Justin Van Patten 9d84f2e249
Initial support for passing URLs to new and up (#1727)
* Initial support for passing URLs to `new` and `up`

This PR adds initial support for `pulumi new` using Git under the covers
to manage Pulumi templates, providing the same experience as before.

You can now also optionally pass a URL to a Git repository, e.g.
`pulumi new [<url>]`, including subdirectories within the repository,
and arbitrary branches, tags, or commits.

The following commands result in the same behavior from the user's
 - `pulumi new javascript`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/templates/javascript`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/master/templates/javascript`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/HEAD/templates/javascript`

To specify an arbitrary branch, tag, or commit:
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/<branch>/templates/javascript`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/<tag>/templates/javascript`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/<commit>/templates/javascript`

Branches and tags can include '/' separators, and `pulumi` will still
find the right subdirectory.

URLs to Gists are also supported, e.g.:
`pulumi new https://gist.github.com/justinvp/6673959ceb9d2ac5a14c6d536cb871a6`

If the specified subdirectory in the repository does not contain a
`Pulumi.yaml`, it will look for subdirectories within containing
`Pulumi.yaml` files, and prompt the user to choose a template, along the
lines of how `pulumi new` behaves when no template is specified.

The following commands result in the CLI prompting to choose a template:
 - `pulumi new`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/templates`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/master/templates`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/HEAD/templates`

Of course, arbitrary branches, tags, or commits can be specified as well:
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/<branch>/templates`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/<tag>/templates`
 - `pulumi new https://github.com/pulumi/templates/tree/<commit>/templates`

This PR also includes initial support for passing URLs to `pulumi up`,
providing a streamlined way to deploy installable cloud applications
with Pulumi, without having to manage source code locally before doing
a deployment.

For example, `pulumi up https://github.com/justinvp/aws` can be used to
deploy a sample AWS app. The stack can be updated with different
versions, e.g.
`pulumi up https://github.com/justinvp/aws/tree/v2 -s <stack-to-update>`

Config values can optionally be passed via command line flags, e.g.
`pulumi up https://github.com/justinvp/aws -c aws:region=us-west-2 -c foo:bar=blah`

Gists can also be used, e.g.
`pulumi up https://gist.github.com/justinvp/62fde0463f243fcb49f5a7222e51bc76`

* Fix panic when hitting ^C from "choose template" prompt

* Add description to templates

When running `pulumi new` without specifying a template, include the template description along with the name in the "choose template" display.

$ pulumi new
Please choose a template:
  aws-go                  A minimal AWS Go program
  aws-javascript          A minimal AWS JavaScript program
  aws-python              A minimal AWS Python program
  aws-typescript          A minimal AWS TypeScript program
> go                      A minimal Go program
  hello-aws-javascript    A simple AWS serverless JavaScript program
  javascript              A minimal JavaScript program
  python                  A minimal Python program
  typescript              A minimal TypeScript program

* React to changes to the pulumi/templates repo.

We restructured the `pulumi/templates` repo to have all the templates in the root instead of in a `templates` subdirectory, so make the change here to no longer look for templates in `templates`.

This also fixes an issue around using `Depth: 1` that I found while testing this. When a named template is used, we attempt to clone or pull from the `pulumi/templates` repo to `~/.pulumi/templates`. Having it go in this well-known directory allows us to maintain previous behavior around allowing offline use of templates. If we use `Depth: 1` for the initial clone, it will fail when attempting to pull when there are updates to the remote repository. Unfortunately, there's no built-in `--unshallow` support in `go-git` and setting a larger `Depth` doesn't appear to help. There may be a workaround, but for now, if we're cloning the pulumi templates directory to `~/.pulumi/templates`, we won't use `Depth: 1`. For template URLs, we will continue to use `Depth: 1` as we clone those to a temp directory (which gets deleted) that we'll never try to update.

* List available templates in help text

* Address PR Feedback

* Don't show "Installing dependencies" message for `up`

* Fix secrets handling

When prompting for config, if the existing stack value is a secret, keep it a secret and mask the prompt. If the template says it should be secret, make it a secret.

* Fix ${PROJECT} and ${DESCRIPTION} handling for `up`

Templates used with `up` should already have a filled-in project name and description, but if it's a `new`-style template, that has `${PROJECT}` and/or `${DESCRIPTION}`, be helpful and just replace these with better values.

* Fix stack handling

Add a bool `setCurrent` param to `requireStack` to control whether the current stack should be saved in workspace settings. For the `up <url>` case, we don't want to save. Also, split the `up` code into two separate functions: one for the `up <url>` case and another for the normal `up` case where you have workspace in your current directory. While we may be able to combine them back into a single function, right now it's a bit cleaner being separate, even with some small amount of duplication.

* Fix panic due to nil crypter

Lazily get the crypter only if needed inside `promptForConfig`.

* Embellish comment

* Harden isPreconfiguredEmptyStack check

Fix the code to check to make sure the URL specified on the command line matches the URL stored in the `pulumi:template` config value, and that the rest of the config from the stack satisfies the config requirements of the template.
2018-08-10 18:08:16 -07:00

582 lines
13 KiB

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