joeduffy 97deabb9bd Finish interface for reading configuration¬
This continues the previous commit and establishes the interpreter
context so that we can use the new host interface.  In summary:

    * Instead of using the NullSource for destructions -- which
      doesn't hook up an interpreter and so any reads of configuration
      variables will fail -- we will enlighten the EvalSource to know
      how to orchestrate destruction interpretation.  The primary
      difference is that we don't actually run the code, but *we do*
      perform all of the necessary configuration and variable init.

    * Associate the active interpreter with the plugin context as
      we are executing, so that the host object can actually read the
      state from the heap as requested to do so by attached plugins.

    * Rename anything "engine" related to use the term "host"; this
      avoids introducing unnecesarily new terminology.

    * Add a new pkg/resource/provider/ package where we can begin
      consolidating helper functionality for resource providers.
      Right now, this includes a wrapper interface atop the gRPC
      machinery necessary to contact the host, in addition to a
      Main function that hides some boilerplate entrypoint code.

    * Add a rpcutil.IsBenignCloseErr routine to let us ignore
      "benign" gRPC errors that are knowingly returned at shutdown.

This commit completes pulumi/lumi#117.
2017-06-21 10:31:06 -07:00

252 lines
9.2 KiB

// Licensed to Pulumi Corporation ("Pulumi") under one or more
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package main
import (
func newDeployCmd() *cobra.Command {
var analyzers []string
var dryRun bool
var env string
var showConfig bool
var showReads bool
var showReplaceDeletes bool
var showSames bool
var summary bool
var output string
var cmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "deploy [<package>] [-- [<args>]]",
Aliases: []string{"up", "update"},
Short: "Deploy resource updates, creations, and deletions to an environment",
Long: "Deploy resource updates, creations, and deletions to an environment\n" +
"\n" +
"This command updates an existing environment whose state is represented by the\n" +
"existing snapshot file. The new desired state is computed by compiling and evaluating an\n" +
"executable package, and extracting all resource allocations from its resulting object graph.\n" +
"This graph is compared against the existing state to determine what operations must take\n" +
"place to achieve the desired state. This command results in a full snapshot of the\n" +
"environment's new resource state, so that it may be updated incrementally again later.\n" +
"\n" +
"By default, the package to execute is loaded from the current directory. Optionally, an\n" +
"explicit path can be provided using the [package] argument.",
Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
info, err := initEnvCmdName(tokens.QName(env), args)
if err != nil {
return err
deployLatest(cmd, info, deployOptions{
Destroy: false,
DryRun: dryRun,
Analyzers: analyzers,
ShowConfig: showConfig,
ShowReads: showReads,
ShowReplaceDeletes: showReplaceDeletes,
ShowSames: showSames,
Summary: summary,
Output: output,
return nil
&analyzers, "analyzer", []string{},
"Run one or more analyzers as part of this deployment")
&dryRun, "dry-run", "n", false,
"Don't actually update resources, just print out the planned updates (synonym for plan)")
&env, "env", "e", "",
"Choose an environment other than the currently selected one")
&showConfig, "show-config", false,
"Show configuration keys and variables")
&showReads, "show-reads", false,
"Show resources that will be read, in addition to those that will be modified")
&showReplaceDeletes, "show-replace-deletes", false,
"Show detailed resource replacement creates and deletes; normally shows as a single step")
&showSames, "show-sames", false,
"Show resources that needn't be updated because they haven't changed, alongside those that do")
&summary, "summary", "s", false,
"Only display summarization of resources and plan operations")
&output, "output", "o", "",
"Serialize the resulting checkpoint to a specific file, instead of overwriting the existing one")
return cmd
type deployOptions struct {
Create bool // true if we are creating resources.
Destroy bool // true if we are destroying the environment.
DryRun bool // true if we should just print the plan without performing it.
Analyzers []string // an optional set of analyzers to run as part of this deployment.
ShowConfig bool // true to show the configuration variables being used.
ShowReads bool // true to show the read-only steps in the plan.
ShowReplaceDeletes bool // true to show the replacement deletion steps in the plan.
ShowSames bool // true to show the resources that aren't updated, in addition to those that are.
Summary bool // true if we should only summarize resources and operations.
DOT bool // true if we should print the DOT file for this plan.
Output string // the place to store the output, if any.
func deployLatest(cmd *cobra.Command, info *envCmdInfo, opts deployOptions) error {
result, err := plan(cmd, info, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
if result != nil {
if opts.DryRun {
// If a dry run, just print the plan, don't actually carry out the deployment.
if err := printPlan(result, opts); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Otherwise, we will actually deploy the latest bits.
var header bytes.Buffer
printPrelude(&header, result, opts, false)
header.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vDeploying changes:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
// Create an object to track progress and perform the actual operations.
start := time.Now()
progress := newProgress(opts)
summary, _, _, err := result.Plan.Apply(progress)
contract.Assert(summary != nil)
empty := (summary.Steps() == 0) // if no step is returned, it was empty.
// Print a summary.
var footer bytes.Buffer
if empty {
cmdutil.Diag().Infof(diag.Message("no resources need to be updated"))
} else {
// Print out the total number of steps performed (and their kinds), the duration, and any summary info.
printSummary(&footer, progress.Ops, false)
footer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vDeployment duration: %v%v\n",
colors.SpecUnimportant, time.Since(start), colors.Reset))
if progress.MaybeCorrupt {
"%vA catastrophic error occurred; resources states may be unknown%v\n",
colors.SpecAttention, colors.Reset))
// Now save the updated snapshot to the specified output file, if any, or the standard location otherwise.
// Note that if a failure has occurred, the Apply routine above will have returned a safe checkpoint.
targ := result.Info.Target
saveEnv(targ, summary.Snap(), opts.Output, true /*overwrite*/)
return err
return nil
// deployProgress pretty-prints the plan application process as it goes.
type deployProgress struct {
Steps int
Ops map[deploy.StepOp]int
MaybeCorrupt bool
Opts deployOptions
func newProgress(opts deployOptions) *deployProgress {
return &deployProgress{
Steps: 0,
Ops: make(map[deploy.StepOp]int),
Opts: opts,
func (prog *deployProgress) Before(step deploy.Step) {
stepop := step.Op()
if stepop == deploy.OpSame {
// Print the step.
stepnum := prog.Steps + 1
var extra string
if stepop == deploy.OpReplace ||
(stepop == deploy.OpDelete && step.(*deploy.DeleteStep).Replaced()) {
extra = " (part of a replacement change)"
var b bytes.Buffer
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Applying step #%v [%v]%v\n", stepnum, stepop, extra))
printStep(&b, step, prog.Opts.Summary, false, "")
func (prog *deployProgress) After(step deploy.Step, status resource.Status, err error) {
stepop := step.Op()
if err != nil {
// Issue a true, bonafide error.
cmdutil.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorPlanApplyFailed, err)
// Print the state of the resource; we don't issue the error, because the deploy above will do that.
var b bytes.Buffer
stepnum := prog.Steps + 1
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Step #%v failed [%v]: ", stepnum, stepop))
switch status {
case resource.StatusOK:
b.WriteString("provider successfully recovered from this failure")
case resource.StatusUnknown:
b.WriteString("this failure was catastrophic and the provider cannot guarantee recovery")
prog.MaybeCorrupt = true
contract.Failf("Unrecognized resource state: %v", status)
} else if shouldTrack(step, prog.Opts) {
// Increment the counters.
// Print out any output properties that got created as a result of this operation.
if step.Op() == deploy.OpCreate {
var b bytes.Buffer
printResourceOutputProperties(&b, step, "")