !has {
result[key] = value
// Now, get the encryption key. A stack specific one overrides the global one (global encryption keys were
// deprecated previously)
encryptionSalt := proj.EncryptionSaltDeprecated
if stack, has := proj.StacksDeprecated[stackName]; has && stack.EncryptionSalt != "" {
encryptionSalt = stack.EncryptionSalt
return result, encryptionSalt, nil
// removeOldConfiguration deletes all configuration information about a stack from both the workspace
// and the project file. It does not touch the newly added Pulumi.<stack-name>.yaml file.
func removeOldConfiguration(stackName tokens.QName) error {
ws, err := workspace.New()
if err != nil {
return err
proj, err := workspace.DetectProject()
if err != nil {
return err
delete(proj.StacksDeprecated, stackName)
delete(ws.Settings().ConfigDeprecated, stackName)
if err := ws.Save(); err != nil {
return err
return workspace.SaveProject(proj)
// removeOldProjectConfiguration deletes all project level configuration information from both the workspace and the
// project file.
func removeOldProjectConfiguration() error {
ws, err := workspace.New()
if err != nil {
return err
proj, err := workspace.DetectProject()
if err != nil {
return err
proj.EncryptionSaltDeprecated = ""
proj.ConfigDeprecated = nil
ws.Settings().ConfigDeprecated = nil
if err := ws.Save(); err != nil {
return err
return workspace.SaveProject(proj)