joeduffy 1c4e41b916 Improve the overall cloud CLI experience
This improves the overall cloud CLI experience workflow.

Now whether a stack is local or cloud is inherent to the stack
itself.  If you interact with a cloud stack, we transparently talk
to the cloud; if you interact with a local stack, we just do the
right thing, and perform all operations locally.  Aside from sometimes
seeing a cloud emoji pop-up ☁️, the experience is quite similar.

For example, to initialize a new cloud stack, simply:

    $ pulumi login
    Logging into Pulumi Cloud: https://pulumi.com/
    Enter Pulumi access token: <enter your token>
    $ pulumi stack init my-cloud-stack

Note that you may log into a specific cloud if you'd like.  For
now, this is just for our own testing purposes, but someday when we
support custom clouds (e.g., Enterprise), you can just say:

    $ pulumi login --cloud-url https://corp.acme.my-ppc.net:9873

The cloud is now the default.  If you instead prefer a "fire and
forget" style of stack, you can skip the login and pass `--local`:

    $ pulumi stack init my-faf-stack --local

If you are logged in and run `pulumi`, we tell you as much:

    $ pulumi
      pulumi [command]

    // as before...

    Currently logged into the Pulumi Cloud ☁️

And if you list your stacks, we tell you which one is local or not:

    $ pulumi stack ls
    my-cloud-stack  2017-12-01 ...    3                https://pulumi.com/
    my-faf-stack    n/a               0                n/a

And `pulumi stack` by itself prints information like your cloud org,
PPC name, and so on, in addition to the usuals.

I shall write up more details and make sure to document these changes.

This change also fairly significantly refactors the layout of cloud
versus local logic, so that the cmd/ package is resonsible for CLI
things, and the new pkg/backend/ package is responsible for the
backends.  The following is the overall resulting package architecture:

* The backend.Backend interface can be implemented to substitute
  a new backend.  This has operations to get and list stacks,
  perform updates, and so on.

* The backend.Stack struct is a wrapper around a stack that has
  or is being manipulated by a Backend.  It resembles our existing
  Stack notions in the engine, but carries additional metadata
  about its source.  Notably, it offers functions that allow
  operations like updating and deleting on the Backend from which
  it came.

* There is very little else in the pkg/backend/ package.

* A new package, pkg/backend/local/, encapsulates all local state
  management for "fire and forget" scenarios.  It simply implements
  the above logic and contains anything specific to the local

* A peer package, pkg/backend/cloud/, encapsulates all logic
  required for the cloud experience.  This includes its subpackage
  apitype/ which contains JSON schema descriptions required for
  REST calls against the cloud backend.  It also contains handy
  functions to list which clouds we have authenticated with.

* A subpackage here, pkg/backend/state/, is not a provider at all.
  Instead, it contains all of the state management functions that
  are currently shared between local and cloud backends.  This
  includes configuration logic -- including encryption -- as well
  as logic pertaining to which stacks are known to the workspace.

This addresses pulumi/pulumi#629 and pulumi/pulumi#494.
2017-12-02 14:34:42 -08:00

134 lines
3.9 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package cmd
import (
func newStackCmd() *cobra.Command {
var showIDs bool
var showURNs bool
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "stack",
Short: "Manage stacks",
Long: "Manage stacks\n" +
"\n" +
"An stack is a named update target, and a single project may have many of them.\n" +
"Each stack has a configuration and update history associated with it, stored in\n" +
"the workspace, in addition to a full checkpoint of the last known good update.\n",
Args: cmdutil.NoArgs,
Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
s, err := requireCurrentStack()
if err != nil {
return err
// First print general info about the current stack.
fmt.Printf("Current stack is %v:\n", s.Name)
fmt.Printf(" Managed by %s", s.Backend.Name())
if s.Backend.IsCloud() {
fmt.Printf(" ☁️")
if s.Snapshot != nil {
if t := s.Snapshot.Manifest.Time; t.IsZero() {
fmt.Printf(" Last update time unknown\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf(" Last updated at %v\n", s.Snapshot.Manifest.Time)
var cliver string
if s.Snapshot.Manifest.Version == "" {
cliver = "?"
} else {
cliver = s.Snapshot.Manifest.Version
fmt.Printf(" Pulumi version %s\n", cliver)
for _, plugin := range s.Snapshot.Manifest.Plugins {
var plugver string
if plugin.Version == "" {
plugver = "?"
} else {
plugver = plugin.Version
fmt.Printf(" Plugin %s [%s] version %s\n", plugin.Name, plugin.Type, plugver)
} else {
fmt.Printf(" No updates yet; run 'pulumi update'\n")
if len(s.Config) > 0 {
fmt.Printf(" %v configuration variables set (see `pulumi config` for details)\n", len(s.Config))
// Now show the resources.
var rescnt int
if s.Snapshot != nil {
rescnt = len(s.Snapshot.Resources)
fmt.Printf("Current stack resources (%d):\n", rescnt)
if rescnt == 0 {
fmt.Printf(" No resources currently in this stack\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf(" %-48s %s\n", "TYPE", "NAME")
var stackResource *resource.State
for _, res := range s.Snapshot.Resources {
if res.Type == stack.RootPulumiStackTypeName {
stackResource = res
} else {
fmt.Printf(" %-48s %s\n", res.Type, res.URN.Name())
// If the ID and/or URN is requested, show it on the following line. It would be nice to do
// this on a single line, but this can get quite lengthy and so this formatting is better.
if showURNs {
fmt.Printf(" URN: %s\n", res.URN)
if showIDs && res.ID != "" {
fmt.Printf(" ID: %s\n", res.ID)
// Print out the output properties for the stack, if present.
if stackResource != nil {
outputs := stack.SerializeResource(stackResource).Outputs
fmt.Printf("Current stack outputs (%d):\n", len(outputs))
if len(outputs) == 0 {
fmt.Printf(" No output values currently in this stack\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf(" %-48s %s\n", "OUTPUT", "VALUE")
for key, val := range outputs {
fmt.Printf(" %-48s %s\n", key, val)
fmt.Printf("Use `pulumi stack select` to change stack; `pulumi stack ls` lists known ones\n")
return nil
&showIDs, "show-ids", "i", false, "Display each resource's provider-assigned unique ID")
&showURNs, "show-urns", "u", false, "Display each resource's Pulumi-assigned globally unique URN")
return cmd