James Nugent a291c44a0f Update protogen script to use build container
This updates the protocol buffers generation script in the SDK to use
the main Pulumi Build Container instead of a custom Docker image.

Note there are some path differences owing to the manner in which the
tools are installed in the Build Container, however the actual tool
instantiations are very similar.
2020-02-28 11:52:22 +00:00

91 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script regenerates all Protobuf/gRPC client files.
# For now, it must be run manually, and the results are checked into source control. Eventually we
# might choose to automate this process as part of the overall build so that it's less manual and
# hence error prone.
# This script relies only on Docker. The container holds the installation of gRPC, tools, etc., for
# different languages, so nothing is else required to be installed on your machine. We use the
# standard Pulumi build container.
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# First pull the image for the Pulumi Build Container
echo "* Pulling Pulumi Build Container:"
docker pull "pulumi/pulumi-build-container:${PULUMI_BUILD_CONTAINER_VERSION}"
DOCKER_RUN="docker run -it --rm -w /local -v $(pwd)/../python:/python -v $(pwd)/../nodejs:/nodejs -v $(pwd):/local pulumi/pulumi-build-container:${PULUMI_BUILD_CONTAINER_VERSION}"
# `status.proto` is in our source tree so that we can implement initialization failure in the
# dynamic client (written in JS) using the protobuf notion of "details" -- arbitrary protobuf
# messages packaged up inside of an error. Hence, `JS_PROTO_FILES` includes it and `PROTO_FILES`
# does not.
PROTO_FILES=$(find . -name "*.proto" -not -name "status.proto")
JS_PROTO_FILES=$(find . -name "*.proto")
echo "* Generating Protobuf/gRPC SDK files:"
echo -e "\tVERSION: $($PROTOC --version)"
echo -e "Generated by version $($PROTOC --version | head -n1) of protoc" > ./grpc_version.txt
mkdir -p $GO_PULUMIRPC
# Protoc for JavaScript has a bug where it emits Google Closure Compiler directives in the module prologue that mutate
# the global object, which causes side-by-side bugs in pulumi/pulumi (pulumi/pulumi#2401). The protoc compiler
# absolutely should not be emitting commonjs modules that mutate global, but alas, it does, and we have to sed the
# output to not do that.
# We're replacing the literal code string
# var global = Function('return this')();
# with
# var proto = { pulumirpc: {} }, global = proto;
# This sets up the remainder of the protobuf file so that it works fine, but doesn't mess with global.
$DOCKER_RUN /bin/bash -c 'set -x && JS_PULUMIRPC=/nodejs/proto && \
JS_PROTOFLAGS="import_style=commonjs,binary" && \
JS_HACK_PROTOS=$(find . -name "*.proto" -not -name "status.proto") && \
echo -e "\tJS: $JS_PULUMIRPC [$JS_PROTOFLAGS]" && \
TEMP_DIR=/tmp/nodejs-build && \
echo -e "\tJS temp dir: $TEMP_DIR" && \
mkdir -p "$TEMP_DIR" && \
protoc --js_out=$JS_PROTOFLAGS:$JS_PULUMIRPC --grpc_out=minimum_node_version=6:$JS_PULUMIRPC --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/usr/bin/grpc_tools_node_protoc_plugin status.proto && \
protoc --js_out=$JS_PROTOFLAGS:$TEMP_DIR --grpc_out=minimum_node_version=6:$TEMP_DIR --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/usr/bin/grpc_tools_node_protoc_plugin $JS_HACK_PROTOS && \
sed -i "s/^var global = .*;/var proto = { pulumirpc: {} }, global = proto;/" "$TEMP_DIR"/*.js && \
cp "$TEMP_DIR"/*.js "$JS_PULUMIRPC"'
function on_exit() {
rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
# Protoc for Python has a bug where, if your proto files are all in the same directory relative
# to one another, imports of said proto files will produce imports that don't work using Python 3.
# Since our proto files are all in the same directory, this little bit of sed rewrites the broken
# imports that protoc produces, of the form
# import foo_pb2 as bar
# to the form
# from . import foo_pb2 as bar
# This form is semantically equivalent and is accepted by both Python 2 and Python 3.
trap on_exit EXIT
echo -e "\tPython temp dir: $TEMP_DIR"
$DOCKER_RUN /bin/bash -c 'PY_PULUMIRPC=/python/lib/pulumi/runtime/proto/ && \
echo -e "\tPython: $PY_PULUMIRPC" && \
TEMP_DIR="/tmp/python-build" && \
echo -e "\tPython temp dir: $TEMP_DIR" && \
mkdir -p "$TEMP_DIR" && \
python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./ --python_out="$TEMP_DIR" --grpc_python_out="$TEMP_DIR" *.proto && \
sed -i "s/^import \([^ ]*\)_pb2 as \([^ ]*\)$/from . import \1_pb2 as \2/" "$TEMP_DIR"/*.py && \
cp "$TEMP_DIR"/*.py "$PY_PULUMIRPC"'
echo "* Done."