joeduffy 15a75c9ee4 Catch duplicate URNs during planning
We fail very late in the process of plan application, should a duplicate
URN arise.  This change fails as early in the process as possible and
ensures that it does so with good line number information.
2017-06-27 13:04:06 -07:00

381 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package deploy
import (
goerr "github.com/pkg/errors"
// NewEvalSource returns a planning source that fetches resources by evaluating a package pkg with a set of args args
// and a confgiuration map config. This evaluation is performed using the given context ctx and may optionally use the
// given plugin host (or the default, if this is nil). Note that closing the eval source also closes the host.
// If destroy is true, then all of the usual initialization will take place, but the state will be presented to the
// planning engine as if no new resources exist. This will cause it to forcibly remove them.
func NewEvalSource(plugctx *plugin.Context, bindctx *binder.Context,
pkg *symbols.Package, args core.Args, config resource.ConfigMap, destroy bool) Source {
return &evalSource{
plugctx: plugctx,
bindctx: bindctx,
pkg: pkg,
args: args,
config: config,
destroy: destroy,
type evalSource struct {
plugctx *plugin.Context // the plugin context (for plugin communication, e.g. interpreter state).
bindctx *binder.Context // the binder context (for compiler operations).
pkg *symbols.Package // the package to evaluate.
args core.Args // the arguments used to compile this package.
config resource.ConfigMap // the configuration variables for this package.
destroy bool // true if this source will trigger total destruction.
const (
evalParty = rendezvous.PartyA // the evaluator's rendezvous party (it goes first).
planParty = rendezvous.PartyB // the planner's rendezvous party (it goes second).
func (src *evalSource) Close() error {
return nil
func (src *evalSource) Info() interface{} {
return &evalSourceInfo{
Pkg: src.pkg.Tok,
Args: src.args,
// evalSourceInfo contains unique information about what source package plus arguments led to the resources.
type evalSourceInfo struct {
Pkg tokens.Package `json:"pkg"`
Args core.Args `json:"args"`
// Iterate will spawn an evaluator coroutine and prepare to interact with it on subsequent calls to Next.
func (src *evalSource) Iterate() (SourceIterator, error) {
// Create a new rendezvous object used to orchestrate the planning and evaluation as coroutines.
rz := rendezvous.New()
// Now fire up a new interpreter.
e := eval.New(src.bindctx, &evalHooks{rz: rz})
// Populate the configuration variables.
if err := InitEvalConfig(src.bindctx, e, src.config); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the current context iterator; we will relinqush this in Close.
// Now create the evaluator coroutine and prepare it to take its first step.
if err := forkEval(src, rz, e); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finally, return the fresh iterator that can take things from here.
return &evalSourceIterator{
src: src,
e: e,
rz: rz,
}, nil
type evalSourceIterator struct {
src *evalSource // the owning eval source object.
e eval.Interpreter // the interpreter used to compute the new state.
res *resource.Object // a resource to publish during the next rendezvous.
rz *rendezvous.Rendezvous // the rendezvous where planning and evaluator coroutines meet.
func (iter *evalSourceIterator) Close() error {
return nil
func (iter *evalSourceIterator) Produce(res *resource.Object) {
iter.res = res
func (iter *evalSourceIterator) Next() (*SourceAllocation, *SourceQuery, error) {
// If we are destroying, we simply return nothing.
if iter.src.destroy {
return nil, nil, nil
// Kick the interpreter to compute some more and then inspect what it has to say.
var data interface{}
if res := iter.res; res != nil {
data = rt.NewReturnUnwind(res.Obj())
iter.res = nil // reset the state so we don't return things more than once.
obj, done, err := iter.rz.Meet(planParty, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
} else if done {
glog.V(5).Infof("EvalSourceIterator is done")
return nil, nil, nil
contract.Assert(obj != nil)
// See what the interpreter came up with. It's either an allocation or a query operation.
if alloc, isalloc := obj.(*AllocRendezvous); isalloc {
glog.V(5).Infof("EvalSourceIterator produced a new object: obj=%v, ctx=%v", alloc.Obj, alloc.Mod.Tok)
return &SourceAllocation{
Loc: alloc.Loc,
Obj: resource.NewObject(alloc.Obj),
Ctx: alloc.Mod.Tok,
}, nil, nil
} else if query, isquery := obj.(*QueryRendezvous); isquery {
glog.V(5).Infof("EvalSourceIterator produced a new query: fnc=%v, #args=%v", query.Meth, len(query.Args))
meth := query.Meth
args := query.Args
t := meth.Parent
switch meth.Name() {
case specialResourceGetFunction:
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil, nil,
goerr.Errorf("Missing required argument 'id' for method %v", meth)
} else if !args[0].IsString() {
return nil, nil,
goerr.Errorf("Expected method %v argument 'id' to be a string; got %v", meth, args[0])
return nil, &SourceQuery{Type: t, GetID: resource.ID(args[0].StringValue())}, nil
case specialResourceQueryFunction:
contract.Failf("TODO[pulumi/lumi#83]: query not yet implemented")
contract.Failf("Unrecognized query rendezvous function name: %v", meth.Name())
contract.Failf("Unexpected rendezvous object: %v (expected alloc or query)", obj)
return nil, nil, nil
// InitEvalConfig applies the configuration map to an existing interpreter context. The map is simply a map of tokens,
// which must be globally settable variables (module properties or static class properties), to serializable constant
// values. The routine simply walks these tokens in sorted order, and assigns the constant objects. Note that, because
// we are accessing module and class members, this routine will also trigger the relevant initialization routines.
func InitEvalConfig(ctx *binder.Context, e eval.Interpreter, config resource.ConfigMap) error {
if config == nil {
return nil
// For each config entry, bind the token to its symbol, and then attempt to assign to it.
glog.V(5).Infof("Applying %v configuration values: %v", len(config), config)
var err error
for _, tok := range config.StableKeys() {
glog.V(5).Infof("Applying configuration value for token '%v'", tok)
// Bind to the symbol; if it returns nil, this means an error has resulted, and we can skip it.
var tree diag.Diagable // there is no source info for this; eventually we may assign one.
if sym := ctx.LookupSymbol(tree, tok, true); sym != nil {
var ok bool
switch s := sym.(type) {
case *symbols.ModuleProperty:
ok = true
case *symbols.ClassProperty:
// class properties are ok, so long as they are static.
ok = s.Static()
ok = false
if !ok {
ctx.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorIllegalConfigToken, tok)
} else {
// Load up the location as an l-value; because we don't support instance properties, this is nil.
loc, uw := e.LoadLocation(tree, sym, nil, true)
if uw != nil {
// If an error was thrown, print it and keep going.
e.UnhandledException(tree, uw.Thrown())
ok = false
} else if loc != nil {
// Allocate a new constant for the value we are about to assign, and assign it to the location.
v := config[tok]
obj := rt.NewConstantObject(v)
loc.Set(tree, obj)
if !ok && err == nil {
err = goerr.New("Configuration variables could not be applied; stopping")
return err
// forkEval performs the evaluation from a distinct goroutine. This function blocks until it's our turn to go.
func forkEval(src *evalSource, rz *rendezvous.Rendezvous, e eval.Interpreter) error {
if src.destroy {
// If we are destroying, no need to perform any evaluation beyond the config initialization.
} else {
// Fire up the goroutine.
go func() {
e.EvaluatePackage(src.pkg, src.args)
// Let the other party run and only resume when it's our turn.
ret, done, err := rz.Let(planParty)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if done {
return goerr.New("Failure running the program before it even began executing")
contract.Assertf(ret == nil, "unexpected rendezvous return: %v", ret)
return nil
// AllocRendezvous is used when an object is allocated, and tracks the context in which it was allocated.
type AllocRendezvous struct {
Obj *rt.Object // the object itself.
Loc diag.Diagable // the location information for the allocation.
Pkg *symbols.Package // the package being evaluated when the allocation happened.
Mod *symbols.Module // the module being evaluated when the allocation happened.
Fnc symbols.Function // the function being evaluated when the allocation happened.
// QueryRendezvous is used when the interpreter hits a query routine that needs to be evaluated by the planner.
type QueryRendezvous struct {
Meth *symbols.ClassMethod // the resource method that triggered the need to rendezvous.
Args []*rt.Object // the arguments supplied, if any.
// evalHooks are the interpreter hooks that synchronize between planner and evaluator in the appropriate ways.
type evalHooks struct {
rz *rendezvous.Rendezvous // the rendezvous object.
currpkg *symbols.Package // the current package being executed.
currmod *symbols.Module // the current module being executed.
currfnc symbols.Function // the current function being executed.
// OnStart ensures that, before starting, we wait our turn.
func (h *evalHooks) OnStart() *rt.Unwind {
ret, done, err := h.rz.Meet(evalParty, nil)
contract.Assert(err == nil)
if done {
return rt.NewCancelUnwind()
contract.Assert(ret == nil)
return nil
// OnDone ensures that, after completion, we tell the other party that we're done.
func (h *evalHooks) OnDone(uw *rt.Unwind) *rt.Unwind {
var err error
if uw != nil {
if uw.Throw() {
err = goerr.New("Planning resulted in an unhandled exception; cannot proceed with the plan")
} else {
contract.Assert(uw.Return() || uw.Cancel())
return nil
// OnObjectInit ensures that, for every resource object created, we tell the planner about it.
func (h *evalHooks) OnObjectInit(tree diag.Diagable, obj *rt.Object) *rt.Unwind {
glog.V(9).Infof("EvalSource OnObjectInit %v (IsResource=%v)", obj, resource.IsResourceObject(obj))
if resource.IsResourceObject(obj) {
// Communicate the full allocation context: AST node, package, module, and function.
alloc := &AllocRendezvous{
Obj: obj,
Loc: tree,
Pkg: h.currpkg,
Mod: h.currmod,
Fnc: h.currfnc,
ret, done, err := h.rz.Meet(evalParty, alloc)
contract.Assert(err == nil)
if done {
return rt.NewCancelUnwind()
contract.Assert(ret == nil)
return nil
// OnEnterPackage is invoked whenever we enter a new package.
func (h *evalHooks) OnEnterPackage(pkg *symbols.Package) (*rt.Unwind, func()) {
glog.V(9).Infof("EvalSource OnEnterPackage %v", pkg)
prevpkg := h.currpkg
h.currpkg = pkg
return nil, func() {
glog.V(9).Infof("EvalSource OnLeavePackage %v", pkg)
h.currpkg = prevpkg
// OnEnterModule is invoked whenever we enter a new module.
func (h *evalHooks) OnEnterModule(mod *symbols.Module) (*rt.Unwind, func()) {
glog.V(9).Infof("EvalSource OnEnterModule %v", mod)
prevmod := h.currmod
h.currmod = mod
return nil, func() {
glog.V(9).Infof("EvalSource OnLeaveModule %v", mod)
h.currmod = prevmod
const (
specialResourceGetFunction = "get" // gets a single resource by ID.
specialResourceQueryFunction = "query" // queries 0-to-many resources using arbitrary filters.
// OnEnterFunction is invoked whenever we enter a new function. If it returns a non-nil unwind object, it will be used
// in place of the actual function call, effectively monkey patching it on the fly.
func (h *evalHooks) OnEnterFunction(fnc symbols.Function, args []*rt.Object) (*rt.Unwind, func()) {
glog.V(9).Infof("EvalSource OnEnterFunction %v", fnc)
prevfnc := h.currfnc
h.currfnc = fnc
// If this is one of the "special" resource functions, we need to essentially monkey patch it on the fly.
var uw *rt.Unwind
if meth, ismeth := fnc.(*symbols.ClassMethod); ismeth {
if predef.IsResourceType(meth.Parent) {
switch meth.Name() {
case specialResourceGetFunction, specialResourceQueryFunction:
// For any of these functions, we must defer to the planning side to do its thing. After awaiting our
// turn, we will be given an opportunity to resume with the object and/or unwind in hand.
ret, done, err := h.rz.Meet(evalParty, &QueryRendezvous{
Meth: meth,
Args: args,
contract.Assert(err == nil)
if done {
return rt.NewCancelUnwind(), nil
contract.Assertf(ret != nil, "Expecting unwind instructions from the planning goroutine")
uw = ret.(*rt.Unwind)
return uw, func() {
glog.V(9).Infof("EvalSource OnLeaveFunction %v", fnc)
h.currfnc = prevfnc