Matt Ellis 39dbdc98e9 Clean up colorization logic
The existing logic would flow colorization information into the
engine, so depending on the settings in the CLI, the engine may or may
not have emitted colorized events. This coupling is not great and we
want to start moving to a world where the presentation happens
exclusively at the CLI level.

With this change, the engine will always produce strings that have the
colorization formatting directives (i.e. the directives that
reconquest/loreley understands) and the CLI will apply
colorization (which could mean either running loreley to turn the
directives into ANSI escape codes, or drop them or retain them, for
debuging purposes).

Fixes #742
2018-01-31 15:46:14 -08:00

233 lines
7.7 KiB

// Copyright 2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package engine
import (
goerr "github.com/pkg/errors"
// UpdateOptions contains all the settings for customizing how an update (deploy, preview, or destroy) is performed.
type UpdateOptions struct {
Analyzers []string // an optional set of analyzers to run as part of this deployment.
DryRun bool // true if we should just print the plan without performing it.
Parallel int // the degree of parallelism for resource operations (<=1 for serial).
ShowConfig bool // true to show the configuration variables being used.
ShowReplacementSteps bool // true to show the replacement steps in the plan.
ShowSames bool // true to show the resources that aren't updated in addition to updates.
Summary bool // true if we should only summarize resources and operations.
// ResourceChanges contains the aggregate resource changes by operation type.
type ResourceChanges map[deploy.StepOp]int
func Deploy(update Update, events chan<- Event, opts UpdateOptions) (ResourceChanges, error) {
contract.Require(update != nil, "update")
contract.Require(events != nil, "events")
defer func() { events <- cancelEvent() }()
info, err := planContextFromUpdate(update)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer info.Close()
return deployLatest(info, deployOptions{
UpdateOptions: opts,
Destroy: false,
Events: events,
Diag: newEventSink(events),
type deployOptions struct {
Destroy bool // true if we are destroying the stack.
Detailed bool // true to show very detailed output, like properties that haven't changed.
DOT bool // true if we should print the DOT file for this plan.
Events chan<- Event // the channel to write events from the engine to.
Diag diag.Sink // the sink to use for diag'ing.
func deployLatest(info *planContext, opts deployOptions) (ResourceChanges, error) {
result, err := plan(info, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var resourceChanges ResourceChanges
if result != nil {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(result)
// Make the current working directory the same as the program's, and restore it upon exit.
done, err := result.Chdir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer done()
if opts.DryRun {
// If a dry run, just print the plan, don't actually carry out the deployment.
resourceChanges, err = printPlan(result)
if err != nil {
return resourceChanges, err
} else {
// Otherwise, we will actually deploy the latest bits.
var header bytes.Buffer
printPrelude(&header, result, false)
header.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vPerforming changes:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset))
opts.Events <- stdOutEventWithColor(&header)
// Walk the plan, reporting progress and executing the actual operations as we go.
start := time.Now()
actions := newDeployActions(info.Update, opts)
summary, _, _, err := result.Walk(actions, false)
if err != nil && summary == nil {
// Something went wrong, and no changes were made.
return resourceChanges, err
contract.Assert(summary != nil)
// Print a summary.
var footer bytes.Buffer
// Print out the total number of steps performed (and their kinds), the duration, and any summary info.
resourceChanges = ResourceChanges(actions.Ops)
if c := printChangeSummary(&footer, resourceChanges, false); c != 0 {
footer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vUpdate duration: %v%v\n",
colors.SpecUnimportant, time.Since(start), colors.Reset))
if actions.MaybeCorrupt {
"%vA catastrophic error occurred; resources states may be unknown%v\n",
colors.SpecAttention, colors.Reset))
opts.Events <- stdOutEventWithColor(&footer)
if err != nil {
return resourceChanges, err
if !opts.Diag.Success() {
// If any error that wasn't printed above, be sure to make it evident in the output.
return resourceChanges, goerr.New("One or more errors occurred during this update")
return resourceChanges, nil
// deployActions pretty-prints the plan application process as it goes.
type deployActions struct {
Steps int
Ops map[deploy.StepOp]int
Seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step
Shown map[resource.URN]bool
MaybeCorrupt bool
Update Update
Opts deployOptions
func newDeployActions(update Update, opts deployOptions) *deployActions {
return &deployActions{
Ops: make(map[deploy.StepOp]int),
Seen: make(map[resource.URN]deploy.Step),
Shown: make(map[resource.URN]bool),
Update: update,
Opts: opts,
func (acts *deployActions) OnResourceStepPre(step deploy.Step) (interface{}, error) {
// Report the beginning of the step if appropriate.
if shouldShow(acts.Seen, step, acts.Opts) || isRootStack(step) {
var b bytes.Buffer
printStep(&b, step, acts.Seen, acts.Shown, acts.Opts.Summary, acts.Opts.Detailed, false, 0 /*indent*/)
acts.Opts.Events <- stdOutEventWithColor(&b)
// Inform the snapshot service that we are about to perform a step.
return acts.Update.BeginMutation()
func (acts *deployActions) OnResourceStepPost(ctx interface{},
step deploy.Step, status resource.Status, err error) error {
var b bytes.Buffer
// Report the result of the step.
stepop := step.Op()
if err != nil {
// Issue a true, bonafide error.
acts.Opts.Diag.Errorf(errors.ErrorPlanApplyFailed, err)
// Print the state of the resource; we don't issue the error, because the deploy above will do that.
stepnum := acts.Steps + 1
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Step #%v failed [%v]: ", stepnum, stepop))
switch status {
case resource.StatusOK:
b.WriteString("provider successfully recovered from this failure")
case resource.StatusUnknown:
b.WriteString("this failure was catastrophic and the provider cannot guarantee recovery")
acts.MaybeCorrupt = true
contract.Failf("Unrecognized resource state: %v", status)
} else {
if step.Logical() {
// Increment the counters.
// Also show outputs here, since there might be some from the initial registration.
if shouldShow(acts.Seen, step, acts.Opts) && !acts.Opts.Summary {
printResourceOutputProperties(&b, step, acts.Seen, acts.Shown, false, 0 /*indent*/)
acts.Opts.Events <- stdOutEventWithColor(&b)
// Write out the current snapshot. Note that even if a failure has occurred, we should still have a
// safe checkpoint. Note that any error that occurs when writing the checkpoint trumps the error reported above.
return ctx.(SnapshotMutation).End(step.Iterator().Snap())
func (acts *deployActions) OnResourceOutputs(step deploy.Step) error {
// Print this step's output properties.
if (shouldShow(acts.Seen, step, acts.Opts) || isRootStack(step)) && !acts.Opts.Summary {
var b bytes.Buffer
printResourceOutputProperties(&b, step, acts.Seen, acts.Shown, false, 0 /*indent*/)
acts.Opts.Events <- stdOutEventWithColor(&b)
// There's a chance there are new outputs that weren't written out last time.
// We need to perform another snapshot write to ensure they get written out.
mutation, err := acts.Update.BeginMutation()
if err != nil {
return err
return mutation.End(step.Iterator().Snap())