joeduffy e3a2002155 Support binding to arbitrary service types
This implements support for arbitrary service types on properties,
not just the weakly typed "service".  For example, in the AWS stacks,
the aws/ec2/route type requires a routeTable, among other things:

        name: aws/ec2/route
                        type: aws/ec2/routeTable

This not only binds the definition of such properties, but also the
callsites of those creating stacks and supplying values for them.
This includes checking for concrete, instantiated, and even base
types, so that, for instance, if a custom stack derived from
aws/ec2/routeTable using the base property, in the above example
it could be supplied as a legal value for the routeTable property.
2016-12-03 13:00:08 -08:00

33 lines
1.2 KiB

hash: eb213e78c26d542462d9fa9ce9dd6de7709087f7fef6c992e0d26ed77cb19b11
updated: 2016-12-03T12:52:15.42546522-08:00
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