Pat Gavlin 3d2e31289a
Add support for serialized resource references. (#5041)
Resources are serialized as their URN, ID, and package version. Each
Pulumi package is expected to register itself with the SDK. The package
will be invoked to construct appropriate instances of rehydrated
resources. Packages are distinguished by their name and their version.

This is the foundation of cross-process resources.

Related to #2430.

Co-authored-by: Mikhail Shilkov <github@mikhail.io>
Co-authored-by: Luke Hoban <luke@pulumi.com>
Co-authored-by: Levi Blackstone <levi@pulumi.com>
2020-10-27 10:12:12 -07:00

618 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
// Event represents an event generated by the engine during an operation. The underlying
// type for the `Payload` field will differ depending on the value of the `Type` field
type Event struct {
Type EventType
payload interface{}
func NewEvent(typ EventType, payload interface{}) Event {
ok := false
switch typ {
case CancelEvent:
ok = payload == nil
case StdoutColorEvent:
_, ok = payload.(StdoutEventPayload)
case DiagEvent:
_, ok = payload.(DiagEventPayload)
case PreludeEvent:
_, ok = payload.(PreludeEventPayload)
case SummaryEvent:
_, ok = payload.(SummaryEventPayload)
case ResourcePreEvent:
_, ok = payload.(ResourcePreEventPayload)
case ResourceOutputsEvent:
_, ok = payload.(ResourceOutputsEventPayload)
case ResourceOperationFailed:
_, ok = payload.(ResourceOperationFailedPayload)
case PolicyViolationEvent:
_, ok = payload.(PolicyViolationEventPayload)
contract.Failf("unknown event type %v", typ)
contract.Assertf(ok, "invalid payload of type %T for event type %v", payload, typ)
return Event{
Type: typ,
payload: payload,
// EventType is the kind of event being emitted.
type EventType string
const (
CancelEvent EventType = "cancel"
StdoutColorEvent EventType = "stdoutcolor"
DiagEvent EventType = "diag"
PreludeEvent EventType = "prelude"
SummaryEvent EventType = "summary"
ResourcePreEvent EventType = "resource-pre"
ResourceOutputsEvent EventType = "resource-outputs"
ResourceOperationFailed EventType = "resource-operationfailed"
PolicyViolationEvent EventType = "policy-violation"
func (e Event) Payload() interface{} {
return deepcopy.Copy(e.payload)
func cancelEvent() Event {
return Event{Type: CancelEvent}
// DiagEventPayload is the payload for an event with type `diag`
type DiagEventPayload struct {
URN resource.URN
Prefix string
Message string
Color colors.Colorization
Severity diag.Severity
StreamID int32
Ephemeral bool
// PolicyViolationEventPayload is the payload for an event with type `policy-violation`.
type PolicyViolationEventPayload struct {
ResourceURN resource.URN
Message string
Color colors.Colorization
PolicyName string
PolicyPackName string
PolicyPackVersion string
EnforcementLevel apitype.EnforcementLevel
Prefix string
type StdoutEventPayload struct {
Message string
Color colors.Colorization
type PreludeEventPayload struct {
IsPreview bool // true if this prelude is for a plan operation
Config map[string]string // the keys and values for config. For encrypted config, the values may be blinded
type SummaryEventPayload struct {
IsPreview bool // true if this summary is for a plan operation
MaybeCorrupt bool // true if one or more resources may be corrupt
Duration time.Duration // the duration of the entire update operation (zero values for previews)
ResourceChanges ResourceChanges // count of changed resources, useful for reporting
PolicyPacks map[string]string // {policy-pack: version} for each policy pack applied
type ResourceOperationFailedPayload struct {
Metadata StepEventMetadata
Status resource.Status
Steps int
type ResourceOutputsEventPayload struct {
Metadata StepEventMetadata
Planning bool
Debug bool
type ResourcePreEventPayload struct {
Metadata StepEventMetadata
Planning bool
Debug bool
// StepEventMetadata contains the metadata associated with a step the engine is performing.
type StepEventMetadata struct {
Op deploy.StepOp // the operation performed by this step.
URN resource.URN // the resource URN (for before and after).
Type tokens.Type // the type affected by this step.
Old *StepEventStateMetadata // the state of the resource before performing this step.
New *StepEventStateMetadata // the state of the resource after performing this step.
Res *StepEventStateMetadata // the latest state for the resource that is known (worst case, old).
Keys []resource.PropertyKey // the keys causing replacement (only for CreateStep and ReplaceStep).
Diffs []resource.PropertyKey // the keys causing diffs
DetailedDiff map[string]plugin.PropertyDiff // the rich, structured diff
Logical bool // true if this step represents a logical operation in the program.
Provider string // the provider that performed this step.
// StepEventStateMetadata contains detailed metadata about a resource's state pertaining to a given step.
type StepEventStateMetadata struct {
// State contains the raw, complete state, for this resource.
State *resource.State
// the resource's type.
Type tokens.Type
// the resource's object urn, a human-friendly, unique name for the resource.
URN resource.URN
// true if the resource is custom, managed by a plugin.
Custom bool
// true if this resource is pending deletion due to a replacement.
Delete bool
// the resource's unique ID, assigned by the resource provider (or blank if none/uncreated).
ID resource.ID
// an optional parent URN that this resource belongs to.
Parent resource.URN
// true to "protect" this resource (protected resources cannot be deleted).
Protect bool
// the resource's input properties (as specified by the program). Note: because this will cross
// over rpc boundaries it will be slightly different than the Inputs found in resource_state.
// Specifically, secrets will have been filtered out, and large values (like assets) will be
// have a simple hash-based representation. This allows clients to display this information
// properly, without worrying about leaking sensitive data, and without having to transmit huge
// amounts of data.
Inputs resource.PropertyMap
// the resource's complete output state (as returned by the resource provider). See "Inputs"
// for additional details about how data will be transformed before going into this map.
Outputs resource.PropertyMap
// the resource's provider reference
Provider string
// InitErrors is the set of errors encountered in the process of initializing resource (i.e.,
// during create or update).
InitErrors []string
func makeEventEmitter(events chan<- Event, update UpdateInfo) (eventEmitter, error) {
target := update.GetTarget()
var secrets []string
if target != nil && target.Config.HasSecureValue() {
for k, v := range target.Config {
if !v.Secure() {
secureValues, err := v.SecureValues(target.Decrypter)
if err != nil {
return eventEmitter{}, DecryptError{
Key: k,
Err: err,
secrets = append(secrets, secureValues...)
logging.AddGlobalFilter(logging.CreateFilter(secrets, "[secret]"))
buffer, done := make(chan Event), make(chan bool)
go queueEvents(events, buffer, done)
return eventEmitter{
done: done,
ch: buffer,
}, nil
func makeQueryEventEmitter(events chan<- Event) (eventEmitter, error) {
buffer, done := make(chan Event), make(chan bool)
go queueEvents(events, buffer, done)
return eventEmitter{
done: done,
ch: buffer,
}, nil
type eventEmitter struct {
done <-chan bool
ch chan<- Event
func queueEvents(events chan<- Event, buffer chan Event, done chan bool) {
// Instead of sending to the source channel directly, buffer events to account for slow receivers.
// Buffering is done by a goroutine that concurrently receives from the senders and attempts to send events to the
// receiver. Events that are received while waiting for the receiver to catch up are buffered in a slice.
// We do not use a buffered channel because it is empirically less likely that the goroutine reading from a
// buffered channel will be scheduled when new data is placed in the channel.
defer close(done)
var queue []Event
for {
contract.Assert(buffer != nil)
e, ok := <-buffer
if !ok {
queue = append(queue, e)
// While there are events in the queue, attempt to send them to the waiting receiver. If the receiver is
// blocked and an event is received from the event senders, stick that event in the queue.
for len(queue) > 0 {
select {
case e, ok := <-buffer:
if !ok {
// If the event source has been closed, flush the queue.
for _, e := range queue {
events <- e
queue = append(queue, e)
case events <- queue[0]:
queue = queue[1:]
func makeStepEventMetadata(op deploy.StepOp, step deploy.Step, debug bool) StepEventMetadata {
contract.Assert(op == step.Op() || step.Op() == deploy.OpRefresh)
var keys, diffs []resource.PropertyKey
if keyer, hasKeys := step.(interface{ Keys() []resource.PropertyKey }); hasKeys {
keys = keyer.Keys()
if differ, hasDiffs := step.(interface{ Diffs() []resource.PropertyKey }); hasDiffs {
diffs = differ.Diffs()
var detailedDiff map[string]plugin.PropertyDiff
if detailedDiffer, hasDetailedDiff := step.(interface {
DetailedDiff() map[string]plugin.PropertyDiff
}); hasDetailedDiff {
detailedDiff = detailedDiffer.DetailedDiff()
return StepEventMetadata{
Op: op,
URN: step.URN(),
Type: step.Type(),
Keys: keys,
Diffs: diffs,
DetailedDiff: detailedDiff,
Old: makeStepEventStateMetadata(step.Old(), debug),
New: makeStepEventStateMetadata(step.New(), debug),
Res: makeStepEventStateMetadata(step.Res(), debug),
Logical: step.Logical(),
Provider: step.Provider(),
func makeStepEventStateMetadata(state *resource.State, debug bool) *StepEventStateMetadata {
if state == nil {
return nil
return &StepEventStateMetadata{
State: state,
Type: state.Type,
URN: state.URN,
Custom: state.Custom,
Delete: state.Delete,
ID: state.ID,
Parent: state.Parent,
Protect: state.Protect,
Inputs: filterPropertyMap(state.Inputs, debug),
Outputs: filterPropertyMap(state.Outputs, debug),
Provider: state.Provider,
InitErrors: state.InitErrors,
func filterPropertyMap(propertyMap resource.PropertyMap, debug bool) resource.PropertyMap {
mappable := propertyMap.Mappable()
var filterValue func(v interface{}) interface{}
filterPropertyValue := func(pv resource.PropertyValue) resource.PropertyValue {
return resource.NewPropertyValue(filterValue(pv.Mappable()))
// filter values walks unwrapped (i.e. non-PropertyValue) values and applies the filter function
// to them recursively. The only thing the filter actually applies to is strings.
// The return value of this function should have the same type as the input value.
filterValue = func(v interface{}) interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
// Else, check for some known primitive types.
switch t := v.(type) {
case bool, int, uint, int32, uint32,
int64, uint64, float32, float64:
// simple types. map over as is.
return v
case string:
// have to ensure we filter out secrets.
return logging.FilterString(t)
case *resource.Asset:
text := t.Text
if text != "" {
// we don't want to include the full text of an asset as we serialize it over as
// events. They represent user files and are thus are unbounded in size. Instead,
// we only include the text if it represents a user's serialized program code, as
// that is something we want the receiver to see to display as part of
// progress/diffs/etc.
if t.IsUserProgramCode() {
// also make sure we filter this in case there are any secrets in the code.
text = logging.FilterString(resource.MassageIfUserProgramCodeAsset(t, debug).Text)
} else {
// We need to have some string here so that we preserve that this is a
// text-asset
text = "<stripped>"
return &resource.Asset{
Sig: t.Sig,
Hash: t.Hash,
Text: text,
Path: t.Path,
case *resource.Archive:
return &resource.Archive{
Sig: t.Sig,
Hash: t.Hash,
Path: t.Path,
Assets: filterValue(t.Assets).(map[string]interface{}),
case resource.Secret:
return "[secret]"
case resource.Computed:
return resource.Computed{
Element: filterPropertyValue(t.Element),
case resource.Output:
return resource.Output{
Element: filterPropertyValue(t.Element),
case resource.ResourceReference:
return resource.ResourceReference{
URN: resource.URN(filterValue(string(t.URN)).(string)),
ID: resource.ID(filterValue(string(t.ID)).(string)),
PackageVersion: filterValue(t.PackageVersion).(string),
// Next, see if it's an array, slice, pointer or struct, and handle each accordingly.
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
switch rk := rv.Type().Kind(); rk {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
// If an array or slice, just create an array out of it.
var arr []interface{}
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
arr = append(arr, filterValue(rv.Index(i).Interface()))
return arr
case reflect.Ptr:
if rv.IsNil() {
return nil
v1 := filterValue(rv.Elem().Interface())
return &v1
case reflect.Map:
obj := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, key := range rv.MapKeys() {
k := key.Interface().(string)
v := rv.MapIndex(key).Interface()
obj[k] = filterValue(v)
return obj
contract.Failf("Unrecognized value type: type=%v kind=%v", rv.Type(), rk)
return nil
return resource.NewPropertyMapFromMapRepl(
mappable, nil, /*replk*/
func(v interface{}) (resource.PropertyValue, bool) {
return resource.NewPropertyValue(filterValue(v)), true
func (e *eventEmitter) Close() {
func (e *eventEmitter) resourceOperationFailedEvent(
step deploy.Step, status resource.Status, steps int, debug bool) {
contract.Requiref(e != nil, "e", "!= nil")
e.ch <- NewEvent(ResourceOperationFailed, ResourceOperationFailedPayload{
Metadata: makeStepEventMetadata(step.Op(), step, debug),
Status: status,
Steps: steps,
func (e *eventEmitter) resourceOutputsEvent(op deploy.StepOp, step deploy.Step, planning bool, debug bool) {
contract.Requiref(e != nil, "e", "!= nil")
e.ch <- NewEvent(ResourceOutputsEvent, ResourceOutputsEventPayload{
Metadata: makeStepEventMetadata(op, step, debug),
Planning: planning,
Debug: debug,
func (e *eventEmitter) resourcePreEvent(
step deploy.Step, planning bool, debug bool) {
contract.Requiref(e != nil, "e", "!= nil")
e.ch <- NewEvent(ResourcePreEvent, ResourcePreEventPayload{
Metadata: makeStepEventMetadata(step.Op(), step, debug),
Planning: planning,
Debug: debug,
func (e *eventEmitter) preludeEvent(isPreview bool, cfg config.Map) {
contract.Requiref(e != nil, "e", "!= nil")
configStringMap := make(map[string]string, len(cfg))
for k, v := range cfg {
keyString := k.String()
valueString, err := v.Value(config.NewBlindingDecrypter())
configStringMap[keyString] = valueString
e.ch <- NewEvent(PreludeEvent, PreludeEventPayload{
IsPreview: isPreview,
Config: configStringMap,
func (e *eventEmitter) previewSummaryEvent(resourceChanges ResourceChanges, policyPacks map[string]string) {
contract.Requiref(e != nil, "e", "!= nil")
e.ch <- NewEvent(SummaryEvent, SummaryEventPayload{
IsPreview: true,
MaybeCorrupt: false,
Duration: 0,
ResourceChanges: resourceChanges,
PolicyPacks: policyPacks,
func (e *eventEmitter) updateSummaryEvent(maybeCorrupt bool,
duration time.Duration, resourceChanges ResourceChanges, policyPacks map[string]string) {
contract.Requiref(e != nil, "e", "!= nil")
e.ch <- NewEvent(SummaryEvent, SummaryEventPayload{
IsPreview: false,
MaybeCorrupt: maybeCorrupt,
Duration: duration,
ResourceChanges: resourceChanges,
PolicyPacks: policyPacks,
func (e *eventEmitter) policyViolationEvent(urn resource.URN, d plugin.AnalyzeDiagnostic) {
contract.Requiref(e != nil, "e", "!= nil")
// Write prefix.
var prefix bytes.Buffer
switch d.EnforcementLevel {
case apitype.Mandatory:
case apitype.Advisory:
contract.Failf("Unrecognized diagnostic severity: %v", d)
prefix.WriteString(": ")
// Write the message itself.
var buffer bytes.Buffer
e.ch <- NewEvent(PolicyViolationEvent, PolicyViolationEventPayload{
ResourceURN: urn,
Message: logging.FilterString(buffer.String()),
Color: colors.Raw,
PolicyName: d.PolicyName,
PolicyPackName: d.PolicyPackName,
PolicyPackVersion: d.PolicyPackVersion,
EnforcementLevel: d.EnforcementLevel,
Prefix: logging.FilterString(prefix.String()),
func diagEvent(e *eventEmitter, d *diag.Diag, prefix, msg string, sev diag.Severity,
ephemeral bool) {
contract.Requiref(e != nil, "e", "!= nil")
e.ch <- NewEvent(DiagEvent, DiagEventPayload{
Prefix: logging.FilterString(prefix),
Message: logging.FilterString(msg),
Color: colors.Raw,
Severity: sev,
StreamID: d.StreamID,
Ephemeral: ephemeral,
func (e *eventEmitter) diagDebugEvent(d *diag.Diag, prefix, msg string, ephemeral bool) {
diagEvent(e, d, prefix, msg, diag.Debug, ephemeral)
func (e *eventEmitter) diagInfoEvent(d *diag.Diag, prefix, msg string, ephemeral bool) {
diagEvent(e, d, prefix, msg, diag.Info, ephemeral)
func (e *eventEmitter) diagInfoerrEvent(d *diag.Diag, prefix, msg string, ephemeral bool) {
diagEvent(e, d, prefix, msg, diag.Infoerr, ephemeral)
func (e *eventEmitter) diagErrorEvent(d *diag.Diag, prefix, msg string, ephemeral bool) {
diagEvent(e, d, prefix, msg, diag.Error, ephemeral)
func (e *eventEmitter) diagWarningEvent(d *diag.Diag, prefix, msg string, ephemeral bool) {
diagEvent(e, d, prefix, msg, diag.Warning, ephemeral)