
148 lines
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module xovnoc
import "aws/autoscaling"
import "aws/lambda"
import "aws/sns"
service rackInstances {
new() {
// Create a configuration and auto-scaling group that controls instance launching.
launchConfiguration := new autoscaling.LaunchConfiguration {
associatePublicIpAddress: !private
blockDeviceMappings: [
deviceName: "/dev/sdb"
ebs: {
volumeSize: swapSize
volumeType: "gp2"
deviceName: "/dev/xvdcz"
ebs: {
volumeSize: volumeSize
volumeType: "gp2"
iamInstanceProfile: instanceProfile
imageId: ami ?? regionConfig[context.region].ami
instanceMonitoring: true
instanceType: instanceType
keyName: key ?? undefined
placementTenancy: tenancy
securityGroups: [ securityGroup ]
userData: base64(makeUserData)
instances := new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup {
launchConfiguration: launchConfiguration
availabilityZones: availabilityZones
vpcZoneIdentifier: private ? subnetPrivates : subnets
cooldown: 5
desiredCapacity: instanceCount
healthCheckType: "EC2"
healthCheckGracePeriod: 120
minSize: 1
maxSize: 1000
metricsCollection: [ { granularity: "1Minute" } ]
name: context.stack.name
tags: [
key: "Name"
value: context.stack.name
propagateAtLaunch: true
key: "Rack"
value: context.stack.name
propagateAtLaunch: true
key: "GatewayAttachment"
value: existingVpc == "" ? gatewayAttachment : "existing"
propagateAtLaunch: false
updatePolicy: {
// TODO: in CF, this isn't a "property"; it's a peer to properties.
autoScalingRollingUpdate: {
maxBatchSize: instanceUpdateBatchSize
minInstancesInService: instanceCount
pauseTime: "PT15M"
suspendProcesses: [ "ScheduledActions" ]
waitOnResourceSignals: "true"
// Make a topic that instances post to when going through lifecycle changes.
instancesLifecycleTopic := new sns.Topic {
subscription: {
endpoint: instancesLifecycleHandler
protocol: lambda
topicName: context.stack.name + "-lifecycle"
instancesLifecycleHandler := new lambda.Function {
code: // TODO
description: `{ "Cluster": "${cluster}", "Rack": "${context.stack.name}" }`
handler: "index.external"
memorySize: 128
role: instancesLifecycleHandlerRole
runtime: nodejs
timeout: 300
instancesLifecycleHandlerPermission := new lambda.Permission {
source: instancesLifecycleTopic
function: instancesLifecycleHandler
action: "lambda:InvokeFunction"
principal: "sns.amazonaws.com"
instancesLifecycleLaunching := new autoscaling.LifecycleHook {
autoScalingGroup: instances
defaultResult: "CONTINUE"
heartbeatTimeout: 600
lifecycleTransition: "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING"
notificationTarget: instancesLifecycleTopic
role: instancesLifecycleRole
instancesLifecycleTerminating := new autoscaling.LifecycleHook {
autoScalingGroup: instances
defaultResult: "CONTINUE"
heartbeatTimeout: 300
lifecycleTransition: "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING"
notificationTarget: instancesLifecycleTopic
role: instancesLifecycleRole
properties {
// Amazon Machine Image:
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/launch_container_instance.html
ami: string = ""
// Default container disk size in GB
containerDisk: number = 10
// Existing VPC ID (if blank a VPC will be created)
existingVpc: string = ""
// A single line of shell script to run as CloudInit command early during instance boot.
instanceBootCommand: string = ""
// A single line of shell script to run as CloudInit command late during instance boot.
instanceRunCommand: strign = ""
// The number of instances in the runtime cluster
instanceCount: number<3:> = 3
// The type of the instances in the runtime cluster
instanceType: string = "t2.small"
// The number of instances to update in a batch
instanceUpdateBatchSize: number<1:> = 1
// Create non publicly routable services
private: bool: false
// Default swap volume size in GB
swapSize: number = 5
// Default disk size in GB
volumeSize: number = 50
// Dedicated Hardware
tenancy: "default" | "dedicated" = "default"