joeduffy 828d7863fd Implement an invoke runtime function
This wires up the Node.js SDK to the newly added Invoke function
on the resource monitor and provider gRPC interfaces, letting us
expose functions that are implemented by the providers to user code.
2017-09-30 14:53:27 -04:00

309 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
import * as asset from "../asset";
import { ComputedValue, ComputedValues, Resource } from "../resource";
import { errorString, debuggablePromise } from "./debuggable";
import { Log } from "./log";
import { excessiveDebugOutput, options } from "./settings";
let gstruct = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb.js");
* PropertyTransfer is the result of transferring all properties.
export interface PropertyTransfer {
obj: any; // the bag of input properties after awaiting them.
resolvers: {[key: string]: ((v: any) => void)}; // a map of resolvers for output properties that will resolve.
* transferProperties stores the properties on the resource object and returns a gRPC serializable
* proto.google.protobuf.Struct out of a resource's properties.
export function transferProperties(onto: any | undefined, label: string, props: ComputedValues | undefined,
dependsOn: Resource[] | undefined): Promise<PropertyTransfer> {
// First set up an array of all promises that we will await on before completing the transfer.
let eventuals: Promise<any>[] = [];
// If the dependsOn array is present, make sure we wait on those.
if (dependsOn) {
for (let dep of dependsOn) {
// Set up an object that will hold the serialized object properties and then serialize them.
let obj: any = {};
let resolvers: {[key: string]: ((v: any) => void)} = {};
if (props) {
for (let k of Object.keys(props)) {
// Skip "id" and "urn", since we handle those specially.
if (k === "id" || k === "urn") {
// Create a property to wrap the value and store it on the resource.
if (onto) {
if (onto.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
throw new Error(`Property '${k}' is already initialized on target '${label}`);
onto[k] =
debuggablePromise(new Promise<any>((resolve) => { resolvers[k] = resolve; }));
// Now serialize the value and store it in our map. This operation may return eventuals that resolve
// after all properties have settled, and we may need to wait for them before this transfer finishes.
if (props[k] !== undefined) {
serializeProperty(props[k], label).then(
(v: any) => {
obj[k] = v;
(err: Error) => {
throw new Error(`Property '${k}' could not be serialized: ${errorString(err)}`);
// Now return a promise that resolves when all assignments above have settled. Note that we do not
// use await here, because we don't actually want to block the above assignments of properties.
return debuggablePromise(Promise.all(eventuals).then(() => {
return {
obj: gstruct.Struct.fromJavaScript(obj),
resolvers: resolvers,
* deserializeProperties fetches the raw outputs and deserializes them from a gRPC call result.
export function deserializeProperties(outputsStruct: any): any {
let props: any = {};
let outputs: any = outputsStruct.toJavaScript();
for (let k of Object.keys(outputs)) {
props[k] = deserializeProperty(outputs[k]);
return props;
* resolveProperties takes as input a gRPC serialized proto.google.protobuf.Struct and resolves all of the
* resource's matching properties to the values inside.
export function resolveProperties(res: Resource, transfer: PropertyTransfer,
t: string, name: string, inputs: ComputedValues | undefined, outputsStruct: any, stable: boolean): void {
// Produce a combined set of property states, starting with inputs and then applying outputs. If the same
// property exists in the inputs and outputs states, the output wins.
let props: any = inputs || {};
if (outputsStruct) {
Object.assign(props, deserializeProperties(outputsStruct));
// Now go ahead and resolve all properties present in the inputs and outputs set.
for (let k of Object.keys(props)) {
// Skip "id" and "urn", since we handle those specially.
if (k === "id" || k === "urn") {
// Otherwise, unmarshal the value, and store it on the resource object.
let resolve: (v: any) => void | undefined = transfer.resolvers[k];
if (resolve === undefined) {
// If there is no property yet, zero initialize it. This ensures unexpected properties are
// still made available on the object. This isn't ideal, because any code running prior to the actual
// resource CRUD operation can't hang computations off of it, but it's better than tossing it.
(res as any)[k] = debuggablePromise(new Promise<any>((r) => { resolve = r; }));
try {
// If either we are performing a real deployment, or this is a stable property value, we
// can propagate its final value. Otherwise, it must be undefined, since we don't know if it's final.
if (!options.dryRun || stable) {
else {
catch (err) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to set property '${k}' on resource '${name}' [${t}]; error: ${errorString(err)}`);
// Now latch all properties in case the inputs did not contain any values. If we're doing a dry-run, we won't
// actually propagate the provisional state, because we cannot know for sure that it is final yet.
for (let k of Object.keys(transfer.resolvers)) {
if (!props.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
if (!options.dryRun) {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected missing property '${k}' on resource '${name}' [${t}] during final deployment`);
* unknownComputedValue is a special value that the monitor recognizes.
export const unknownComputedValue = "04da6b54-80e4-46f7-96ec-b56ff0331ba9";
* specialSigKey is sometimes used to encode type identity inside of a map. See pkg/resource/properties.go.
export const specialSigKey = "4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d";
* specialAssetSig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify assets in maps. See pkg/resource/asset.go.
export const specialAssetSig = "c44067f5952c0a294b673a41bacd8c17";
* specialArchiveSig is a randomly assigned hash used to identify archives in maps. See pkg/resource/asset.go.
export const specialArchiveSig = "0def7320c3a5731c473e5ecbe6d01bc7";
* serializeProperty serializes properties deeply. This understands how to wait on any unresolved promises, as
* appropriate, in addition to translating certain "special" values so that they are ready to go on the wire.
async function serializeProperty(prop: any, ctx?: string): Promise<any> {
if (prop === undefined) {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
Log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: undefined`);
if (!options.dryRun) {
Log.error(`Unexpected unknown property during deployment`);
return unknownComputedValue;
else if (prop === null || typeof prop === "boolean" ||
typeof prop === "number" || typeof prop === "string") {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
Log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: primitive=${prop}`);
return prop;
else if (prop instanceof Array) {
let elems: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < prop.length; i++) {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
Log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: array[${i}] element`);
elems.push(await serializeProperty(prop[i], `${ctx}[${i}]`));
return elems;
else if (prop instanceof Resource) {
// Resources aren't serializable; instead, we serialize them as references to the ID property.
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
Log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: resource ID`);
return serializeProperty(prop.id, `${ctx}.id`);
else if (prop instanceof asset.Asset || prop instanceof asset.Archive) {
// Serializing an asset or archive requires the use of a magical signature key, since otherwise it would look
// like any old weakly typed object/map when received by the other side of the RPC boundary.
let obj: any = {
[specialSigKey]: (prop instanceof asset.Asset ? specialAssetSig : specialArchiveSig),
for (let k of Object.keys(prop)) {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
Log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: asset.${k}`);
obj[k] = await serializeProperty((<any>prop)[k], `asset<${ctx}>.${k}`);
return obj;
else if (prop instanceof Promise) {
// For a promise input, await the property and then serialize the result.
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
Log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: promise<T>`);
return serializeProperty(await prop, `promise<${ctx}>`);
else {
let obj: any = {};
for (let k of Object.keys(prop)) {
if (excessiveDebugOutput) {
Log.debug(`Serialize property [${ctx}]: object.${k}`);
obj[k] = await serializeProperty(prop[k], `${ctx}.${k}`);
return obj;
* deserializeProperty unpacks some special types, reversing the above process.
function deserializeProperty(prop: any): any {
if (prop === undefined) {
throw new Error("Unexpected unknown property value");
else if (prop === null || typeof prop === "boolean" ||
typeof prop === "number" || typeof prop === "string") {
return prop;
else if (prop instanceof Array) {
let elems: any[] = [];
for (let e of prop) {
return elems;
else {
// We need to recognize assets and archives specially, so we can produce the right runtime objects.
let sig: any = prop[specialSigKey];
if (sig) {
switch (sig) {
case specialAssetSig:
if (prop["path"]) {
return new asset.FileAsset(<string>prop["path"]);
else if (prop["text"]) {
return new asset.StringAsset(<string>prop["text"]);
else if (prop["uri"]) {
return new asset.RemoteAsset(<string>prop["uri"]);
else {
throw new Error("Invalid asset encountered when unmarshaling resource property");
case specialArchiveSig:
if (prop["assets"]) {
let assets: {[name: string]: asset.Asset} = {};
for (let name of Object.keys(prop["assets"])) {
let a = deserializeProperty(prop["assets"][name]);
if (!(a instanceof asset.Asset)) {
throw new Error("Expected an AssetArchive's assets to be unmarshaled Asset objects");
assets[name] = a;
return new asset.AssetArchive(assets);
else if (prop["path"]) {
return new asset.FileArchive(<string>prop["path"]);
else if (prop["uri"]) {
return new asset.RemoteArchive(<string>prop["uri"]);
else {
throw new Error("Invalid archive encountered when unmarshaling resource property");
throw new Error(`Unrecognized signature '${sig}' when unmarshaling resource property`);
// If there isn't a signature, it's not a special type, and we can simply return the object as a map.
let obj: any = {};
for (let k of Object.keys(prop)) {
obj[k] = deserializeProperty(prop[k]);
return obj;