CyrusNajmabadi e4946a6620
Allow users to control if and how output is colorized. (#718)
Part of the work to make it easier to tests of diff output.  Specifically, we now allow users to pass --color=option for several pulumi commands.  'option' can be one of 'always', 'never', 'raw', and 'auto' (the default).  

The meaning of these flags are:

1. auto: colorize normally, unless in --debug 
2. always: always colorize no matter what
3. never: never colorize no matter what.
4. raw: colorize, but preserve the original "<{%%}>" style control codes and not the translated platform specific codes.   This is for testing purposes and ensures we can have test for this stuff across platform.
2017-12-14 11:53:02 -08:00

73 lines
2.9 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package diag
import (
func discardSink() Sink {
// Create a new default sink with /dev/null writers to avoid spamming the test log.
return newDefaultSink(FormatOptions{Color: Always}, map[Severity]io.Writer{
Debug: ioutil.Discard,
Info: ioutil.Discard,
Infoerr: ioutil.Discard,
Error: ioutil.Discard,
Warning: ioutil.Discard,
func TestCounts(t *testing.T) {
sink := discardSink()
const numEach = 10
for i := 0; i < numEach; i++ {
assert.Equal(t, sink.Debugs(), 0, "expected debugs pre to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Infos(), 0, "expected infos pre to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Infoerrs(), 0, "expected infoerrs pre to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Errors(), 0, "expected errors pre to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Warnings(), i, "expected warnings pre to be at iteration count")
sink.Warningf(&Diag{Message: "A test of the emergency warning system: %v."}, i)
assert.Equal(t, sink.Infos(), 0, "expected infos post to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Infoerrs(), 0, "expected infoerrs post to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Errors(), 0, "expected errors post to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Warnings(), i+1, "expected warnings post to be at iteration count+1")
for i := 0; i < numEach; i++ {
assert.Equal(t, sink.Debugs(), 0, "expected debugs pre to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Infos(), 0, "expected infos pre to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Infoerrs(), 0, "expected infoerrs pre to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Errors(), i, "expected errors pre to be at iteration count")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Warnings(), numEach, "expected warnings pre to stay at numEach")
sink.Errorf(&Diag{Message: "A test of the emergency error system: %v."}, i)
assert.Equal(t, sink.Debugs(), 0, "expected deugs post to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Infos(), 0, "expected infos post to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Infoerrs(), 0, "expected infoerrs post to stay at zero")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Errors(), i+1, "expected errors post to be at iteration count+1")
assert.Equal(t, sink.Warnings(), numEach, "expected warnings post to stay at numEach")
// TestEscape ensures that arguments containing format-like characters aren't interpreted as such.
func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
sink := discardSink()
// Passing % chars in the argument should not yield %!(MISSING)s.
s := sink.Stringify(Error, Message("%s"), "lots of %v %s %d chars")
assert.Equal(t, "error: lots of %v %s %d chars\n", s)
// Passing % chars in the format string, on the other hand, should.
smiss := sink.Stringify(Error, Message("lots of %v %s %d chars"))
assert.Equal(t, "error: lots of %!v(MISSING) %!s(MISSING) %!d(MISSING) chars\n", smiss)