joeduffy d6fd6c244a Add the ability to output a plan as a DOT
We already had the ability to manually execute a CocoPack and generate
a DOT from its object graph.  However, for demo purposes we also want
to be able to generate one from the plan.  This adds a --dot flag to plan.
2017-03-23 08:10:33 -07:00

977 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Pulumi, Inc. All rights reserved.
package cmd
import (
func newEnvCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "env",
Short: "Manage target environments",
Long: "Manage target environments\n" +
"\n" +
"An environment is a named deployment target, and a single project may have many of them.\n" +
"Each environment has a configuration and deployment history associated with it, stored in\n" +
"the workspace, in addition to a full checkpoint of the last known good deployment.\n",
return cmd
func initEnvCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (*envCmdInfo, error) {
// Read in the name of the environment to use.
if len(args) == 0 || args[0] == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing required environment name")
return initEnvCmdName(tokens.QName(args[0]), args[1:])
func initEnvCmdName(name tokens.QName, args []string) (*envCmdInfo, error) {
// If the name is blank, use the default.
if name == "" {
name = getCurrentEnv()
if name == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing environment name (and no default found)")
// Read in the deployment information, bailing if an IO error occurs.
ctx := resource.NewContext(sink())
envfile, env, old := readEnv(ctx, name)
if env == nil {
ctx.Close() // close now, since we are exiting.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read envfile required to proceed") // failure reading the env information.
return &envCmdInfo{
Ctx: ctx,
Env: env,
Envfile: envfile,
Old: old,
Args: args,
}, nil
type envCmdInfo struct {
Ctx *resource.Context // the resulting context
Env *resource.Env // the environment information
Envfile *resource.Envfile // the full serialized envfile from which this came.
Old resource.Snapshot // the environment's latest deployment snapshot
Args []string // the args after extracting the environment name
func (eci *envCmdInfo) Close() error {
return eci.Ctx.Close()
func confirmPrompt(msg string, name tokens.QName) bool {
prompt := fmt.Sprintf(msg, name)
colors.ColorizeText(fmt.Sprintf("%v%v%v\n", colors.SpecAttention, prompt, colors.Reset)))
fmt.Printf("Please confirm that this is what you'd like to do by typing (\"%v\"): ", name)
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
if line, _ := reader.ReadString('\n'); line != string(name)+"\n" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Confirmation declined -- exiting without doing anything\n")
return false
return true
// createEnv just creates a new empty environment without deploying anything into it.
func createEnv(name tokens.QName) {
env := &resource.Env{Name: name}
if success := saveEnv(env, nil, "", false); success {
fmt.Printf("Environment '%v' initialized; see `coco env deploy` to deploy into it\n", name)
setCurrentEnv(name, false)
// newWorkspace creates a new workspace using the current working directory.
func newWorkspace() (workspace.W, error) {
pwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx := core.NewContext(pwd, nil, &core.Options{})
return workspace.New(ctx)
// getCurrentEnv reads the current environment.
func getCurrentEnv() tokens.QName {
var name tokens.QName
w, err := newWorkspace()
if err == nil {
name = w.Settings().Env
if err != nil {
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, err)
return name
// setCurrentEnv changes the current environment to the given environment name, issuing an error if it doesn't exist.
func setCurrentEnv(name tokens.QName, verify bool) {
if verify {
ctx := resource.NewContext(sink())
if _, env, _ := readEnv(ctx, name); env == nil {
return // no environment by this name exists, bail out.
// Switch the current workspace to that environment.
w, err := newWorkspace()
if err == nil {
w.Settings().Env = name
err = w.Save()
if err != nil {
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, err)
// removeEnv permanently deletes the environment's information from the local workstation.
func removeEnv(env *resource.Env) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%sEnvironment '%s' has been removed!%s\n",
colors.SpecAttention, env.Name, colors.Reset)
func prepareCompiler(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (compiler.Compiler, *pack.Package) {
// If there's a --, we need to separate out the command args from the stack args.
flags := cmd.Flags()
dashdash := flags.ArgsLenAtDash()
var packArgs []string
if dashdash != -1 {
packArgs = args[dashdash:]
args = args[0:dashdash]
// Create a compiler options object and map any flags and arguments to settings on it.
opts := core.DefaultOptions()
opts.Args = dashdashArgsToMap(packArgs)
// In the case of an argument, load that specific package and new up a compiler based on its base path.
// Otherwise, use the default workspace and package logic (which consults the current working directory).
var comp compiler.Compiler
var pkg *pack.Package
if len(args) == 0 {
var err error
comp, err = compiler.Newwd(opts)
if err != nil {
// Create a temporary diagnostics sink so that we can issue an error and bail out.
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorCantCreateCompiler, err)
} else {
fn := args[0]
if pkg = cmdutil.ReadPackageFromArg(fn); pkg != nil {
var err error
if fn == "-" {
comp, err = compiler.Newwd(opts)
} else {
comp, err = compiler.New(filepath.Dir(fn), opts)
if err != nil {
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorCantReadPackage, fn, err)
return comp, pkg
// compile just uses the standard logic to parse arguments, options, and to locate/compile a package. It returns the
// CocoGL graph that is produced, or nil if an error occurred (in which case, we would expect non-0 errors).
func compile(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, config resource.ConfigMap) *compileResult {
// Prepare the compiler info and, provided it succeeds, perform the compilation.
if comp, pkg := prepareCompiler(cmd, args); comp != nil {
// Create the preexec hook if the config map is non-nil.
var preexec compiler.Preexec
configVars := make(map[tokens.Token]*rt.Object)
if config != nil {
preexec = config.ConfigApplier(configVars)
// Now perform the compilation and extract the heap snapshot.
var heap *heapstate.Heap
var pkgsym *symbols.Package
if pkg == nil {
pkgsym, heap = comp.Compile(preexec)
} else {
pkgsym, heap = comp.CompilePackage(pkg, preexec)
return &compileResult{
C: comp,
Pkg: pkgsym,
Heap: heap,
ConfigVars: configVars,
return nil
type compileResult struct {
C compiler.Compiler
Pkg *symbols.Package
Heap *heapstate.Heap
ConfigVars map[tokens.Token]*rt.Object
// verify creates a compiler, much like compile, but only performs binding and verification on it. If verification
// succeeds, the return value is true; if verification fails, errors will have been output, and the return is false.
func verify(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) bool {
// Prepare the compiler info and, provided it succeeds, perform the verification.
if comp, pkg := prepareCompiler(cmd, args); comp != nil {
// Now perform the compilation and extract the heap snapshot.
if pkg == nil {
return comp.Verify()
return comp.VerifyPackage(pkg)
return false
// plan just uses the standard logic to parse arguments, options, and to create a snapshot and plan.
func plan(cmd *cobra.Command, info *envCmdInfo, opts applyOptions) *planResult {
// If deleting, there is no need to create a new snapshot; otherwise, we will need to compile the package.
var new resource.Snapshot
var result *compileResult
var analyzers []tokens.QName
if !opts.Delete {
// First, compile; if that yields errors or an empty heap, exit early.
if result = compile(cmd, info.Args, info.Env.Config); result == nil || result.Heap == nil {
return nil
// Next, if a DOT output is requested, generate it and quite right now.
// TODO: generate this DOT from the snapshot/diff, not the raw object graph.
if opts.DOT {
// Convert the output to a DOT file.
if err := dotconv.Print(result.Heap.G, os.Stdout); err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("failed to write DOT file to output: %v", err))
return nil
// Create a resource snapshot from the compiled/evaluated object graph.
var err error
new, err = resource.NewGraphSnapshot(
info.Ctx, info.Env.Name, result.Pkg.Tok, result.C.Ctx().Opts.Args, result.Heap, info.Old)
if err != nil {
result.C.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorCantCreateSnapshot, err)
return nil
} else if !info.Ctx.Diag.Success() {
return nil
// If there are any analyzers to run, queue them up.
for _, a := range opts.Analyzers {
analyzers = append(analyzers, tokens.QName(a)) // from the command line.
if as := result.Pkg.Node.Analyzers; as != nil {
for _, a := range *as {
analyzers = append(analyzers, a) // from the project file.
// Generate a plan; this API handles all interesting cases (create, update, delete).
plan, err := resource.NewPlan(info.Ctx, info.Old, new, analyzers)
if err != nil {
result.C.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorCantCreateSnapshot, err)
return nil
if !info.Ctx.Diag.Success() {
return nil
return &planResult{
compileResult: result,
Info: info,
New: new,
Plan: plan,
type planResult struct {
Info *envCmdInfo // plan command information.
Old resource.Snapshot // the existing snapshot (if any).
New resource.Snapshot // the new snapshot for this plan (if any).
Plan resource.Plan // the plan created by this command.
func apply(cmd *cobra.Command, info *envCmdInfo, opts applyOptions) {
if result := plan(cmd, info, opts); result != nil {
// Now based on whether a dry run was specified, or not, either print or perform the planned operations.
if opts.DryRun {
// If no output file was requested, or "-", print to stdout; else write to that file.
if opts.Output == "" || opts.Output == "-" {
printPlan(info.Ctx.Diag, result, opts)
} else {
saveEnv(info.Env, result.New, opts.Output, true /*overwrite*/)
} else {
// If show unchanged was requested, print them first, along with a header.
var header bytes.Buffer
printPrelude(&header, result, opts)
header.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vDeploying changes:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
// Print a nice message if the update is an empty one.
empty := checkEmpty(info.Ctx.Diag, result.Plan)
// Create an object to track progress and perform the actual operations.
start := time.Now()
progress := newProgress(info.Ctx, opts.Summary)
checkpoint, err, _, _ := result.Plan.Apply(progress)
if err != nil {
contract.Assert(!info.Ctx.Diag.Success()) // an error should have been emitted.
var summary bytes.Buffer
if !empty {
// Print out the total number of steps performed (and their kinds), the duration, and any summary info.
printSummary(&summary, progress.Ops, opts.ShowReplaceSteps, false)
summary.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vDeployment duration: %v%v\n",
colors.SpecUnimportant, time.Since(start), colors.Reset))
if progress.MaybeCorrupt {
"%vA catastrophic error occurred; resources states may be unknown%v\n",
colors.SpecAttention, colors.Reset))
// Now save the updated snapshot to the specified output file, if any, or the standard location otherwise.
// Note that if a failure has occurred, the Apply routine above will have returned a safe checkpoint.
env := result.Info.Env
saveEnv(env, checkpoint, opts.Output, true /*overwrite*/)
func checkEmpty(d diag.Sink, plan resource.Plan) bool {
// If we are doing an empty update, say so.
if plan.Empty() {
d.Infof(diag.Message("no resources need to be updated"))
return true
return false
// backupEnv makes a backup of an existing file, in preparation for writing a new one. Instead of a copy, it
// simply renames the file, which is simpler, more efficient, etc.
func backupEnv(file string) {
contract.Require(file != "", "file")
os.Rename(file, file+".bak") // ignore errors.
// TODO: consider multiple backups (.bak.bak.bak...etc).
// deleteEnv removes an existing snapshot file, leaving behind a backup.
func deleteEnv(env *resource.Env) {
contract.Require(env != nil, "env")
// Just make a backup of the file and don't write out anything new.
file := workspace.EnvPath(env.Name)
// readEnv reads in an existing snapshot file, issuing an error and returning nil if something goes awry.
func readEnv(ctx *resource.Context, name tokens.QName) (*resource.Envfile, *resource.Env, resource.Snapshot) {
contract.Require(name != "", "name")
file := workspace.EnvPath(name)
// Detect the encoding of the file so we can do our initial unmarshaling.
m, ext := encoding.Detect(file)
if m == nil {
ctx.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorIllegalMarkupExtension, ext)
return nil, nil, nil
// Now read the whole file into a byte blob.
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
ctx.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorInvalidEnvName, name)
} else {
ctx.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, err)
return nil, nil, nil
// Unmarshal the contents into a envfile deployment structure.
var envfile resource.Envfile
if err = m.Unmarshal(b, &envfile); err != nil {
ctx.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorCantReadDeployment, file, err)
return nil, nil, nil
// Next, use the mapping infrastructure to validate the contents.
// TODO: we can eliminate this redundant unmarshaling once Go supports strict unmarshaling.
var obj mapper.Object
if err = m.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
ctx.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorCantReadDeployment, file, err)
return nil, nil, nil
} else {
if obj["latest"] != nil {
if latest, islatest := obj["latest"].(map[string]interface{}); islatest {
delete(latest, "resources") // remove the resources, since they require custom marshaling.
md := mapper.New(nil)
var ignore resource.Envfile // just for errors.
if err = md.Decode(obj, &ignore); err != nil {
ctx.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorCantReadDeployment, file, err)
return nil, nil, nil
env, snap := resource.DeserializeEnvfile(ctx, &envfile)
contract.Assert(env != nil)
return &envfile, env, snap
// saveEnv saves a new snapshot at the given location, backing up any existing ones.
func saveEnv(env *resource.Env, snap resource.Snapshot, file string, existok bool) bool {
contract.Require(env != nil, "env")
if file == "" {
file = workspace.EnvPath(env.Name)
// Make a serializable CocoGL data structure and then use the encoder to encode it.
m, ext := encoding.Detect(file)
if m == nil {
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorIllegalMarkupExtension, ext)
return false
if filepath.Ext(file) == "" {
file = file + ext
dep := resource.SerializeEnvfile(env, snap, "")
b, err := m.Marshal(dep)
if err != nil {
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, err)
return false
// If it's not ok for the file to already exist, ensure that it doesn't.
if !existok {
if _, err := os.Stat(file); err == nil {
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, fmt.Errorf("file '%v' already exists", file))
return false
// Back up the existing file if it already exists.
// Ensure the directory exists.
if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(file), 0755); err != nil {
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, err)
return false
// And now write out the new snapshot file, overwriting that location.
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(file, b, 0644); err != nil {
sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, err)
return false
return true
type applyOptions struct {
Create bool // true if we are creating resources.
Delete bool // true if we are deleting resources.
DryRun bool // true if we should just print the plan without performing it.
Analyzers []string // an optional set of analyzers to run as part of this deployment.
ShowConfig bool // true to show the configuration variables being used.
ShowReplaceSteps bool // true to show the replacement steps in the plan.
ShowUnchanged bool // true to show the resources that aren't updated, in addition to those that are.
Summary bool // true if we should only summarize resources and operations.
DOT bool // true if we should print the DOT file for this plan.
Output string // the place to store the output, if any.
// applyProgress pretty-prints the plan application process as it goes.
type applyProgress struct {
Ctx *resource.Context
Steps int
Ops map[resource.StepOp]int
MaybeCorrupt bool
Summary bool
func newProgress(ctx *resource.Context, summary bool) *applyProgress {
return &applyProgress{
Ctx: ctx,
Steps: 0,
Ops: make(map[resource.StepOp]int),
Summary: summary,
func (prog *applyProgress) Before(step resource.Step) {
// Print the step.
stepop := step.Op()
stepnum := prog.Steps + 1
var extra string
if stepop == resource.OpReplaceCreate || stepop == resource.OpReplaceDelete {
extra = " (part of a replacement change)"
var b bytes.Buffer
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Applying step #%v [%v]%v\n", stepnum, stepop, extra))
printStep(&b, step, prog.Summary, " ")
func (prog *applyProgress) After(step resource.Step, err error, state resource.ResourceState) {
if err == nil {
// Increment the counters.
} else {
// Issue a true, bonafide error.
prog.Ctx.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorPlanApplyFailed, err)
// Print the state of the resource; we don't issue the error, because the apply above will do that.
var b bytes.Buffer
stepnum := prog.Steps + 1
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Step #%v failed [%v]: ", stepnum, step.Op()))
switch state {
case resource.StateOK:
b.WriteString("provider successfully recovered from this failure")
case resource.StateUnknown:
b.WriteString("this failure was catastrophic and the provider cannot guarantee recovery")
prog.MaybeCorrupt = true
contract.Failf("Unrecognized resource state: %v", state)
func printPlan(d diag.Sink, result *planResult, opts applyOptions) {
// First print config/unchanged/etc. if necessary.
var prelude bytes.Buffer
printPrelude(&prelude, result, opts)
// Now walk the plan's steps and and pretty-print them out.
prelude.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vPlanned changes:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
// Print a nice message if the update is an empty one.
if empty := checkEmpty(d, result.Plan); !empty {
var summary bytes.Buffer
step := result.Plan.Steps()
counts := make(map[resource.StepOp]int)
for step != nil {
op := step.Op()
// Print this step information (resource and all its properties).
// TODO: it would be nice if, in the output, we showed the dependencies a la `git log --graph`.
if opts.ShowReplaceSteps || (op != resource.OpReplaceCreate && op != resource.OpReplaceDelete) {
printStep(&summary, step, opts.Summary, "")
step = step.Next()
// Print a summary of operation counts.
printSummary(&summary, counts, opts.ShowReplaceSteps, true)
func printPrelude(b *bytes.Buffer, result *planResult, opts applyOptions) {
// If there are configuration variables, show them.
if opts.ShowConfig {
printConfig(b, result.compileResult)
// If show-sames was requested, walk the sames and print them.
if opts.ShowUnchanged {
printUnchanged(b, result.Plan, opts.Summary)
func printConfig(b *bytes.Buffer, result *compileResult) {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vConfiguration:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
if result != nil && result.ConfigVars != nil {
var toks []string
for tok := range result.ConfigVars {
toks = append(toks, string(tok))
for _, tok := range toks {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v%v: %v\n", detailsIndent, tok, result.ConfigVars[tokens.Token(tok)]))
func printSummary(b *bytes.Buffer, counts map[resource.StepOp]int, showReplaceSteps bool, plan bool) {
total := 0
for op, c := range counts {
if !showReplaceSteps && (op == resource.OpReplaceCreate || op == resource.OpReplaceDelete) {
continue // skip counting replacement steps unless explicitly requested.
total += c
var planned string
if plan {
planned = "planned "
var colon string
if total != 0 {
colon = ":"
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v total %v%v%v\n", total, planned, plural("change", total), colon))
var planTo string
var pastTense string
if plan {
planTo = "to "
} else {
pastTense = "d"
for _, op := range resource.StepOps() {
if !showReplaceSteps && (op == resource.OpReplaceCreate || op == resource.OpReplaceDelete) {
// Unless the user requested it, don't show the fine-grained replacement steps; just the logical ones.
if c := counts[op]; c > 0 {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %v%v %v %v%v%v%v\n",
op.Prefix(), c, plural("resource", c), planTo, op, pastTense, colors.Reset))
func plural(s string, c int) string {
if c != 1 {
s += "s"
return s
const detailsIndent = " " // 4 spaces, plus 2 for "+ ", "- ", and " " leaders
func printUnchanged(b *bytes.Buffer, plan resource.Plan, summary bool) {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vUnchanged resources:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
for _, res := range plan.Unchanged() {
b.WriteString(" ") // simulate the 2 spaces for +, -, etc.
printResourceHeader(b, res, nil, "")
printResourceProperties(b, res, nil, nil, nil, summary, "")
func printStep(b *bytes.Buffer, step resource.Step, summary bool, indent string) {
// First print out the operation's prefix.
// Next print the resource URN, properties, etc.
printResourceHeader(b, step.Old(), step.New(), indent)
var replaces []resource.PropertyKey
if step.Old() != nil {
m := step.Old().URN()
replaceMap := step.Plan().Replaces()
replaces = replaceMap[m]
printResourceProperties(b, step.Old(), step.New(), step.NewProps(), replaces, summary, indent)
// Finally make sure to reset the color.
func printResourceHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, old resource.Resource, new resource.Resource, indent string) {
var t tokens.Type
if old == nil {
t = new.Type()
} else {
t = old.Type()
// The primary header is the resource type (since it is easy on the eyes).
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n", string(t)))
func printResourceProperties(b *bytes.Buffer, old resource.Resource, new resource.Resource,
computed resource.PropertyMap, replaces []resource.PropertyKey, summary bool, indent string) {
indent += detailsIndent
// Print out the URN and, if present, the ID, as "pseudo-properties".
var id resource.ID
var URN resource.URN
if old == nil {
id = new.ID()
URN = new.URN()
} else {
id = old.ID()
URN = old.URN()
if id != "" {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s[id=%s]\n", indent, string(id)))
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s[urn=%s]\n", indent, URN.Name()))
if !summary {
// Print all of the properties associated with this resource.
if old == nil && new != nil {
printObject(b, new.Properties(), indent)
} else if new == nil && old != nil {
printObject(b, old.Properties(), indent)
} else {
contract.Assert(computed != nil) // use computed properties for diffs.
printOldNewDiffs(b, old.Properties(), computed, replaces, indent)
func printObject(b *bytes.Buffer, props resource.PropertyMap, indent string) {
// Compute the maximum with of property keys so we can justify everything.
keys := resource.StablePropertyKeys(props)
maxkey := 0
for _, k := range keys {
if len(k) > maxkey {
maxkey = len(k)
// Now print out the values intelligently based on the type.
for _, k := range keys {
if v := props[k]; shouldPrintPropertyValue(v) {
printPropertyTitle(b, k, maxkey, indent)
printPropertyValue(b, v, indent)
func shouldPrintPropertyValue(v resource.PropertyValue) bool {
return !v.IsNull() // by default, don't print nulls (they just clutter up the output)
func printPropertyTitle(b *bytes.Buffer, k resource.PropertyKey, align int, indent string) {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%-"+strconv.Itoa(align)+"s: ", indent, k))
func printPropertyValue(b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, indent string) {
if v.IsNull() {
} else if v.IsBool() {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%t", v.BoolValue()))
} else if v.IsNumber() {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.NumberValue()))
} else if v.IsString() {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", v.StringValue()))
} else if v.IsResource() {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("-> *%s", v.ResourceValue()))
} else if v.IsArray() {
for i, elem := range v.ArrayValue() {
newIndent := printArrayElemHeader(b, i, indent)
printPropertyValue(b, elem, newIndent)
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s]", indent))
} else {
printObject(b, v.ObjectValue(), indent+" ")
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s}", indent))
func getArrayElemHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, i int, indent string) (string, string) {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf(" %s[%d]: ", indent, i)
return prefix, fmt.Sprintf("%-"+strconv.Itoa(len(prefix))+"s", "")
func printArrayElemHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, i int, indent string) string {
prefix, newIndent := getArrayElemHeader(b, i, indent)
return newIndent
func printOldNewDiffs(b *bytes.Buffer, olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap,
replaces []resource.PropertyKey, indent string) {
// Get the full diff structure between the two, and print it (recursively).
if diff := olds.Diff(news); diff != nil {
printObjectDiff(b, *diff, replaces, false, indent)
} else {
printObject(b, news, indent)
func printObjectDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, diff resource.ObjectDiff,
replaces []resource.PropertyKey, causedReplace bool, indent string) {
contract.Assert(len(indent) > 2)
// Compute the maximum with of property keys so we can justify everything.
keys := diff.Keys()
maxkey := 0
for _, k := range keys {
if len(k) > maxkey {
maxkey = len(k)
// If a list of what causes a resource to get replaced exist, create a handy map.
var replaceMap map[resource.PropertyKey]bool
if len(replaces) > 0 {
replaceMap = make(map[resource.PropertyKey]bool)
for _, k := range replaces {
replaceMap[k] = true
// To print an object diff, enumerate the keys in stable order, and print each property independently.
for _, k := range keys {
title := func(id string) { printPropertyTitle(b, k, maxkey, id) }
if add, isadd := diff.Adds[k]; isadd {
if shouldPrintPropertyValue(add) {
printPropertyValue(b, add, addIndent(indent))
} else if delete, isdelete := diff.Deletes[k]; isdelete {
if shouldPrintPropertyValue(delete) {
printPropertyValue(b, delete, deleteIndent(indent))
} else if update, isupdate := diff.Updates[k]; isupdate {
if !causedReplace && replaceMap != nil {
causedReplace = replaceMap[k]
printPropertyValueDiff(b, title, update, causedReplace, indent)
} else if same := diff.Sames[k]; shouldPrintPropertyValue(same) {
printPropertyValue(b, diff.Sames[k], indent)
func printPropertyValueDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, title func(string), diff resource.ValueDiff,
causedReplace bool, indent string) {
contract.Assert(len(indent) > 2)
if diff.Array != nil {
a := diff.Array
for i := 0; i < a.Len(); i++ {
_, newIndent := getArrayElemHeader(b, i, indent)
title := func(id string) { printArrayElemHeader(b, i, id) }
if add, isadd := a.Adds[i]; isadd {
printPropertyValue(b, add, addIndent(newIndent))
} else if delete, isdelete := a.Deletes[i]; isdelete {
printPropertyValue(b, delete, deleteIndent(newIndent))
} else if update, isupdate := a.Updates[i]; isupdate {
printPropertyValueDiff(b, func(string) {}, update, causedReplace, newIndent)
} else {
printPropertyValue(b, a.Sames[i], newIndent)
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s]\n", indent))
} else if diff.Object != nil {
printObjectDiff(b, *diff.Object, nil, causedReplace, indent+" ")
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s}\n", indent))
} else if diff.Old.IsResource() && diff.New.IsResource() && diff.New.ResourceValue().Replacement() {
// If the old and new are both resources, and the new is a replacement, show this in a special way (+-).
printPropertyValue(b, diff.Old, updateIndent(indent))
} else {
// If we ended up here, the two values either differ by type, or they have different primitive values. We will
// simply emit a deletion line followed by an addition line.
if shouldPrintPropertyValue(diff.Old) {
var color string
if causedReplace {
color = resource.OpDelete.Color() // this property triggered replacement; color as a delete
} else {
color = resource.OpUpdate.Color()
printPropertyValue(b, diff.Old, deleteIndent(indent))
if shouldPrintPropertyValue(diff.New) {
var color string
if causedReplace {
color = resource.OpCreate.Color() // this property triggered replacement; color as a create
} else {
color = resource.OpUpdate.Color()
printPropertyValue(b, diff.New, addIndent(indent))
func addIndent(indent string) string { return indent[:len(indent)-2] + "+ " }
func deleteIndent(indent string) string { return indent[:len(indent)-2] + "- " }
func updateIndent(indent string) string { return indent[:len(indent)-2] + "+-" }