joeduffy 250bcb9751 Add a --json flag to the preview command
This change adds a --json flag to the preview command, enabling
basic JSON serialization of preview plans. This effectively flattens
the engine event stream into a preview structure that contains a list
of steps, diagnostics, and summary information. Each step contains
the deep serialization of resource state, in addition to metadata about
the step, such as what kind of operation it entails.

This is a partial implementation of pulumi/pulumi#2390. In particular,
we only support --json on the `preview` command itself, and not `up`,
meaning that it isn't possible to serialize the result of an actual
deployment yet (thereby limiting what you can do with outputs, etc).
2019-04-25 17:36:31 -07:00

290 lines
8.8 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package display
import (
// ShowDiffEvents displays the engine events with the diff view.
func ShowDiffEvents(op string, action apitype.UpdateKind,
events <-chan engine.Event, done chan<- bool, opts Options) {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s...", cmdutil.EmojiOr("✨ ", "@ "), op)
var spinner cmdutil.Spinner
var ticker *time.Ticker
if opts.IsInteractive {
spinner, ticker = cmdutil.NewSpinnerAndTicker(prefix, nil, 8 /*timesPerSecond*/)
} else {
spinner = &nopSpinner{}
ticker = time.NewTicker(math.MaxInt64)
defer func() {
seen := make(map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case event := <-events:
out := os.Stdout
if event.Type == engine.DiagEvent {
payload := event.Payload.(engine.DiagEventPayload)
if payload.Severity == diag.Error || payload.Severity == diag.Warning {
out = os.Stderr
msg := RenderDiffEvent(action, event, seen, opts)
if msg != "" && out != nil {
fprintIgnoreError(out, msg)
if event.Type == engine.CancelEvent {
func RenderDiffEvent(action apitype.UpdateKind, event engine.Event,
seen map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata, opts Options) string {
switch event.Type {
case engine.CancelEvent:
return ""
// Currently, prelude, summary, and stdout events are printed the same for both the diff and
// progress displays.
case engine.PreludeEvent:
return renderPreludeEvent(event.Payload.(engine.PreludeEventPayload), opts)
case engine.SummaryEvent:
return renderSummaryEvent(action, event.Payload.(engine.SummaryEventPayload), opts)
case engine.StdoutColorEvent:
return renderStdoutColorEvent(event.Payload.(engine.StdoutEventPayload), opts)
// Resource operations have very specific displays for either diff or progress displays.
// These functions should not be directly used by the progress display without validating
// that the display is appropriate for both.
case engine.ResourceOperationFailed:
return renderDiffResourceOperationFailedEvent(event.Payload.(engine.ResourceOperationFailedPayload), opts)
case engine.ResourceOutputsEvent:
return renderDiffResourceOutputsEvent(event.Payload.(engine.ResourceOutputsEventPayload), seen, opts)
case engine.ResourcePreEvent:
return renderDiffResourcePreEvent(event.Payload.(engine.ResourcePreEventPayload), seen, opts)
case engine.DiagEvent:
return renderDiffDiagEvent(event.Payload.(engine.DiagEventPayload), opts)
contract.Failf("unknown event type '%s'", event.Type)
return ""
func renderDiffDiagEvent(payload engine.DiagEventPayload, opts Options) string {
if payload.Severity == diag.Debug && !opts.Debug {
return ""
return opts.Color.Colorize(payload.Prefix + payload.Message)
func renderStdoutColorEvent(payload engine.StdoutEventPayload, opts Options) string {
return opts.Color.Colorize(payload.Message)
func renderSummaryEvent(action apitype.UpdateKind, event engine.SummaryEventPayload, opts Options) string {
changes := event.ResourceChanges
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(
fmt.Sprintf("%sResources:%s\n", colors.SpecHeadline, colors.Reset)))
var planTo string
if event.IsPreview {
planTo = "to "
var changeCount = 0
var sameCount = changes[deploy.OpSame]
// Now summarize all of the changes; we print sames a little differently.
for _, op := range deploy.StepOps {
if op != deploy.OpSame {
if c := changes[op]; c > 0 {
opDescription := string(op)
if !event.IsPreview {
opDescription = op.PastTense()
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(
fmt.Sprintf(" %s%d %s%s%s\n", op.Prefix(), c, planTo, opDescription, colors.Reset)))
summaryPieces := []string{}
if changeCount >= 2 {
// Only if we made multiple types of changes do we need to print out the total number of
// changes. i.e. we don't need "10 changes" and "+ 10 to create". We can just say "+ 10 to create"
summaryPieces = append(summaryPieces, fmt.Sprintf("%s%d %s%s",
colors.Bold, changeCount, english.PluralWord(changeCount, "change", ""), colors.Reset))
if sameCount != 0 {
summaryPieces = append(summaryPieces, fmt.Sprintf("%d unchanged", sameCount))
if len(summaryPieces) > 0 {
fprintfIgnoreError(out, " ")
for i, piece := range summaryPieces {
if i > 0 {
fprintfIgnoreError(out, ". ")
fprintfIgnoreError(out, "\n")
// For actual deploys, we print some additional summary information
if !event.IsPreview {
// Round up to the nearest second. It's not useful to spit out time with 9 digits of
// precision.
roundedSeconds := int64(math.Ceil(event.Duration.Seconds()))
roundedDuration := time.Duration(roundedSeconds) * time.Second
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(fmt.Sprintf("\n%sDuration:%s %s\n",
colors.SpecHeadline, colors.Reset, roundedDuration)))
return out.String()
func renderPreludeEvent(event engine.PreludeEventPayload, opts Options) string {
// Only if we have been instructed to show configuration values will we print anything during the prelude.
if !opts.ShowConfig {
return ""
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(
fmt.Sprintf("%sConfiguration:%s\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset)))
var keys []string
for key := range event.Config {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, key := range keys {
fprintfIgnoreError(out, " %v: %v\n", key, event.Config[key])
return out.String()
func renderDiffResourceOperationFailedEvent(
payload engine.ResourceOperationFailedPayload, opts Options) string {
// It's not actually useful or interesting to print out any details about
// the resource state here, because we always assume that the resource state
// is unknown if an error occurs.
// In the future, once we get more fine-grained error messages from providers,
// we can provide useful diagnostics here.
return ""
func renderDiffResourcePreEvent(
payload engine.ResourcePreEventPayload,
seen map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata,
opts Options) string {
seen[payload.Metadata.URN] = payload.Metadata
if payload.Metadata.Op == deploy.OpRefresh {
return ""
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
if shouldShow(payload.Metadata, opts) || isRootStack(payload.Metadata) {
indent := engine.GetIndent(payload.Metadata, seen)
summary := engine.GetResourcePropertiesSummary(payload.Metadata, indent)
details := engine.GetResourcePropertiesDetails(
payload.Metadata, indent, payload.Planning, opts.SummaryDiff, payload.Debug)
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(summary))
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(details))
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(colors.Reset))
return out.String()
func renderDiffResourceOutputsEvent(
payload engine.ResourceOutputsEventPayload,
seen map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata,
opts Options) string {
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
if shouldShow(payload.Metadata, opts) || isRootStack(payload.Metadata) {
indent := engine.GetIndent(payload.Metadata, seen)
refresh := false // are these outputs from a refresh?
if m, has := seen[payload.Metadata.URN]; has && m.Op == deploy.OpRefresh {
refresh = true
summary := engine.GetResourcePropertiesSummary(payload.Metadata, indent)
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(summary))
if !opts.SuppressOutputs {
if text := engine.GetResourceOutputsPropertiesString(
payload.Metadata, indent+1, payload.Planning, payload.Debug, refresh); text != "" {
fprintfIgnoreError(out, "%v%v--outputs:--%v\n",
payload.Metadata.Op.Color(), engine.GetIndentationString(indent+1), colors.Reset)
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(text))
return out.String()