Justin Van Patten c08714ffb4
Support lists and maps in config (#3342)
This change adds support for lists and maps in config. We now allow
lists/maps (and nested structures) in `Pulumi.<stack>.yaml` (or
`Pulumi.<stack>.json`; yes, we currently support that).

For example:

  - a
  - b
  - c
  proj:hello: world
    inner: value
  - port: 80

While such structures could be specified in the `.yaml` file manually,
we support setting values in maps/lists from the command line.

As always, you can specify single values with:

$ pulumi config set hello world

Which results in the following YAML:

proj:hello world

And single value secrets via:

$ pulumi config set --secret token shhh

Which results in the following YAML:

  secure: v1:VZAhuroR69FkEPTk:isKafsoZVMWA9pQayGzbWNynww==

Values in a list can be set from the command line using the new
`--path` flag, which indicates the config key contains a path to a
property in a map or list:

$ pulumi config set --path names[0] a
$ pulumi config set --path names[1] b
$ pulumi config set --path names[2] c

Which results in:

- a
- b
- c

Values can be obtained similarly:

$ pulumi config get --path names[1]

Or setting values in a map:

$ pulumi config set --path outer.inner value

Which results in:

  inner: value

Of course, setting values in nested structures is supported:

$ pulumi config set --path servers[0].port 80

Which results in:

- port: 80

If you want to include a period in the name of a property, it can be
specified as:

$ pulumi config set --path 'nested["foo.bar"]' baz

Which results in:

  foo.bar: baz

Examples of valid paths:

- root
- root.nested
- 'root["nested"]'
- root.double.nest
- 'root["double"].nest'
- 'root["double"]["nest"]'
- root.array[0]
- root.array[100]
- root.array[0].nested
- root.array[0][1].nested
- root.nested.array[0].double[1]
- 'root["key with \"escaped\" quotes"]'
- 'root["key with a ."]'
- '["root key with \"escaped\" quotes"].nested'
- '["root key with a ."][100]'

Note: paths that contain quotes can be surrounded by single quotes.

When setting values with `--path`, if the value is `"false"` or
`"true"`, it will be saved as the boolean value, and if it is
convertible to an integer, it will be saved as an integer.

Secure values are supported in lists/maps as well:

$ pulumi config set --path --secret tokens[0] shh

Will result in:

- secure: v1:wpZRCe36sFg1RxwG:WzPeQrCn4n+m4Ks8ps15MxvFXg==

Note: maps of length 1 with a key of “secure” and string value are
reserved for storing secret values. Attempting to create such a value
manually will result in an error:

$ pulumi config set --path parent.secure foo
error: "secure" key in maps of length 1 are reserved

**Accessing config values from the command line with JSON**

$ pulumi config --json

Will output:

  "proj:hello": {
    "value": "world",
    "secret": false,
    "object": false
  "proj:names": {
    "value": "[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]",
    "secret": false,
    "object": true,
    "objectValue": [
  "proj:nested": {
    "value": "{\"foo.bar\":\"baz\"}",
    "secret": false,
    "object": true,
    "objectValue": {
      "foo.bar": "baz"
  "proj:outer": {
    "value": "{\"inner\":\"value\"}",
    "secret": false,
    "object": true,
    "objectValue": {
      "inner": "value"
  "proj:servers": {
    "value": "[{\"port\":80}]",
    "secret": false,
    "object": true,
    "objectValue": [
        "port": 80
  "proj:token": {
    "secret": true,
    "object": false
  "proj:tokens": {
    "secret": true,
    "object": true

If the value is a map or list, `"object"` will be `true`. `"value"` will
contain the object as serialized JSON and a new `"objectValue"` property
will be available containing the value of the object.

If the object contains any secret values, `"secret"` will be `true`, and
just like with scalar values, the value will not be outputted unless
`--show-secrets` is specified.

**Accessing config values from Pulumi programs**

Map/list values are available to Pulumi programs as serialized JSON, so
the existing
functions can be used to retrieve such values, e.g.:

import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";

interface Server {
    port: number;

const config = new pulumi.Config();

const names = config.requireObject<string[]>("names");
for (const n of names) {

const servers = config.requireObject<Server[]>("servers");
for (const s of servers) {
2019-11-01 13:41:27 -07:00

207 lines
7 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
func newPreviewCmd() *cobra.Command {
var debug bool
var expectNop bool
var message string
var stack string
var configArray []string
var configPath bool
// Flags for engine.UpdateOptions.
var policyPackPaths []string
var diffDisplay bool
var eventLogPath string
var jsonDisplay bool
var parallel int
var showConfig bool
var showReplacementSteps bool
var showSames bool
var showReads bool
var suppressOutputs bool
var cmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "preview",
Aliases: []string{"pre"},
SuggestFor: []string{"build", "plan"},
Short: "Show a preview of updates to a stack's resources",
Long: "Show a preview of updates a stack's resources.\n" +
"\n" +
"This command displays a preview of the updates to an existing stack whose state is\n" +
"represented by an existing state file. The new desired state is computed by running\n" +
"a Pulumi program, and extracting all resource allocations from its resulting object graph.\n" +
"These allocations are then compared against the existing state to determine what\n" +
"operations must take place to achieve the desired state. No changes to the stack will\n" +
"actually take place.\n" +
"\n" +
"The program to run is loaded from the project in the current directory. Use the `-C` or\n" +
"`--cwd` flag to use a different directory.",
Args: cmdutil.NoArgs,
Run: cmdutil.RunResultFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) result.Result {
var displayType = display.DisplayProgress
if diffDisplay {
displayType = display.DisplayDiff
opts := backend.UpdateOptions{
Engine: engine.UpdateOptions{
LocalPolicyPackPaths: policyPackPaths,
Parallel: parallel,
Debug: debug,
UseLegacyDiff: useLegacyDiff(),
Display: display.Options{
Color: cmdutil.GetGlobalColorization(),
ShowConfig: showConfig,
ShowReplacementSteps: showReplacementSteps,
ShowSameResources: showSames,
ShowReads: showReads,
SuppressOutputs: suppressOutputs,
IsInteractive: cmdutil.Interactive(),
Type: displayType,
JSONDisplay: jsonDisplay,
EventLogPath: eventLogPath,
Debug: debug,
s, err := requireStack(stack, true, opts.Display, true /*setCurrent*/)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(err)
// Save any config values passed via flags.
if err := parseAndSaveConfigArray(s, configArray, configPath); err != nil {
return result.FromError(err)
proj, root, err := readProject()
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(err)
m, err := getUpdateMetadata("", root)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(errors.Wrap(err, "gathering environment metadata"))
sm, err := getStackSecretsManager(s)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(errors.Wrap(err, "getting secrets manager"))
cfg, err := getStackConfiguration(s, sm)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(errors.Wrap(err, "getting stack configuration"))
changes, res := s.Preview(commandContext(), backend.UpdateOperation{
Proj: proj,
Root: root,
M: m,
Opts: opts,
StackConfiguration: cfg,
SecretsManager: sm,
Scopes: cancellationScopes,
switch {
case res != nil:
return PrintEngineResult(res)
case expectNop && changes != nil && changes.HasChanges():
return result.FromError(errors.New("error: no changes were expected but changes were proposed"))
return nil
&debug, "debug", "d", false,
"Print detailed debugging output during resource operations")
&expectNop, "expect-no-changes", false,
"Return an error if any changes are proposed by this preview")
&stack, "stack", "s", "",
"The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack")
&stackConfigFile, "config-file", "",
"Use the configuration values in the specified file rather than detecting the file name")
&configArray, "config", "c", []string{},
"Config to use during the preview")
&configPath, "config-path", false,
"Config keys contain a path to a property in a map or list to set")
&message, "message", "m", "",
"Optional message to associate with the preview operation")
// Flags for engine.UpdateOptions.
if hasDebugCommands() {
&policyPackPaths, "policy-pack", []string{},
"Run one or more analyzers as part of this update")
&diffDisplay, "diff", false,
"Display operation as a rich diff showing the overall change")
&jsonDisplay, "json", "j", false,
"Serialize the preview diffs, operations, and overall output as JSON")
&parallel, "parallel", "p", defaultParallel,
"Allow P resource operations to run in parallel at once (1 for no parallelism). Defaults to unbounded.")
&showConfig, "show-config", false,
"Show configuration keys and variables")
&showReplacementSteps, "show-replacement-steps", false,
"Show detailed resource replacement creates and deletes instead of a single step")
&showSames, "show-sames", false,
"Show resources that needn't be updated because they haven't changed, alongside those that do")
&showReads, "show-reads", false,
"Show resources that are being read in, alongside those being managed directly in the stack")
&suppressOutputs, "suppress-outputs", false,
"Suppress display of stack outputs (in case they contain sensitive values)")
if hasDebugCommands() {
&eventLogPath, "event-log", "",
"Log events to a file at this path")
return cmd