Sean Gillespie 9a5f4044fa
Serialize SourceEvents coming from the refresh source (#1725)
* Serialize SourceEvents coming from the refresh source

The engine requires that a source event coming from a source be "ready
to execute" at the moment that it is sent to the engine. Since the
refresh source sent all goal states eagerly through its source iterator,
the engine assumed that it was legal to execute them all in parallel and
did so. This is a problem for the snapshot, since the snapshot expects
to be in an order that is a legal topological ordering of the dependency

This PR fixes the issue by sending refresh source events one-at-a-time
through the refresh source iterator, only unblocking to send the next
step as soon as the previous step completes.

* Fix deadlock in refresh test

* Fix an issue where the engine "completed" steps too early

By signalling that a step is done before committing the step's results
to the snapshot, the engine was left with a race where dependent
resources could find themselves completely executed and committed before
a resource that they depend on has been committed.

Fixes pulumi/pulumi#1726

* Fix an issue with Replace steps at the end of a plan

If the last step that was executed successfully was a Replace, we could
end up in a situation where we unintentionally left the snapshot

* Add a test

* CR: pass context.Context as first parameter to Iterate

* CR: null->nil
2018-08-08 13:45:48 -07:00

376 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package backend
import (
// SnapshotPersister is an interface implemented by our backends that implements snapshot
// persistence. In order to fit into our current model, snapshot persisters have two functions:
// saving snapshots and invalidating already-persisted snapshots.
type SnapshotPersister interface {
// Invalidates the last snapshot that was persisted. This is done as the first step
// of performing a mutation on the snapshot. Returns an error if the invalidation failed.
Invalidate() error
// Persists the given snapshot. Returns an error if the persistence failed.
Save(snapshot *deploy.Snapshot) error
// SnapshotManager is an implementation of engine.SnapshotManager that inspects steps and performs
// mutations on the global snapshot object serially. This implementation maintains two bits of state: the "base"
// snapshot, which is completely immutable and represents the state of the world prior to the application
// of the current plan, and a "new" list of resources, which consists of the resources that were operated upon
// by the current plan.
// Important to note is that, although this SnapshotManager is designed to be easily convertible into a thread-safe
// implementation, the code as it is today is *not thread safe*. In particular, it is not legal for there to be
// more than one `SnapshotMutation` active at any point in time. This is because this SnapshotManager invalidates
// the last persisted snapshot in `BeginSnapshot`. This is designed to match existing behavior and will not
// be the state of things going forward.
// The resources stored in the `resources` slice are pointers to resource objects allocated by the engine.
// This is subtle and a little confusing. The reason for this is that the engine directly mutates resource objects
// that it creates and expects those mutations to be persisted directly to the snapshot.
type SnapshotManager struct {
persister SnapshotPersister // The persister responsible for invalidating and persisting the snapshot
baseSnapshot *deploy.Snapshot // The base snapshot for this plan
resources []*resource.State // The list of resources operated upon by this plan
dones map[*resource.State]bool // The set of resources that have been operated upon already by this plan
doVerify bool // If true, verify the snapshot before persisting it
plugins []workspace.PluginInfo // The list of plugins loaded by the plan, to be saved in the manifest
mutationRequests chan func() // The queue of mutation requests, to be retired serially by the manager
var _ engine.SnapshotManager = (*SnapshotManager)(nil)
func (sm *SnapshotManager) Close() error {
return nil
// If you need to understand what's going on in this file, start here!
// mutate is the serialization point for reads and writes of the global snapshot state.
// The given function will be, at the time of its invocation, the only function allowed to
// mutate state within the SnapshotManager.
// Serialization is performed by pushing the mutation function onto a channel, where another
// goroutine is polling the channel and executing the mutation functions as they come.
// This function optionally verifies the integrity of the snapshot before and after mutation.
// Immediately after the mutating function is run, the snapshot's manifest is updated and,
// if there are no verification errors, the snapshot is persisted.
// You should never observe or mutate the global snapshot without using this function unless
// you have a very good justification.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) mutate(mutator func()) error {
responseChan := make(chan error)
sm.mutationRequests <- func() {
snap := sm.snap()
err := sm.persister.Save(snap)
if err == nil && sm.doVerify {
if err = snap.VerifyIntegrity(); err != nil {
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "after mutation of snapshot")
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to save snapshot")
responseChan <- err
return <-responseChan
// RegisterResourceOutputs handles the registering of outputs on a Step that has already
// completed. This is accomplished by doing an in-place mutation of the resources currently
// resident in the snapshot.
// Due to the way this is currently implemented, the engine directly mutates output properties
// on the resource State object that it created. Since we are storing pointers to these objects
// in the `resources` slice, we need only to do a no-op mutation in order to flush these new
// mutations to disk.
// Note that this is completely not thread-safe and defeats the purpose of having a `mutate` callback
// entirely, but the hope is that this state of things will not be permament.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) RegisterResourceOutputs(step deploy.Step) error {
return sm.refresh()
// RecordPlugin records that the current plan loaded a plugin and saves it in the snapshot.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) RecordPlugin(plugin workspace.PluginInfo) error {
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: RecordPlugin(%v)", plugin)
return sm.mutate(func() {
sm.plugins = append(sm.plugins, plugin)
// BeginMutation signals to the SnapshotManager that the engine intends to mutate the global snapshot
// by performing the given Step. This function gives the SnapshotManager a chance to record the
// intent to mutate before the mutation occurs.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) BeginMutation(step deploy.Step) (engine.SnapshotMutation, error) {
contract.Require(step != nil, "step != nil")
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: Beginning mutation for step `%s` on resource `%s`", step.Op(), step.URN())
// This is for compat with the existing update model with the service. Invalidating a
// stack sets a bit in a database indicating that the stored snapshot is not valid.
if err := sm.persister.Invalidate(); err != nil {
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: Failed to invalidate snapshot: %s", err.Error())
return nil, err
switch step.Op() {
case deploy.OpSame:
return &sameSnapshotMutation{sm}, nil
case deploy.OpCreate, deploy.OpCreateReplacement:
return &createSnapshotMutation{sm}, nil
case deploy.OpUpdate:
return &updateSnapshotMutation{sm}, nil
case deploy.OpDelete, deploy.OpDeleteReplaced:
return &deleteSnapshotMutation{sm}, nil
case deploy.OpReplace:
return &replaceSnapshotMutation{sm}, nil
case deploy.OpRead, deploy.OpReadReplacement:
return &readSnapshotMutation{sm}, nil
contract.Failf("unknown StepOp: %s", step.Op())
return nil, nil
// All SnapshotMutation implementations in this file follow the same basic formula:
// mark the "old" state as done and mark the "new" state as new. The two special
// cases are Create (where the "old" state does not exist) and Delete (where the "new" state
// does not exist).
// Marking a resource state as old prevents it from being persisted to the snapshot in
// the `snap` function. Marking a resource state as new /enables/ it to be persisted to
// the snapshot in `snap`. See the comments in `snap` for more details.
type sameSnapshotMutation struct {
manager *SnapshotManager
func (ssm *sameSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step, successful bool) error {
contract.Require(step != nil, "step != nil")
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: sameSnapshotMutation.End(..., %v)", successful)
return ssm.manager.mutate(func() {
if successful {
type createSnapshotMutation struct {
manager *SnapshotManager
func (csm *createSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step, successful bool) error {
contract.Require(step != nil, "step != nil")
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: createSnapshotMutation.End(..., %v)", successful)
return csm.manager.mutate(func() {
if successful {
// There is some very subtle behind-the-scenes magic here that
// comes into play whenever this create is a CreateReplacement.
// Despite intending for the base snapshot to be immutable, the engine
// does in fact mutate it by setting a `Delete` flag on resources
// being replaced as part of a Create-Before-Delete replacement sequence.
// Since we are storing the base snapshot and all resources by reference
// (we have pointers to engine-allocated objects), this transparently
// "just works" for the SnapshotManager.
type updateSnapshotMutation struct {
manager *SnapshotManager
func (usm *updateSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step, successful bool) error {
contract.Require(step != nil, "step != nil")
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: updateSnapshotMutation.End(..., %v)", successful)
return usm.manager.mutate(func() {
if successful {
type deleteSnapshotMutation struct {
manager *SnapshotManager
func (dsm *deleteSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step, successful bool) error {
contract.Require(step != nil, "step != nil")
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: deleteSnapshotMutation.End(..., %v)", successful)
return dsm.manager.mutate(func() {
if successful {
type replaceSnapshotMutation struct {
manager *SnapshotManager
func (rsm *replaceSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step, successful bool) error {
// There's no explicit mutation that replace makes to the snapshot, but it does need
// to write out a snapshot to the backing store so that it's no longer invalid.
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: replaceSnapshotMutation.End(..., %v)", successful)
return rsm.manager.refresh()
type readSnapshotMutation struct {
manager *SnapshotManager
func (rsm *readSnapshotMutation) End(step deploy.Step, successful bool) error {
contract.Require(step != nil, "step != nil")
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: readSnapshotMutation.End(..., %v)", successful)
return rsm.manager.mutate(func() {
if successful {
if step.Old() != nil {
// refresh does a no-op mutation that forces the SnapshotManager to persist the
// snapshot exactly as it is currently to disk. This is useful when a mutation
// has failed and we do not intend to persist the failed mutation.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) refresh() error {
logging.V(9).Infof("SnapshotManager: refresh()")
return sm.mutate(func() {})
// markDone marks a resource as having been processed. Resources that have been marked
// in this manner won't be persisted in the snapshot.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) markDone(state *resource.State) {
contract.Assert(state != nil)
sm.dones[state] = true
logging.V(9).Infof("Marked old state snapshot as done: %v", state.URN)
// markNew marks a resource as existing in the new snapshot. This occurs on
// successful non-deletion operations where the given state is the new state
// of a resource that will be persisted to the snapshot.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) markNew(state *resource.State) {
contract.Assert(state != nil)
sm.resources = append(sm.resources, state)
logging.V(9).Infof("Appended new state snapshot to be written: %v", state.URN)
// snap produces a new Snapshot given the base snapshot and a list of resources that the current
// plan has created.
func (sm *SnapshotManager) snap() *deploy.Snapshot {
// At this point we have two resource DAGs. One of these is the base DAG for this plan; the other is the current DAG
// for this plan. Any resource r may be present in both DAGs. In order to produce a snapshot, we need to merge these
// DAGs such that all resource dependencies are correctly preserved. Conceptually, the merge proceeds as follows:
// - Begin with an empty merged DAG.
// - For each resource r in the current DAG, insert r and its outgoing edges into the merged DAG.
// - For each resource r in the base DAG:
// - If r is in the merged DAG, we are done: if the resource is in the merged DAG, it must have been in the
// current DAG, which accurately captures its current dependencies.
// - If r is not in the merged DAG, insert it and its outgoing edges into the merged DAG.
// Physically, however, each DAG is represented as list of resources without explicit dependency edges. In place of
// edges, it is assumed that the list represents a valid topological sort of its source DAG. Thus, any resource r at
// index i in a list L must be assumed to be dependent on all resources in L with index j s.t. j < i. Due to this
// representation, we implement the algorithm above as follows to produce a merged list that represents a valid
// topological sort of the merged DAG:
// - Begin with an empty merged list.
// - For each resource r in the current list, append r to the merged list. r must be in a correct location in the
// merged list, as its position relative to its assumed dependencies has not changed.
// - For each resource r in the base list:
// - If r is in the merged list, we are done by the logic given in the original algorithm.
// - If r is not in the merged list, append r to the merged list. r must be in a correct location in the merged
// list:
// - If any of r's dependencies were in the current list, they must already be in the merged list and their
// relative order w.r.t. r has not changed.
// - If any of r's dependencies were not in the current list, they must already be in the merged list, as
// they would have been appended to the list before r.
// Start with a copy of the resources produced during the evaluation of the current plan.
resources := make([]*resource.State, len(sm.resources))
copy(resources, sm.resources)
// Append any resources from the base plan that were not produced by the current plan.
if base := sm.baseSnapshot; base != nil {
for _, res := range base.Resources {
if !sm.dones[res] {
resources = append(resources, res)
manifest := deploy.Manifest{
Time: time.Now(),
Version: version.Version,
Plugins: sm.plugins,
manifest.Magic = manifest.NewMagic()
return deploy.NewSnapshot(manifest, resources)
// NewSnapshotManager creates a new SnapshotManager for the given stack name, using the given persister
// and base snapshot.
// It is *very important* that the baseSnap pointer refers to the same Snapshot
// given to the engine! The engine will mutate this object and correctness of the
// SnapshotManager depends on being able to observe this mutation. (This is not ideal...)
func NewSnapshotManager(persister SnapshotPersister, baseSnap *deploy.Snapshot) *SnapshotManager {
manager := &SnapshotManager{
persister: persister,
baseSnapshot: baseSnap,
dones: make(map[*resource.State]bool),
doVerify: true,
mutationRequests: make(chan func()),
go func() {
for request := range manager.mutationRequests {
return manager