2021-11-17 11:21:33 -08:00

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// Copyright 2016-2021, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Helper code to assist emitting correctly minimally parenthesized
// TypeScript type literals.
package tstypes
import (
// Supported types include type identifiers, arrays `T[]`, unions
// `A|B`, and maps with string keys.
type TypeAst interface {
depth() int
// Produces a TypeScript type literal for the type, with minimally
// inserted parentheses.
func TypeLiteral(ast TypeAst) string {
tokens := (&typeScriptTypeUnparser{}).unparse(ast)
return toLiteral(tokens)
// Builds a type identifier (possibly qualified such as
// "my.module.MyType") or a primitive such as "boolean".
func Identifier(id string) TypeAst {
return &idType{id}
// IsIdentifier returns true if the AST node is an identifier.
func IsIdentifier(t TypeAst) (string, bool) {
if i, ok := t.(*idType); ok {
return i.id, true
return "", false
// Builds a `T[]` type from a `T` type.
func Array(t TypeAst) TypeAst {
return &arrayType{t}
// Builds a `{[key: string]: T}` type from a `T` type.
func StringMap(t TypeAst) TypeAst {
return &mapType{t}
// Builds a union `A | B | C` type.
func Union(t ...TypeAst) TypeAst {
if len(t) == 0 {
panic("At least one type is needed to form a Union, none are given")
if len(t) == 1 {
return t[0]
return &unionType{t[0], t[1], t[2:]}
// IsUnion returns true if the AST node is a union.
func IsUnion(t TypeAst) ([]TypeAst, bool) {
if union, ok := t.(*unionType); ok {
return union.all(), true
return nil, false
// Normalizes by unnesting unions `A | (B | C) => A | B | C`.
func Normalize(ast TypeAst) TypeAst {
return transform(ast, func(t TypeAst) TypeAst {
switch v := t.(type) {
case *unionType:
var all []TypeAst
for _, e := range v.all() {
switch ev := e.(type) {
case *unionType:
all = append(all, ev.all()...)
all = append(all, ev)
return Union(all...)
return t
func transform(t TypeAst, f func(x TypeAst) TypeAst) TypeAst {
switch v := t.(type) {
case *unionType:
var ts []TypeAst
for _, x := range v.all() {
ts = append(ts, transform(x, f))
return f(Union(ts...))
case *arrayType:
return f(&arrayType{transform(v.arrayElement, f)})
case *mapType:
return f(&mapType{transform(v.mapElement, f)})
return f(t)
type idType struct {
id string
func (*idType) depth() int {
return 1
var _ TypeAst = &idType{}
type mapType struct {
mapElement TypeAst
func (t *mapType) depth() int {
return t.mapElement.depth() + 1
var _ TypeAst = &mapType{}
type arrayType struct {
arrayElement TypeAst
func (t *arrayType) depth() int {
return t.arrayElement.depth() + 1
var _ TypeAst = &arrayType{}
type unionType struct {
t1 TypeAst
t2 TypeAst
tRest []TypeAst
func (t *unionType) all() []TypeAst {
return append([]TypeAst{t.t1, t.t2}, t.tRest...)
func (t *unionType) depth() int {
var maxDepth = 0
for _, t := range t.all() {
d := t.depth()
if d > maxDepth {
maxDepth = d
return maxDepth
var _ TypeAst = &unionType{}
type typeTokenKind string
const (
openParen typeTokenKind = "("
closeParen = ")"
openMap = "{[key: string]: "
closeMap = "}"
identifier = "x"
array = "[]"
union = " | "
type typeToken struct {
kind typeTokenKind
value string
type typeScriptTypeUnparser struct{}
func (u typeScriptTypeUnparser) unparse(ast TypeAst) []typeToken {
switch v := ast.(type) {
case *idType:
return []typeToken{{identifier, v.id}}
case *arrayType:
return append(u.unparseWithUnionParens(v.arrayElement), typeToken{array, ""})
case *mapType:
return append([]typeToken{{openMap, ""}}, append(u.unparse(v.mapElement), typeToken{closeMap, ""})...)
case *unionType:
var tokens []typeToken
for i, t := range v.all() {
if i > 0 {
tokens = append(tokens, typeToken{union, ""})
tokens = append(tokens, u.unparseWithUnionParens(t)...)
return tokens
panic("Unknown object of type typeAst")
func (u typeScriptTypeUnparser) unparseWithUnionParens(ast TypeAst) []typeToken {
var parens bool
switch ast.(type) {
case *unionType:
parens = true
tokens := u.unparse(ast)
if parens {
return u.parenthesize(tokens)
return tokens
func (u typeScriptTypeUnparser) parenthesize(tokens []typeToken) []typeToken {
return append([]typeToken{{openParen, ""}}, append(tokens, typeToken{closeParen, ""})...)
func toLiteral(tokens []typeToken) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for _, t := range tokens {
if t.value != "" {
} else {
return buffer.String()