joeduffy 5bf43743ab Add a rudimentary toString runtime helper
This just works around some limitations that will exist until
we do the runtime work next sprint, and achieve pulumi/lumi#169.
2017-07-17 13:43:59 -07:00

474 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package eval
import (
func isFunction(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
contract.Assert(this == nil) // module function
contract.Assert(len(args) == 1) // just one arg: the object to inquire about functionness
_, isfunc := args[0].Type().(*symbols.FunctionType)
ret := rt.Bools[isfunc]
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(ret)
func defaultIfComputed(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
contract.Assert(this == nil) // module function.
if len(args) <= 0 {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Missing 'obj' argument")
} else if len(args) <= 1 {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Missing 'def' argument")
// If the object is computed, return def; otherwise, just return obj.
obj := args[0]
if obj.IsComputed() {
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(args[1])
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(obj)
func dynamicInvoke(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
contract.Assert(this == nil) // module function
contract.Assert(len(args) == 3) // three args: obj, thisArg, and args
// First ensure the target is a function.
t := args[0].Type()
if _, isfunc := t.(*symbols.FunctionType); !isfunc {
return e.NewIllegalInvokeTargetException(intrin.Tree(), t)
// Fetch the function stub information (ignoring `this`, since we will pass our own).
stub := args[0].FunctionValue()
// Next, simply call through to the evalCall function, which will do all additional verification.
stub.This = this // adjust this before the call (note this doesn't mutate the source stub; it's by-value).
obj, uw := e.evalCallFuncStub(intrin.Tree(), stub, args...)
if uw != nil {
return uw
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(obj)
func objectKeys(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
var arr []*rt.Pointer
if len(args) >= 1 && args[0] != nil {
o := args[0]
names := o.Properties().Stable()
for _, name := range names {
namePtr := rt.NewPointer(rt.NewStringObject(string(name)), true, nil, nil)
arr = append(arr, namePtr)
arrObj := rt.NewArrayObject(types.String, &arr)
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(arrObj)
func printf(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
var message *rt.Object
if len(args) >= 1 {
message = args[0]
} else {
message = rt.Null
// TODO[pulumi/lumi#169]: Move this to use a proper ToString() conversion.
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(nil)
func toString(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
var obj *rt.Object
if len(args) >= 1 {
obj = args[0]
} else {
obj = rt.Null
// TODO[pulumi/lumi#169]: Move this to use a proper ToString() conversion.
s := rt.NewStringObject(obj.String())
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(s)
func sha1hash(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
var str *rt.Object
if len(args) >= 1 {
str = args[0]
} else {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected a single argument string.")
if !str.IsString() {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected a single argument string.")
hasher := sha1.New()
byts := []byte(str.StringValue())
if _, err := hasher.Write(byts); err != nil {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Failed to write out SHA1 bytes: %v", err)
sum := hasher.Sum(nil)
hash := hex.EncodeToString(sum)
hashObj := rt.NewStringObject(hash)
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(hashObj)
type closureSerializer struct {
node diag.Diagable
e *evaluator
envEntryCache map[*rt.Object]*rt.Object
func (s *closureSerializer) envEntryObjFor(obj *rt.Object) *rt.Object {
envEntry, ok := s.envEntryCache[obj]
if !ok {
props := rt.NewPropertyMap()
envEntry = rt.NewObject(types.Dynamic, nil, props, nil)
s.envEntryCache[obj] = envEntry
if obj.IsFunction() {
// Serialize functions using serializeClosure
stub := obj.FunctionValue()
lambda, ok := stub.Func.(*ast.LambdaExpression)
if ok {
props.Set("closure", s.serializeClosure(stub, lambda))
} else if obj.IsBool() || obj.IsString() || obj.IsNumber() || obj.IsNull() {
// Else if it's a primitive, pass through the object to serialize
props.Set("json", obj)
} else {
// Else it's an object, and we recursively serialize it's properties.
newObjProps := rt.NewPropertyMap()
ownProps := obj.PropertyValues().Stable()
for _, propKey := range ownProps {
propPointer := obj.GetPropertyAddr(propKey, false, true)
propObj := propPointer.Obj()
newValue := s.envEntryObjFor(propObj)
newObjProps.Set(propKey, newValue)
props.Set("obj", rt.NewObject(types.Dynamic, nil, newObjProps, nil))
return envEntry
func (s *closureSerializer) serializeClosure(stub rt.FuncStub, lambda *ast.LambdaExpression) *rt.Object {
envPropMap := rt.NewPropertyMap()
for _, tok := range binder.FreeVars(stub.Func) {
var name tokens.Name
contract.Assertf(tok.Simple() || (tok.HasModule() && tok.HasModuleMember() && !tok.HasClassMember()),
"Expected free variable to be simple name or reference to top-level module name")
if tok.Simple() {
name = tok.Name()
} else {
name = tokens.Name(tok.ModuleMember().Name())
pv := getDynamicNameAddrCore(stub.Env, stub.Module, name)
if pv != nil {
o := pv.Obj()
entry := s.envEntryObjFor(o)
envPropMap.Set(rt.PropertyKey(name), entry)
// Else the variable was not found, so we skip serializing it.
// This will be true for references to globals which are not known to Lumi but
// will be available within the runtime environment.
// Build up the properties for the returned Closure object
props := rt.NewPropertyMap()
props.Set("code", rt.NewStringObject(lambda.SourceText))
props.Set("signature", rt.NewStringObject(string(stub.Sig.Token())))
props.Set("language", rt.NewStringObject(lambda.SourceLanguage))
props.Set("environment", rt.NewObject(types.Dynamic, nil, envPropMap, nil))
return rt.NewObject(types.Dynamic, nil, props, nil)
func serializeClosure(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
contract.Assert(this == nil) // module function
contract.Assert(len(args) == 1) // one arg: func
stub, ok := args[0].TryFunctionValue()
if !ok {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected argument 'func' to be a function value.")
lambda, ok := stub.Func.(*ast.LambdaExpression)
if !ok {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected argument 'func' to be a lambda expression.")
closureSerializer := &closureSerializer{
node: intrin.Tree(),
e: e,
envEntryCache: map[*rt.Object]*rt.Object{},
closure := closureSerializer.serializeClosure(stub, lambda)
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(closure)
func checkGetArray(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object) (*[]*rt.Pointer, *rt.Unwind) {
if this == nil || this.IsNull() {
return nil, e.NewNullObjectException(intrin.Tree())
} else if !this.IsArray() {
return nil, e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected receiver to be an array value")
arr := this.ArrayValue()
if arr == nil {
return nil, e.NewNullObjectException(intrin.Tree())
return arr, nil
func arrayGetLength(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
arr, uw := checkGetArray(intrin, e, this)
if uw != nil {
return uw
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(rt.NewNumberObject(float64(len(*arr))))
func arraySetLength(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
arr, uw := checkGetArray(intrin, e, this)
if uw != nil {
return uw
// Get and convert the 1st argument to a number.
lengthFloat, ok := args[0].TryNumberValue()
if !ok {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected length argument to be a number value")
length := int(lengthFloat)
if length < 0 {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected length argument to be a positive number value")
// Update the size of the array to the requested length.
newArr := make([]*rt.Pointer, length)
copy(*arr, newArr)
*arr = newArr
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(nil)
// arrayPush implements Array.prototype.push. It adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new
// length of the array. Please see the following link for details:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/push.
func arrayPush(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
arr, uw := checkGetArray(intrin, e, this)
if uw != nil {
return uw
for _, arg := range args {
ptr := rt.NewPointer(arg, false, nil, nil)
*arr = append(*arr, ptr)
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(rt.NewNumberObject(float64(len(*arr))))
// arrayPop implements Array.prototype.pop. It removes the last element from an array and returns that element.
// This method changes the length of the array. Please see the following link for details:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/pop.
func arrayPop(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
arr, uw := checkGetArray(intrin, e, this)
if uw != nil {
return uw
var ret *rt.Object
if al := len(*arr); al > 0 {
ret = ((*arr)[al-1]).Obj()
*arr = (*arr)[:al-1]
} else {
ret = rt.Null
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(ret)
func stringGetLength(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
if this == nil || this.IsNull() {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected receiver to be non-null")
if !this.IsString() {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected receiver to be an string value")
str := this.StringValue()
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(rt.NewNumberObject(float64(len(str))))
func stringToLowerCase(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
if this == nil || this.IsNull() {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected receiver to be non-null")
if !this.IsString() {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected receiver to be a string value")
str := this.StringValue()
out := strings.ToLower(str)
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(rt.NewStringObject(out))
func stringToUpperCase(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
if this == nil || this.IsNull() {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected receiver to be non-null")
if !this.IsString() {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Expected receiver to be a string value")
str := this.StringValue()
out := strings.ToUpper(str)
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(rt.NewStringObject(out))
type jsonSerializer struct {
stack map[*rt.Object]bool
intrin *rt.Intrinsic
e *evaluator
// See https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2017/#sec-serializejsonproperty
func (s jsonSerializer) serializeJSONProperty(o *rt.Object) (string, *rt.Unwind) {
if o == nil || o.IsNull() {
return "null", nil
} else if o.IsBool() {
if o.BoolValue() {
return "true", nil
return "false", nil
} else if o.IsString() {
return s.quote(o.StringValue()), nil
} else if o.IsNumber() {
return o.String(), nil
} else if o.IsArray() {
return s.serializeJSONArray(o)
return s.serializeJSONObject(o)
// See https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2017/#sec-quotejsonstring
func (s jsonSerializer) quote(str string) string {
escapes := map[rune]string{'\b': "\\b", '\f': "\\f", '\n': "\\n", '\r': "\\r", '\t': "\\t"}
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for _, c := range str {
switch c {
case '"', '\\':
case '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t':
if c < ' ' {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\\u%.4x", c))
} else {
return buffer.String()
// See https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2017/#sec-serializejsonobject
func (s jsonSerializer) serializeJSONObject(o *rt.Object) (string, *rt.Unwind) {
if _, found := s.stack[o]; found {
return "", s.e.NewException(s.intrin.Tree(), "Cannot JSON serialize an object with cyclic references")
s.stack[o] = true
ownProperties := o.Properties().Stable()
isFirst := true
final := "{"
for _, prop := range ownProperties {
propValuePointer := o.GetPropertyAddr(prop, false, false)
contract.Assertf(propValuePointer.Getter() == nil, "Unexpected getter during serialization")
propValue := propValuePointer.Obj()
if propValue == nil {
if isFirst {
final += " "
} else {
final += ", "
isFirst = false
strP, uw := s.serializeJSONProperty(propValue)
if uw != nil {
return "", uw
final += strconv.Quote(string(prop)) + ": " + strP
final += "}"
delete(s.stack, o)
return final, nil
// See https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2017/#sec-serializejsonarray
func (s jsonSerializer) serializeJSONArray(o *rt.Object) (string, *rt.Unwind) {
contract.Assert(o.IsArray()) // expect to be called on an Array
if _, found := s.stack[o]; found {
return "", s.e.NewException(s.intrin.Tree(), "Cannot JSON serialize an object with cyclic references")
s.stack[o] = true
arr := o.ArrayValue()
contract.Assert(arr != nil)
isFirst := true
final := "["
for index := 0; index < len(*arr); index++ {
propValuePointer := (*arr)[index]
contract.Assertf(propValuePointer.Getter() == nil, "Unexpected getter during serialization")
propValue := propValuePointer.Obj()
if isFirst {
final += " "
} else {
final += ", "
isFirst = false
strP, uw := s.serializeJSONProperty(propValue)
if uw != nil {
return "", uw
final += strP
final += "]"
delete(s.stack, o)
return final, nil
// jsonStringify provides JSON serialization of a Lumi object. This implementation follows a subset of
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2017/#sec-json.stringify without `replacer` and `space` arguments.
func jsonStringify(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
contract.Assert(len(args) == 1) // just one arg: the object to stringify
obj := args[0]
if obj == nil {
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(rt.NewStringObject("{}"))
s := jsonSerializer{
str, uw := s.serializeJSONProperty(obj)
if uw != nil {
return uw
return rt.NewReturnUnwind(rt.NewStringObject(str))
func jsonParse(intrin *rt.Intrinsic, e *evaluator, this *rt.Object, args []*rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
return e.NewException(intrin.Tree(), "Not yet implemented - jsonParse")