# rouille Aren't you *le tired* from writing Rust programs in English? Do you like saying "merde" a lot? Would you like to try something different, in an exotic language? **rouille** (French for *Rust*) is here to save the day, and allows one to write Rust programs in French. See the [examples](./examples/src/main.rs) for more details about what can be done with it. ## contributions First of all, *merci beaucoup* for considering participating to this joke, the French government will thank you later! Feel free to throw in a few identifiers here and there, and open a pull-request against the `principale` (French for `main`) branch. ## but why would you do zat - horsin around - making a bit of fun of programming languages using French keywords - winking at [Marcel](https://github.com/brouberol/marcel) - playing with raw proc macros - c'est chic ## license [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/).