joeduffy 335ea01275 Implement archives
Our initial implementation of assets was intentionally naive, because
they were limited to single-file assets.  However, it turns out that for
real scenarios (like lambdas), we want to support multi-file assets.

In this change, we introduce the concept of an Archive.  An archive is
what the term classically means: a collection of files, addressed as one.
For now, we support three kinds: tarfile archives (*.tar), gzip-compressed
tarfile archives (*.tgz, *.tar), and normal zipfile archives (*.zip).

There is a fair bit of library support for manipulating Archives as a
logical collection of Assets.  I've gone to great length to avoid making
copies, however, sometimes it is unavoidable (for example, when sizes
are required in order to emit offsets).  This is also complicated by the
fact that the AWS libraries often want seekable streams, if not actual
raw contiguous []byte slices.
2017-04-30 12:37:24 -07:00

400 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Pulumi, Inc. All rights reserved.
package cidlc
import (
// TODO: preserve GoDocs.
type PackGenerator struct {
Program *loader.Program // the compiled Go program.
IDLRoot string // the path to the IDL on disk.
IDLPkgBase string // the IDL's base package path.
Out string // where to store the output package.
CurrPkg *Package // the package currently being visited.
CurrFile string // the file currently being visited.
FileHadRes bool // true if the file had at least one resource.
FileImports map[string]MemberImports // a map of imported package paths and members.
type MemberImports map[tokens.Name]string
func NewPackGenerator(prog *loader.Program, root string, pkgBase string, out string) *PackGenerator {
return &PackGenerator{
Program: prog,
IDLRoot: root,
IDLPkgBase: pkgBase,
Out: out,
// Filename gets the source filename for a given Go element.
func (g *PackGenerator) Filename(elem goPos) string {
pos := elem.Pos()
fset := g.Program.Fset
return fset.Position(pos).Filename
// Generate generates a Coconut package's source code from a given compiled IDL program.
func (g *PackGenerator) Generate(pkg *Package) error {
// Ensure the directory structure exists in the target.
if err := mirrorDirLayout(pkg, g.Out); err != nil {
return err
// Install context about the current entity being visited.
oldpkg, oldfile := g.CurrPkg, g.CurrFile
g.CurrPkg = pkg
defer (func() {
g.CurrPkg, g.CurrFile = oldpkg, oldfile
// Now walk through the package, file by file, and generate the contents.
for relpath, file := range pkg.Files {
var members []Member
for _, nm := range file.MemberNames {
members = append(members, file.Members[nm])
g.CurrFile = relpath
path := filepath.Join(g.Out, relpath)
if err := g.EmitFile(path, members); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *PackGenerator) EmitFile(file string, members []Member) error {
// Set up context.
oldHadRes, oldImports := g.FileHadRes, g.FileImports
g.FileHadRes, g.FileImports = false, make(map[string]MemberImports)
defer (func() {
g.FileHadRes = oldHadRes
g.FileImports = oldImports
// First, generate the body. This is required first so we know which imports to emit.
body := g.genFileBody(members)
// Next actually open up the file and emit the header, imports, and the body of the module.
return g.emitFileContents(file, body)
func (g *PackGenerator) emitFileContents(file string, body string) error {
// The output is TypeScript, so alter the extension.
if dotindex := strings.LastIndex(file, "."); dotindex != -1 {
file = file[:dotindex]
file += ".ts"
// Open up a writer that overwrites whatever file contents already exist.
f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
// Emit a header into the file.
// If there are any resources, import the Coconut package.
if g.FileHadRes {
writefmtln(w, "import * as coconut from \"@coconut/coconut\";")
writefmtln(w, "")
if len(g.FileImports) > 0 {
// First, sort the imported package names, to ensure determinism.
var ipkgs []string
for ipkg := range g.FileImports {
ipkgs = append(ipkgs, ipkg)
for _, ipkg := range ipkgs {
// Produce a map of filename to the members in that file that have been imported.
importMap := make(map[string][]tokens.Name)
for member, file := range g.FileImports[ipkg] {
importMap[file] = append(importMap[file], member)
// Now sort them to ensure determinism.
var importFiles []string
for file := range importMap {
importFiles = append(importFiles, file)
// Next, walk each imported file and import all members from within it.
for _, file := range importFiles {
// Make a relative import path from the current file.
contract.Assertf(strings.HasPrefix(file, g.IDLRoot),
"Inter-IDL package references not yet supported (%v is not part of %v)", file, g.IDLRoot)
dir := filepath.Dir(g.CurrFile)
relimp, err := filepath.Rel(dir, file[len(g.IDLRoot)+1:])
contract.Assertf(err == nil, "Unexpected filepath.Rel error: %v", err)
var impname string
if strings.HasPrefix(relimp, ".") {
impname = relimp
} else {
impname = "./" + relimp
if filepath.Ext(impname) != "" {
lastdot := strings.LastIndex(impname, ".")
impname = impname[:lastdot]
// Now produce a sorted list of imported members, again to ensure determinism.
members := importMap[file]
contract.Assert(len(members) > 0)
sort.Slice(members, func(i, j int) bool {
return string(members[i]) < string(members[j])
// Finally, go through and produce the import clause.
writefmt(w, "import {")
for i, member := range members {
if i > 0 {
writefmt(w, ", ")
writefmt(w, string(member))
writefmtln(w, "} from \"%v\";", impname)
writefmtln(w, "")
writefmtln(w, "%v", body)
return w.Flush()
func (g *PackGenerator) genFileBody(members []Member) string {
// Accumulate the buffer in a string.
var buffer bytes.Buffer
w := bufio.NewWriter(&buffer)
// Now go ahead and emit the code for all members of this package.
for i, m := range members {
if i > 0 {
// Allow aliases and consts to pile up without line breaks.
_, isalias := m.(*Alias)
_, isconst := m.(*Const)
if (!isalias && !isconst) || reflect.TypeOf(m) != reflect.TypeOf(members[i-1]) {
writefmtln(w, "")
switch t := m.(type) {
case *Alias:
g.EmitAlias(w, t)
case *Const:
g.EmitConst(w, t)
case *Enum:
g.EmitEnum(w, t)
case *Resource:
g.EmitResource(w, t)
case *Struct:
g.EmitStruct(w, t)
contract.Failf("Unrecognized package member type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(m))
writefmtln(w, "")
return buffer.String()
func (g *PackGenerator) EmitAlias(w *bufio.Writer, alias *Alias) {
writefmtln(w, "export type %v = %v;", alias.Name(), g.GenTypeName(alias.Target()))
func (g *PackGenerator) EmitConst(w *bufio.Writer, konst *Const) {
writefmtln(w, "export let %v: %v = %v;", konst.Name(), g.GenTypeName(konst.Type), konst.Value.String())
func (g *PackGenerator) EmitEnum(w *bufio.Writer, enum *Enum) {
writefmtln(w, "export type %v =", enum.Name())
contract.Assert(len(enum.Values) > 0)
for i, value := range enum.Values {
if i > 0 {
writefmtln(w, " |")
writefmt(w, " %v", value)
writefmtln(w, ";")
func (g *PackGenerator) EmitResource(w *bufio.Writer, res *Resource) {
// Emit the full resource class definition, including constructor, etc.
g.emitResourceClass(w, res)
writefmtln(w, "")
// Finally, emit an entire struct type for the args interface.
g.emitStructType(w, res, res.Name()+tokens.Name("Args"))
// Remember we had a resource in this file so we can import the right stuff.
g.FileHadRes = true
func (g *PackGenerator) emitResourceClass(w *bufio.Writer, res *Resource) {
// Emit the class definition itself.
name := res.Name()
writefmtln(w, "export class %v extends coconut.Resource implements %vArgs {", name, name)
// Now all fields definitions.
fn := forEachField(res, func(fld *types.Var, opt PropertyOptions) {
g.emitField(w, fld, opt, " public ")
if fn > 0 {
writefmtln(w, "")
// Next, a constructor that validates arguments and self-assigns them.
writefmt(w, " constructor(")
if res.Named {
writefmt(w, "name: string, ")
writefmtln(w, "args: %vArgs) {", name)
writefmtln(w, " super();")
forEachField(res, func(fld *types.Var, opt PropertyOptions) {
if opt.Out {
return // skip output properties because they won't exist on the arguments.
} else if isResourceNameProperty(res, opt) {
// Named properties are passed as the constructor's first argument.
writefmtln(w, " if (name === undefined) {")
writefmtln(w, " throw new Error(\"Missing required resource name\");")
writefmtln(w, " }")
writefmtln(w, " this.name = name;")
} else {
if !opt.Optional {
// Validate that required parameters exist.
writefmtln(w, " if (args.%v === undefined) {", opt.Name)
writefmtln(w, " throw new Error(\"Missing required argument '%v'\");", opt.Name)
writefmtln(w, " }")
writefmtln(w, " this.%v = args.%v;", opt.Name, opt.Name)
writefmtln(w, " }")
writefmtln(w, "}")
func isResourceNameProperty(res *Resource, prop PropertyOptions) bool {
return res.Named && prop.Name == "name"
func (g *PackGenerator) EmitStruct(w *bufio.Writer, s *Struct) {
g.emitStructType(w, s, s.Name())
func (g *PackGenerator) emitStructType(w *bufio.Writer, t TypeMember, name tokens.Name) {
writefmtln(w, fmt.Sprintf("export interface %v {", name))
forEachField(t, func(fld *types.Var, opt PropertyOptions) {
if opt.Out {
return // skip output properties, since those exist solely on the resource class.
} else if res, isres := t.(*Resource); isres && isResourceNameProperty(res, opt) {
return // skip resource names, since those are part of the resource but not its property object.
g.emitField(w, fld, opt, " ")
writefmtln(w, "}")
func (g *PackGenerator) emitField(w *bufio.Writer, fld *types.Var, opt PropertyOptions, prefix string) {
var readonly string
var optional string
var typ string
if opt.Replaces {
readonly = "readonly "
if opt.Optional {
optional = "?"
typ = g.GenTypeName(fld.Type())
writefmtln(w, "%v%v%v%v: %v;", prefix, readonly, opt.Name, optional, typ)
func (g *PackGenerator) GenTypeName(t types.Type) string {
switch u := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
switch k := u.Kind(); k {
case types.Bool:
return "boolean"
case types.String:
return "string"
case types.Float64:
return "number"
contract.Failf("Unrecognized GenTypeName basic type: %v", k)
case *types.Interface:
return "any"
case *types.Named:
obj := u.Obj()
if spec, kind := IsSpecial(obj); spec {
switch kind {
case SpecialArchiveType:
return "coconut.asset.Archive"
case SpecialAssetType:
return "coconut.asset.Asset"
case SpecialResourceType, SpecialNamedResourceType:
return "coconut.Resource"
contract.Failf("Unrecognized special type: %v", kind)
// Our import logic will have arranged for the type name to be available.
// TODO: consider auto-generated import names to avoid conflicts between imported and local names.
return obj.Name()
case *types.Map:
return fmt.Sprintf("{[key: %v]: %v}", g.GenTypeName(u.Key()), g.GenTypeName(u.Elem()))
case *types.Pointer:
return g.GenTypeName(u.Elem()) // no pointers in TypeScript, just emit the underlying type.
case *types.Slice:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v[]", g.GenTypeName(u.Elem())) // postfix syntax for arrays.
contract.Failf("Unrecognized GenTypeName type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(u))
return ""
// trackNameReference registers that we have seen a foreign package and requests that the imports be emitted for it.
func (g *PackGenerator) trackNameReference(obj *types.TypeName) {
// If a reference to a type within the same package and file, there is no need to register anything.
pkg := obj.Pkg()
member := tokens.Name(obj.Name())
if pkg == g.CurrPkg.Pkginfo.Pkg &&
g.CurrPkg.MemberFiles[member].Path == g.CurrFile {
// Otherwise, we need to track the member so that we can import it later on. Make sure not to add duplicates
// because we want to ensure we don't import the same thing twice.
path := pkg.Path()
members, has := g.FileImports[path]
if !has {
members = make(MemberImports)
g.FileImports[path] = members
members[member] = g.Filename(obj)