joeduffy db80229899 Fix a few type binding mistakes
* Persue the default/optional checking if a property value == nil.

* Use the Interface() function to convert a reflect.Type to its underlying
  interface{} value.  This is required for typechecking to check out.

* Also, unrelated to the above, change type assertions to use nil rather than
  allocating real objects.  Although minimal, this incurs less GC pressure.
2016-12-09 13:12:57 -08:00

301 lines
9.2 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package ast
import (
// Type is a union type that can represent any of the sort of "types" in the system.
type Type struct {
// one, and only one, of these will be non-nil:
Primitive *PrimitiveType // a simple type (like `string`, `number`, etc).
Decors *TypeDecors // a decorated type; this is either an array or map.
Unref *Ref // an unresolved name.
UninstStack *UninstStack // a resolved, but uninstantiated, stack reference.
Stack *Stack // a specific stack type.
Schema *Schema // a specific schema type.
func NewPrimitiveType(p *PrimitiveType) *Type {
return &Type{Primitive: p}
func NewAnyType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeAny)
func NewBoolType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeBool)
func NewNumberType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeNumber)
func NewStringType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeString)
func NewServiceType() *Type {
return NewPrimitiveType(&PrimitiveTypeService)
func NewArrayType(elemType *Type) *Type {
return &Type{Decors: &TypeDecors{ElemType: elemType}}
func NewMapType(keyType, valType *Type) *Type {
return &Type{Decors: &TypeDecors{KeyType: keyType, ValueType: valType}}
func NewStackType(stack *Stack) *Type {
return &Type{Stack: stack}
func NewSchemaType(schema *Schema) *Type {
return &Type{Schema: schema}
func NewUninstStackType(uninst *UninstStack) *Type {
return &Type{UninstStack: uninst}
func NewUnresolvedRefType(ref *Ref) *Type {
return &Type{Unref: ref}
// Name converts the given type into its corresponding friendly name.
func (ty *Type) Name() Ref {
if ty.Primitive != nil {
return Ref(*ty.Primitive)
} else if ty.Stack != nil {
return Ref(ty.Stack.Name)
} else if ty.Schema != nil {
return Ref(ty.Schema.Name)
} else if ty.Unref != nil {
return *ty.Unref
} else if ty.UninstStack != nil {
return ty.UninstStack.Ref
} else if ty.Decors != nil {
// TODO: consider caching these so we don't produce lots of strings.
if ty.Decors.ElemType != nil {
return Ref(fmt.Sprintf(string(TypeDecorsArray), ty.Decors.ElemType.Name()))
} else {
util.Assert(ty.Decors.KeyType != nil)
util.Assert(ty.Decors.ValueType != nil)
return Ref(fmt.Sprintf(string(TypeDecorsMap), ty.Decors.KeyType.Name(), ty.Decors.ValueType.Name()))
} else {
util.FailM("Expected this type to have one of primitive, stack, schema, unref, resref, or decors")
return Ref("")
// IsDecors checks whether the Type is decorated.
func (ty *Type) IsDecors() bool {
return ty.Decors != nil
// IsPrimitive checks whether the Type is primitive.
func (ty *Type) IsPrimitive() bool {
return ty.Primitive != nil
// IsStack checks whether the Type represents a bound Stack node.
func (ty *Type) IsStack() bool {
return ty.Stack != nil
// IsSchema checks whether the Type represents a bound Schema node.
func (ty *Type) IsSchema() bool {
return ty.Schema != nil
// IsUninstStack checks whether the Type is a resolved named reference.
func (ty *Type) IsUninstStack() bool {
return ty.UninstStack != nil
// IsUnresolvedRef checks whether the Type is an unresolved named reference.
func (ty *Type) IsUnresolvedRef() bool {
return ty.Unref != nil
// String merely provides a convenient Stringer implementation that fetches a type's name.
func (ty *Type) String() string {
return string(ty.Name())
// TypeDecors is non-nil for arrays and maps, and contains other essential information about them.
type TypeDecors struct {
ElemType *Type // the element type, non-nil only for arrays
KeyType *Type // the key type, non-nil only for maps
ValueType *Type // the value type, non-nil only for maps
// TypeDecorsFormat is a modifier for arrays and maps.
type TypeDecorsFormat string
const (
TypeDecorsArray TypeDecorsFormat = "%v" + TypeDecorsArraySuffix
TypeDecorsArraySuffix = "[]"
TypeDecorsMap = TypeDecorsMapPrefix + "%v" + TypeDecorsMapSeparator + "%v"
TypeDecorsMapPrefix = "map["
TypeDecorsMapSeparator = "]"
// PrimitiveType is the name of a primitive type.
type PrimitiveType Name
// A set of known primitive types.
var (
PrimitiveTypeAny PrimitiveType = "any" // any structure.
PrimitiveTypeBool PrimitiveType = "bool" // a JSON-like boolean (`true` or `false`).
PrimitiveTypeNumber PrimitiveType = "number" // a JSON-like number (integer or floating point).
PrimitiveTypeService PrimitiveType = "service" // an untyped service reference; at runtime, a URL.
PrimitiveTypeString PrimitiveType = "string" // a JSON-like string.
// NewAnyLiteral allocates a fresh AnyLiteral with the given contents.
func NewAnyLiteral(node *Node, any interface{}) AnyLiteral {
return &anyLiteral{node, any}
type anyLiteral struct {
node *Node
any interface{}
var _ AnyLiteral = (*anyLiteral)(nil) // ensure anyLiteral implements AnyLiteral.
func (l *anyLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *anyLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewAnyType() }
func (l *anyLiteral) Any() interface{} { return l.any }
// NewBoolLiteral allocates a fresh BoolLiteral with the given contents.
func NewBoolLiteral(node *Node, b bool) BoolLiteral {
return &boolLiteral{node, b}
type boolLiteral struct {
node *Node
b bool
var _ BoolLiteral = (*boolLiteral)(nil) // ensure boolLiteral implements BoolLiteral.
func (l *boolLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *boolLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewBoolType() }
func (l *boolLiteral) Bool() bool { return l.b }
// NewNumberLiteral allocates a fresh NumberLiteral with the given contents.
func NewNumberLiteral(node *Node, n float64) NumberLiteral {
return &numberLiteral{node, n}
type numberLiteral struct {
node *Node
n float64
var _ NumberLiteral = (*numberLiteral)(nil) // ensure numberLiteral implements NumberLiteral.
func (l *numberLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *numberLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewNumberType() }
func (l *numberLiteral) Number() float64 { return l.n }
// NewStringLiteral allocates a fresh StringLiteral with the given contents.
func NewStringLiteral(node *Node, s string) StringLiteral {
return &stringLiteral{node, s}
type stringLiteral struct {
node *Node
s string
var _ StringLiteral = (*stringLiteral)(nil) // ensure stringLiteral implements StringLiteral.
func (l *stringLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *stringLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewStringType() }
func (l *stringLiteral) String() string { return l.s }
// NewServiceLiteral allocates a fresh ServiceLiteral with the given contents.
func NewServiceLiteral(node *Node, sref *ServiceRef) ServiceLiteral {
return &serviceLiteral{node, sref}
type serviceLiteral struct {
node *Node
sref *ServiceRef
var _ ServiceLiteral = (*serviceLiteral)(nil) // ensure serviceLiteral implements ServiceLiteral.
func (l *serviceLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
// TODO should Type return Stack?
func (l *serviceLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewServiceType() }
func (l *serviceLiteral) Service() *ServiceRef { return l.sref }
// NewArrayLiteral allocates a fresh ArrayLiteral with the given contents.
func NewArrayLiteral(node *Node, elemType *Type, arr []Literal) ArrayLiteral {
return &arrayLiteral{node, elemType, arr}
type arrayLiteral struct {
node *Node
elemType *Type
arr []Literal
var _ ArrayLiteral = (*arrayLiteral)(nil) // ensure arrayLiteral implements ArrayLiteral.
func (l *arrayLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *arrayLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewArrayType(l.elemType) }
func (l *arrayLiteral) ElemType() *Type { return l.elemType }
func (l *arrayLiteral) Array() []Literal { return l.arr }
// NewMapLiteral allocates a fresh MapLiteral with the given contents.
func NewMapLiteral(node *Node, keyType *Type, valType *Type, keys []Literal, vals []Literal) MapLiteral {
return &mapLiteral{node, keyType, valType, keys, vals}
type mapLiteral struct {
node *Node
keyType *Type
valType *Type
keys []Literal
vals []Literal
var _ MapLiteral = (*mapLiteral)(nil) // ensure mapLiteral implements MapLiteral.
func (l *mapLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *mapLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewMapType(l.keyType, l.valType) }
func (l *mapLiteral) KeyType() *Type { return l.keyType }
func (l *mapLiteral) ValueType() *Type { return l.valType }
func (l *mapLiteral) Keys() []Literal { return l.keys }
func (l *mapLiteral) Values() []Literal { return l.vals }
// NewSchemaLiteral allocates a fresh SchemaLiteral with the given contents.
func NewSchemaLiteral(node *Node, schema *Schema, props LiteralPropertyBag) SchemaLiteral {
return &schemaLiteral{node, schema, props}
type schemaLiteral struct {
node *Node
schema *Schema
props LiteralPropertyBag
var _ SchemaLiteral = (*schemaLiteral)(nil) // ensure schemaLiteral implements SchemaLiteral.
func (l *schemaLiteral) Node() *Node { return l.node }
func (l *schemaLiteral) Type() *Type { return NewSchemaType(l.schema) }
func (l *schemaLiteral) Properties() LiteralPropertyBag { return l.props }