joeduffy d277dd5800 More progress on pulumi/lumi#90
This change refactors a number of aspects of the CLI's treatment of
steps, in line with the new scheme, and a number of other miscellaneous
and minor fixes.  It also regenerates all RPC code impacted by recent renames.
2017-06-13 07:10:13 -07:00

358 lines
13 KiB

// Licensed to Pulumi Corporation ("Pulumi") under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Pulumi licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deploy
import (
goerr "github.com/pkg/errors"
// TODO[pulumi/lumi#106]: parallelism.
// Apply performs all steps in the plan, calling out to the progress reporting functions as desired. It returns four
// things: the resulting Snapshot, no matter whether an error occurs or not; an error, if something went wrong; the step
// that failed, if the error is non-nil; and finally the state of the resource modified in the failing step.
func (p *Plan) Apply(prog Progress) (PlanSummary, *Step, resource.Status, error) {
// Fetch a plan iterator and keep walking it until we are done.
iter, err := p.Iterate()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, resource.StatusOK, err
n := 1
step, err := iter.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, resource.StatusOK, err
for step != nil {
// Perform pre-application progress reporting.
if prog != nil {
rst, err := step.Apply()
// Perform post-application progress reporting.
if prog != nil {
prog.After(step, rst, err)
// If an error occurred, exit early.
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("Plan step #%v failed [%v]: %v", n, step.Op(), err)
return iter, step, rst, err
glog.V(7).Infof("Plan step #%v succeeded [%v]", n, step.Op())
step, err = iter.Next()
// Finally, return a summary and the resulting plan information.
return iter, nil, resource.StatusOK, nil
// Iterate initializes and returns an iterator that can be used to step through a plan's individual steps.
func (p *Plan) Iterate() (*PlanIterator, error) {
// Manufacture an initial list of snapshots for the final output.
var resources []*resource.State
keeps := make(map[*resource.State]bool)
for _, res := range p.Olds() {
resources = append(resources, res)
keeps[res] = true
// Ask the source for its iterator.
src, err := p.new.Iterate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create an iterator that can be used to perform the planning process.
return &PlanIterator{
p: p,
src: src,
creates: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
updates: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
deletes: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
sames: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
resources: resources,
keeps: keeps,
}, nil
// PlanSummary is an interface for summarizing the progress of a plan.
type PlanSummary interface {
Steps() int
Creates() map[resource.URN]bool
Updates() map[resource.URN]bool
Replaces() map[resource.URN]bool
Deletes() map[resource.URN]bool
Sames() map[resource.URN]bool
Resources() []*resource.State
Snap() *Snapshot
// PlanIterator can be used to step through and/or execute a plan's proposed actions.
type PlanIterator struct {
p *Plan // the plan to which this iterator belongs.
src SourceIterator // the iterator that fetches source resources.
creates map[resource.URN]bool // URNs discovered to be created.
updates map[resource.URN]bool // URNs discovered to be updated.
replaces map[resource.URN]bool // URNs discovered to be replaced.
deletes map[resource.URN]bool // URNs discovered to be deleted.
sames map[resource.URN]bool // URNs discovered to be the same.
delqueue []*resource.State // a queue of deletes left to perform.
resources []*resource.State // the resulting ordered resource states.
keeps map[*resource.State]bool // a map of which states to keep in the final output.
srcdone bool // true if the source interpreter has been run to completion.
done bool // true if the planning and associated iteration has finished.
func (iter *PlanIterator) Plan() *Plan { return iter.p }
func (iter *PlanIterator) Steps() int {
return len(iter.creates) + len(iter.updates) + len(iter.replaces) + len(iter.deletes)
func (iter *PlanIterator) Creates() map[resource.URN]bool { return iter.creates }
func (iter *PlanIterator) Updates() map[resource.URN]bool { return iter.updates }
func (iter *PlanIterator) Replaces() map[resource.URN]bool { return iter.replaces }
func (iter *PlanIterator) Deletes() map[resource.URN]bool { return iter.deletes }
func (iter *PlanIterator) Sames() map[resource.URN]bool { return iter.sames }
func (iter *PlanIterator) Resources() []*resource.State { return iter.resources }
func (iter *PlanIterator) Done() bool { return iter.done }
// Next advances the plan by a single step, and returns the next step to be performed. In doing so, it will perform
// evaluation of the program as much as necessary to determine the next step. If there is no further action to be
// taken, Next will return a nil step pointer.
func (iter *PlanIterator) Next() (*Step, error) {
for !iter.done {
if !iter.srcdone {
obj, ctx, err := iter.src.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if obj == nil {
// If the source is done, note it, and don't go back for more.
iter.srcdone = true
iter.delqueue = iter.calculateDeletes()
} else {
step, err := iter.nextResource(obj, ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if step != nil {
return step, nil
// If the step returned was nil, this resource is fine, so we'll keep on going.
} else {
// The interpreter has finished, so we need to now drain any deletions that piled up.
if step := iter.nextDelete(); step != nil {
return step, nil
// Otherwise, if the deletes have quiesced, there is nothing remaining in this plan; leave.
iter.done = true
return nil, nil
// nextResource produces a new step for a given resource or nil if there isn't one to perform.
func (iter *PlanIterator) nextResource(new *resource.Object, ctx tokens.Module) (*Step, error) {
// Take a moment in time snapshot of the live object's properties.
t := new.Type()
newprops := new.CopyProperties()
// Fetch the provider for this resource type.
prov, err := iter.Provider(new)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Fetch the resource's name from its provider, and use it to construct a URN.
name, err := prov.Name(t, newprops)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
urn := resource.NewURN(iter.p.Target().Name, ctx, t, name)
// Now see if there is an old resource and, if so, propagate the ID to the new object.
var id resource.ID
old, hasold := iter.p.Olds()[urn]
if hasold {
contract.Assert(old != nil && old.Type() == new.Type())
id = old.ID()
contract.Assert(id != "")
new.SetID(id) // set the live object ID property.
newprops = new.CopyProperties() // snap the properties again to reflect the ID.
// First ensure the provider is okay with this resource.
var invalid bool
failures, err := prov.Check(new.Type(), newprops)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, failure := range failures {
invalid = true
errors.ErrorResourcePropertyInvalidValue, new.URN(), failure.Property, failure.Reason)
// Next, give each analyzer -- if any -- a chance to inspect the resource too.
for _, a := range iter.p.analyzers {
analyzer, err := iter.p.ctx.Host.Analyzer(a)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
failures, err := analyzer.Analyze(t, newprops)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, failure := range failures {
invalid = true
errors.ErrorAnalyzeResourceFailure, a, new.URN(), failure.Property, failure.Reason)
// If the resource isn't valid, don't proceed any further.
if invalid {
return nil, goerr.New("One or more resource validation errors occurred; refusing to proceed")
// Now decide what to do, step-wise:
// * If the URN exists in the old snapshot, and it has been updated,
// - Check whether the update requires replacement.
// - If yes, create a new copy, and mark it as having been replaced.
// - If no, simply update the existing resource in place.
// * If the URN does not exist in the old snapshot, create the resource anew.
if hasold {
// The resource exists in both new and old; it could be an update. This constitutes an update if the old
// and new properties don't match exactly. It is also possible we'll need to replace the resource if the
// update impact assessment says so. In this case, the resource's ID will change, which might have a
// cascading impact on subsequent updates too, since those IDs must trigger recreations, etc.
oldprops := old.Inputs()
if oldprops.DeepEquals(newprops) {
// No need to update anything, the properties didn't change; but we need to record the ID.
iter.sames[urn] = true
glog.V(7).Infof("Planner decided not to update '%v'", urn)
return nil, nil
// The properties changed; we need to figure out whether to do an update or replacement.
replacements, _, err := prov.InspectChange(t, id, oldprops, newprops)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(replacements) > 0 {
iter.replaces[urn] = true
glog.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to replace '%v'", urn)
return NewReplaceCreateStep(iter, old, new, newprops, replacements), nil
iter.updates[urn] = true
glog.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to update '%v'", urn)
return NewUpdateStep(iter, old, new, newprops), nil
// Otherwise, the resource isn't in the old map, so it must be a resource creation.
iter.creates[urn] = true
glog.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to create '%v'", urn)
return NewCreateStep(iter, new, newprops), nil
// nextDelete produces a new step that deletes a resource if necessary.
func (iter *PlanIterator) nextDelete() *Step {
if len(iter.delqueue) > 0 {
del := iter.delqueue[0]
iter.delqueue = iter.delqueue[1:]
urn := del.URN()
iter.deletes[urn] = true
if iter.replaces[urn] {
glog.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to delete '%v' due to replacement", urn)
return NewReplaceDeleteStep(iter, del)
glog.V(7).Infof("Planner decided to delete '%v'", urn)
return NewDeleteStep(iter, del)
return nil
// calculateDeletes creates a list of deletes to perform. This will include any resources in the snapshot that were
// not encountered in the input, along with any resources that were replaced.
func (iter *PlanIterator) calculateDeletes() []*resource.State {
// To compute the deletion list, we must walk the list of old resources *backwards*. This is because the list is
// stored in dependency order, and earlier elements are possibly leaf nodes for later elements. We must not delete
// dependencies prior to their dependent nodes.
var dels []*resource.State
ress := iter.p.prev.Resources
for i := len(ress) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
res := ress[i]
urn := res.URN()
if iter.replaces[urn] || !iter.updates[urn] {
dels = append(dels, res)
return dels
// Snap returns a fresh snapshot that takes into account everything that has happend up till this point. Namely, if a
// failure happens partway through, the untouched snapshot elements will be retained, while any updates will be
// preserved. If no failure happens, the snapshot naturally reflects the final state of all resources.
func (iter *PlanIterator) Snap() *Snapshot {
var resources []*resource.State
for _, resource := range iter.resources {
if iter.keeps[resource] {
resources = append(resources, resource)
return NewSnapshot(iter.p.Target().Name, resources, iter.p.new.Info())
// AppendStateSnapshot appends a resource's state to the current snapshot.
func (iter *PlanIterator) AppendStateSnapshot(state *resource.State) {
iter.resources = append(iter.resources, state) // add this state to the pending list.
iter.keeps[state] = true // ensure that we know to keep it in the final snapshot.
// RemoveStateSnapshot removes a resource's existing state from the current snapshot.
func (iter *PlanIterator) RemoveStateSnapshot(state *resource.State) {
iter.keeps[state] = false // drop this state on the floor when creating the final snapshot.
// Provider fetches the provider for a given resource, possibly lazily allocating the plugins for it. If a provider
// could not be found, or an error occurred while creating it, a non-nil error is returned.
func (iter *PlanIterator) Provider(res resource.Resource) (plugin.Provider, error) {
t := res.Type()
pkg := t.Package()
return iter.p.ctx.Host.Provider(pkg)