joeduffy c04341edb2 Consult the program for its list of plugins
This change adds a GetRequiredPlugins RPC method to the language
host, enabling us to query it for its list of plugin requirements.
This is language-specific because it requires looking at the set
of dependencies (e.g., package.json files).

It also adds a call up front during any update/preview operation
to compute the set of plugins and require that they are present.
These plugins are populated in the cache and will be used for all
subsequent plugin-related operations during the engine's activity.

We now cache the language plugins, so that we may load them
eagerly too, which we never did previously due to the fact that
we needed to pass the monitor address at load time.  This was a
bit bizarre anyhow, since it's really the Run RPC function that
needs this information.  So, to enable caching and eager loading
-- which we need in order to invoke GetRequiredPlugins -- the
"phone home" monitor RPC address is passed at Run time.

In a subsequent change, we will switch to faulting in the plugins
that are missing -- rather than erroring -- in addition to
supporting the `pulumi plugin install` CLI command.
2018-02-18 08:08:15 -08:00

355 lines
10 KiB

* @fileoverview
* @enhanceable
* @suppress {messageConventions} JS Compiler reports an error if a variable or
* field starts with 'MSG_' and isn't a translatable message.
* @public
var jspb = require('google-protobuf');
var goog = jspb;
var global = Function('return this')();
goog.exportSymbol('proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency', null, global);
goog.exportSymbol('proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo', null, global);
* Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator.
* @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a
* server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used
* in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned.
* If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still
* valid.
* @extends {jspb.Message}
* @constructor
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo = function(opt_data) {
jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null);
goog.inherits(proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo, jspb.Message);
if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) {
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.displayName = 'proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo';
if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) {
* Creates an object representation of this proto suitable for use in Soy templates.
* Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name.
* To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_<name>, eg, foo.pb_default.
* For the list of reserved names please see:
* com.google.apps.jspb.JsClassTemplate.JS_RESERVED_WORDS.
* @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Whether to include the JSPB instance
* for transitional soy proto support: http://goto/soy-param-migration
* @return {!Object}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) {
return proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this);
* Static version of the {@see toObject} method.
* @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Whether to include the JSPB
* instance for transitional soy proto support:
* http://goto/soy-param-migration
* @param {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo} msg The msg instance to transform.
* @return {!Object}
* @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) {
var f, obj = {
version: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "")
if (includeInstance) {
obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg;
return obj;
* Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format).
* @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize.
* @return {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) {
var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes);
var msg = new proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo;
return proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader);
* Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the
* given reader into the given message object.
* @param {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into.
* @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use.
* @return {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) {
while (reader.nextField()) {
if (reader.isEndGroup()) {
var field = reader.getFieldNumber();
switch (field) {
case 1:
var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString());
return msg;
* Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format).
* @return {!Uint8Array}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() {
var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter();
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer);
return writer.getResultBuffer();
* Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire
* format), writing to the given BinaryWriter.
* @param {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo} message
* @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer
* @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) {
var f = undefined;
f = message.getVersion();
if (f.length > 0) {
* optional string version = 1;
* @return {string}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.prototype.getVersion = function() {
return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, ""));
/** @param {string} value */
proto.pulumirpc.PluginInfo.prototype.setVersion = function(value) {
jspb.Message.setField(this, 1, value);
* Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator.
* @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a
* server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used
* in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned.
* If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still
* valid.
* @extends {jspb.Message}
* @constructor
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency = function(opt_data) {
jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null);
goog.inherits(proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency, jspb.Message);
if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) {
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.displayName = 'proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency';
if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) {
* Creates an object representation of this proto suitable for use in Soy templates.
* Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name.
* To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_<name>, eg, foo.pb_default.
* For the list of reserved names please see:
* com.google.apps.jspb.JsClassTemplate.JS_RESERVED_WORDS.
* @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Whether to include the JSPB instance
* for transitional soy proto support: http://goto/soy-param-migration
* @return {!Object}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) {
return proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this);
* Static version of the {@see toObject} method.
* @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Whether to include the JSPB
* instance for transitional soy proto support:
* http://goto/soy-param-migration
* @param {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency} msg The msg instance to transform.
* @return {!Object}
* @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) {
var f, obj = {
name: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""),
kind: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""),
version: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, "")
if (includeInstance) {
obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg;
return obj;
* Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format).
* @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize.
* @return {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) {
var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes);
var msg = new proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency;
return proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader);
* Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the
* given reader into the given message object.
* @param {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency} msg The message object to deserialize into.
* @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use.
* @return {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) {
while (reader.nextField()) {
if (reader.isEndGroup()) {
var field = reader.getFieldNumber();
switch (field) {
case 1:
var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString());
case 2:
var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString());
case 3:
var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString());
return msg;
* Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format).
* @return {!Uint8Array}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.prototype.serializeBinary = function() {
var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter();
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer);
return writer.getResultBuffer();
* Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire
* format), writing to the given BinaryWriter.
* @param {!proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency} message
* @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer
* @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) {
var f = undefined;
f = message.getName();
if (f.length > 0) {
f = message.getKind();
if (f.length > 0) {
f = message.getVersion();
if (f.length > 0) {
* optional string name = 1;
* @return {string}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.prototype.getName = function() {
return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, ""));
/** @param {string} value */
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.prototype.setName = function(value) {
jspb.Message.setField(this, 1, value);
* optional string kind = 2;
* @return {string}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.prototype.getKind = function() {
return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, ""));
/** @param {string} value */
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.prototype.setKind = function(value) {
jspb.Message.setField(this, 2, value);
* optional string version = 3;
* @return {string}
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.prototype.getVersion = function() {
return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, ""));
/** @param {string} value */
proto.pulumirpc.PluginDependency.prototype.setVersion = function(value) {
jspb.Message.setField(this, 3, value);
goog.object.extend(exports, proto.pulumirpc);