Alex Clemmer a172f1a048 Implement partial Read
Some time ago, we introduced the concept of the initialization error to
Pulumi (i.e., an error where the resource was successfully created but
failed to fully initialize). This was originally implemented in `Create`
and `Update`  methods of the resource provider interface; when we
detected an initialization failure, we'd pack the live version of the
object into the error, and return that to the engine.

Omitted from this initial implementation was a similar semantics for
`Read`. There are many implications of this, but one of them is that a
`pulumi refresh` will erase any initialization errors that had
previously been observed, even if the initialization errors still exist
in the resource.

This commit will introduce the initialization error semantics to `Read`,
fixing this issue.
2018-08-10 15:10:14 -07:00

663 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deploy
import (
// StepCompleteFunc is the type of functions returned from Step.Apply. These functions are to be called
// when the engine has fully retired a step.
type StepCompleteFunc func()
// Step is a specification for a deployment operation.
type Step interface {
// Apply applies or previews this step. It returns the status of the resource after the step application,
// a function to call to signal that this step has fully completed, and an error, if one occurred while applying
// the step.
// The returned StepCompleteFunc, if not nil, must be called after committing the results of this step into
// the state of the deployment.
Apply(preview bool) (resource.Status, StepCompleteFunc, error) // applies or previews this step.
Op() StepOp // the operation performed by this step.
URN() resource.URN // the resource URN (for before and after).
Type() tokens.Type // the type affected by this step.
Provider() string // the provider reference for this step.
Old() *resource.State // the state of the resource before performing this step.
New() *resource.State // the state of the resource after performing this step.
Res() *resource.State // the latest state for the resource that is known (worst case, old).
Logical() bool // true if this step represents a logical operation in the program.
Plan() *Plan // the owning plan.
// SameStep is a mutating step that does nothing.
type SameStep struct {
plan *Plan // the current plan.
reg RegisterResourceEvent // the registration intent to convey a URN back to.
old *resource.State // the state of the resource before this step.
new *resource.State // the state of the resource after this step.
var _ Step = (*SameStep)(nil)
func NewSameStep(plan *Plan, reg RegisterResourceEvent, old *resource.State, new *resource.State) Step {
contract.Assert(old != nil)
contract.Assert(old.URN != "")
contract.Assert(old.ID != "" || !old.Custom)
contract.Assert(!old.Custom || old.Provider != "" || providers.IsProviderType(old.Type))
contract.Assert(new != nil)
contract.Assert(new.URN != "")
contract.Assert(new.ID == "")
return &SameStep{
plan: plan,
reg: reg,
old: old,
new: new,
func (s *SameStep) Op() StepOp { return OpSame }
func (s *SameStep) Plan() *Plan { return s.plan }
func (s *SameStep) Type() tokens.Type { return s.old.Type }
func (s *SameStep) Provider() string { return s.old.Provider }
func (s *SameStep) URN() resource.URN { return s.old.URN }
func (s *SameStep) Old() *resource.State { return s.old }
func (s *SameStep) New() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *SameStep) Res() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *SameStep) Logical() bool { return true }
func (s *SameStep) Apply(preview bool) (resource.Status, StepCompleteFunc, error) {
// Retain the URN, ID, and outputs:
s.new.URN = s.old.URN
s.new.ID = s.old.ID
s.new.Outputs = s.old.Outputs
complete := func() { s.reg.Done(&RegisterResult{State: s.new, Stable: true}) }
return resource.StatusOK, complete, nil
// CreateStep is a mutating step that creates an entirely new resource.
type CreateStep struct {
plan *Plan // the current plan.
reg RegisterResourceEvent // the registration intent to convey a URN back to.
old *resource.State // the state of the existing resource (only for replacements).
new *resource.State // the state of the resource after this step.
keys []resource.PropertyKey // the keys causing replacement (only for replacements).
replacing bool // true if this is a create due to a replacement.
pendingDelete bool // true if this replacement should create a pending delete.
var _ Step = (*CreateStep)(nil)
func NewCreateStep(plan *Plan, reg RegisterResourceEvent, new *resource.State) Step {
contract.Assert(reg != nil)
contract.Assert(new != nil)
contract.Assert(new.URN != "")
contract.Assert(new.ID == "")
contract.Assert(!new.Custom || new.Provider != "" || providers.IsProviderType(new.Type))
return &CreateStep{
plan: plan,
reg: reg,
new: new,
func NewCreateReplacementStep(plan *Plan, reg RegisterResourceEvent,
old *resource.State, new *resource.State, keys []resource.PropertyKey, pendingDelete bool) Step {
contract.Assert(reg != nil)
contract.Assert(old != nil)
contract.Assert(old.URN != "")
contract.Assert(old.ID != "" || !old.Custom)
contract.Assert(new != nil)
contract.Assert(new.URN != "")
contract.Assert(new.ID == "")
contract.Assert(!new.Custom || new.Provider != "" || providers.IsProviderType(new.Type))
contract.Assert(old.Type == new.Type)
return &CreateStep{
plan: plan,
reg: reg,
old: old,
new: new,
keys: keys,
replacing: true,
pendingDelete: pendingDelete,
func (s *CreateStep) Op() StepOp {
if s.replacing {
return OpCreateReplacement
return OpCreate
func (s *CreateStep) Plan() *Plan { return s.plan }
func (s *CreateStep) Type() tokens.Type { return s.new.Type }
func (s *CreateStep) Provider() string { return s.new.Provider }
func (s *CreateStep) URN() resource.URN { return s.new.URN }
func (s *CreateStep) Old() *resource.State { return s.old }
func (s *CreateStep) New() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *CreateStep) Res() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *CreateStep) Keys() []resource.PropertyKey { return s.keys }
func (s *CreateStep) Logical() bool { return !s.replacing }
func (s *CreateStep) Apply(preview bool) (resource.Status, StepCompleteFunc, error) {
var resourceError error
resourceStatus := resource.StatusOK
if !preview {
if s.new.Custom && !s.plan.IsRefresh() {
// Invoke the Create RPC function for this provider:
prov, err := getProvider(s)
if err != nil {
return resource.StatusOK, nil, err
id, outs, rst, err := prov.Create(s.URN(), s.new.Inputs)
if err != nil {
if rst != resource.StatusPartialFailure {
return rst, nil, err
resourceError = err
resourceStatus = rst
if initErr, isInitErr := err.(*plugin.InitError); isInitErr {
s.new.InitErrors = initErr.Reasons
contract.Assert(id != "")
// Copy any of the default and output properties on the live object state.
s.new.ID = id
s.new.Outputs = outs
// Mark the old resource as pending deletion if necessary.
if s.replacing && s.pendingDelete {
s.old.Delete = true
complete := func() { s.reg.Done(&RegisterResult{State: s.new}) }
if resourceError == nil {
return resourceStatus, complete, nil
return resourceStatus, complete, resourceError
// DeleteStep is a mutating step that deletes an existing resource. If `old` is marked "External",
// DeleteStep is a no-op.
type DeleteStep struct {
plan *Plan // the current plan.
old *resource.State // the state of the existing resource.
replacing bool // true if part of a replacement.
var _ Step = (*DeleteStep)(nil)
func NewDeleteStep(plan *Plan, old *resource.State) Step {
contract.Assert(old != nil)
contract.Assert(old.URN != "")
contract.Assert(old.ID != "" || !old.Custom)
contract.Assert(!old.Custom || old.Provider != "" || providers.IsProviderType(old.Type))
return &DeleteStep{
plan: plan,
old: old,
func NewDeleteReplacementStep(plan *Plan, old *resource.State, pendingDelete bool) Step {
contract.Assert(old != nil)
contract.Assert(old.URN != "")
contract.Assert(old.ID != "" || !old.Custom)
contract.Assert(!old.Custom || old.Provider != "" || providers.IsProviderType(old.Type))
contract.Assert(!pendingDelete || old.Delete)
return &DeleteStep{
plan: plan,
old: old,
replacing: true,
func (s *DeleteStep) Op() StepOp {
if s.replacing {
return OpDeleteReplaced
return OpDelete
func (s *DeleteStep) Plan() *Plan { return s.plan }
func (s *DeleteStep) Type() tokens.Type { return s.old.Type }
func (s *DeleteStep) Provider() string { return s.old.Provider }
func (s *DeleteStep) URN() resource.URN { return s.old.URN }
func (s *DeleteStep) Old() *resource.State { return s.old }
func (s *DeleteStep) New() *resource.State { return nil }
func (s *DeleteStep) Res() *resource.State { return s.old }
func (s *DeleteStep) Logical() bool { return !s.replacing }
func (s *DeleteStep) Apply(preview bool) (resource.Status, StepCompleteFunc, error) {
// Refuse to delete protected resources.
if s.old.Protect {
return resource.StatusOK, nil,
errors.Errorf("refusing to delete protected resource '%s'", s.old.URN)
// Deleting an External resource is a no-op, since Pulumi does not own the lifecycle.
if !preview && !s.old.External {
if s.old.Custom && !s.plan.IsRefresh() {
// Invoke the Delete RPC function for this provider:
prov, err := getProvider(s)
if err != nil {
return resource.StatusOK, nil, err
if rst, err := prov.Delete(s.URN(), s.old.ID, s.old.All()); err != nil {
return rst, nil, err
return resource.StatusOK, func() {}, nil
// UpdateStep is a mutating step that updates an existing resource's state.
type UpdateStep struct {
plan *Plan // the current plan.
reg RegisterResourceEvent // the registration intent to convey a URN back to.
old *resource.State // the state of the existing resource.
new *resource.State // the newly computed state of the resource after updating.
stables []resource.PropertyKey // an optional list of properties that won't change during this update.
var _ Step = (*UpdateStep)(nil)
func NewUpdateStep(plan *Plan, reg RegisterResourceEvent, old *resource.State,
new *resource.State, stables []resource.PropertyKey) Step {
contract.Assert(old != nil)
contract.Assert(old.URN != "")
contract.Assert(old.ID != "" || !old.Custom)
contract.Assert(!old.Custom || old.Provider != "" || providers.IsProviderType(old.Type))
contract.Assert(new != nil)
contract.Assert(new.URN != "")
contract.Assert(new.ID == "")
contract.Assert(old.Type == new.Type)
return &UpdateStep{
plan: plan,
reg: reg,
old: old,
new: new,
stables: stables,
func (s *UpdateStep) Op() StepOp { return OpUpdate }
func (s *UpdateStep) Plan() *Plan { return s.plan }
func (s *UpdateStep) Type() tokens.Type { return s.old.Type }
func (s *UpdateStep) Provider() string { return s.old.Provider }
func (s *UpdateStep) URN() resource.URN { return s.old.URN }
func (s *UpdateStep) Old() *resource.State { return s.old }
func (s *UpdateStep) New() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *UpdateStep) Res() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *UpdateStep) Logical() bool { return true }
func (s *UpdateStep) Apply(preview bool) (resource.Status, StepCompleteFunc, error) {
// Always propagate the URN and ID, even in previews and refreshes.
s.new.URN = s.old.URN
s.new.ID = s.old.ID
var resourceError error
resourceStatus := resource.StatusOK
if !preview {
if s.new.Custom && !s.plan.IsRefresh() {
// Invoke the Update RPC function for this provider:
prov, err := getProvider(s)
if err != nil {
return resource.StatusOK, nil, err
// Update to the combination of the old "all" state (including outputs), but overwritten with new inputs.
outs, rst, upderr := prov.Update(s.URN(), s.old.ID, s.old.All(), s.new.Inputs)
if upderr != nil {
if rst != resource.StatusPartialFailure {
return rst, nil, upderr
resourceError = upderr
resourceStatus = rst
if initErr, isInitErr := upderr.(*plugin.InitError); isInitErr {
s.new.InitErrors = initErr.Reasons
// Now copy any output state back in case the update triggered cascading updates to other properties.
s.new.Outputs = outs
// Finally, mark this operation as complete.
complete := func() { s.reg.Done(&RegisterResult{State: s.new, Stables: s.stables}) }
if resourceError == nil {
return resourceStatus, complete, nil
return resourceStatus, complete, resourceError
// ReplaceStep is a logical step indicating a resource will be replaced. This is comprised of three physical steps:
// a creation of the new resource, any number of intervening updates of dependents to the new resource, and then
// a deletion of the now-replaced old resource. This logical step is primarily here for tools and visualization.
type ReplaceStep struct {
plan *Plan // the current plan.
old *resource.State // the state of the existing resource.
new *resource.State // the new state snapshot.
keys []resource.PropertyKey // the keys causing replacement.
pendingDelete bool // true if a pending deletion should happen.
var _ Step = (*ReplaceStep)(nil)
func NewReplaceStep(plan *Plan, old *resource.State, new *resource.State,
keys []resource.PropertyKey, pendingDelete bool) Step {
contract.Assert(old != nil)
contract.Assert(old.URN != "")
contract.Assert(old.ID != "" || !old.Custom)
contract.Assert(new != nil)
contract.Assert(new.URN != "")
// contract.Assert(new.ID == "")
return &ReplaceStep{
plan: plan,
old: old,
new: new,
keys: keys,
pendingDelete: pendingDelete,
func (s *ReplaceStep) Op() StepOp { return OpReplace }
func (s *ReplaceStep) Plan() *Plan { return s.plan }
func (s *ReplaceStep) Type() tokens.Type { return s.old.Type }
func (s *ReplaceStep) Provider() string { return s.old.Provider }
func (s *ReplaceStep) URN() resource.URN { return s.old.URN }
func (s *ReplaceStep) Old() *resource.State { return s.old }
func (s *ReplaceStep) New() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *ReplaceStep) Res() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *ReplaceStep) Keys() []resource.PropertyKey { return s.keys }
func (s *ReplaceStep) Logical() bool { return true }
func (s *ReplaceStep) Apply(preview bool) (resource.Status, StepCompleteFunc, error) {
// If this is a pending delete, we should have marked the old resource for deletion in the CreateReplacement step.
contract.Assert(!s.pendingDelete || s.old.Delete)
return resource.StatusOK, func() {}, nil
// ReadStep is a step indicating that an existing resources will be "read" and projected into the Pulumi object
// model. Resources that are read are marked with the "External" bit which indicates to the engine that it does
// not own this resource's lifeycle.
// A resource with a given URN can transition freely between an "external" state and a non-external state. If
// a URN that was previously marked "External" (i.e. was the target of a ReadStep in a previous plan) is the
// target of a RegisterResource in the next plan, a CreateReplacement step will be issued to indicate the transition
// from external to owned. If a URN that was previously not marked "External" is the target of a ReadResource in the
// next plan, a ReadReplacement step will be issued to indicate the transition from owned to external.
type ReadStep struct {
plan *Plan // the plan that produced this read
event ReadResourceEvent // the event that should be signaled upon completion
old *resource.State // the old resource state, if one exists for this urn
new *resource.State // the new resource state, to be used to query the provider
replacing bool // whether or not the new resource is replacing the old resource
// NewReadStep creates a new Read step.
func NewReadStep(plan *Plan, event ReadResourceEvent, old *resource.State, new *resource.State) Step {
contract.Assert(new != nil)
contract.Assertf(new.External, "target of Read step must be marked External")
contract.Assertf(new.Custom, "target of Read step must be Custom")
// If Old was given, it's either an external resource or its ID is equal to the
// ID that we are preparing to read.
if old != nil {
contract.Assert(old.ID == new.ID || old.External)
return &ReadStep{
plan: plan,
event: event,
old: old,
new: new,
replacing: false,
// NewReadReplacementStep creates a new Read step with the `replacing` flag set. When executed,
// it will pend deletion of the "old" resource, which must not be an external resource.
func NewReadReplacementStep(plan *Plan, event ReadResourceEvent, old *resource.State, new *resource.State) Step {
contract.Assert(new != nil)
contract.Assertf(new.External, "target of ReadReplacement step must be marked External")
contract.Assertf(new.Custom, "target of ReadReplacement step must be Custom")
contract.Assert(old != nil)
contract.Assertf(!old.External, "old target of ReadReplacement step must not be External")
return &ReadStep{
plan: plan,
event: event,
old: old,
new: new,
replacing: true,
func (s *ReadStep) Op() StepOp {
if s.replacing {
return OpReadReplacement
return OpRead
func (s *ReadStep) Plan() *Plan { return s.plan }
func (s *ReadStep) Type() tokens.Type { return s.new.Type }
func (s *ReadStep) Provider() string { return s.new.Provider }
func (s *ReadStep) URN() resource.URN { return s.new.URN }
func (s *ReadStep) Old() *resource.State { return s.old }
func (s *ReadStep) New() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *ReadStep) Res() *resource.State { return s.new }
func (s *ReadStep) Logical() bool { return !s.replacing }
func (s *ReadStep) Apply(preview bool) (resource.Status, StepCompleteFunc, error) {
urn := s.new.URN
id := s.new.ID
var resourceError error
resourceStatus := resource.StatusOK
// Unlike most steps, Read steps run during previews. The only time
// we can't run is if the ID we are given is unknown.
if id == "" || id == plugin.UnknownStringValue {
s.new.Outputs = resource.PropertyMap{}
} else {
prov, err := getProvider(s)
if err != nil {
return resource.StatusOK, nil, err
result, rst, err := prov.Read(urn, id, s.new.Inputs)
if err != nil {
if rst != resource.StatusPartialFailure {
return rst, nil, err
resourceError = err
resourceStatus = rst
if initErr, isInitErr := err.(*plugin.InitError); isInitErr {
s.new.InitErrors = initErr.Reasons
s.new.Outputs = result
// If we were asked to replace an existing, non-External resource, pend the
// deletion here.
if s.replacing {
s.old.Delete = true
complete := func() { s.event.Done(&ReadResult{State: s.new}) }
if resourceError == nil {
return resourceStatus, complete, nil
return resourceStatus, complete, resourceError
// StepOp represents the kind of operation performed by a step. It evaluates to its string label.
type StepOp string
const (
OpSame StepOp = "same" // nothing to do.
OpCreate StepOp = "create" // creating a new resource.
OpUpdate StepOp = "update" // updating an existing resource.
OpDelete StepOp = "delete" // deleting an existing resource.
OpReplace StepOp = "replace" // replacing a resource with a new one.
OpCreateReplacement StepOp = "create-replacement" // creating a new resource for a replacement.
OpDeleteReplaced StepOp = "delete-replaced" // deleting an existing resource after replacement.
OpRead StepOp = "read" // reading an existing resource.
OpReadReplacement StepOp = "read-replacement" // reading an existing resource for a replacement.
// StepOps contains the full set of step operation types.
var StepOps = []StepOp{
// Color returns a suggested color for lines of this op type.
func (op StepOp) Color() string {
switch op {
case OpSame:
return colors.SpecUnimportant
case OpCreate:
return colors.SpecCreate
case OpDelete:
return colors.SpecDelete
case OpUpdate:
return colors.SpecUpdate
case OpReplace:
return colors.SpecReplace
case OpCreateReplacement:
return colors.SpecCreateReplacement
case OpDeleteReplaced:
return colors.SpecDeleteReplaced
case OpRead:
return colors.SpecCreate
case OpReadReplacement:
return colors.SpecReplace
contract.Failf("Unrecognized resource step op: '%v'", op)
return ""
// Prefix returns a suggested prefix for lines of this op type.
func (op StepOp) Prefix() string {
return op.Color() + op.RawPrefix()
// RawPrefix returns the uncolorized prefix text.
func (op StepOp) RawPrefix() string {
switch op {
case OpSame:
return "* "
case OpCreate:
return "+ "
case OpDelete:
return "- "
case OpUpdate:
return "~ "
case OpReplace:
return "+-"
case OpCreateReplacement:
return "++"
case OpDeleteReplaced:
return "--"
case OpRead:
return ">-"
case OpReadReplacement:
return ">~"
contract.Failf("Unrecognized resource step op: %v", op)
return ""
func (op StepOp) PastTense() string {
switch op {
case OpSame, OpCreate, OpDelete, OpReplace, OpCreateReplacement, OpDeleteReplaced, OpUpdate, OpReadReplacement:
return string(op) + "d"
case OpRead:
return "read"
contract.Failf("Unexpected resource step op: %v", op)
return ""
// Suffix returns a suggested suffix for lines of this op type.
func (op StepOp) Suffix() string {
if op == OpCreateReplacement || op == OpUpdate || op == OpReplace || op == OpReadReplacement {
return colors.Reset // updates and replacements colorize individual lines; get has none
return ""
// getProvider fetches the provider for the given step.
func getProvider(s Step) (plugin.Provider, error) {
if providers.IsProviderType(s.Type()) {
return s.Plan().providers, nil
ref, err := providers.ParseReference(s.Provider())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("bad provider reference '%v' for resource %v: %v", s.Provider(), s.URN(), err)
provider, ok := s.Plan().GetProvider(ref)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown provider '%v' for resource %v", s.Provider(), s.URN())
return provider, nil