Pat Gavlin 72a6ed320c
Do not propose replacement of providers in preview. (#2088)
Providers with unknown properties are currently considered to require
replacement. This was intended to indicate that we could not be sure
whether or not replacement was reqiuired. Unfortunately, this was not a
good user experience, as replacement would never be required at runtime.
This caused quite a bit of confusion--never proposing replacement seems
to be the better option.
2018-10-23 10:23:28 -07:00

734 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package plugin
import (
pbempty "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty"
_struct "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct"
multierror "github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror"
pulumirpc "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/proto/go"
// provider reflects a resource plugin, loaded dynamically for a single package.
type provider struct {
ctx *Context // a plugin context for caching, etc.
pkg tokens.Package // the Pulumi package containing this provider's resources.
plug *plugin // the actual plugin process wrapper.
clientRaw pulumirpc.ResourceProviderClient // the raw provider client; usually unsafe to use directly.
cfgerr error // non-nil if a configure call fails.
cfgknown bool // true if all configuration values are known.
cfgdone chan bool // closed when configuration has completed.
// NewProvider attempts to bind to a given package's resource plugin and then creates a gRPC connection to it. If the
// plugin could not be found, or an error occurs while creating the child process, an error is returned.
func NewProvider(host Host, ctx *Context, pkg tokens.Package, version *semver.Version) (Provider, error) {
// Load the plugin's path by using the standard workspace logic.
_, path, err := workspace.GetPluginPath(
workspace.ResourcePlugin, strings.Replace(string(pkg), tokens.QNameDelimiter, "_", -1), version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if path == "" {
return nil, NewMissingError(workspace.PluginInfo{
Kind: workspace.ResourcePlugin,
Name: string(pkg),
Version: version,
plug, err := newPlugin(ctx, path, fmt.Sprintf("%v (resource)", pkg), []string{host.ServerAddr()})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contract.Assertf(plug != nil, "unexpected nil resource plugin for %s", pkg)
return &provider{
ctx: ctx,
pkg: pkg,
plug: plug,
clientRaw: pulumirpc.NewResourceProviderClient(plug.Conn),
cfgdone: make(chan bool),
}, nil
func (p *provider) Pkg() tokens.Package { return p.pkg }
// label returns a base label for tracing functions.
func (p *provider) label() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Provider[%s, %p]", p.pkg, p)
// CheckConfig validates the configuration for this resource provider.
func (p *provider) CheckConfig(olds, news resource.PropertyMap) (resource.PropertyMap, []CheckFailure, error) {
// Ensure that all config values are strings or unknowns.
var failures []CheckFailure
for k, v := range news {
if !v.IsString() && !v.IsComputed() {
failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{
Property: k,
Reason: "provider property values must be strings",
if len(failures) != 0 {
return nil, failures, nil
// If all config values check out, simply return the new values.
return news, nil, nil
// DiffConfig checks what impacts a hypothetical change to this provider's configuration will have on the provider.
func (p *provider) DiffConfig(olds, news resource.PropertyMap) (DiffResult, error) {
// There are two interesting scenarios with the present gRPC interface:
// 1. Configuration differences in which all properties are known
// 2. Configuration differences in which some new property is unknown.
// In both cases, we return a diff result that indicates that the provider _should not_ be replaced. Although this
// decision is not conservative--indeed, the conservative decision would be to always require replacement of a
// provider if any input has changed--we believe that it results in the best possible user experience for providers
// that do not implement DiffConfig functionality. If we took the conservative route here, any change to a
// provider's configuration (no matter how inconsequential) would cause all of its resources to be replaced. This
// is clearly a bad experience, and differs from how things worked prior to first-class providers.
return DiffResult{Changes: DiffUnknown, ReplaceKeys: nil}, nil
// getClient returns the client, and ensures that the target provider has been configured. This just makes it safer
// to use without forgetting to call ensureConfigured manually.
func (p *provider) getClient() (pulumirpc.ResourceProviderClient, error) {
if err := p.ensureConfigured(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p.clientRaw, nil
// ensureConfigured blocks waiting for the plugin to be configured. To improve parallelism, all Configure RPCs
// occur in parallel, and we await the completion of them at the last possible moment. This does mean, however, that
// we might discover failures later than we would have otherwise, but the caller of ensureConfigured will get them.
func (p *provider) ensureConfigured() error {
return p.cfgerr
// Configure configures the resource provider with "globals" that control its behavior.
func (p *provider) Configure(inputs resource.PropertyMap) error {
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Configure()", p.label())
logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#vars=%d)", label, len(inputs))
// Convert the inputs to a config map. If any are unknown, do not configure the underlying plugin: instead, leavce
// the cfgknown bit unset and carry on.
config := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range inputs {
if k == "version" {
switch {
case v.IsComputed():
p.cfgknown = false
return nil
case v.IsString():
// Pass the older spelling of a configuration key across the RPC interface, for now, to support
// providers which are on the older plan.
config[string(p.Pkg())+":config:"+string(k)] = v.StringValue()
p.cfgerr = errors.Errorf("provider property values must be strings; '%v' is a %v", k, v.TypeString())
return p.cfgerr
// Spawn the configure to happen in parallel. This ensures that we remain responsive elsewhere that might
// want to make forward progress, even as the configure call is happening.
go func() {
_, err := p.clientRaw.Configure(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.ConfigureRequest{Variables: config})
if err != nil {
rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: err=%v", label, rpcError.Message())
err = createConfigureError(rpcError)
// Acquire the lock, publish the results, and notify any waiters.
p.cfgknown, p.cfgerr = true, err
return nil
// Check validates that the given property bag is valid for a resource of the given type.
func (p *provider) Check(urn resource.URN,
olds, news resource.PropertyMap, allowUnknowns bool) (resource.PropertyMap, []CheckFailure, error) {
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Check(%s)", p.label(), urn)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#olds=%d,#news=%d", label, len(olds), len(news))
// Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured.
client, err := p.getClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// If the configuration for this provider was not fully known--e.g. if we are doing a preview and some input
// property was sourced from another resource's output properties--don't call into the underlying provider.
if !p.cfgknown {
return news, nil, nil
molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.olds", label),
KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.news", label),
KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
resp, err := client.Check(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.CheckRequest{
Urn: string(urn),
Olds: molds,
News: mnews,
if err != nil {
rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: err=%v", label, rpcError.Message())
return nil, nil, rpcError
// Unmarshal the provider inputs.
var inputs resource.PropertyMap
if ins := resp.GetInputs(); ins != nil {
inputs, err = UnmarshalProperties(ins, MarshalOptions{
Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.inputs", label), KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, RejectUnknowns: !allowUnknowns})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// And now any properties that failed verification.
var failures []CheckFailure
for _, failure := range resp.GetFailures() {
failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{resource.PropertyKey(failure.Property), failure.Reason})
logging.V(7).Infof("%s success: inputs=#%d failures=#%d", label, len(inputs), len(failures))
return inputs, failures, nil
// Diff checks what impacts a hypothetical update will have on the resource's properties.
func (p *provider) Diff(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID,
olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap, allowUnknowns bool) (DiffResult, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(id != "")
contract.Assert(news != nil)
contract.Assert(olds != nil)
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Diff(%s,%s)", p.label(), urn, id)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s: executing (#olds=%d,#news=%d)", label, len(olds), len(news))
// Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured.
client, err := p.getClient()
if err != nil {
return DiffResult{}, err
// If this function is called, we must have complete configuration for the underlying provider. Per DiffConfig,
// any unknown input will cause the provider to be replaced, which will cause all of its resources to be replaced,
// and we do not call `Diff` for resources that are being replaced due to a change to their provider reference.
molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{
Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.olds", label), ElideAssetContents: true, KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns})
if err != nil {
return DiffResult{}, err
mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.news", label),
KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns})
if err != nil {
return DiffResult{}, err
resp, err := client.Diff(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.DiffRequest{
Id: string(id),
Urn: string(urn),
Olds: molds,
News: mnews,
if err != nil {
rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, rpcError.Message())
return DiffResult{}, rpcError
var replaces []resource.PropertyKey
for _, replace := range resp.GetReplaces() {
replaces = append(replaces, resource.PropertyKey(replace))
var stables []resource.PropertyKey
for _, stable := range resp.GetStables() {
stables = append(stables, resource.PropertyKey(stable))
changes := resp.GetChanges()
deleteBeforeReplace := resp.GetDeleteBeforeReplace()
logging.V(7).Infof("%s success: changes=%d #replaces=%d #stables=%d delbefrepl=%v",
label, changes, len(replaces), len(stables), deleteBeforeReplace)
return DiffResult{
Changes: DiffChanges(changes),
ReplaceKeys: replaces,
StableKeys: stables,
DeleteBeforeReplace: deleteBeforeReplace,
}, nil
// Create allocates a new instance of the provided resource and assigns its unique resource.ID and outputs afterwards.
func (p *provider) Create(urn resource.URN, props resource.PropertyMap) (resource.ID,
resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(props != nil)
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Create(%s)", p.label(), urn)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#props=%v)", label, len(props))
mprops, err := MarshalProperties(props, MarshalOptions{Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.inputs", label)})
if err != nil {
return "", nil, resource.StatusOK, err
// Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured.
client, err := p.getClient()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, resource.StatusOK, err
// We should only be calling {Create,Update,Delete} if the provider is fully configured.
var id resource.ID
var liveObject *_struct.Struct
var resourceError error
var resourceStatus = resource.StatusOK
resp, err := client.Create(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.CreateRequest{
Urn: string(urn),
Properties: mprops,
if err != nil {
resourceStatus, id, liveObject, resourceError = parseError(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, resourceError)
if resourceStatus != resource.StatusPartialFailure {
return "", nil, resourceStatus, resourceError
// Else it's a `StatusPartialFailure`.
} else {
id = resource.ID(resp.GetId())
liveObject = resp.GetProperties()
if id == "" {
return "", nil, resource.StatusUnknown,
errors.Errorf("plugin for package '%v' returned empty resource.ID from create '%v'", p.pkg, urn)
outs, err := UnmarshalProperties(liveObject, MarshalOptions{
Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.outputs", label), RejectUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return "", nil, resourceStatus, err
logging.V(7).Infof("%s success: id=%s; #outs=%d", label, id, len(outs))
if resourceError == nil {
return id, outs, resourceStatus, nil
return id, outs, resourceStatus, resourceError
// read the current live state associated with a resource. enough state must be include in the inputs to uniquely
// identify the resource; this is typically just the resource id, but may also include some properties.
func (p *provider) Read(
urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, props resource.PropertyMap,
) (resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(id != "")
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Read(%s,%s)", p.label(), id, urn)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#props=%v)", label, len(props))
// Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured.
client, err := p.getClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, resource.StatusUnknown, err
// If the provider is not fully configured, return an empty bag.
if !p.cfgknown {
return resource.PropertyMap{}, resource.StatusUnknown, nil
// Marshal the input state so we can perform the RPC.
marshaled, err := MarshalProperties(props, MarshalOptions{Label: label, ElideAssetContents: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, resource.StatusUnknown, err
// Now issue the read request over RPC, blocking until it finished.
var readID resource.ID
var liveObject *_struct.Struct
var resourceError error
var resourceStatus = resource.StatusOK
resp, err := client.Read(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.ReadRequest{
Id: string(id),
Urn: string(urn),
Properties: marshaled,
if err != nil {
resourceStatus, readID, liveObject, resourceError = parseError(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, err)
if resourceStatus != resource.StatusPartialFailure {
return nil, resourceStatus, resourceError
// Else it's a `StatusPartialFailure`.
} else {
readID = resource.ID(resp.GetId())
liveObject = resp.GetProperties()
// If the resource was missing, simply return a nil property map.
if string(readID) == "" {
return nil, resourceStatus, nil
} else if readID != id {
return nil, resourceStatus, errors.Errorf(
"reading resource %s yielded an unexpected ID; expected %s, got %s", urn, id, readID)
// Finally, unmarshal the resulting state properties and return them.
results, err := UnmarshalProperties(liveObject, MarshalOptions{
Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.outputs", label), RejectUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, resourceStatus, err
logging.V(7).Infof("%s success; #outs=%d", label, len(results))
return results, resourceStatus, resourceError
// Update updates an existing resource with new values.
func (p *provider) Update(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID,
olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap) (resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(id != "")
contract.Assert(news != nil)
contract.Assert(olds != nil)
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Update(%s,%s)", p.label(), id, urn)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#olds=%v,#news=%v)", label, len(olds), len(news))
molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{
Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.olds", label), ElideAssetContents: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, resource.StatusOK, err
mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.news", label)})
if err != nil {
return nil, resource.StatusOK, err
// Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured.
client, err := p.getClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, resource.StatusOK, err
// We should only be calling {Create,Update,Delete} if the provider is fully configured.
var liveObject *_struct.Struct
var resourceError error
var resourceStatus = resource.StatusOK
resp, err := client.Update(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.UpdateRequest{
Id: string(id),
Urn: string(urn),
Olds: molds,
News: mnews,
if err != nil {
resourceStatus, _, liveObject, resourceError = parseError(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, resourceError)
if resourceStatus != resource.StatusPartialFailure {
return nil, resourceStatus, resourceError
// Else it's a `StatusPartialFailure`.
} else {
liveObject = resp.GetProperties()
outs, err := UnmarshalProperties(liveObject, MarshalOptions{
Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.outputs", label), RejectUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, resourceStatus, err
logging.V(7).Infof("%s success; #outs=%d", label, len(outs))
if resourceError == nil {
return outs, resourceStatus, nil
return outs, resourceStatus, resourceError
// Delete tears down an existing resource.
func (p *provider) Delete(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, props resource.PropertyMap) (resource.Status, error) {
contract.Assert(urn != "")
contract.Assert(id != "")
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Delete(%s,%s)", p.label(), urn, id)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#props=%d)", label, len(props))
mprops, err := MarshalProperties(props, MarshalOptions{Label: label, ElideAssetContents: true})
if err != nil {
return resource.StatusOK, err
// Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured.
client, err := p.getClient()
if err != nil {
return resource.StatusOK, err
// We should only be calling {Create,Update,Delete} if the provider is fully configured.
if _, err := client.Delete(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.DeleteRequest{
Id: string(id),
Urn: string(urn),
Properties: mprops,
}); err != nil {
resourceStatus, rpcErr := resourceStateAndError(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, rpcErr)
return resourceStatus, rpcErr
logging.V(7).Infof("%s success", label)
return resource.StatusOK, nil
// Invoke dynamically executes a built-in function in the provider.
func (p *provider) Invoke(tok tokens.ModuleMember, args resource.PropertyMap) (resource.PropertyMap,
[]CheckFailure, error) {
contract.Assert(tok != "")
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Invoke(%s)", p.label(), tok)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#args=%d)", label, len(args))
// Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured.
client, err := p.getClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// If the provider is not fully configured, return an empty property map.
if !p.cfgknown {
return resource.PropertyMap{}, nil, nil
margs, err := MarshalProperties(args, MarshalOptions{Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.args", label)})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
resp, err := client.Invoke(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.InvokeRequest{Tok: string(tok), Args: margs})
if err != nil {
rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, rpcError.Message())
return nil, nil, rpcError
// Unmarshal any return values.
ret, err := UnmarshalProperties(resp.GetReturn(), MarshalOptions{
Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.returns", label), RejectUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// And now any properties that failed verification.
var failures []CheckFailure
for _, failure := range resp.GetFailures() {
failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{resource.PropertyKey(failure.Property), failure.Reason})
logging.V(7).Infof("%s success (#ret=%d,#failures=%d) success", label, len(ret), len(failures))
return ret, failures, nil
// GetPluginInfo returns this plugin's information.
func (p *provider) GetPluginInfo() (workspace.PluginInfo, error) {
label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.GetPluginInfo()", p.label())
logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing", label)
// Calling GetPluginInfo happens immediately after loading, and does not require configuration to proceed.
// Thus, we access the clientRaw property, rather than calling getClient.
resp, err := p.clientRaw.GetPluginInfo(p.ctx.Request(), &pbempty.Empty{})
if err != nil {
rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err)
logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: err=%v", label, rpcError.Message())
return workspace.PluginInfo{}, rpcError
var version *semver.Version
if v := resp.Version; v != "" {
sv, err := semver.ParseTolerant(v)
if err != nil {
return workspace.PluginInfo{}, err
version = &sv
return workspace.PluginInfo{
Name: string(p.pkg),
Path: p.plug.Bin,
Kind: workspace.ResourcePlugin,
Version: version,
}, nil
func (p *provider) SignalCancellation() error {
_, err := p.clientRaw.Cancel(p.ctx.Request(), &pbempty.Empty{})
if err != nil {
rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err)
logging.V(8).Infof("provider received rpc error `%s`: `%s`", rpcError.Code(),
switch rpcError.Code() {
case codes.Unimplemented:
// For backwards compatibility, do nothing if it's not implemented.
return nil
return err
// Close tears down the underlying plugin RPC connection and process.
func (p *provider) Close() error {
return p.plug.Close()
// createConfigureError creates a nice error message from an RPC error that
// originated from `Configure`.
// If we requested that a resource configure itself but omitted required configuration
// variables, resource providers will respond with a list of missing variables and their descriptions.
// If that is what occurred, we'll use that information here to construct a nice error message.
func createConfigureError(rpcerr *rpcerror.Error) error {
var err error
for _, detail := range rpcerr.Details() {
if missingKeys, ok := detail.(*pulumirpc.ConfigureErrorMissingKeys); ok {
for _, missingKey := range missingKeys.MissingKeys {
singleError := fmt.Errorf("missing required configuration key \"%s\": %s\n"+
"Set a value using the command `pulumi config set %s <value>`.",
missingKey.Name, missingKey.Description, missingKey.Name)
err = multierror.Append(err, singleError)
if err != nil {
return err
return rpcerr
// resourceStateAndError interprets an error obtained from a gRPC endpoint.
// gRPC gives us a `status.Status` structure as an `error` whenever our
// gRPC servers serve up an error. Each `status.Status` contains a code
// and a message. Based on the error code given to us, we can understand
// the state of our system and if our resource status is truly unknown.
// In general, our resource state is only really unknown if the server
// had an internal error, in which case it will serve one of `codes.Internal`,
// `codes.DataLoss`, or `codes.Unknown` to us.
func resourceStateAndError(err error) (resource.Status, *rpcerror.Error) {
rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err)
logging.V(8).Infof("provider received rpc error `%s`: `%s`", rpcError.Code(), rpcError.Message())
switch rpcError.Code() {
case codes.Internal, codes.DataLoss, codes.Unknown:
logging.V(8).Infof("rpc error kind `%s` may not be recoverable", rpcError.Code())
return resource.StatusUnknown, rpcError
logging.V(8).Infof("rpc error kind `%s` is well-understood and recoverable", rpcError.Code())
return resource.StatusOK, rpcError
// parseError parses a gRPC error into a set of values that represent the state of a resource. They
// are: (1) the `resourceStatus`, indicating the last known state (e.g., `StatusOK`, representing
// success, `StatusUnknown`, representing internal failure); (2) the `*rpcerror.Error`, our internal
// representation for RPC errors; and optionally (3) `liveObject`, containing the last known live
// version of the object that has successfully created but failed to initialize (e.g., because the
// object was created, but app code is continually crashing and the resource never achieves
// liveness).
func parseError(err error) (
resourceStatus resource.Status, id resource.ID, liveObject *_struct.Struct, resourceErr error,
) {
var responseErr *rpcerror.Error
resourceStatus, responseErr = resourceStateAndError(err)
contract.Assert(responseErr != nil)
// If resource was successfully created but failed to initialize, the error will be packed
// with the live properties of the object.
resourceErr = responseErr
for _, detail := range responseErr.Details() {
if initErr, ok := detail.(*pulumirpc.ErrorResourceInitFailed); ok {
id = resource.ID(initErr.GetId())
liveObject = initErr.GetProperties()
resourceStatus = resource.StatusPartialFailure
resourceErr = &InitError{Reasons: initErr.Reasons}
return resourceStatus, id, liveObject, resourceErr
// InitError represents a failure to initialize a resource, i.e., the resource has been successfully
// created, but it has failed to initialize.
type InitError struct {
Reasons []string
var _ error = (*InitError)(nil)
func (ie *InitError) Error() string {
var err error
for _, reason := range ie.Reasons {
err = multierror.Append(err, errors.New(reason))
return err.Error()