
722 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package integration
import (
// RuntimeValidationStackInfo contains details related to the stack that runtime validation logic may want to use.
type RuntimeValidationStackInfo struct {
Checkpoint stack.Checkpoint
Snapshot deploy.Snapshot
RootResource resource.State
Outputs map[string]interface{}
// EditDir is an optional edit to apply to the example, as subsequent deployments.
type EditDir struct {
Dir string
ExtraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, stack RuntimeValidationStackInfo)
Additive bool // set to true to keep the prior test dir, applying this edit atop.
// Stdout is the writer to use for all stdout messages.
Stdout io.Writer
// Stderr is the writer to use for all stderr messages.
Stderr io.Writer
// Verbose may be set to true to print messages as they occur, rather than buffering and showing upon failure.
Verbose bool
// TestCommandStats is a collection of data related to running a single command during a test.
type TestCommandStats struct {
// StartTime is the time at which the command was started
StartTime string `json:"startTime"`
// EndTime is the time at which the command exited
EndTime string `json:"endTime"`
// ElapsedSeconds is the time at which the command exited
ElapsedSeconds float64 `json:"elapsedSeconds"`
// StackName is the name of the stack
StackName string `json:"stackName"`
// TestId is the unique ID of the test run
TestID string `json:"testId"`
// StepName is the command line which was invoked1
StepName string `json:"stepName"`
// CommandLine is the command line which was invoked1
CommandLine string `json:"commandLine"`
// TestName is the name of the directory in which the test was executed
TestName string `json:"testName"`
// IsError is true if the command failed
IsError bool `json:"isError"`
// TestStatsReporter reports results and metadata from a test run.
type TestStatsReporter interface {
ReportCommand(stats TestCommandStats)
// ProgramTestOptions provides options for ProgramTest
type ProgramTestOptions struct {
// Dir is the program directory to test.
Dir string
// Array of NPM packages which must be `yarn linked` (e.g. {"pulumi", "@pulumi/aws"})
Dependencies []string
// Map of config keys and values to set (e.g. {"aws:config:region": "us-east-2"})
Config map[string]string
// Map of secure config keys and values to set on the Lumi stack (e.g. {"aws:config:region": "us-east-2"})
Secrets map[string]string
// EditDirs is an optional list of edits to apply to the example, as subsequent deployments.
EditDirs []EditDir
// ExtraRuntimeValidation is an optional callback for additional validation, called before applying edits.
ExtraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, stack RuntimeValidationStackInfo)
// RelativeWorkDir is an optional path relative to `Dir` which should be used as working directory during tests.
RelativeWorkDir string
// Quick can be set to true to run a "quick" test that skips any non-essential steps (e.g., empty updates).
Quick bool
// StackName allows the stack name to be explicitly provided instead of computed from the
// environment during tests.
StackName string
// ReportStats optionally specifies how to report results from the test for external collection.
ReportStats TestStatsReporter
// Stdout is the writer to use for all stdout messages.
Stdout io.Writer
// Stderr is the writer to use for all stderr messages.
Stderr io.Writer
// Verbose may be set to true to print messages as they occur, rather than buffering and showing upon failure.
Verbose bool
// DebugLogging may be set to anything >0 to enable excessively verbose debug logging from `pulumi`. This is
// equivalent to `--logtostderr -v=N`, where N is the value of DebugLogLevel. This may also be enabled by setting
// the environment variable PULUMI_TEST_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL.
DebugLogLevel int
// DebugUpdates may be set to true to enable debug logging from `pulumi preview`, `pulumi update`, and
// `pulumi destroy`. This may also be enabled by setting the environment variable PULUMI_TEST_DEBUG_UPDATES.
DebugUpdates bool
// Bin is a location of a `pulumi` executable to be run. Taken from the $PATH if missing.
Bin string
// YarnBin is a location of a `yarn` executable to be run. Taken from the $PATH if missing.
YarnBin string
func (opts *ProgramTestOptions) PulumiCmd(args []string) []string {
cmd := []string{opts.Bin}
if du := opts.GetDebugLogLevel(); du > 0 {
cmd = append(cmd, "--logtostderr")
cmd = append(cmd, "-v="+strconv.Itoa(du))
return append(cmd, args...)
func (opts *ProgramTestOptions) GetDebugLogLevel() int {
if opts.DebugLogLevel > 0 {
return opts.DebugLogLevel
if du := os.Getenv("PULUMI_TEST_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL"); du != "" {
if n, _ := strconv.Atoi(du); n > 0 { // nolint: gas
return n
return 0
func (opts *ProgramTestOptions) GetDebugUpdates() bool {
return opts.DebugUpdates || os.Getenv("PULUMI_TEST_DEBUG_UPDATES") != ""
// GetStackName returns a stack name to use for this test.
func (opts *ProgramTestOptions) GetStackName() tokens.QName {
if opts.StackName == "" {
// Fetch the host and test dir names, cleaned so to contain just [a-zA-Z0-9-_] chars.
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "failure to fetch hostname for stack prefix")
var host string
for _, c := range hostname {
if len(host) >= 10 {
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '_' {
host += string(c)
var test string
for _, c := range filepath.Base(opts.Dir) {
if len(test) >= 10 {
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '_' {
test += string(c)
opts.StackName = strings.ToLower("p-it-" + host + "-" + test)
return tokens.QName(opts.StackName)
// With combines a source set of options with a set of overrides.
func (opts ProgramTestOptions) With(overrides ProgramTestOptions) ProgramTestOptions {
if overrides.Dir != "" {
opts.Dir = overrides.Dir
if overrides.Dependencies != nil {
opts.Dependencies = overrides.Dependencies
for k, v := range overrides.Config {
if opts.Config == nil {
opts.Config = make(map[string]string)
opts.Config[k] = v
for k, v := range overrides.Secrets {
if opts.Secrets == nil {
opts.Secrets = make(map[string]string)
opts.Secrets[k] = v
if overrides.EditDirs != nil {
opts.EditDirs = overrides.EditDirs
if overrides.ExtraRuntimeValidation != nil {
opts.ExtraRuntimeValidation = overrides.ExtraRuntimeValidation
if overrides.RelativeWorkDir != "" {
opts.RelativeWorkDir = overrides.RelativeWorkDir
if overrides.ReportStats != nil {
opts.ReportStats = overrides.ReportStats
return opts
// ProgramTest runs a lifecycle of Pulumi commands in a program working directory, using the `pulumi` and `yarn`
// binaries available on PATH. It essentially executes the following workflow:
// yarn install
// yarn link <each opts.Depencies>
// yarn run build
// pulumi init
// pulumi stack init integrationtesting
// pulumi config set <each opts.Config>
// pulumi config set --secret <each opts.Secrets>
// pulumi preview
// pulumi update
// pulumi preview (expected to be empty)
// pulumi update (expected to be empty)
// pulumi destroy --yes
// pulumi stack rm --yes integrationtesting
// All commands must return success return codes for the test to succeed.
func ProgramTest(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions) {
TestLifeCycleInitAndDestroy(t, opts, testPreviewUpdateAndEdits)
func TestLifeCycleInitAndDestroy(
t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions,
between func(*testing.T, *ProgramTestOptions, string) string) {
dir, err := TestLifeCycleInitialize(t, opts)
if err != nil {
// Ensure that before we exit, we attempt to destroy and remove the stack.
defer func() {
TestLifeCycleDestroy(t, opts, dir)
dir = between(t, opts, dir)
func TestLifeCycleInitialize(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions) (string, error) {
stackName := opts.GetStackName()
// Perform the initial stack creation.
dir, err := CopyTestToTemporaryDirectory(t, opts)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
return "", err
// If RelativeWorkDir is specified, apply that relative to the temp folder for use as working directory during tests.
if opts.RelativeWorkDir != "" {
dir = path.Join(dir, opts.RelativeWorkDir)
// Ensure all links are present, the stack is created, and all configs are applied.
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Initializing project (dir %s; stack %s)\n", dir, stackName)
if err = RunCommand(t, "pulumi-init",
opts.PulumiCmd([]string{"init"}), dir, opts); err != nil {
return "", err
if err = RunCommand(t, "pulumi-stack-init",
opts.PulumiCmd([]string{"stack", "init", "--local", string(stackName)}), dir, opts); err != nil {
return "", err
for key, value := range opts.Config {
if err = RunCommand(t, "pulumi-config",
opts.PulumiCmd([]string{"config", "set", key, value}), dir, opts); err != nil {
return "", err
for key, value := range opts.Secrets {
if err = RunCommand(t, "pulumi-config",
opts.PulumiCmd([]string{"config", "set", "--secret", key, value}), dir, opts); err != nil {
return "", err
return dir, nil
func TestLifeCycleDestroy(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions, dir string) {
stackName := opts.GetStackName()
destroy := opts.PulumiCmd([]string{"destroy", "--yes"})
if opts.GetDebugUpdates() {
destroy = append(destroy, "-d")
// Finally, tear down the stack, and clean up the stack. Ignore errors to try to get as clean as possible.
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Destroying stack\n")
err := RunCommand(t, "pulumi-destroy", destroy, dir, opts)
err = RunCommand(t, "pulumi-stack-rm", opts.PulumiCmd([]string{"stack", "rm", "--yes", string(stackName)}), dir, opts)
func testPreviewUpdateAndEdits(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions, dir string) string {
// Now preview and update the real changes.
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Performing primary preview and update\n")
initErr := previewAndUpdate(t, opts, dir, "initial")
// If the initial preview/update failed, just exit without trying the rest (but make sure to destroy).
if initErr != nil {
return dir
// Perform an empty preview and update; nothing is expected to happen here.
if !opts.Quick {
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Performing empty preview and update (no changes expected)\n")
if err := previewAndUpdate(t, opts, dir, "empty"); err != nil {
return dir
// Run additional validation provided by the test options, passing in the checkpoint info.
if err := performExtraRuntimeValidation(t, opts, opts.ExtraRuntimeValidation, dir); err != nil {
return dir
// If there are any edits, apply them and run a preview and update for each one.
return testEdits(t, opts, dir)
func previewAndUpdate(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions, dir string, name string) error {
preview := opts.PulumiCmd([]string{"preview"})
update := opts.PulumiCmd([]string{"update", "--color=raw"})
if opts.GetDebugUpdates() {
preview = append(preview, "-d")
update = append(update, "-d")
if !opts.Quick {
if err := RunCommand(t, "pulumi-preview-"+name, preview, dir, opts); err != nil {
return err
if err := RunCommand(t, "pulumi-update-"+name, update, dir, opts); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func testEdits(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions, dir string) string {
for i, edit := range opts.EditDirs {
dir = testEdit(t, opts, dir, i, edit)
return dir
func testEdit(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions, dir string, i int, edit EditDir) string {
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "Applying edit '%v' and rerunning preview and update\n", edit.Dir)
var err error
dir, err = prepareProject(t, opts, edit.Dir, dir, edit.Additive)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected to apply edit %v atop %v, but got an error %v", edit, dir, err) {
return dir
oldStdOut := opts.Stdout
oldStderr := opts.Stderr
oldVerbose := opts.Verbose
if edit.Stdout != nil {
opts.Stdout = edit.Stdout
if edit.Stderr != nil {
opts.Stderr = edit.Stderr
if edit.Verbose {
opts.Verbose = true
defer func() {
opts.Stdout = oldStdOut
opts.Stderr = oldStderr
opts.Verbose = oldVerbose
if err = previewAndUpdate(t, opts, dir, fmt.Sprintf("edit-%d", i)); err != nil {
return dir
if err = performExtraRuntimeValidation(t, opts, edit.ExtraRuntimeValidation, dir); err != nil {
return dir
return dir
func performExtraRuntimeValidation(
t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions,
extraRuntimeValidation func(t *testing.T, stack RuntimeValidationStackInfo), dir string) error {
if extraRuntimeValidation == nil {
return nil
stackName := opts.GetStackName()
// Load up the checkpoint file from .pulumi/stacks/<project-name>/<stack-name>.json.
ws, err := workspace.NewFrom(dir)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "expected to load project workspace at %v: %v", dir, err) {
return err
chk, err := stack.GetCheckpoint(ws, stackName)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "expected to load checkpoint file for target %v: %v", stackName, err) {
return err
} else if !assert.NotNil(t, chk, "expected checkpoint file to be populated from %v: %v", stackName, err) {
return errors.New("missing checkpoint")
// Deserialize snapshot from checkpoint
snapshot, err := stack.DeserializeCheckpoint(chk)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "expected checkpoint deserialization to succeed") {
return err
} else if !assert.NotNil(t, snapshot, "expected snapshot to be populated from checkpoint file %v", stackName) {
return errors.New("missing snapshot")
// Get root resources from snapshot
rootResource, outputs := stack.GetRootStackResource(snapshot)
if !assert.NotNil(t, rootResource, "expected root resource to be populated from snapshot file %v", stackName) {
return errors.New("missing root resource")
// Populate stack info object with all of this data to pass to the validation function
stackInfo := RuntimeValidationStackInfo{
Checkpoint: *chk,
Snapshot: *snapshot,
RootResource: *rootResource,
Outputs: outputs,
extraRuntimeValidation(t, stackInfo)
return nil
// CopyTestToTemporaryDirectory creates a temporary directory to run the test in and copies the test to it.
func CopyTestToTemporaryDirectory(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions) (dir string, err error) {
// Ensure the required programs are present.
if opts.Bin == "" {
var pulumi string
pulumi, err = exec.LookPath("pulumi")
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected to find `pulumi` binary on $PATH: %v", err) {
return dir, err
opts.Bin = pulumi
if opts.YarnBin == "" {
var yarn string
yarn, err = exec.LookPath("yarn")
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Expected to find `yarn` binary on $PATH: %v", err) {
return dir, err
opts.YarnBin = yarn
// Set up a prefix so that all output has the test directory name in it. This is important for debugging
// because we run tests in parallel, and so all output will be interleaved and difficult to follow otherwise.
dir = opts.Dir
var prefix string
if len(dir) <= 30 {
prefix = fmt.Sprintf("[ %30.30s ] ", dir)
} else {
prefix = fmt.Sprintf("[ %30.30s ] ", dir[len(dir)-30:])
stdout := opts.Stdout
if stdout == nil {
stdout = newPrefixer(os.Stdout, prefix)
opts.Stdout = stdout
stderr := opts.Stderr
if stderr == nil {
stderr = newPrefixer(os.Stderr, prefix)
opts.Stderr = stderr
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "sample: %v\n", dir)
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "pulumi: %v\n", opts.Bin)
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "yarn: %v\n", opts.YarnBin)
// Now copy the source project, excluding the .pulumi directory.
dir, err = prepareProject(t, opts, dir, "", false)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to copy source project %v to a new temp dir: %v", dir, err) {
return dir, err
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "projdir: %v\n", dir)
return dir, err
// RunCommand executes the specified command and additional arguments, wrapping any output in the
// specialized test output streams that list the location the test is running in.
func RunCommand(t *testing.T, name string, args []string, wd string, opts *ProgramTestOptions) error {
path := args[0]
command := strings.Join(args, " ")
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stdout, "**** Invoke '%v' in '%v'\n", command, wd)
// Spawn a goroutine to print out "still running..." messages.
finished := false
go func() {
for !finished {
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
if !finished {
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stderr, "Still running command '%s' (%s)...\n", command, wd)
var env []string
env = append(env, os.Environ()...)
env = append(env, "PULUMI_RETAIN_CHECKPOINTS=true")
env = append(env, "PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE=correct horse battery staple")
cmd := exec.Cmd{
Path: path,
Dir: wd,
Args: args,
Env: env,
startTime := time.Now()
var runout []byte
var runerr error
if opts.Verbose || os.Getenv("PULUMI_VERBOSE_TEST") != "" {
cmd.Stdout = opts.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = opts.Stderr
runerr = cmd.Run()
} else {
runout, runerr = cmd.CombinedOutput()
endTime := time.Now()
if opts.ReportStats != nil {
// Note: This data is archived and used by external analytics tools. Take care if changing the schema or format
// of this data.
StartTime: startTime.Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05"),
EndTime: endTime.Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05"),
ElapsedSeconds: float64((endTime.Sub(startTime)).Nanoseconds()) / 1000000000,
StepName: name,
CommandLine: command,
StackName: string(opts.GetStackName()),
TestID: wd,
TestName: filepath.Base(opts.Dir),
IsError: runerr != nil,
finished = true
if runerr != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stderr, "Invoke '%v' failed: %s\n", command, cmdutil.DetailedError(runerr))
if !opts.Verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Stderr, "%s\n", string(runout))
assert.NoError(t, runerr, "Expected to successfully invoke '%v' in %v: %v", command, wd, runerr)
return runerr
// prepareProject copies the source directory, src (excluding .pulumi), to a new temporary directory. It then copies
// .pulumi/ and Pulumi.yaml from origin, if any, for edits. The function returns the newly resulting directory.
func prepareProject(t *testing.T, opts *ProgramTestOptions, src, origin string, additive bool) (string, error) {
stackName := opts.GetStackName()
var dir string
// If additive, keep the existing directory. Otherwise, create a new one.
if additive {
dir = origin
} else {
// Create a new temp directory.
var err error
dir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", string(stackName)+"-")
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Now copy the source into it, ignoring .pulumi/ and Pulumi.yaml if there's an origin.
wdir := workspace.BookkeepingDir
proj := workspace.ProjectFile + ".yaml"
excl := make(map[string]bool)
if origin != "" {
excl[wdir] = true
excl[proj] = true
if copyerr := fsutil.CopyFile(dir, src, excl); copyerr != nil {
return "", copyerr
projfile := filepath.Join(dir, proj)
if !additive {
// Now, copy back the original project's .pulumi/ and Pulumi.yaml atop the target.
if origin != "" {
if copyerr := fsutil.CopyFile(projfile, filepath.Join(origin, proj), nil); copyerr != nil {
return "", copyerr
if copyerr := fsutil.CopyFile(filepath.Join(dir, wdir), filepath.Join(origin, wdir), nil); copyerr != nil {
return "", copyerr
// Write a .yarnrc file to pass --mutex network to all yarn invocations, since tests
// may run concurrently and yarn may fail if invoked concurrently
// https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/683
yarnrcerr := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, ".yarnrc"), []byte("--mutex network\n"), 0644)
if yarnrcerr != nil {
return "", yarnrcerr
// Load up the package so we can run Yarn in the correct location.
pkginfo, err := engine.ReadPackage(projfile)
if err != nil {
return "", err
cwd, _, err := pkginfo.GetPwdMain()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if opts.RelativeWorkDir != "" {
cwd = path.Join(cwd, opts.RelativeWorkDir)
// Now ensure dependencies are present.
if insterr := RunCommand(t,
withOptionalYarnFlags([]string{opts.YarnBin, "install", "--verbose"}), cwd, opts); insterr != nil {
return "", insterr
for _, dependency := range opts.Dependencies {
if linkerr := RunCommand(t,
withOptionalYarnFlags([]string{opts.YarnBin, "link", dependency}), cwd, opts); linkerr != nil {
return "", linkerr
// And finally compile it using whatever build steps are in the package.json file.
if builderr := RunCommand(t,
withOptionalYarnFlags([]string{opts.YarnBin, "run", "build"}), cwd, opts); builderr != nil {
return "", builderr
return dir, nil
func withOptionalYarnFlags(args []string) []string {
flags := os.Getenv("YARNFLAGS")
if flags != "" {
return append(args, flags)
return args
type prefixer struct {
writer io.Writer
prefix []byte
anyOutput bool
// newPrefixer wraps an io.Writer, prepending a fixed prefix after each \n emitting on the wrapped writer
func newPrefixer(writer io.Writer, prefix string) *prefixer {
return &prefixer{writer, []byte(prefix), false}
var _ io.Writer = (*prefixer)(nil)
func (prefixer *prefixer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n := 0
lines := bytes.SplitAfter(p, []byte{'\n'})
for _, line := range lines {
if len(line) > 0 {
_, err := prefixer.writer.Write(prefixer.prefix)
if err != nil {
return n, err
m, err := prefixer.writer.Write(line)
n += m
if err != nil {
return n, err
return n, nil