joeduffy 4cf6be0f07 Add some property binding tests
This change adds a handful of property binding tests.

It also fixes:

* AsName should assert IsName.

* Enumerate properties stably, so that it is deterministic.

* Do not issue errors about unrecognized properties for the special
  `mu/extension` type.  It's entire purpose in life is to offer an
  entirely custom set of properties, which the provider is meant to

* Default to an empty map if properties are missing.

* Add a "/" to the end of the namespace from the workspace, if present.

And rearranges some code:

* Rename the LiteralX types to XLiteral; e.g., StringLiteral instead of
  LiteralString.  I kept typing XLiteral erroneously.

* Eliminate the Mu prefix on all of the predefined type and service
  functions and types.  It's superfluous and reads nicer this way.

* Swap the order of "expected" vs. "got" in the error message about
  incorrect property types.  It used to say "got %v, expected %v"; I
  personally find that it is more helpful if it says "expected %v,
  got %v".  YMMV.
2016-12-02 14:33:22 -08:00

199 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
package workspace
import (
homedir "github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir"
// W offers functionality for interacting with Mu workspaces.
type W interface {
// Root returns the base path of the current workspace.
Root() string
// Settings returns a mutable pointer to the optional workspace settings info.
Settings() *ast.Workspace
// ReadSettings reads in the settings file and returns it, returning nil if there is none.
ReadSettings() (*diag.Document, error)
// DetectMufile locates the closest Mufile from the given path, searching "upwards" in the directory hierarchy.
DetectMufile() (string, error)
// DepCandidates fetches all candidate locations for resolving a dependency name to its installed artifacts.
DepCandidates(dep ast.RefParts) []string
// New creates a new workspace from the given starting path.
func New(path string, d diag.Sink) (W, error) {
// First normalize the path to an absolute one.
var err error
path, err = filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
home, err := homedir.Dir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ws := workspace{
path: path,
home: home,
d: d,
// Memoize the root directory before returning.
if _, err := ws.initRootInfo(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ws, nil
type workspace struct {
path string // the path at which the workspace was constructed.
home string // the home directory to use for this workspace.
root string // the root of the workspace.
muspace string // a path to the Muspace file, if any.
settings ast.Workspace // an optional bag of workspace-wide settings.
d diag.Sink // a diagnostics sink to use for workspace operations.
// initRootInfo finds the root of the workspace, caches it for fast lookups, and loads up any workspace settings.
func (w *workspace) initRootInfo() (string, error) {
if w.root == "" {
// Detect the root of the workspace and cache it.
root := pathDir(w.path)
for {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(root)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, file := range files {
// A muspace file delimits the root of the workspace.
muspace := filepath.Join(root, file.Name())
if IsMuspace(muspace, w.d) {
glog.V(3).Infof("Mu workspace detected; setting root to %v", w.root)
w.root = root
w.muspace = muspace
break Search
// If neither succeeded, keep looking in our parent directory.
root = filepath.Dir(root)
if isTop(root) {
// We reached the top of the filesystem. Just set root back to the path and stop.
glog.V(3).Infof("No Mu workspace found; defaulting to current path %v", w.root)
w.root = w.path
return w.root, nil
func (w *workspace) Root() string {
return w.root
func (w *workspace) Settings() *ast.Workspace {
return &w.settings
func (w *workspace) ReadSettings() (*diag.Document, error) {
if w.muspace == "" {
return nil, nil
// If there is a workspace settings file in here, load it up before returning.
return diag.ReadDocument(w.muspace)
func (w *workspace) DetectMufile() (string, error) {
return DetectMufile(w.path, w.d)
func (w *workspace) DepCandidates(dep ast.RefParts) []string {
// The search order for dependencies is specified in https://github.com/marapongo/mu/blob/master/docs/deps.md.
// Roughly speaking, these locations are are searched, in order:
// 1. The current Workspace, for intra-Workspace but inter-Stack dependencies.
// 2. The current Workspace's .mu/stacks/ directory.
// 3. The global Workspace's .mu/stacks/ directory.
// 4. The Mu installation location's $MUROOT/lib/ directory (default /usr/local/mu/lib).
// In each location, we prefer a fully qualified hit if it exists -- containing both the base of the reference plus
// the name -- however, we also accept name-only hits. This allows developers to organize their workspace without
// worrying about where their Mu Stacks are hosted. Most of the Mu tools, however, prefer fully qualified paths.
// To be more precise, given a StackRef r and a workspace root w, we look in these locations, in order:
// 1. w/base(r)/name(r)
// 2. w/name(r)
// 3. w/.Mudeps/base(r)/name(r)
// 4. w/.Mudeps/name(r)
// 5. ~/.Mudeps/base(r)/name(r)
// 6. ~/.Mudeps/name(r)
// 7. $MUROOT/lib/base(r)/name(r)
// 8. $MUROOT/lib/name(r)
// A workspace may optionally have a namespace, in which case, we will also look for stacks in the workspace whose
// name is simplified to omit that namespace part. For example, if a stack is named `mu/project/stack`, and the
// workspace namespace is `mu/`, then we will search `w/project/stack`; if the workspace is `mu/project/`, then we
// will search `w/stack`; and so on. This helps to avoid needing to deeply nest workspaces needlessly.
// The following code simply produces an array of these candidate locations, in order.
base := stringNamePath(dep.Base)
name := namePath(dep.Name)
wsname := workspacePath(w, dep.Name)
// For each extension we support, add the same set of search locations.
cands := make([]string, 0, 4*len(encoding.Exts))
for _, ext := range encoding.Exts {
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, base, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, wsname, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, Mudeps, base, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.root, Mudeps, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.home, Mudeps, base, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(w.home, Mudeps, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(InstallRoot(), InstallRootLibdir, base, name, Mufile+ext))
cands = append(cands, filepath.Join(InstallRoot(), InstallRootLibdir, name, Mufile+ext))
return cands
// namePath just cleans a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func namePath(nm ast.Name) string {
return stringNamePath(string(nm))
// stringNamePart cleans a string component of a name and makes sure it's appropriate to use as a path.
func stringNamePath(nm string) string {
return strings.Replace(nm, ast.NameDelimiter, string(os.PathSeparator), -1)
// workspacePath converts a name into the relevant name-part in the workspace to look for that dependency.
func workspacePath(w *workspace, nm ast.Name) string {
if ns := w.Settings().Namespace; ns != "" {
// If the name starts with the namespace, trim the name part.
orig := string(nm)
if trim := strings.TrimPrefix(orig, ns+ast.NameDelimiter); trim != orig {
return stringNamePath(trim)
return namePath(nm)