joeduffy 3d74eac67d Make major commands more pleasant
This change eliminates the need to constantly type in the environment
name when performing major commands like configuration, planning, and
deployment.  It's probably due to my age, however, I keep fat-fingering
simple commands in front of investors and I am embarrassed!

In the new model, there is a notion of a "current environment", and
I have modeled it kinda sorta just like Git's notion of "current branch."

By default, the current environment is set when you `init` something.
Otherwise, there is the `coco env select <env>` command to change it.
(Running this command w/out a new <env> will show you the current one.)

The major commands `config`, `plan`, `deploy`, and `destroy` will prefer
to use the current environment, unless it is overridden by using the
--env flag.  All of the `coco env <cmd> <env>` commands still require the
explicit passing of an environment which seems reasonable since they are,
after all, about manipulating environments.

As part of this, I've overhauled the aging workspace settings cruft,
which had fallen into disrepair since the initial prototype.
2017-03-21 19:23:32 -07:00

246 lines
8.9 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Pulumi, Inc. All rights reserved.
package workspace
import (
homedir "github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir"
// W offers functionality for interacting with Coconut workspaces. A workspace influences compilation; for example, it
// can specify default versions of dependencies, easing the process of working with multiple projects.
type W interface {
Path() string // the base path of the current workspace.
Root() string // the root path of the current workspace.
Settings() *Settings // returns a mutable pointer to the optional workspace settings info.
DetectPackage() (string, error) // locates the nearest project file in the directory hierarchy.
DepCandidates(dep pack.PackageURL) []string // fetches all candidate locations for a dependency's artifacts.
Save() error // saves any modifications to the workspace.
// New creates a new workspace from the given starting path.
func New(ctx *core.Context) (W, error) {
contract.Requiref(ctx != nil, "ctx", "!= nil")
// First normalize the path to an absolute one.
path, err := filepath.Abs(ctx.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
home, err := homedir.Dir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ws := workspace{
ctx: ctx,
path: path,
home: home,
// Perform our I/O: memoize the root directory and load up any settings before returning.
if err := ws.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ws, nil
type workspace struct {
ctx *core.Context // the shared compiler context object.
path string // the path at which the workspace was constructed.
home string // the home directory to use for this workspace.
root string // the root of the workspace.
settings Settings // an optional bag of workspace-wide settings.
// init finds the root of the workspace, caches it for fast lookups, and loads up any workspace settings.
func (w *workspace) init() error {
if w.root == "" {
// Detect the root of the workspace and cache it.
root := pathDir(w.path)
for {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(root)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, file := range files {
// A coconut directory delimits the root of the workspace.
cocodir := filepath.Join(root, file.Name())
if IsCocoDir(cocodir) {
glog.V(3).Infof("Coconut workspace detected; setting root to %v", w.root)
w.root = root // remember the root.
w.settings, err = w.readSettings() // load up optional settings.
if err != nil {
return err
break Search
// If neither succeeded, keep looking in our parent directory.
if root = filepath.Dir(root); isTop(root) {
// We reached the top of the filesystem. Just set root back to the path and stop.
glog.V(3).Infof("No Coconut workspace found; defaulting to current path %v", w.root)
w.root = w.path
return nil
func (w *workspace) Path() string { return w.path }
func (w *workspace) Root() string { return w.root }
func (w *workspace) Settings() *Settings { return &w.settings }
func (w *workspace) DetectPackage() (string, error) {
return DetectPackage(w.path, w.ctx.Diag)
func (w *workspace) DepCandidates(dep pack.PackageURL) []string {
// The search order for dependencies is specified in https://github.com/pulumi/coconut/blob/master/docs/deps.md.
// Roughly speaking, these locations are are searched, in order:
// 1. The current workspace, for intra-workspace but inter-package dependencies.
// 2. The current workspace's .coconut/packs/ directory.
// 3. The global workspace's .coconut/packs/ directory.
// 4. The Coconut installation location's $COCOROOT/lib/ directory (default /usr/local/coconut/lib).
// In each location, we prefer a fully qualified hit if it exists -- containing both the base of the reference plus
// the name -- however, we also accept name-only hits. This allows developers to organize their workspace without
// worrying about where packages are hosted. Most of the Coconut tools, however, prefer fully qualified paths.
// To be more precise, given a PackageRef r and a workspace root w, we look in these locations, in order:
// 1. w/base(r)/name(r)
// 2. w/name(r)
// 3. w/.coconut/packs/base(r)/name(r)
// 4. w/.coconut/packs/name(r)
// 5. ~/.coconut/packs/base(r)/name(r)
// 6. ~/.coconut/packs/name(r)
// 7. $COCOROOT/lib/base(r)/name(r)
// 8. $COCOROOT/lib/name(r)
// A workspace may optionally have a namespace, in which case, we will also look for stacks in the workspace whose
// name is simplified to omit that namespace part. For example, if a stack is named `mu/project/stack`, and the
// workspace namespace is `mu/`, then we will search `w/project/stack`; if the workspace is `mu/project/`, then we
// will search `w/stack`; and so on. This helps to avoid needing to deeply nest workspaces needlessly.
// The following code simply produces an array of these candidate locations, in order.
dep = dep.Defaults() // ensure we use defaults in the pathing.
base := stringNamePath(dep.Base)
name := packageNamePath(dep.Name)
wsname := workspacePath(w, dep.Name)
// For each extension we support, add the same set of search locations.
cands := make([]string, 0, 4*len(encoding.Exts))
for _, ext := range encoding.Exts {
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, base, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, wsname, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, Dir, DepDir, base, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, Dir, DepDir, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.home, Dir, DepDir, base, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.home, Dir, DepDir, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(InstallRoot(), InstallRootLibdir, base, name, PackFile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(InstallRoot(), InstallRootLibdir, name, PackFile+ext))
return cands
// namePath just cleans a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func namePath(nm tokens.Name) string {
return stringNamePath(string(nm))
// qnamePath just cleans a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func qnamePath(nm tokens.QName) string {
return stringNamePath(string(nm))
// packageNamePath just cleans a package name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func packageNamePath(nm tokens.PackageName) string {
return stringNamePath(string(nm))
// stringNamePart cleans a string component of a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func stringNamePath(nm string) string {
return strings.Replace(nm, tokens.QNameDelimiter, string(os.PathSeparator), -1)
// workspacePath converts a name into the relevant name-part in the workspace to look for that dependency.
func workspacePath(w *workspace, nm tokens.PackageName) string {
if ns := w.Settings().Namespace; ns != "" {
// If the name starts with the namespace, trim the name part.
orig := string(nm)
if trim := strings.TrimPrefix(orig, ns+tokens.QNameDelimiter); trim != orig {
return stringNamePath(trim)
return packageNamePath(nm)
// Save persists any in-memory changes made to the workspace.
func (w *workspace) Save() error {
// For now, the only changes to commit are the settings file changes.
return w.saveSettings()
// settingsFile returns the settings file location for this workspace.
func (w *workspace) settingsFile(ext string) string {
return filepath.Join(w.root, Dir, SettingsFile+ext)
// readSettings loads a settings file from the workspace, probing for all available extensions.
func (w *workspace) readSettings() (Settings, error) {
// Attempt to load the raw bytes from all available extensions.
var settings Settings
for _, ext := range encoding.Exts {
// See if the file exists.
path := w.settingsFile(ext)
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
continue // try the next extension
return settings, err
// If it does, go ahead and decode it.
m := encoding.Marshalers[ext]
if err := m.Unmarshal(b, &settings); err != nil {
return settings, err
return settings, nil
// saveSettings saves the settings into a file for this workspace, committing any in-memory changes that have been made.
// TODO: right now, we only support JSON. It'd be ideal if we supported YAML too (and it would be quite easy).
func (w *workspace) saveSettings() error {
m := encoding.Default()
settings := w.Settings()
b, err := m.Marshal(settings)
if err != nil {
return err
path := w.settingsFile(encoding.DefaultExt())
return ioutil.WriteFile(path, b, 0644)