2017-02-28 11:02:33 -08:00

150 lines
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// Copyright 2016 Pulumi, Inc. All rights reserved.
package resource
import (
structpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct"
// MarshalOptions controls the marshaling of RPC structures.
type MarshalOptions struct {
SkipMonikers bool // true to skip monikers (e.g., if they aren't ready yet).
// MarshalProperties marshals a resource's property map as a "JSON-like" protobuf structure. Any monikers are replaced
// with their resource IDs during marshaling; it is an error to marshal a moniker for a resource without an ID.
func MarshalProperties(ctx *Context, props PropertyMap, opts MarshalOptions) *structpb.Struct {
result := &structpb.Struct{
Fields: make(map[string]*structpb.Value),
for _, key := range StablePropertyKeys(props) {
if v, use := MarshalPropertyValue(ctx, props[key], opts); use {
result.Fields[string(key)] = v
return result
// MarshalPropertyValue marshals a single resource property value into its "JSON-like" value representation.
func MarshalPropertyValue(ctx *Context, v PropertyValue, opts MarshalOptions) (*structpb.Value, bool) {
if v.IsNull() {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_NullValue{
NullValue: structpb.NullValue_NULL_VALUE,
}, true
} else if v.IsBool() {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_BoolValue{
BoolValue: v.BoolValue(),
}, true
} else if v.IsNumber() {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_NumberValue{
NumberValue: v.NumberValue(),
}, true
} else if v.IsString() {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: v.StringValue(),
}, true
} else if v.IsArray() {
var elems []*structpb.Value
for _, elem := range v.ArrayValue() {
if elemv, use := MarshalPropertyValue(ctx, elem, opts); use {
elems = append(elems, elemv)
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_ListValue{
ListValue: &structpb.ListValue{Values: elems},
}, true
} else if v.IsObject() {
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StructValue{
StructValue: MarshalProperties(ctx, v.ObjectValue(), opts),
}, true
} else if v.IsResource() {
if opts.SkipMonikers {
return nil, false
m := v.ResourceValue()
res, has := ctx.MksRes[m]
contract.Assertf(has, "Expected resource moniker '%v' to exist at marshal time", m)
id := res.ID()
contract.Assertf(id != ID(""), "Expected resource moniker '%v' to have an ID at marshal time", m)
glog.V(7).Infof("Serializing resource moniker '%v' as ID '%v'", m, id)
return &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: string(id),
}, true
} else {
contract.Failf("Unrecognized property value: %v (type=%v)", v.V, reflect.TypeOf(v.V))
return nil, true
// UnmarshalProperties unmarshals a "JSON-like" protobuf structure into a resource property map.
func UnmarshalProperties(props *structpb.Struct) PropertyMap {
result := make(PropertyMap)
if props == nil {
return result
// First sort the keys so we enumerate them in order (in case errors happen, we want determinism).
var keys []string
for k := range props.Fields {
keys = append(keys, k)
// And now unmarshal every field it into the map.
for _, k := range keys {
result[PropertyKey(k)] = UnmarshalPropertyValue(props.Fields[k])
return result
// UnmarshalPropertyValue unmarshals a single "JSON-like" value into its property form.
func UnmarshalPropertyValue(v *structpb.Value) PropertyValue {
if v != nil {
switch v.Kind.(type) {
case *structpb.Value_NullValue:
return NewPropertyNull()
case *structpb.Value_BoolValue:
return NewPropertyBool(v.GetBoolValue())
case *structpb.Value_NumberValue:
return NewPropertyNumber(v.GetNumberValue())
case *structpb.Value_StringValue:
// TODO: we have no way of determining that this is a resource ID; consider tagging.
return NewPropertyString(v.GetStringValue())
case *structpb.Value_ListValue:
var elems []PropertyValue
lst := v.GetListValue()
for _, elem := range lst.GetValues() {
elems = append(elems, UnmarshalPropertyValue(elem))
return NewPropertyArray(elems)
case *structpb.Value_StructValue:
props := UnmarshalProperties(v.GetStructValue())
return NewPropertyObject(props)
contract.Failf("Unrecognized structpb value kind: %v", reflect.TypeOf(v.Kind))
return NewPropertyNull()