joeduffy 52faa94a80 Add some AST names tests
Also add some convenience helper methods to deal with names, including
IsName and AsName, which validate that names obey the intended regular expressions.
2016-11-21 12:06:32 -08:00

107 lines
2.8 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package ast
import (
// NameDelimiter is what delimits Namespace and Name parts.
const NameDelimiter = "/"
var nameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(nameRegexps)
var nameRegexps = "(" + namePartRegexps + "\\" + NameDelimiter + ")*" + namePartRegexps
var namePartRegexps = "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*"
// IsName checks whether a string is a legal Name.
func IsName(s string) bool {
return nameRegexp.FindString(s) == s
// AsName converts a given string to a Name, asserting its validity.
func AsName(s string) Name {
util.AssertMF(nameRegexp.MatchString(s), "Expected string '%v' to be a name (%v)", s, nameRegexps)
return Name(s)
// Simple extracts the name portion of a Name (dropping any Namespace).
func (nm Name) Simple() Name {
ix := strings.LastIndex(string(nm), NameDelimiter)
if ix == -1 {
return nm
return nm[ix+1:]
// Namespace extracts the namespace portion of a Name (dropping the Name); this may be empty.
func (nm Name) Namespace() Name {
ix := strings.LastIndex(string(nm), NameDelimiter)
if ix == -1 {
return ""
return nm[:ix]
// DefaultRefBase is the base part used if a Ref doesn't specify one explicitly.
const DefaultRefBase = "hub.mu.com/"
// Proto extracts the protocol portion of a Ref.
func (r Ref) Proto() string {
return r.parse().Proto
// Base extracts the base portion of a Ref.
func (r Ref) Base() string {
return r.parse().Base
// Name extracts the name portion of a Ref (including the Namespace).
func (r Ref) Name() Name {
return r.parse().Name
type refParts struct {
Proto string // the protocol (e.g., "https://").
Base string // the base part of the URL (e.g., "mu.hub.com/").
Name Name // the name part of the URL (e.g., "mu/container").
func (r Ref) parse() refParts {
s := string(r)
parts := refParts{}
// Look for the leading protocol, if any.
protoEnd := strings.Index(s, "://")
if protoEnd != -1 {
// Remember it and then strip it off for subsequent parsing.
parts.Proto = s[:protoEnd+3]
s = s[protoEnd+3:]
// Now look to see if there is a dot, indicating a base part.
dotIndex := strings.Index(s, ".")
if dotIndex == -1 {
// No base seems to be here; populate it with the default ref base.
// TODO(joe): this might be questionable; e.g., domain-less hosts will require a trailing period.
parts.Base = DefaultRefBase
} else {
// A base exists; look for a slash (indicating the name), and capture everything up to it (including it).
slashIndex := strings.Index(s, NameDelimiter)
if slashIndex == -1 {
parts.Base = s
s = ""
} else {
parts.Base = s[:slashIndex+1]
s = s[slashIndex+1:]
// Anything remaining at this point represents the name.
parts.Name = Name(s)
return parts