Pat Gavlin 9c5526e7dd
Add a --config-file option for stack ops (#2258)
This option allows the user to override the file used to fetch and store
configuration information for a stack. It is available for the config,
destroy, logs, preview, refresh, and up commands.

Note that this option is not persistent: if it is not specified, the
stack's default configuration will be used. If an alternate config file
is used exclusively for a stack, it must be specified to all commands
that interact with that stack.

This option can be used to share plaintext configuration across multiple
stacks. It cannot be used to share secret configuration, as secrets are
associated with a particular stack and cannot be decryptex by other
2018-11-30 15:11:05 -08:00

486 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package httpstate
import (
type tokenRequest chan<- tokenResponse
type tokenResponse struct {
token string
err error
// tokenSource is a helper type that manages the renewal of the lease token for a managed update.
type tokenSource struct {
requests chan tokenRequest
done chan bool
func newTokenSource(ctx context.Context, token string, backend *cloudBackend, update client.UpdateIdentifier,
duration time.Duration) (*tokenSource, error) {
// Perform an initial lease renewal.
newToken, err := backend.client.RenewUpdateLease(ctx, update, token, duration)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
requests, done := make(chan tokenRequest), make(chan bool)
go func() {
// We will renew the lease after 50% of the duration has elapsed to allow more time for retries.
ticker := time.NewTicker(duration / 2)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
newToken, err = backend.client.RenewUpdateLease(ctx, update, token, duration)
if err != nil {
} else {
token = newToken
case c, ok := <-requests:
if !ok {
resp := tokenResponse{err: err}
if err == nil {
resp.token = token
c <- resp
return &tokenSource{requests: requests, done: done}, nil
func (ts *tokenSource) Close() {
func (ts *tokenSource) GetToken() (string, error) {
ch := make(chan tokenResponse)
ts.requests <- ch
resp := <-ch
return resp.token, resp.err
// cloudUpdate is an implementation of engine.Update backed by remote state and a local program.
type cloudUpdate struct {
context context.Context
backend *cloudBackend
update client.UpdateIdentifier
tokenSource *tokenSource
root string
proj *workspace.Project
target *deploy.Target
func (u *cloudUpdate) GetRoot() string {
return u.root
func (u *cloudUpdate) GetProject() *workspace.Project {
return u.proj
func (u *cloudUpdate) GetTarget() *deploy.Target {
return u.target
func (u *cloudUpdate) Complete(status apitype.UpdateStatus) error {
defer u.tokenSource.Close()
token, err := u.tokenSource.GetToken()
if err != nil {
return err
return u.backend.client.CompleteUpdate(u.context, u.update, status, token)
// recordEvent will record the event with the Pulumi service, enabling things like viewing
// the rendered update logs or drilling into the timeline of an update.
func (u *cloudUpdate) recordEvent(
action apitype.UpdateKind, event engine.Event, sequenceNumber int,
seen map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata, opts display.Options) error {
contract.Assert(u.tokenSource != nil)
token, err := u.tokenSource.GetToken()
if err != nil {
return err
// Send the event to the Pulumi Service to power things like the update summary page.
// Currently opt-in via flag to allow for gathering per data before the service-side changes
// are available in production.
if cmdutil.IsTruthy(os.Getenv("PULUMI_RECORD_ENGINE_EVENTS")) {
apiEvent, convErr := convertEngineEvent(event)
if convErr != nil {
return errors.Wrap(convErr, "converting engine event")
apiEvent.Sequence = sequenceNumber
apiEvent.Timestamp = int(time.Now().Unix())
if err = u.backend.client.RecordEngineEvent(u.context, u.update, apiEvent, token); err != nil {
return err
// We also pre-render the event using the DiffView and post as applicable. Ideally this data
// is redundant because we could produce the same log from the raw engine event stream, which
// is stored above.
fields := make(map[string]interface{})
kind := string(apitype.StdoutEvent)
if event.Type == engine.DiagEvent {
payload := event.Payload.(engine.DiagEventPayload)
fields["severity"] = string(payload.Severity)
if payload.Severity == diag.Error || payload.Severity == diag.Warning {
kind = string(apitype.StderrEvent)
// Ensure we render events with raw colorization tags. Also, render these as 'diff' events so
// the user has a rich diff-log they can see when the look at their logs in the service.
opts.Color = colors.Raw
msg := display.RenderDiffEvent(action, event, seen, opts)
// If we have a message, upload it as <= 1MB chunks.
for msg != "" {
chunk := msg
const maxLen = 1 << 20 // 1 MB
if len(chunk) > maxLen {
chunk = colors.TrimPartialCommand(msg)
msg = msg[len(chunk):]
fields["text"] = chunk
fields["colorize"] = colors.Always
if err = u.backend.client.AppendUpdateLogEntry(u.context, u.update, kind, fields, token); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RecordAndDisplayEvents inspects engine events from the given channel, and prints them to the CLI as well as
// posting them to the Pulumi service. Any failures will post DiaogEvents to be displayed in the CLI.
func (u *cloudUpdate) RecordAndDisplayEvents(
label string, action apitype.UpdateKind, stackRef backend.StackReference, op backend.UpdateOperation,
events <-chan engine.Event, done chan<- bool, opts display.Options, isPreview bool) {
// Start the local display processor. Display things however the options have been
// set to display (i.e. diff vs progress).
displayEvents := make(chan engine.Event)
go display.ShowEvents(label, action, stackRef.Name(), op.Proj.Name, displayEvents, done, opts, isPreview)
seen := make(map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata)
// We maintain a sequence counter for each event to ensure that the Pulumi Service can
// ensure events can be reconstructured in the same order they were emitted. (And not
// out of order from parallel writes and/or network delays.)
eventIdx := 0
for e := range events {
// First echo the event to the local display.
displayEvents <- e
// Then render and record the event for posterity.
if err := u.recordEvent(action, e, eventIdx, seen, opts); err != nil {
diagEvent := engine.Event{
Type: engine.DiagEvent,
Payload: engine.DiagEventPayload{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("failed to record event: %v", err),
Severity: diag.Infoerr,
displayEvents <- diagEvent
if e.Type == engine.CancelEvent {
func (b *cloudBackend) newUpdate(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, proj *workspace.Project,
root string, update client.UpdateIdentifier, token string) (*cloudUpdate, error) {
// Create a token source for this update if necessary.
var tokenSource *tokenSource
if token != "" {
ts, err := newTokenSource(ctx, token, b, update, 5*time.Minute)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tokenSource = ts
// Construct the deployment target.
target, err := b.getTarget(ctx, stackRef)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Construct and return a new update.
return &cloudUpdate{
context: ctx,
backend: b,
update: update,
tokenSource: tokenSource,
root: root,
proj: proj,
target: target,
}, nil
func (b *cloudBackend) getSnapshot(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) (*deploy.Snapshot, error) {
untypedDeployment, err := b.ExportDeployment(ctx, stackRef)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
snapshot, err := stack.DeserializeUntypedDeployment(untypedDeployment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return snapshot, nil
func (b *cloudBackend) getTarget(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) (*deploy.Target, error) {
// Pull the local stack info so we can get at its configuration bag.
stackConfigFile := b.stackConfigFile
if stackConfigFile == "" {
f, err := workspace.DetectProjectStackPath(stackRef.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stackConfigFile = f
stk, err := workspace.LoadProjectStack(stackConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
decrypter, err := b.GetStackCrypter(stackRef)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
snapshot, err := b.getSnapshot(ctx, stackRef)
if err != nil {
switch err {
case stack.ErrDeploymentSchemaVersionTooOld:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the stack '%s' is too old to be used by this version of the Pulumi CLI",
case stack.ErrDeploymentSchemaVersionTooNew:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the stack '%s' is newer than what this version of the Pulumi CLI understands. "+
"Please update your version of the Pulumi CLI", stackRef.Name())
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not deserialize deployment")
return &deploy.Target{
Name: stackRef.Name(),
Config: stk.Config,
Decrypter: decrypter,
Snapshot: snapshot,
}, nil
func convertStepEventMetadata(md engine.StepEventMetadata) apitype.StepEventMetadata {
keys := make([]string, len(md.Keys))
for i, v := range md.Keys {
keys[i] = string(v)
return apitype.StepEventMetadata{
Op: string(md.Op),
URN: string(md.URN),
Type: string(md.Type),
Old: convertStepEventStateMetadata(md.Old),
New: convertStepEventStateMetadata(md.New),
Res: convertStepEventStateMetadata(md.Res),
Keys: keys,
Logical: md.Logical,
Provider: md.Provider,
func convertStepEventStateMetadata(md *engine.StepEventStateMetadata) *apitype.StepEventStateMetadata {
if md == nil {
return nil
inputs := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range md.Inputs {
inputs[string(k)] = v
outputs := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range md.Outputs {
outputs[string(k)] = v
return &apitype.StepEventStateMetadata{
Type: string(md.Type),
URN: string(md.URN),
Custom: md.Custom,
Delete: md.Delete,
ID: string(md.ID),
Parent: string(md.Parent),
Protect: md.Protect,
Inputs: inputs,
Outputs: outputs,
InitErrors: md.InitErrors,
// convertEngineEvent converts a raw engine.Event into an apitype.EngineEvent used in the Pulumi
// REST API. Returns an error if the engine event is unknown or not in an expected format.
// EngineEvent.{ Sequence, Timestamp } are expected to be set by the caller.
func convertEngineEvent(e engine.Event) (apitype.EngineEvent, error) {
var apiEvent apitype.EngineEvent
// Error to return if the payload doesn't match expected.
eventTypePayloadMismatch := errors.Errorf("unexpected payload for event type %v", e.Type)
switch e.Type {
case engine.CancelEvent:
apiEvent.CancelEvent = &apitype.CancelEvent{}
case engine.StdoutColorEvent:
p, ok := e.Payload.(engine.StdoutEventPayload)
if !ok {
return apiEvent, eventTypePayloadMismatch
apiEvent.StdoutEvent = &apitype.StdoutEngineEvent{
Message: p.Message,
Color: string(p.Color),
case engine.DiagEvent:
p, ok := e.Payload.(engine.DiagEventPayload)
if !ok {
return apiEvent, eventTypePayloadMismatch
apiEvent.DiagnosticEvent = &apitype.DiagnosticEvent{
URN: string(p.URN),
Prefix: p.Prefix,
Message: p.Message,
Color: string(p.Color),
Severity: string(p.Severity),
Ephemeral: p.Ephemeral,
case engine.PreludeEvent:
p, ok := e.Payload.(engine.PreludeEventPayload)
if !ok {
return apiEvent, eventTypePayloadMismatch
// Convert the config bag.
cfg := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range p.Config {
cfg[k] = v
apiEvent.PreludeEvent = &apitype.PreludeEvent{
Config: cfg,
case engine.SummaryEvent:
p, ok := e.Payload.(engine.SummaryEventPayload)
if !ok {
return apiEvent, eventTypePayloadMismatch
// Convert the resource changes.
changes := make(map[string]int)
for op, count := range p.ResourceChanges {
changes[string(op)] = count
apiEvent.SummaryEvent = &apitype.SummaryEvent{
MaybeCorrupt: p.MaybeCorrupt,
DurationSeconds: int(p.Duration.Seconds()),
ResourceChanges: changes,
case engine.ResourcePreEvent:
p, ok := e.Payload.(engine.ResourcePreEventPayload)
if !ok {
return apiEvent, eventTypePayloadMismatch
apiEvent.ResourcePreEvent = &apitype.ResourcePreEvent{
Metadata: convertStepEventMetadata(p.Metadata),
Planning: p.Planning,
case engine.ResourceOutputsEvent:
p, ok := e.Payload.(engine.ResourceOutputsEventPayload)
if !ok {
return apiEvent, eventTypePayloadMismatch
apiEvent.ResOutputsEvent = &apitype.ResOutputsEvent{
Metadata: convertStepEventMetadata(p.Metadata),
Planning: p.Planning,
case engine.ResourceOperationFailed:
p, ok := e.Payload.(engine.ResourceOperationFailedPayload)
if !ok {
return apiEvent, eventTypePayloadMismatch
apiEvent.ResOpFailedEvent = &apitype.ResOpFailedEvent{
Metadata: convertStepEventMetadata(p.Metadata),
Status: int(p.Status),
Steps: p.Steps,
return apiEvent, errors.Errorf("unknown event type %q", e.Type)
return apiEvent, nil