Luke Hoban af5298f4aa
Initial work on tracing support (#521)
Adds OpenTracing in the Pulumi engine and plugin + langhost subprocesses.

We currently create a single root span for any `Enging.plan` operation - which is a single `preview`, `update`, `destroy`, etc.

The only sub-spans we currently create are at gRPC boundaries, both on the client and server sides and on both the langhost and provider plugin interfaces.

We could extend this to include spans for any other semantically meaningful sections of compute inside the engine, though initial examples show we get pretty good granularity of coverage by focusing on the gRPC boundaries.

In the future, this should be easily extensible to HTTP boundaries and to track other bulky I/O like datastore read/writes once we hook up to the PPC and Pulumi Cloud.

We expose a `--trace <endpoint>` option to enable tracing on the CLI, which we will aim to thread through to subprocesses.

We currently support sending tracing data to a Zipkin-compatible endpoint.  This has been validated with both Zipkin and Jaeger UIs.

We do not yet have any tracing inside the TypeScript side of the JS langhost RPC interface.  There is not yet automatic gRPC OpenTracing instrumentation (though it looks like it's in progress now) - so we would need to manually create meaningful spans on that side of the interface.
2017-11-08 17:08:51 -08:00

160 lines
6.5 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This is the entrypoint for running a Node.js program with minimal scaffolding.
import * as minimist from "minimist";
import * as path from "path";
import { RunError } from "../../errors";
import * as log from "../../log";
import * as runtime from "../../runtime";
const grpc = require("grpc");
const engrpc = require("../../proto/engine_grpc_pb.js");
const langproto = require("../../proto/languages_pb.js");
const langrpc = require("../../proto/languages_grpc_pb.js");
function usage(): void {
console.error(`usage: RUN <flags> [program] <[arg]...>`);
console.error(` where [flags] may include`);
console.error(` --project=p set the project name to p`);
console.error(` --stack=s set the stack name to s`);
console.error(` --config.k=v... set runtime config key k to value v`);
console.error(` --parallel=p run up to p resource operations in parallel (default is serial)`);
console.error(` --dry-run true to simulate resource changes, but without making them`);
console.error(` --pwd=pwd change the working directory before running the program`);
console.error(` --monitor=addr the RPC address for a resource monitor to connect to`);
console.error(` --engine=addr the RPC address for a resource engine to connect to`);
console.error(` --tracing=url a Zipkin-compatible endpoint to send tracing data to`);
console.error(` and [program] is a JavaScript program to run in Node.js, and [arg]... optional args to it.`);
export function main(args: string[]): void {
// See usage above for the intended usage of this program, including flags and required args.
const config: {[key: string]: string} = {};
const argv: minimist.ParsedArgs = minimist(args, {
boolean: [ "dry-run" ],
string: [ "project", "stack", "parallel", "pwd", "monitor", "engine", "tracing" ],
unknown: (arg: string) => {
if (arg.indexOf("-") === 0) {
console.error(`fatal: Unrecognized flag ${arg}`);
return false;
return true;
stopEarly: true,
// If any config variables are present, parse and set them, so the subsequent accesses are fast.
const envObject: {[key: string]: string} = runtime.getConfigEnv();
for (const key of Object.keys(envObject)) {
runtime.setConfig(key, envObject[key]);
// If there is a --project=p, and/or a --stack=s, use them in the options.
const project: string | undefined = argv["project"];
const stack: string | undefined = argv["stack"];
// If there is a --pwd directive, switch directories.
const pwd: string | undefined = argv["pwd"];
if (pwd) {
// If resource parallelism was requested, turn it on.
let parallel: number | undefined;
if (argv["parallel"]) {
parallel = parseInt(argv["parallel"], 10);
if (isNaN(parallel)) {
console.error(`error: --parallel flag must specify a number: ${argv["parallel"]} is not a number`);
// If ther is a --dry-run directive, flip the switch. This controls whether we are planning vs. really doing it.
const dryRun: boolean = !!(argv["dry-run"]);
// If there is a monitor argument, connect to it.
let monitor: Object | undefined;
const monitorAddr: string | undefined = argv["monitor"];
if (monitorAddr) {
monitor = new langrpc.ResourceMonitorClient(monitorAddr, grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
// If there is an engine argument, connect to it too.
let engine: Object | undefined;
const engineAddr: string | undefined = argv["engine"];
if (engineAddr) {
engine = new engrpc.EngineClient(engineAddr, grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
// Now configure the runtime and get it ready to run the program.
project: project,
stack: stack,
dryRun: dryRun,
parallel: parallel,
monitor: monitor,
engine: engine,
// Pluck out the program and arguments.
if (argv._.length === 0) {
console.error("fatal: Missing program to execute");
let program: string = argv._[0];
if (program.indexOf(".") === 0) {
// If there was a pwd change, make this relative to it.
if (pwd) {
program = path.join(pwd, program);
} else if (program.indexOf("/") !== 0) {
// Neither absolute nor relative module, we refuse to execute it.
console.error(`fatal: Program path '${program}' must be an absolute or relative path to the program`);
// Now fake out the process-wide argv, to make the program think it was run normally.
const programArgs: string[] = argv._.slice(1);
process.argv = [ process.argv[0], process.argv[1], ...programArgs ];
// Set up the process unhandled exception handler and the program exit handler.
let uncaught: Error | undefined;
process.on("uncaughtException", (err: Error) => {
// First, log the error.
if (err instanceof RunError) {
// For errors that are subtypes of RunError, we will print the message without hitting the unhandled error
// logic, which will dump all sorts of verbose spew like the origin source and stack trace.
else {
log.error(`Running program '${program}' failed with an unhandled exception:`);
// Remember that we failed with an error. Don't quit just yet so we have a chance to drain the message loop.
uncaught = err;
process.on("exit", (code: number) => {
// If we don't already have an exit code, and we had an unhandled error, exit with a non-success.
if (code === 0 && uncaught) {
// Now go ahead and execute the code. The process will remain alive until the message loop empties.
log.debug(`Running program '${program}' in pwd '${process.cwd()}' w/ args: ${programArgs}`);