Justin Van Patten 9abcca345a
Mark internal APIs @internal to filter from API docs (#3809)

 - Cleaned up existing tags so they're consistently at the bottom of doc comments where they should be
 - Cleaned up some unused imports while I was taking a pass over the files
 - Marked one function `@deprecated` that should be deprecated
2020-01-26 09:06:35 -08:00

123 lines
4.1 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The log module logs messages in a way that tightly integrates with the resource engine's interface.
import * as resourceTypes from "../resource";
import { getEngine, rpcKeepAlive } from "../runtime/settings";
const engproto = require("../proto/engine_pb.js");
let errcnt = 0;
let lastLog: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve();
* hasErrors returns true if any errors have occurred in the program.
export function hasErrors(): boolean {
return errcnt > 0;
* debug logs a debug-level message that is generally hidden from end-users.
export async function debug(msg: string, resource?: resourceTypes.Resource, streamId?: number, ephemeral?: boolean) {
const engine: Object | undefined = getEngine();
if (engine) {
log(engine, engproto.LogSeverity.DEBUG, msg, resource, streamId, ephemeral);
else {
// ignore debug messages when no engine is available.
* info logs an informational message that is generally printed to stdout during resource operations.
export function info(msg: string, resource?: resourceTypes.Resource, streamId?: number, ephemeral?: boolean) {
const engine: Object | undefined = getEngine();
if (engine) {
return log(engine, engproto.LogSeverity.INFO, msg, resource, streamId, ephemeral);
else {
console.log(`info: [runtime] ${msg}`);
return Promise.resolve();
* warn logs a warning to indicate that something went wrong, but not catastrophically so.
export function warn(msg: string, resource?: resourceTypes.Resource, streamId?: number, ephemeral?: boolean) {
const engine: Object | undefined = getEngine();
if (engine) {
return log(engine, engproto.LogSeverity.WARNING, msg, resource, streamId, ephemeral);
else {
console.warn(`warning: [runtime] ${msg}`);
return Promise.resolve();
* error logs a fatal error to indicate that the tool should stop processing resource operations immediately.
export function error(msg: string, resource?: resourceTypes.Resource, streamId?: number, ephemeral?: boolean) {
errcnt++; // remember the error so we can suppress leaks.
const engine: Object | undefined = getEngine();
if (engine) {
return log(engine, engproto.LogSeverity.ERROR, msg, resource, streamId, ephemeral);
else {
console.error(`error: [runtime] ${msg}`);
return Promise.resolve();
function log(
engine: any, sev: any, msg: string,
resource: resourceTypes.Resource | undefined,
streamId: number | undefined,
ephemeral: boolean | undefined): Promise<void> {
// Ensure we log everything in serial order.
const keepAlive: () => void = rpcKeepAlive();
const urnPromise = resource
? resource.urn.promise()
: Promise.resolve("");
lastLog = Promise.all([lastLog, urnPromise]).then(([_, urn]) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const req = new engproto.LogRequest();
req.setStreamid(streamId === undefined ? 0 : streamId);
req.setEphemeral(ephemeral === true);
engine.log(req, () => {
resolve(); // let the next log through
keepAlive(); // permit RPC channel tear-downs
catch (err) {
return lastLog;