Evan Boyle e1576d13b3
make plugin metadata (size, install time) opt in for list operations (#7163)
This change is a simple perf optimization to speed up the process of listing plugins by excluding some metadata like size by default.

Our strategy for finding a plugin is to first look on the path, and then to iterate through all plugins in the plugin cache (a directory). We do this for each plugin that is loaded when NewProvider is called. Unfortunately, the codepath that gets all plugins is shared by pulumi plugin ls that needs to do things like display the total size of all plugins, the size of each plugin, and when the plugin was last installed/last used.

This means that any time a plugin is loaded, we are computing the size of all plugins by recursively enumerating all folder (including all of the node_modules directories of any installed node multi-lang plugins!). For my 5 gb of node plugins this translated to 10s of overhead each time a plugin was loaded.

This change is a very simple fix. pulumi plugin ls is the only code path that uses size, so we create a dedicated code path GetPluginsWithMetadata that populates that info, excluding from the result of GetPlugins by default.
2021-05-28 07:26:08 -07:00

919 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package workspace
import (
const (
windowsGOOS = "windows"
var (
enableLegacyPluginBehavior = os.Getenv("PULUMI_ENABLE_LEGACY_PLUGIN_SEARCH") != ""
// MissingError is returned by functions that attempt to load plugins if a plugin can't be located.
type MissingError struct {
// Info contains information about the plugin that was not found.
Info PluginInfo
// NewMissingError allocates a new error indicating the given plugin info was not found.
func NewMissingError(info PluginInfo) error {
return &MissingError{
Info: info,
func (err *MissingError) Error() string {
if err.Info.Version != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("no %[1]s plugin '%[2]s-v%[3]s' found in the workspace or on your $PATH, "+
"install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install %[1]s %[2]s v%[3]s`",
err.Info.Kind, err.Info.Name, err.Info.Version)
return fmt.Sprintf("no %s plugin '%s' found in the workspace or on your $PATH",
err.Info.Kind, err.Info.String())
// PluginInfo provides basic information about a plugin. Each plugin gets installed into a system-wide
// location, by default `~/.pulumi/plugins/<kind>-<name>-<version>/`. A plugin may contain multiple files,
// however the primary loadable executable must be named `pulumi-<kind>-<name>`.
type PluginInfo struct {
Name string // the simple name of the plugin.
Path string // the path that a plugin was loaded from.
Kind PluginKind // the kind of the plugin (language, resource, etc).
Version *semver.Version // the plugin's semantic version, if present.
Size int64 // the size of the plugin, in bytes.
InstallTime time.Time // the time the plugin was installed.
LastUsedTime time.Time // the last time the plugin was used.
ServerURL string // an optional server to use when downloading this plugin.
PluginDir string // if set, will be used as the root plugin dir instead of ~/.pulumi/plugins.
// Dir gets the expected plugin directory for this plugin.
func (info PluginInfo) Dir() string {
dir := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", info.Kind, info.Name)
if info.Version != nil {
dir = fmt.Sprintf("%s-v%s", dir, info.Version.String())
return dir
// File gets the expected filename for this plugin.
func (info PluginInfo) File() string {
return info.FilePrefix() + info.FileSuffix()
// FilePrefix gets the expected default file prefix for the plugin.
func (info PluginInfo) FilePrefix() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("pulumi-%s-%s", info.Kind, info.Name)
// FileSuffix returns the suffix for the plugin (if any).
func (info PluginInfo) FileSuffix() string {
if runtime.GOOS == windowsGOOS {
return ".exe"
return ""
// DirPath returns the directory where this plugin should be installed.
func (info PluginInfo) DirPath() (string, error) {
var err error
dir := info.PluginDir
if dir == "" {
dir, err = GetPluginDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Join(dir, info.Dir()), nil
// LockFilePath returns the full path to the plugin's lock file used during installation
// to prevent concurrent installs.
func (info PluginInfo) LockFilePath() (string, error) {
dir, err := info.DirPath()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.lock", dir), nil
// PartialFilePath returns the full path to the plugin's partial file used during installation
// to indicate installation of the plugin hasn't completed yet.
func (info PluginInfo) PartialFilePath() (string, error) {
dir, err := info.DirPath()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.partial", dir), nil
// FilePath returns the full path where this plugin's primary executable should be installed.
func (info PluginInfo) FilePath() (string, error) {
dir, err := info.DirPath()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Join(dir, info.File()), nil
// Delete removes the plugin from the cache. It also deletes any supporting files in the cache, which includes
// any files that contain the same prefix as the plugin itself.
func (info PluginInfo) Delete() error {
dir, err := info.DirPath()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os.RemoveAll(dir); err != nil {
return err
// Attempt to delete any leftover .partial or .lock files.
// Don't fail the operation if we can't delete these.
contract.IgnoreError(os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s.partial", dir)))
contract.IgnoreError(os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s.lock", dir)))
return nil
// SetFileMetadata adds extra metadata from the given file, representing this plugin's directory.
func (info *PluginInfo) SetFileMetadata(path string) error {
// Get the file info.
file, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
// Next, get the size from the directory (or, if there is none, just the file).
size, err := getPluginSize(path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "getting plugin dir %s size", path)
info.Size = size
// Next get the access times from the plugin binary itself.
tinfo := times.Get(file)
if tinfo.HasBirthTime() {
info.InstallTime = tinfo.BirthTime()
info.LastUsedTime = tinfo.AccessTime()
return nil
// Download fetches an io.ReadCloser for this plugin and also returns the size of the response (if known).
func (info PluginInfo) Download() (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
// Figure out the OS/ARCH pair for the download URL.
var os string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "darwin", "linux", "windows":
os = runtime.GOOS
return nil, -1, errors.Errorf("unsupported plugin OS: %s", runtime.GOOS)
var arch string
switch runtime.GOARCH {
case "amd64", "arm64":
arch = runtime.GOARCH
return nil, -1, errors.Errorf("unsupported plugin architecture: %s", runtime.GOARCH)
// If the plugin has a server, associated with it, download from there. Otherwise use the "default" location, which
// is hosted by Pulumi.
serverURL := info.ServerURL
if serverURL == "" {
serverURL = "https://get.pulumi.com/releases/plugins"
serverURL = strings.TrimSuffix(serverURL, "/")
logging.V(1).Infof("%s downloading from %s", info.Name, serverURL)
// URL escape the path value to ensure we have the correct path for S3/CloudFront.
endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s",
url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("pulumi-%s-%s-v%s-%s-%s.tar.gz", info.Kind, info.Name, info.Version, os, arch)))
logging.V(9).Infof("full plugin download url: %s", endpoint)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, err
userAgent := fmt.Sprintf("pulumi-cli/1 (%s; %s)", version.Version, runtime.GOOS)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
logging.V(9).Infof("plugin install request headers: %v", req.Header)
resp, err := httputil.DoWithRetry(req, http.DefaultClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, err
logging.V(9).Infof("plugin install response headers: %v", resp.Header)
if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode > 299 {
return nil, -1, errors.Errorf("%d HTTP error fetching plugin from %s", resp.StatusCode, endpoint)
return resp.Body, resp.ContentLength, nil
// installLock acquires a file lock used to prevent concurrent installs.
func (info PluginInfo) installLock() (unlock func(), err error) {
finalDir, err := info.DirPath()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lockFilePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s.lock", finalDir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(lockFilePath), 0700); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating plugin root")
mutex := fsutil.NewFileMutex(lockFilePath)
if err := mutex.Lock(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return func() {
}, nil
// Install installs a plugin's tarball into the cache. It validates that plugin names are in the expected format.
// Previous versions of Pulumi extracted the tarball to a temp directory first, and then renamed the temp directory
// to the final directory. The rename operation fails often enough on Windows due to aggressive virus scanners opening
// files in the temp directory. To address this, we now extract the tarball directly into the final directory, and use
// file locks to prevent concurrent installs.
// Each plugin has its own file lock, with the same name as the plugin directory, with a `.lock` suffix.
// During installation an empty file with a `.partial` suffix is created, indicating that installation is in-progress.
// The `.partial` file is deleted when installation is complete, indicating that the plugin has finished installing.
// If a failure occurs during installation, the `.partial` file will remain, indicating the plugin wasn't fully
// installed. The next time the plugin is installed, the old installation directory will be removed and replaced with
// a fresh install.
func (info PluginInfo) Install(tgz io.ReadCloser) error {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(tgz)
// Fetch the directory into which we will expand this tarball.
finalDir, err := info.DirPath()
if err != nil {
return err
// Create a file lock file at <pluginsdir>/<kind>-<name>-<version>.lock.
unlock, err := info.installLock()
if err != nil {
return err
defer unlock()
// Cleanup any temp dirs from failed installations of this plugin from previous versions of Pulumi.
if err := cleanupTempDirs(finalDir); err != nil {
// We don't want to fail the installation if there was an error cleaning up these old temp dirs.
// Instead, log the error and continue on.
logging.V(5).Infof("Install: Error cleaning up temp dirs: %s", err.Error())
// Get the partial file path (e.g. <pluginsdir>/<kind>-<name>-<version>.partial).
partialFilePath, err := info.PartialFilePath()
if err != nil {
return err
// Check whether the directory exists while we were waiting on the lock.
_, finalDirStatErr := os.Stat(finalDir)
if finalDirStatErr == nil {
_, partialFileStatErr := os.Stat(partialFilePath)
if partialFileStatErr != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(partialFileStatErr) {
// finalDir exists and there's no partial file, so the plugin is already installed.
return nil
return partialFileStatErr
// The partial file exists, meaning a previous attempt at installing the plugin failed.
// Delete finalDir so we can try installing again. There's no need to delete the partial
// file since we'd just be recreating it again below anyway.
if err := os.RemoveAll(finalDir); err != nil {
return err
} else if !os.IsNotExist(finalDirStatErr) {
return finalDirStatErr
// Create an empty partial file to indicate installation is in-progress.
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(partialFilePath, nil, 0600); err != nil {
return err
// Create the final directory.
if err := os.MkdirAll(finalDir, 0700); err != nil {
return err
// Uncompress the plugin.
if err := archive.ExtractTGZ(tgz, finalDir); err != nil {
return err
// Even though we deferred closing the tarball at the beginning of this function, go ahead and explicitly close
// it now since we're finished extracting it, to prevent subsequent output from being displayed oddly with
// the progress bar.
// Install dependencies, if needed.
proj, err := LoadPluginProject(filepath.Join(finalDir, "PulumiPlugin.yaml"))
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "loading PulumiPlugin.yaml")
if proj != nil {
runtime := strings.ToLower(proj.Runtime.Name())
// For now, we only do this for Node.js and Python. For Go, the expectation is the binary is
// already built. For .NET, similarly, a single self-contained binary could be used, but
// otherwise `dotnet run` will implicitly run `dotnet restore`.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#1334]: move to the language plugins so we don't have to hard code here.
switch runtime {
case "nodejs":
var b bytes.Buffer
if _, err := npm.Install(finalDir, &b, &b); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "installing plugin dependencies")
case "python":
if err := python.InstallDependencies(finalDir, "venv", false /*showOutput*/); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "installing plugin dependencies")
// Installation is complete. Remove the partial file.
return os.Remove(partialFilePath)
// cleanupTempDirs cleans up leftover temp dirs from failed installs with previous versions of Pulumi.
func cleanupTempDirs(finalDir string) error {
dir := filepath.Dir(finalDir)
infos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, info := range infos {
// Temp dirs have a suffix of `.tmpXXXXXX` (where `XXXXXX`) is a random number,
// from ioutil.TempFile.
if info.IsDir() && installingPluginRegexp.MatchString(info.Name()) {
path := filepath.Join(dir, info.Name())
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cleaning up temp dir %s", path)
return nil
func (info PluginInfo) String() string {
var version string
if v := info.Version; v != nil {
version = fmt.Sprintf("-%s", v)
return info.Name + version
// PluginKind represents a kind of a plugin that may be dynamically loaded and used by Pulumi.
type PluginKind string
const (
// AnalyzerPlugin is a plugin that can be used as a resource analyzer.
AnalyzerPlugin PluginKind = "analyzer"
// LanguagePlugin is a plugin that can be used as a language host.
LanguagePlugin PluginKind = "language"
// ResourcePlugin is a plugin that can be used as a resource provider for custom CRUD operations.
ResourcePlugin PluginKind = "resource"
// IsPluginKind returns true if k is a valid plugin kind, and false otherwise.
func IsPluginKind(k string) bool {
switch PluginKind(k) {
case AnalyzerPlugin, LanguagePlugin, ResourcePlugin:
return true
return false
// HasPlugin returns true if the given plugin exists.
func HasPlugin(plug PluginInfo) bool {
dir, err := plug.DirPath()
if err == nil {
_, err := os.Stat(dir)
if err == nil {
partialFilePath, err := plug.PartialFilePath()
if err == nil {
if _, err := os.Stat(partialFilePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return true
return false
// HasPluginGTE returns true if the given plugin exists at the given version number or greater.
func HasPluginGTE(plug PluginInfo) (bool, error) {
// If an exact match, return true right away.
if HasPlugin(plug) {
return true, nil
// Otherwise, load up the list of plugins and find one with the same name/type and >= version.
plugs, err := GetPlugins()
if err != nil {
return false, err
// If we're not doing the legacy plugin behavior and we've been asked for a specific version, do the same plugin
// search that we'd do at runtime. This ensures that `pulumi plugin install` works the same way that the runtime
// loader does, to minimize confusion when a user has to install new plugins.
if !enableLegacyPluginBehavior && plug.Version != nil {
requestedVersion := semver.MustParseRange(plug.Version.String())
_, err := SelectCompatiblePlugin(plugs, plug.Kind, plug.Name, requestedVersion)
return err == nil, err
for _, p := range plugs {
if p.Name == plug.Name &&
p.Kind == plug.Kind &&
(p.Version != nil && plug.Version != nil && p.Version.GTE(*plug.Version)) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// GetPolicyDir returns the directory in which an organization's Policy Packs on the current machine are managed.
func GetPolicyDir(orgName string) (string, error) {
return GetPulumiPath(PolicyDir, orgName)
// GetPolicyPath finds a PolicyPack by its name version, as well as a bool marked true if the path
// already exists and is a directory.
func GetPolicyPath(orgName, name, version string) (string, bool, error) {
policiesDir, err := GetPolicyDir(orgName)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
policyPackPath := path.Join(policiesDir, fmt.Sprintf("pulumi-analyzer-%s-v%s", name, version))
file, err := os.Stat(policyPackPath)
if err == nil && file.IsDir() {
// PolicyPack exists. Return.
return policyPackPath, true, nil
} else if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Error trying to inspect PolicyPack FS entry. Return error.
return "", false, err
// Not found. Return empty path.
return policyPackPath, false, nil
// GetPluginDir returns the directory in which plugins on the current machine are managed.
func GetPluginDir() (string, error) {
return GetPulumiPath(PluginDir)
// GetPlugins returns a list of installed plugins without size info and last accessed metadata.
// Plugin size requires recursively traversing the plugin directory, which can be extremely
// expensive with the introduction of nodejs multilang components that have
// deeply nested node_modules folders.
func GetPlugins() ([]PluginInfo, error) {
// To get the list of plugins, simply scan the directory in the usual place.
dir, err := GetPluginDir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return getPlugins(dir, true /* skipMetadata */)
// GetPluginsWithMetadata returns a list of installed plugins with metadata about size,
// and last access (POOR RUNTIME PERF). Plugin size requires recursively traversing the
// plugin directory, which can be extremely expensive with the introduction of
// nodejs multilang components that have deeply nested node_modules folders.
func GetPluginsWithMetadata() ([]PluginInfo, error) {
// To get the list of plugins, simply scan the directory in the usual place.
dir, err := GetPluginDir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return getPlugins(dir, false /* skipMetadata */)
func getPlugins(dir string, skipMetadata bool) ([]PluginInfo, error) {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
// Now read the file infos and create the plugin infos.
var plugins []PluginInfo
for _, file := range files {
// Skip anything that doesn't look like a plugin.
if kind, name, version, ok := tryPlugin(file); ok {
plugin := PluginInfo{
Name: name,
Kind: kind,
Version: &version,
path := filepath.Join(dir, file.Name())
if _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s.partial", path)); err == nil {
// Skip it if the partial file exists, meaning the plugin is not fully installed.
} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
// computing plugin sizes can be very expensive (nested node_modules)
if !skipMetadata {
if err = plugin.SetFileMetadata(path); err != nil {
return nil, err
plugins = append(plugins, plugin)
return plugins, nil
// GetPluginPath finds a plugin's path by its kind, name, and optional version. It will match the latest version that
// is >= the version specified. If no version is supplied, the latest plugin for that given kind/name pair is loaded,
// using standard semver sorting rules. A plugin may be overridden entirely by placing it on your $PATH, though it is
// possible to opt out of this behavior by setting PULUMI_IGNORE_AMBIENT_PLUGINS to any non-empty value.
func GetPluginPath(kind PluginKind, name string, version *semver.Version) (string, string, error) {
var filename string
// If we have a version of the plugin on its $PATH, use it, unless we have opted out of this behavior explicitly.
// This supports development scenarios.
if _, isFound := os.LookupEnv("PULUMI_IGNORE_AMBIENT_PLUGINS"); !isFound {
filename = (&PluginInfo{Kind: kind, Name: name, Version: version}).FilePrefix()
if path, err := exec.LookPath(filename); err == nil {
logging.V(6).Infof("GetPluginPath(%s, %s, %v): found on $PATH %s", kind, name, version, path)
return "", path, nil
// At some point in the future, language plugins will be located in the plugin cache, just like regular plugins
// (see pulumi/pulumi#956 for some of the reasons why this isn't the case today). For now, they ship next to the
// `pulumi` binary. While we encourage this folder to be on the $PATH (and so the check above would have found
// the language plugin) it's possible someone is running `pulumi` with an explicit path on the command line or
// has done symlink magic such that `pulumi` is on the path, but the language plugins are not. So, if possible,
// look next to the instance of `pulumi` that is running to find this language plugin.
if kind == LanguagePlugin {
exePath, exeErr := os.Executable()
if exeErr == nil {
fullPath, fullErr := filepath.EvalSymlinks(exePath)
if fullErr == nil {
for _, ext := range getCandidateExtensions() {
candidate := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(fullPath), filename+ext)
// Let's see if the file is executable. On Windows, os.Stat() returns a mode of "-rw-rw-rw" so on
// on windows we just trust the fact that the .exe can actually be launched.
if stat, err := os.Stat(candidate); err == nil &&
(stat.Mode()&0100 != 0 || runtime.GOOS == windowsGOOS) {
logging.V(6).Infof("GetPluginPath(%s, %s, %v): found next to current executable %s",
kind, name, version, candidate)
return "", candidate, nil
// Otherwise, check the plugin cache.
plugins, err := GetPlugins()
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrapf(err, "loading plugin list")
var match *PluginInfo
if !enableLegacyPluginBehavior && version != nil {
logging.V(6).Infof("GetPluginPath(%s, %s, %s): enabling new plugin behavior", kind, name, version)
candidate, err := SelectCompatiblePlugin(plugins, kind, name, semver.MustParseRange(version.String()))
if err != nil {
return "", "", NewMissingError(PluginInfo{
Name: name,
Kind: kind,
Version: version,
match = &candidate
} else {
for _, cur := range plugins {
// Since the value of cur changes as we iterate, we can't save a pointer to it. So let's have a local that
// we can take a pointer to if this plugin is the best match yet.
plugin := cur
if plugin.Kind == kind && plugin.Name == name {
// Always pick the most recent version of the plugin available. Even if this is an exact match, we
// keep on searching just in case there's a newer version available.
var m *PluginInfo
if match == nil && version == nil {
m = &plugin // no existing match, no version spec, take it.
} else if match != nil &&
(match.Version == nil || (plugin.Version != nil && plugin.Version.GT(*match.Version))) {
m = &plugin // existing match, but this plugin is newer, prefer it.
} else if version != nil && plugin.Version != nil && plugin.Version.GTE(*version) {
m = &plugin // this plugin is >= the version being requested, use it.
if m != nil {
match = m
logging.V(6).Infof("GetPluginPath(%s, %s, %s): found candidate (#%s)",
kind, name, version, match.Version)
if match != nil {
matchDir, err := match.DirPath()
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
matchPath, err := match.FilePath()
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
logging.V(6).Infof("GetPluginPath(%s, %s, %v): found in cache at %s", kind, name, version, matchPath)
return matchDir, matchPath, nil
return "", "", nil
// SortedPluginInfo is a wrapper around PluginInfo that allows for sorting by version.
type SortedPluginInfo []PluginInfo
func (sp SortedPluginInfo) Len() int { return len(sp) }
func (sp SortedPluginInfo) Less(i, j int) bool {
iVersion := sp[i].Version
jVersion := sp[j].Version
switch {
case iVersion == nil && jVersion == nil:
return false
case iVersion == nil:
return true
case jVersion == nil:
return false
return iVersion.LT(*jVersion)
func (sp SortedPluginInfo) Swap(i, j int) { sp[i], sp[j] = sp[j], sp[i] }
// SelectCompatiblePlugin selects a plugin from the list of plugins with the given kind and name that sastisfies the
// requested semver range. It returns the highest version plugin that satisfies the requested constraints, or an error
// if no such plugin could be found.
// If there exist plugins in the plugin list that don't have a version, SelectCompatiblePlugin will select them if there
// are no other compatible plugins available.
func SelectCompatiblePlugin(
plugins []PluginInfo, kind PluginKind, name string, requested semver.Range) (PluginInfo, error) {
logging.V(7).Infof("SelectCompatiblePlugin(..., %s): beginning", name)
var bestMatch PluginInfo
var hasMatch bool
// Before iterating over the list of plugins, sort the list of plugins by version in ascending order. This ensures
// that we can do a single pass over the plugin list, from lowest version to greatest version, and be confident that
// the best match that we find at the end is the greatest possible compatible version for the requested plugin.
// Plugins without versions are treated as having the lowest version. Ties between plugins without versions are
// resolved arbitrarily.
for _, plugin := range plugins {
switch {
case plugin.Kind != kind || plugin.Name != name:
// Not the plugin we're looking for.
case !hasMatch && plugin.Version == nil:
// This is the plugin we're looking for, but it doesn't have a version. We haven't seen anything better yet,
// so take it.
"SelectCompatiblePlugin(..., %s): best plugin %s: no version and no other candidates",
name, plugin.String())
hasMatch = true
bestMatch = plugin
case plugin.Version == nil:
// This is a rare case - we've already seen a version-less plugin and we're seeing another here. Ignore this
// one and defer to the one we previously selected.
logging.V(7).Infof("SelectCompatiblePlugin(..., %s): skipping plugin %s: no version", name, plugin.String())
case requested(*plugin.Version):
// This plugin is compatible with the requested semver range. Save it as the best match and continue.
logging.V(7).Infof("SelectCompatiblePlugin(..., %s): best plugin %s: semver match", name, plugin.String())
hasMatch = true
bestMatch = plugin
"SelectCompatiblePlugin(..., %s): skipping plugin %s: semver mismatch", name, plugin.String())
if !hasMatch {
logging.V(7).Infof("SelectCompatiblePlugin(..., %s): failed to find match", name)
return PluginInfo{}, errors.New("failed to locate compatible plugin")
logging.V(7).Infof("SelectCompatiblePlugin(..., %s): selecting plugin '%s': best match ", name, bestMatch.String())
return bestMatch, nil
// ReadCloserProgressBar displays a progress bar for the given closer and returns a wrapper closer to manipulate it.
func ReadCloserProgressBar(
closer io.ReadCloser, size int64, message string, colorization colors.Colorization) io.ReadCloser {
if size == -1 {
return closer
// If we know the length of the download, show a progress bar.
bar := pb.New(int(size))
bar.Output = os.Stderr
bar.Prefix(colorization.Colorize(colors.SpecUnimportant + message + ":"))
return &barCloser{
bar: bar,
readCloser: bar.NewProxyReader(closer),
// getCandidateExtensions returns a set of file extensions (including the dot seprator) which should be used when
// probing for an executable file.
func getCandidateExtensions() []string {
if runtime.GOOS == windowsGOOS {
return []string{".exe", ".cmd"}
return []string{""}
// pluginRegexp matches plugin directory names: pulumi-KIND-NAME-VERSION.
var pluginRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
"^(?P<Kind>[a-z]+)-" + // KIND
"(?P<Name>[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])-" + // NAME
"v(?P<Version>.*)$") // VERSION
// installingPluginRegexp matches the name of temporary folders. Previous versions of Pulumi first extracted
// plugins to a temporary folder with a suffix of `.tmpXXXXXX` (where `XXXXXX`) is a random number, from
// ioutil.TempFile. We should ignore these folders.
var installingPluginRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\.tmp[0-9]+$`)
// tryPlugin returns true if a file is a plugin, and extracts information about it.
func tryPlugin(file os.FileInfo) (PluginKind, string, semver.Version, bool) {
// Only directories contain plugins.
if !file.IsDir() {
logging.V(11).Infof("skipping file in plugin directory: %s", file.Name())
return "", "", semver.Version{}, false
// Ignore plugins which are being installed
if installingPluginRegexp.MatchString(file.Name()) {
logging.V(11).Infof("skipping plugin %s which is being installed", file.Name())
return "", "", semver.Version{}, false
// Filenames must match the plugin regexp.
match := pluginRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(file.Name())
if len(match) != len(pluginRegexp.SubexpNames()) {
logging.V(11).Infof("skipping plugin %s with missing capture groups: expect=%d, actual=%d",
file.Name(), len(pluginRegexp.SubexpNames()), len(match))
return "", "", semver.Version{}, false
var kind PluginKind
var name string
var version *semver.Version
for i, group := range pluginRegexp.SubexpNames() {
v := match[i]
switch group {
case "Kind":
// Skip invalid kinds.
if IsPluginKind(v) {
kind = PluginKind(v)
} else {
logging.V(11).Infof("skipping invalid plugin kind: %s", v)
case "Name":
name = v
case "Version":
// Skip invalid versions.
ver, err := semver.ParseTolerant(v)
if err == nil {
version = &ver
} else {
logging.V(11).Infof("skipping invalid plugin version: %s", v)
// If anything was missing or invalid, skip this plugin.
if kind == "" || name == "" || version == nil {
logging.V(11).Infof("skipping plugin with missing information: kind=%s, name=%s, version=%v",
kind, name, version)
return "", "", semver.Version{}, false
return kind, name, *version, true
// getPluginSize recursively computes how much space is devoted to a given plugin.
func getPluginSize(path string) (int64, error) {
file, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil
size := int64(0)
if file.IsDir() {
subs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, child := range subs {
add, err := getPluginSize(filepath.Join(path, child.Name()))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
size += add
} else {
size += file.Size()
return size, nil
type barCloser struct {
bar *pb.ProgressBar
readCloser io.ReadCloser
func (bc *barCloser) Read(dest []byte) (int, error) {
return bc.readCloser.Read(dest)
func (bc *barCloser) Close() error {
return bc.readCloser.Close()