joeduffy be201739b4 Make some diff formatting changes
* Don't show +s, -s, and ~s deeply.  The intended format here looks
  more like

      + aws:iam/instanceProfile:InstanceProfile (create)
          name: "ip2-079a29f428dc9987"
          path: "/"
          role: "ir-d0a632e3084a0252"


      + aws:iam/instanceProfile:InstanceProfile (create)
        + [urn=urn:pulumi:test::aws/minimal::aws/iam/instanceProfile:InstanceProfile::ip2]
        + name: "ip2-079a29f428dc9987"
        + path: "/"
        + role: "ir-d0a632e3084a0252"

  This makes it easier to see the resources modified in the output.

* Print adds/deletes during updates as

      - property: "x"
      + property: "y"

  rather than

      ~ property: "x"
      ~ property: "y"

  the latter of which doesn't really tell you what's new/old.

* Show parent indentation on output properties, so they line up correctly.

* Only print stack outputs if not undefined.
2017-11-26 09:39:29 -08:00

60 lines
2.3 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
import * as log from "../log";
import { getProject, getStack } from "../metadata";
import { ComponentResource, ComputedValues, Resource } from "../resource";
let rootPulumiStack: Resource | undefined;
* getRootPulumiStack returns a root stack that will be used automatically as resource parents. This ensures that all
* resources without explicit parents are parented to a common stack type.
export function getRootPulumiStack(): Resource | undefined {
return rootPulumiStack;
* rootPulumiStackTypeName is the type name that should be used to construct the root component in the tree of Pulumi
* resources allocated by a deployment. This must be kept up to date with
* `github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource/stack.RootPulumiStackTypeName`.
export const rootPulumiStackTypeName = "pulumi:pulumi:Stack";
* runInPulumiStack creates a new Pulumi stack resource and executes the callback inside of it. Any outputs
* returned by the callback will be stored as output properties on this resulting Stack object.
export function runInPulumiStack(init: () => any): void {
const _ = new Stack(init);
class Stack extends ComponentResource {
constructor(init: () => ComputedValues) {
super(rootPulumiStackTypeName, `${getProject()}-${getStack()}`);
if (rootPulumiStack) {
throw new Error("Only one root Pulumi Stack may be active at once");
try {
rootPulumiStack = this; // install ourselves as the current root.
const outputs = init(); // run the init code.
super.recordOutputs(outputs); // save the outputs for this component to whatever the init returned.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#340]: until output properties for components are working again, just print them out.
for (const key of Object.keys(outputs)) {
const value = outputs[key];
(async () => {
const v: any | undefined = await value;
if (v !== undefined) {
log.info(`stack output: ${key}: ${v}`);
finally {
rootPulumiStack = undefined;