Matt Ellis 3f1197ef84 Move .pulumi to root of a repository
Now, instead of having a .pulumi folder next to each project, we have
a single .pulumi folder in the root of the repository. This is created
by running `pulumi init`.

When run in a git repository, `pulumi init` will place the .pulumi
file next to the .git folder, so it can be shared across all projects
in a repository. When not in a git repository, it will be created in
the current working directory.

We also start tracking information about the repository itself, in a
new `repo.json` file stored in the root of the .pulumi folder. The
information we track are "owner" and "name" which map to information
we use on pulumi.com.

When run in a git repository with a remote named origin pointing to a
GitHub project, we compute the owner and name by deconstructing
information from the remote's URL. Otherwise, we just use the current
user's username and the name of the current working directory as the
owner and name, respectively.
2017-10-27 11:46:21 -07:00

992 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package resource
import (
// Asset is a serialized asset reference. It is a union: thus, only one of its fields will be non-nil. Several helper
// routines exist as members in order to easily interact with the assets referenced by an instance of this type.
//nolint: lll
type Asset struct {
Sig string `json:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d" yaml:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d"` // the unique asset signature (see properties.go).
Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty" yaml:"hash,omitempty"` // the SHA256 hash of the asset contents.
Text string `json:"text,omitempty" yaml:"text,omitempty"` // a textual asset.
Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` // a file on the current filesystem.
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty" yaml:"uri,omitempty"` // a URI (file://, http://, https://, or custom).
const (
AssetSig = "c44067f5952c0a294b673a41bacd8c17" // a randomly assigned type hash for assets.
AssetHashProperty = "hash" // the dynamic property for an asset's hash.
AssetTextProperty = "text" // the dynamic property for an asset's text.
AssetPathProperty = "path" // the dynamic property for an asset's path.
AssetURIProperty = "uri" // the dynamic property for an asset's URI.
// NewTextAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given text.
func NewTextAsset(text string) (*Asset, error) {
a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, Text: text}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
// NewPathAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given filesystem path.
func NewPathAsset(path string) (*Asset, error) {
a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, Path: path}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
// NewURIAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given network URI.
func NewURIAsset(uri string) (*Asset, error) {
a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, URI: uri}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
func (a *Asset) IsText() bool { return a.Text != "" }
func (a *Asset) IsPath() bool { return a.Path != "" }
func (a *Asset) IsURI() bool { return a.URI != "" }
func (a *Asset) GetText() (string, bool) {
if a.IsText() {
return a.Text, true
return "", false
func (a *Asset) GetPath() (string, bool) {
if a.IsPath() {
return a.Path, true
return "", false
func (a *Asset) GetURI() (string, bool) {
if a.IsURI() {
return a.URI, true
return "", false
// GetURIURL returns the underlying URI as a parsed URL, provided it is one. If there was an error parsing the URI, it
// will be returned as a non-nil error object.
func (a *Asset) GetURIURL() (*url.URL, bool, error) {
if uri, isuri := a.GetURI(); isuri {
url, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, true, err
return url, true, nil
return nil, false, nil
// Equals returns true if a is value-equal to other.
func (a *Asset) Equals(other *Asset) bool {
if a == nil {
return other == nil
} else if other == nil {
return false
return a.Hash == other.Hash && a.Text == other.Text && a.Path == other.Path && a.URI == other.URI
// Serialize returns a weakly typed map that contains the right signature for serialization purposes.
func (a *Asset) Serialize() map[string]interface{} {
result := map[string]interface{}{
string(SigKey): AssetSig,
if a.Hash != "" {
result[AssetHashProperty] = a.Hash
if a.Text != "" {
result[AssetTextProperty] = a.Text
if a.Path != "" {
result[AssetPathProperty] = a.Path
if a.URI != "" {
result[AssetURIProperty] = a.URI
return result
// DeserializeAsset checks to see if the map contains an asset, using its signature, and if so deserializes it.
func DeserializeAsset(obj map[string]interface{}) (*Asset, bool, error) {
// If not an asset, return false immediately.
if obj[string(SigKey)] != AssetSig {
return &Asset{}, false, nil
// Else, deserialize the possible fields.
var hash string
if v, has := obj[AssetHashProperty]; has {
hash = v.(string)
var text string
if v, has := obj[AssetTextProperty]; has {
text = v.(string)
var path string
if v, has := obj[AssetPathProperty]; has {
path = v.(string)
var uri string
if v, has := obj[AssetURIProperty]; has {
uri = v.(string)
if text == "" && path == "" && uri == "" {
return &Asset{}, false, errors.New("asset is missing one of text, path, or URI")
return &Asset{Hash: hash, Text: text, Path: path, URI: uri}, true, nil
// Read reads an asset's contents into memory.
func (a *Asset) Read() (*Blob, error) {
if a.IsText() {
return a.readText()
} else if a.IsPath() {
return a.readPath()
} else if a.IsURI() {
return a.readURI()
contract.Failf("Invalid asset; one of Text, Path, or URI must be non-nil")
return nil, nil
func (a *Asset) readText() (*Blob, error) {
text, istext := a.GetText()
contract.Assertf(istext, "Expected a text-based asset")
return NewByteBlob([]byte(text)), nil
func (a *Asset) readPath() (*Blob, error) {
path, ispath := a.GetPath()
contract.Assertf(ispath, "Expected a path-based asset")
// Do a quick check to make sure it's a file, so we can fail gracefully if someone passes a directory.
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open asset file '%v'", path)
} else if info.IsDir() {
return nil, errors.Errorf("asset path '%v' is a directory; try using an archive", path)
byts, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read asset file '%v'", path)
return NewByteBlob(byts), nil
func (a *Asset) readURI() (*Blob, error) {
url, isurl, err := a.GetURIURL()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contract.Assertf(isurl, "Expected a URI-based asset")
switch s := url.Scheme; s {
case "http", "https":
resp, err := http.Get(url.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewReadCloserBlob(resp.Body)
case "file":
contract.Assert(url.User == nil)
contract.Assert(url.RawQuery == "")
contract.Assert(url.Fragment == "")
if url.Host != "" && url.Host != "localhost" {
return nil, errors.Errorf("file:// host '%v' not supported (only localhost)", url.Host)
f, err := os.Open(url.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewFileBlob(f)
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unrecognized or unsupported URI scheme: %v", s)
// EnsureHash computes the SHA256 hash of the asset's contents and stores it on the object.
func (a *Asset) EnsureHash() error {
if a.Hash == "" {
blob, err := a.Read()
if err != nil {
return err
defer contract.IgnoreClose(blob)
hash := sha256.New()
_, err = io.Copy(hash, blob)
if err != nil {
return err
a.Hash = hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return nil
// SeekableReadCloser combines Read, Close, and Seek functionality into one interface.
type SeekableReadCloser interface {
// Blob is a blob that implements ReadCloser, Seek, and offers Len functionality.
type Blob struct {
rd SeekableReadCloser // an underlying reader.
sz int64 // the size of the blob.
func (blob *Blob) Close() error { return blob.rd.Close() }
func (blob *Blob) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return blob.rd.Read(p) }
func (blob *Blob) Reader() SeekableReadCloser { return blob.rd }
func (blob *Blob) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) { return blob.rd.Seek(offset, whence) }
func (blob *Blob) Size() int64 { return blob.sz }
// NewByteBlob creates a new byte blob.
func NewByteBlob(data []byte) *Blob {
return &Blob{
rd: newBytesReader(data),
sz: int64(len(data)),
// NewFileBlob creates a new asset blob whose size is known thanks to stat.
func NewFileBlob(f *os.File) (*Blob, error) {
stat, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Blob{
rd: f,
sz: stat.Size(),
}, nil
// NewReadCloserBlob turn any old ReadCloser into an Blob, usually by making a copy.
func NewReadCloserBlob(r io.ReadCloser) (*Blob, error) {
if f, isf := r.(*os.File); isf {
// If it's a file, we can "fast path" the asset creation without making a copy.
return NewFileBlob(f)
// Otherwise, read it all in, and create a blob out of that.
defer contract.IgnoreClose(r)
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewByteBlob(data), nil
// bytesReader turns a *bytes.Reader into a SeekableReadCloser by adding an empty Close method.
type bytesReader struct {
func newBytesReader(b []byte) SeekableReadCloser {
return bytesReader{
Reader: bytes.NewReader(b),
func (b bytesReader) Close() error {
return nil // intentionally blank
// Archive is a serialized archive reference. It is a union: thus, only one of its fields will be non-nil. Several
// helper routines exist as members in order to easily interact with archives of different kinds.
//nolint: lll
type Archive struct {
Sig string `json:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d" yaml:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d"` // the unique asset signature (see properties.go).
Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty" yaml:"hash,omitempty"` // the SHA256 hash of the archive contents.
Assets map[string]interface{} `json:"assets,omitempty" yaml:"assets,omitempty"` // a collection of other assets/archives.
Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` // a file on the current filesystem.
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty" yaml:"uri,omitempty"` // a remote URI (file://, http://, https://, etc).
const (
ArchiveSig = "0def7320c3a5731c473e5ecbe6d01bc7" // a randomly assigned archive type signature.
ArchiveHashProperty = "hash" // the dynamic property for an archive's hash.
ArchiveAssetsProperty = "assets" // the dynamic property for an archive's assets.
ArchivePathProperty = "path" // the dynamic property for an archive's path.
ArchiveURIProperty = "uri" // the dynamic property for an archive's URI.
func NewAssetArchive(assets map[string]interface{}) (*Archive, error) {
// Ensure all elements are either assets or archives.
for _, asset := range assets {
switch t := asset.(type) {
case *Asset, *Archive:
// ok
return &Archive{}, errors.Errorf("type %v is not a valid archive element", t)
a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, Assets: assets}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
func NewPathArchive(path string) (*Archive, error) {
a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, Path: path}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
func NewURIArchive(uri string) (*Archive, error) {
a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, URI: uri}
err := a.EnsureHash()
return a, err
func (a *Archive) IsAssets() bool { return a.Assets != nil }
func (a *Archive) IsPath() bool { return a.Path != "" }
func (a *Archive) IsURI() bool { return a.URI != "" }
func (a *Archive) GetAssets() (map[string]interface{}, bool) {
if a.IsAssets() {
return a.Assets, true
return nil, false
func (a *Archive) GetPath() (string, bool) {
if a.IsPath() {
return a.Path, true
return "", false
func (a *Archive) GetURI() (string, bool) {
if a.IsURI() {
return a.URI, true
return "", false
// GetURIURL returns the underlying URI as a parsed URL, provided it is one. If there was an error parsing the URI, it
// will be returned as a non-nil error object.
func (a *Archive) GetURIURL() (*url.URL, bool, error) {
if uri, isuri := a.GetURI(); isuri {
url, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, true, err
return url, true, nil
return nil, false, nil
// Equals returns true if a is value-equal to other.
func (a *Archive) Equals(other *Archive) bool {
if a == nil {
return other == nil
} else if other == nil {
return false
if a.Assets != nil {
if other.Assets == nil {
return false
if len(a.Assets) != len(other.Assets) {
return false
for key, value := range a.Assets {
otherv := other.Assets[key]
switch valuet := value.(type) {
case *Asset:
if othera, isAsset := otherv.(*Asset); isAsset {
if !valuet.Equals(othera) {
return false
} else {
return false
case *Archive:
if othera, isArchive := otherv.(*Archive); isArchive {
if !valuet.Equals(othera) {
return false
} else {
return false
return false
} else if other.Assets != nil {
return false
return a.Hash == other.Hash && a.Path == other.Path && a.URI == other.URI
// Serialize returns a weakly typed map that contains the right signature for serialization purposes.
func (a *Archive) Serialize() map[string]interface{} {
result := map[string]interface{}{
string(SigKey): ArchiveSig,
if a.Hash != "" {
result[ArchiveHashProperty] = a.Hash
if a.Assets != nil {
assets := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range a.Assets {
switch t := v.(type) {
case *Asset:
assets[k] = t.Serialize()
case *Archive:
assets[k] = t.Serialize()
contract.Failf("Unrecognized asset map type %v", reflect.TypeOf(t))
result[ArchiveAssetsProperty] = assets
if a.Path != "" {
result[ArchivePathProperty] = a.Path
if a.URI != "" {
result[ArchiveURIProperty] = a.URI
return result
// DeserializeArchive checks to see if the map contains an archive, using its signature, and if so deserializes it.
func DeserializeArchive(obj map[string]interface{}) (*Archive, bool, error) {
// If not an archive, return false immediately.
if obj[string(SigKey)] != ArchiveSig {
return &Archive{}, false, nil
var hash string
if v, has := obj[ArchiveHashProperty]; has {
hash = v.(string)
var assets map[string]interface{}
if v, has := obj[ArchiveAssetsProperty]; has {
assets = make(map[string]interface{})
if v != nil {
for k, elem := range v.(map[string]interface{}) {
switch t := elem.(type) {
case *Asset:
assets[k] = t
case *Archive:
assets[k] = t
case map[string]interface{}:
a, isa, err := DeserializeAsset(t)
if err != nil {
return &Archive{}, false, err
} else if isa {
assets[k] = a
} else {
arch, isarch, err := DeserializeArchive(t)
if err != nil {
return &Archive{}, false, err
} else if !isarch {
return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("archive member '%v' is not an asset or archive", k)
assets[k] = arch
return &Archive{}, false, nil
var path string
if v, has := obj[ArchivePathProperty]; has {
path = v.(string)
var uri string
if v, has := obj[ArchiveURIProperty]; has {
uri = v.(string)
if assets == nil && path == "" && uri == "" {
return &Archive{}, false, errors.New("archive is missing one of assets, path, or URI")
return &Archive{Hash: hash, Assets: assets, Path: path, URI: uri}, true, nil
// Read returns a map of asset name to its associated reader object (which can be used to perform reads/IO).
func (a *Archive) Read() (map[string]*Blob, error) {
if a.IsAssets() {
return a.readAssets()
} else if a.IsPath() {
return a.readPath()
} else if a.IsURI() {
return a.readURI()
contract.Failf("Invalid archive; one of Assets, Path, or URI must be non-nil")
return nil, nil
func (a *Archive) readAssets() (map[string]*Blob, error) {
// To read a map-based archive, just produce a map from each asset to its associated reader.
m, isassets := a.GetAssets()
contract.Assertf(isassets, "Expected an asset map-based archive")
result := map[string]*Blob{}
for name, asset := range m {
switch t := asset.(type) {
case *Asset:
// An asset can be added directly to the result.
blob, err := t.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand archive asset '%v'", name)
result[name] = blob
case *Archive:
// An archive must be recursively walked in order to turn it into a flat result map.
subs, err := t.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand sub-archive '%v'", name)
for sub, blob := range subs {
result[filepath.Join(name, sub)] = blob
return result, nil
func (a *Archive) readPath() (map[string]*Blob, error) {
// To read a path-based archive, read that file and use its extension to ascertain what format to use.
path, ispath := a.GetPath()
contract.Assertf(ispath, "Expected a path-based asset")
format := detectArchiveFormat(path)
if format == NotArchive {
// If not an archive, it could be a directory; if so, simply expand it out uncompressed as an archive.
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't read archive path '%v'", path)
} else if !info.IsDir() {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "'%v' is neither a recognized archive type nor a directory", path)
results := make(map[string]*Blob)
if walkerr := filepath.Walk(path, func(filePath string, f os.FileInfo, fileerr error) error {
// If there was an error, exit.
if fileerr != nil {
return fileerr
// If this was a directory or a symlink, skip it.
if f.IsDir() || f.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
return nil
// Finally, if this was a .pulumi directory, we will skip this by default.
// TODO[pulumi/pulumi#122]: when we support .pulumiignore, this will be customizable.
if !f.IsDir() && f.Name() == workspace.BookkeepingDir {
return filepath.SkipDir
// Otherwise, add this asset to the list of blobs, and keep going.
blob, err := (&Asset{Path: filePath}).Read()
if err != nil {
return err
// Crop the filePath so that it is relative to the path, and put the blob into the map.
filePath, err = filepath.Rel(path, filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
filePath = filepath.Clean(filePath)
contract.Assertf(results[filePath] == nil,
"Unexpected duplicate blob in map: path=%v filePath=%v", path, filePath)
results[filePath] = blob
return nil
}); walkerr != nil {
return nil, walkerr
return results, nil
// Otherwise, it's an archive file, and we will go ahead and open it up and read it.
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return readArchive(file, format)
func (a *Archive) readURI() (map[string]*Blob, error) {
// To read a URI-based archive, fetch the contents remotely and use the extension to pick the format to use.
url, isurl, err := a.GetURIURL()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contract.Assertf(isurl, "Expected a URI-based asset")
format := detectArchiveFormat(url.Path)
if format == NotArchive {
// IDEA: support (a) hints and (b) custom providers that default to certain formats.
return nil, errors.Errorf("file at URL '%v' is not a recognized archive format", url)
ar, err := a.openURLStream(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return readArchive(ar, format)
func (a *Archive) openURLStream(url *url.URL) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
switch s := url.Scheme; s {
case "http", "https":
resp, err := http.Get(url.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Body, nil
case "file":
contract.Assert(url.Host == "")
contract.Assert(url.User == nil)
contract.Assert(url.RawQuery == "")
contract.Assert(url.Fragment == "")
return os.Open(url.Path)
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unrecognized or unsupported URI scheme: %v", s)
// Bytes fetches the archive contents as a byte slices. This is almost certainly the least efficient way to deal with
// the underlying streaming capabilities offered by assets and archives, but can be used in a pinch to interact with
// APIs that demand []bytes.
func (a *Archive) Bytes(format ArchiveFormat) ([]byte, error) {
var data bytes.Buffer
if err := a.Archive(format, &data); err != nil {
return nil, err
return data.Bytes(), nil
// Archive produces a single archive stream in the desired format. It prefers to return the archive with as little
// copying as is feasible, however if the desired format is different from the source, it will need to translate.
func (a *Archive) Archive(format ArchiveFormat, w io.Writer) error {
// If the source format is the same, just return that.
if sf, ss, err := a.ReadSourceArchive(); sf != NotArchive && sf == format {
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := io.Copy(w, ss)
return err
switch format {
case TarArchive:
return a.archiveTar(w)
case TarGZIPArchive:
return a.archiveTarGZIP(w)
case ZIPArchive:
return a.archiveZIP(w)
contract.Failf("Illegal archive type: %v", format)
return nil
func (a *Archive) archiveTar(w io.Writer) error {
// Read the archive.
arch, err := a.Read()
if err != nil {
return err
defer (func() {
// Ensure we close all files before exiting this function, no matter the outcome.
for _, blob := range arch {
// Sort the file names so we emit in a deterministic order.
var files []string
for file := range arch {
files = append(files, file)
// Now actually emit the contents, file by file.
tw := tar.NewWriter(w)
for _, file := range files {
data := arch[file]
sz := data.Size()
if err := tw.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{
Name: file,
Mode: 0600,
Size: sz,
}); err != nil {
return err
n, err := io.Copy(tw, data)
if err != nil {
return err
contract.Assert(n == sz)
return tw.Close()
func (a *Archive) archiveTarGZIP(w io.Writer) error {
z := gzip.NewWriter(w)
return a.archiveTar(z)
func (a *Archive) archiveZIP(w io.Writer) error {
// Read the archive.
arch, err := a.Read()
if err != nil {
return err
defer (func() {
// Ensure we close all files before exiting this function, no matter the outcome.
for _, blob := range arch {
// Sort the file names so we emit in a deterministic order.
var files []string
for file := range arch {
files = append(files, file)
// Now actually emit the contents, file by file.
zw := zip.NewWriter(w)
for _, file := range files {
fw, err := zw.Create(file)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err = io.Copy(fw, arch[file]); err != nil {
return err
return zw.Close()
// ReadSourceArchive returns a stream to the underlying archive, if there is one.
func (a *Archive) ReadSourceArchive() (ArchiveFormat, io.ReadCloser, error) {
if path, ispath := a.GetPath(); ispath {
if format := detectArchiveFormat(path); format != NotArchive {
f, err := os.Open(path)
return format, f, err
} else if url, isurl, urlerr := a.GetURIURL(); urlerr == nil && isurl {
if format := detectArchiveFormat(url.Path); format != NotArchive {
s, err := a.openURLStream(url)
return format, s, err
return NotArchive, nil, nil
// EnsureHash computes the SHA256 hash of the archive's contents and stores it on the object.
func (a *Archive) EnsureHash() error {
if a.Hash == "" {
hash := sha256.New()
// Attempt to compute the hash in the most efficient way. First try to open the archive directly and copy it
// to the hash. This avoids traversing any of the contents and just treats it as a byte stream.
f, r, err := a.ReadSourceArchive()
if err != nil {
return err
if f != NotArchive && r != nil {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(r)
_, err = io.Copy(hash, r)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Otherwise, it's not an archive; we'll need to transform it into one. Pick tar since it avoids
// any superfluous compression which doesn't actually help us in this situation.
err := a.Archive(TarArchive, hash)
if err != nil {
return err
// Finally, encode the resulting hash as a string and we're done.
a.Hash = hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
return nil
// ArchiveFormat indicates what archive and/or compression format an archive uses.
type ArchiveFormat int
const (
NotArchive = iota // not an archive.
TarArchive // a POSIX tar archive.
TarGZIPArchive // a POSIX tar archive that has been subsequently compressed using GZip.
ZIPArchive // a multi-file ZIP archive.
// ArchiveExts maps from a file extension and its associated archive and/or compression format.
var ArchiveExts = map[string]ArchiveFormat{
".tar": TarArchive,
".tgz": TarGZIPArchive,
".tar.gz": TarGZIPArchive,
".zip": ZIPArchive,
// detectArchiveFormat takes a path and infers its archive format based on the file extension.
func detectArchiveFormat(path string) ArchiveFormat {
ext := filepath.Ext(path)
if moreext := filepath.Ext(strings.TrimRight(path, ext)); moreext != "" {
ext = moreext + ext // this ensures we detect ".tar.gz" correctly.
format, has := ArchiveExts[ext]
if !has {
return NotArchive
return format
// readArchive takes a stream to an existing archive and returns a map of names to readers for the inner assets.
// The routine returns an error if something goes wrong and, no matter what, closes the stream before returning.
func readArchive(ar io.ReadCloser, format ArchiveFormat) (map[string]*Blob, error) {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(ar) // consume the input stream
switch format {
case TarArchive:
return readTarArchive(ar)
case TarGZIPArchive:
return readTarGZIPArchive(ar)
case ZIPArchive:
// Unfortunately, the ZIP archive reader requires ReaderAt functionality. If it's a file, we can recovera this
// with a simple stat. Otherwise, we will need to go ahead and make a copy in memory.
var ra io.ReaderAt
var sz int64
if f, isf := ar.(*os.File); isf {
stat, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ra = f
sz = stat.Size()
} else if data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(ar); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
ra = bytes.NewReader(data)
sz = int64(len(data))
return readZIPArchive(ra, sz)
contract.Failf("Illegal archive type: %v", format)
return nil, nil
func readTarArchive(ar io.ReadCloser) (map[string]*Blob, error) {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(ar) // consume the input stream
// Create a tar reader and walk through each file, adding each one to the map.
assets := make(map[string]*Blob)
tr := tar.NewReader(ar)
for {
file, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch file.Typeflag {
case tar.TypeDir:
continue // skip directories
case tar.TypeReg:
data := make([]byte, file.Size)
n, err := tr.Read(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contract.Assert(int64(n) == file.Size)
name := filepath.Clean(file.Name)
assets[name] = NewByteBlob(data)
contract.Failf("Unrecognized tar header typeflag: %v", file.Typeflag)
return assets, nil
func readTarGZIPArchive(ar io.ReadCloser) (map[string]*Blob, error) {
defer contract.IgnoreClose(ar) // consume the input stream
// First decompress the GZIP stream.
gz, err := gzip.NewReader(ar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now read the tarfile.
return readTarArchive(gz)
func readZIPArchive(ar io.ReaderAt, size int64) (map[string]*Blob, error) {
// Create a ZIP reader and iterate over the files inside of it, adding each one.
assets := make(map[string]*Blob)
z, err := zip.NewReader(ar, size)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read ZIP")
for _, file := range z.File {
// Skip directories, since they aren't included in TAR and other archives above.
if file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
body, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read ZIP inner file %v", file.Name)
defer contract.IgnoreClose(body)
size := file.UncompressedSize64
data := make([]byte, size)
n, err := body.Read(data)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unexpected early ZIP termination %v", file.Name)
contract.Assert(uint64(n) == size)
name := filepath.Clean(file.Name)
assets[name] = NewByteBlob(data)
return assets, nil