Matt Ellis 2cfbe81adb Remove dependency on pulumi/home
Stop cloning pulumi/home. This doesn't work in Travis because public
repositories can not have private SSH keys, which we'd need to clone
this repository. All the scripts we consume from there are now in
pulumi/scripts and so we'll just consume them from there.
2018-06-17 22:09:15 -07:00

27 lines
948 B

# Travis sources this script, so we can export variables into the
# outer shell, so we don't want to set options like nounset because
# they would be set in the outer shell as well, so do as much logic as
# we can in a subshell.
export PULUMI_SCRIPTS="$(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/pulumi/scripts"
set -o nounset -o errexit -o pipefail
if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-}" = "osx" ]; then
sudo mkdir /opt/pulumi
sudo chown "${USER}" /opt/pulumi
git clone https://github.com/pulumi/scripts "${PULUMI_SCRIPTS}"
# If we have an NPM token, put it in the .npmrc file, so we can use it:
if [ ! -z "${NPM_TOKEN:-}" ]; then
echo "//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${NPM_TOKEN}" > ~/.npmrc
# Put static entries for Pulumi backends in /etc/hosts
"${PULUMI_SCRIPTS}/ci/pulumi-hosts" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
) || exit 1 # Abort outer script if subshell fails.
export PULUMI_ROOT=/opt/pulumi