joeduffy 6fb6c2de09 Add cloud target and architecture detection
This change implements most of the cloud target and architecture detection
logic, along with associated verification and a bunch of new error messages.

There are two settings for picking a cloud destination:

* Architecture: this specifies the combination of cloud (e.g., AWS, GCP, etc)
      plus scheduler (e.g., none, Swarm, ECS, etc).

* Target: a named, preconfigured entity that includes both an Architecture and
      an assortment of extra default configuration options.

The general idea here is that you can preconfigure a set of Targets for
named environments like "prod", "stage", etc.  Those can either exist in a
single Mufile, or the Mucluster file if they are shared amongst multiple
Mufiles.  This can be specified at the command line as such:

        $ mu build --target=stage

Furthermore, a given environment may be annointed the default, so that

        $ mu build

selects that environment without needing to say so explicitly.

It is also possible to specify an architecture at the command line for
scenarios where you aren't intending to target an existing named environment.
This is good for "anonymous" testing scenarios or even just running locally:

        $ mu build --arch=aws
        $ mu build --arch=aws:ecs
        $ mu build --arch=local:kubernetes
        $ .. and so on ..

This change does little more than plumb these settings around, verify them,
etc., however it sets us up to actually start dispating to the right backend.
2016-11-17 10:30:37 -08:00

118 lines
5.6 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This package contains the core Mu abstract syntax tree types.
// N.B. for the time being, we are leveraging the same set of types for parse trees and abstract syntax trees. The
// reason is that minimal "extra" information is necessary between front- and back-end parts of the compiler, and so
// reusing the trees leads to less duplication in types and faster runtime performance. As the compiler matures in
// functionality, we may want to revisit this. The "back-end-only" parts of the data structures are easily identified
// because their fields do not map to any serializable fields (i.e., `json:"-"`).
// Another controversial decision is to mutate nodes in place, rather than taking the performance hit of immutability.
// This can certainly be tricky to deal with, however, it is simpler and we can revisit it down the road if needed.
// Of course, during lowering, sometimes nodes will be transformed to new types entirely, allocating entirely anew.
package ast
// Name is an identifier. Names may be optionally fully qualified, using the delimiter `/`, or simple. Each element
// conforms to the regex [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*. For example, `marapongo/mu/stack`.
type Name string
// SemVer represents a version using "semantic versioning" style. This may include up to three distinct numbers
// delimited by `.`s: a major version number, a minor version number, and a revision number. For example, `1.0.10`.
type SemVer string
// Node is the base of all abstract syntax tree types.
type Node struct {
// Metadata contains human-readable metadata common to Mu's packaging formats (like Stacks and Clusters).
type Metadata struct {
Kind string `json:"-"` // kind is decorated post-parsing, since it is contextual.
Name Name `json:"name,omitempty"` // a friendly name for this node.
Version SemVer `json:"version,omitempty"` // a specific semantic version.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // an optional friendly description.
Author string `json:"author,omitempty"` // an optional author.
Website string `json:"website,omitempty"` // an optional website for additional info.
License string `json:"license,omitempty"` // an optional license governing legal uses of this package.
Targets Targets `json:"targets,omitempty"` // an optional set of predefined target cloud environments.
// Targets is a map of target names to metadata about those targets.
type Targets map[string]Target
// Target describes a predefined cloud runtime target, including its OS and Scheduler combination.
type Target struct {
Name string `json:"-"` // name is decorated post-parsing, since it is contextual.
Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"` // a single target can carry default settings.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // a human-friendly description of this target.
Cloud string `json:"cloud,omitempty"` // the cloud target.
Scheduler string `json:"scheduler,omitempty"` // the cloud scheduler target.
Options map[string]interface{} `json:"options,omitempty"` // any options passed to the cloud provider.
// Cluster describes a cluster of many Stacks, in addition to other metadata, like predefined Targets.
type Cluster struct {
// Stack represents a collection of private and public cloud resources, a method for constructing them, and optional
// dependencies on other Stacks (by name).
type Stack struct {
Parameters Parameters `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
Dependencies Dependencies `json:"dependencies,omitempty"`
Services Services `json:"services,omitempty"`
// Parameters maps parameter names to metadata about those parameters.
type Parameters map[string]Parameter
// Parameter describes the requirements of arguments used when constructing Stacks, etc.
type Parameter struct {
Name string `json:"-"` // name is decorated post-parsing, since it is contextual.
Type Name `json:"type,omitempty"` // the type of the parameter; required.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // an optional friendly description of the parameter.
Default interface{} `json:"default,omitempty"` // an optional default value if the caller doesn't pass one.
Optional bool `json:"optional,omitempty"` // true if may be omitted (inferred if a default value).
// Dependencies maps dependency names to the semantic version the consumer depends on.
type Dependencies map[Name]Dependency
// Dependency is metadata describing a dependency target (for now, just its semantic version).
type Dependency SemVer
// Services is a list of public and private service references, keyed by name.
type Services struct {
Public ServiceMap `json:"public,omitempty"`
Private ServiceMap `json:"private,omitempty"`
// ServiceMap is a map of service names to metadata about those services.
type ServiceMap map[Name]Service
// Service is a directive for instantiating another Stack, including its name, arguments, etc.
type Service struct {
Name Name `json:"-"` // a friendly name; decorated post-parsing, since it is contextual.
Public bool `json:"-"` // true if this service is publicly exposed; also decorated post-parsing.
Type Name `json:"type,omitempty"` // an explicit type; if missing, the name is used.
// TODO: Service metadata is highly type-dependent. It's not yet clear how best to represent this in the schema.
// TODO: several more core types still need to be mapped:
// - Schema
// - Identity: User, Role, Group
// - Configuration
// - Secret